Home » Open thread 6/20/24


Open thread 6/20/24 — 38 Comments

  1. Just another open-thread comment about something I read somewhere else.

    At his substack (https://tinyurl.com/2s4xybd7), Arnold Kling pointed to a recent Pew Research Center survey entitled “Gender, family, reproductive issues and the 2024 election” (https://tinyurl.com/bdhypwk2).

    The whole survey is worth a read, but Kling noted this bit:

    “Trump supporters (59%) are much more likely than Biden supporters (19%) to say that it is better if people prioritize marriage and children.”

    I guess I’m really out of the loop. 59% seems low, but 19% is a shock. It looks like Democrats are headed towards extinction. No wonder they support an open border with Mexico. They need tens of millions of illegals to keep up the Party’s numbers at the ballot box.

  2. Great song and video. While I know the song, I’m not that familiar with the performers. I was thinking, that’s the Starship guy singing, not Bishop. So, it’s Micky Thomas who really does have a terrific voice. Then I noticed the guitarist, thinking that’s probably Bishop, and it is.

    It’s interesting that guitarist’s often seem to bond with one favorite guitar. Here is an image of Bishop, obviously decades later with the exact same red guitar.

  3. Its here! W boomers goin…..

    The relentless decline in global fertility accelerated during Covid-19, pushing humanity closer to failing to achieve a replacement-level birthrate—the point below which a new generation is smaller than the previous one. Though the U.S. for decades had defied a trend that saw several prosperous industrial nations fall short of that benchmark, the so-called birth dearth recently has reached the United States. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that, in 2020, the number of children born per adult woman in the U.S. hit an average low of 1.64. Rather than trending up after Covid, the total fertility rate fell…


    W over 30k chinese of fighting age infiltrating the border…

    Just think of the asymmetry worldwide, and how maoists killed more than stalinists…

    And the left returns to the mufti again…

    Wandering in the dark w eyes closed next to a cliff striding with certainty uncomfortable inevitabilities can be ignored without consequence is not at all advisable…

    China has guang gun (leftover men)

    In 2005, it was calculated that the number of Chinese male individuals under the age of 20 years old was 32 million more than female individuals.

    Promise them wives and what would they do in exchange

    Should make for interesting contemplation…

  4. well that is a recipe for trouble, angry frustrated young men, in ghost fleet, pw singer’s attempt at a clancy type thriller, a series of events have put a Directorate in charge of the middle kingdom, and it’s hungry for flood, they have venezuelan and other proxies,
    on the other hand the PLA hasn’t really fought a major engagement in more than 30 years, the mop up in tie namen, and police duty in xinjiang don’t count,

    but we know our pronouns and ONI hires how to do their nails, so we got that going for us,

    the prologue to red dawn makes more sense, when you look at in present day conditions,
    because Europe went neutral, like a fourth protocol type event, Central American fell to the Soviets, and their proxies infiltrated the southwest, would there have been a large enough land force like Ron O’neals Colonel Bella, coming through there, probably not,

  5. You may find it odd that I paid almost zero attention to the whole Trump trial. It just wasn’t of interest to me and I knew how it would end. In case there is someone out there who did the same, an editorial in today’s WSJ sums it up very succinctly. Many of these details were news to me.

    The hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels weren’t illegal. It was the labeling of those payments as legal fees that constituted the crime—but that is a misdemeanor in New York, for which the statute of limitations ran out in 2019. The falsification of business records becomes a felony, with a five-year statute of limitations, only when done with the intent to conceal the commission of another crime.

    What was this other crime? The indictment didn’t say, and each juror was allowed to choose from any of three theories—which means that Mr. Trump could well have been convicted by a jury that hobbled together three different legal theories, even if a majority of jurors rejected each one.

    Toward the end of the trial, the prosecutors focused on a New York statute that forbids attempts to “influence” an election through “unlawful means.” Their theory—that all these shenanigans were designed to hide Mr. Trump’s immorality from the voters ahead of the 2016 election—might be true. There is, however, an insuperable problem with this theory. The payments to Trump lawyer Michael Cohen that were unlawfully categorized as legal fees were made after the 2016 election. The business-records crimes couldn’t possibly have been committed with the intent to influence the outcome of a contest that was already over.

    Here is the link for those with access:


  6. well it leaves out the testimony of fcc commissioner smith, that would be the only way to categorize those expenses, unlike marc elias who committed fraud in purchasing the steele dossier, sorry danchenko who laundered claims from galkina and other beer chat,

    Graham Greene might have had a wry chuckle wherever he is in the ether, Our Man in Havana, was transposed from his ezperience in Portugal in the 40s, much like Fleming noted with the Pupov affair, which informed some aspects of Casino Royale and even Dr No, that opening scene in the Casino, as humberto fontova noted Company operatives were equally as diligent, taking Raul Castro’s future wife’s Vilma Espin as gospel

  7. TommyJay :
    It’s interesting that guitarist’s often seem to bond with one favorite guitar.

    Understandable, you find an instrument that works for you and feels right, why bother to ‘play around’. Goes for shop tools, art tools, etc as well. I have sculpting tools that I’ve used for half a century now. I’d rather take an hour to hone one back into what I want than get a new one and I know woodworkers that do the same.

  8. I’m acquainted with the appealing couple reacting to this performance because I’ve watched them react to others, particularly to the peerless video of Procul Harum presenting Whiter Shade of Pale with the Danish National Orchestra at a bucolic outdoor concert in 2006. I’ve observed many people of many stripes from all around the world soften, then dissolve, before this example of powerful music’s distinctive ability to remind us of our common humanity. Much can be learned.


  9. I saw Elvin play at a backyard party last year. Not really acquainted personally but am friends with a few people who have played or worked with him.

    In fact my handle “FOAF” stands for “friend of a friend”. Not Elvin, I once worked with someone who attended that fancy private school in Hawaii with Obama. Money quote: “Barry was one of the stoners!”

  10. Re: Elvin Bishop

    As a young Peter, Paul and Mary fan, I was surprised later to notice Bishop in the musician credits to PP&M’s “Late Again” (1968) album. They were updating their sound from folk to folk-rock in the flower power sixties.

    “Late Again” also had Herbie Hancock and Paul Winter appear in the credits. Just goes to show if you’ve got the money and a good producer, you can get some top talent for session players.

    Elvin Bishop was more than a one-hit wonder. He was deep into sixties R&B. He was part of the seminal Paul Butterfield Blues Band. He played with the Allman Brothers, the Grateful Dead, John Lee Hooker and B.B. King.

    “Fooled Around and Fell in Love” is great 70s pop, but the man went a few levels deeper.

    Plus on a college scholarship he majored in physics!

  11. and eagle has landed, where he was the villain, based on a real life former IRA figure, but he had his charm, he almost stole the film from michael caine, and dirty dozen, and a whole lot more,

    he was quite villainous in outbreak, in hunger games, he was the plot driver in the italian job, even though he wasn’t in it, for long

  12. RE: Elvin Bishop

    The first Paul Butterfield Blues Band album I heard was “The Resurrection of Pigboy Crabshaw.” It was the summer of 1968, I was 16, and my mother had taken us kids to visit her brother, Wally, who had turned on, tuned in and dropped out the previous year into the Haight/Ashbury. He was now calling himself Peter Pan.

    We would get up in the morning and Wally’s wife, Tinkerbelle (of course), would prepare a pleasant breakfast of fruit, yogurt, cereal and coffee. We would get stoned, eat, and listen to Wally read a passage from the “Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.” The rest of the day we would listen to sixties rock on the portable record player.

    Tinkerbelle loved R&B and one day coming back from town, she brought back “The Ressurection of Pigboy Crabshaw.” In those days I couldn’t hear R&B or Country, so it didn’t mean much to me. But I could see how Tinkerbelle responded and it made me curious.

    Turns out that Pigboy Crabshaw was Elvin Bishop’s nickname at the time and he had just been reinstated as lead guitarist for the Butterfield Blues Band. (The original photo promotion for “Fooled Around” showed Bishop holding a pig up by the ears.)

    Anyway. Here’s some amateur footage of Elvin Bishop and the Butterfield Blues Band taking their shot at “Born Under a Bad Sign, cued to Bishop himself who was in effect competing with Eric Clapton.

    Bishop could play.

    –“The Lost Butterfield Tapes: Born Under a Bad Sign with Buzz”

  13. Sutherland in Don’t Look Now. With, ahem, Julie Christie. Nothing not to like.

  14. Like Michael Caine, Sutherland said yes to too many roles. But even in bad movies, he was good.

    Say what you will about Stone’s “JFK” but in Sutherland’s cameo scene as “Mr. X” he was absolutely riveting. And he was delivering exposition!

    –“JFK (4/7) Movie CLIP – A Meeting with X (1991) HD”

  15. The original P3B also had the late great Mike Bloomfield on guitar though he was gone by the time of the Pigboy Crabshaw album. Bloomfield played on Bob Dylan’s “Like A Rolling Stone” around the time he started playing with Butterfield.

  16. Bloomfield played on Bob Dylan’s “Like A Rolling Stone” around the time he started playing with Butterfield.


    And wasn’t Bloomfield’s organ a marvelous, even key feature of that song!


    James O’Keefe has dropped an exposé on Disney! I’m working my way through initial reports. Among other things he has a Disney senior VP saying:

    There’s no way we’re hiring a white male for this role.

    I’m sure it’s just a deep fake. 🙂

    More to come.

  18. That was Al Kooper on organ.

    Ah well. Al Kooper did play with the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, as did Bloomfield. Both played on “Like a Rolling Stone.”

  19. how did I forget body snatchers, by the way the ending doesn’t make sense, when did the pods take him over,

    being the 70s they had to make it darker than kevin mccarthy’s fate, then they remade it in the 90s the main character was a cipher,and then 00s, with clive owen and nicole kidman,

  20. Nice pop song which gave Elvin his biggest hit without a doubt. I still prefer his funky country/bluesier side. For me it’s kind of like the raw blues of Fleetwood Mac with Peter Green. Once he left and the girls joined, though they were still great they had traded in their Chicago/bluesy style and became the “Big Mac”. Who can blame them?

  21. I’m not sure I can follow the drift of these open-thread comments, but I’ll take it as an excuse for anecdote. It’s distantly related to Elvin Bishop.

    In the early 1970s, I lived in the East Village (Manhattan, NY, NY). In 1975, I was lucky enough to see a show by Mike Bloomfield’s Band (https://youtu.be/6K46Zd6l8_Q). Bloomfield, of course, had played in Paul Butterfield’s band.

    The show was after most of Butterfield’s best records had been released, but he was at the show, and I bumped into him. I was a big fan of his records, so I said “thanks for the music,” and left it at that. He didn’t reply, but he didn’t seem to think I was a complete asshole.

    At the time, my friends and I had a drinking game called “favorite random celebrity encounter.” That was mine. I beat out a guy who ran into a famous TV weatherman, on a Midtown sidewalk.

    P.S. I had a small-timer’s life in New York. That’s my celebrity story. To put it into perspective, Artfldodger knew Yoko Ono and talked with her at parties. I’d love to hear what that was like.

    P.P.S. Yes, there was a time when young people could have fun, but now they’e all old or dead. I look at college students today, and I can see that they’re trying, but the Marxists have suffocated life everywhere. I feel sorry for them (not the Marxists).

  22. It’s no secret that Disney’s DEI policies effectively discriminate against whites and males. It’s another for a Disney Sr. VP to get caught stating it outright in hidden camera video.

    James O’Keefe rides again!

    BREAKING: Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,” says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, “there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.”

    Giordano reveals Disney uses “code words and buzzwords” to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough.

    Giordano also admits Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), agreeing that “diversity helps with financial incentives.” Giordano further claims he’s been denied promotions due to his race.

    Stay tuned for The Disney Tapes: Part 2…


  23. The Disney Sr. VP, Michael Giordano, got honey trapped by a woman on a restaurant date.

    Oldest trick in the book.

    Oh wait. Giordano fell for two different female undercover journalists off that dating app!

    I confess wondering about their cleavage.

    How does James O’Keefe do it?

  24. My favorite line ever by Donald Sutherland:

    “It’s a wasted trip baby. Nobody said nothing about locking horns with no Tigers.”

    It’s the way he said it and the context in which it was said. Pure gold.

  25. I have read that Sgt. Oddball was the most thoroughly American soldier in any war movie ever made.

    Oddball was certainly his own man.

    Moriarty was right about the Tiger, though. They left a lot to be desired, mechanicaly.

  26. If you want a good chuckle, check out Elvin Bishop’s tune “Sweet Potato”! But my favorite tune of Bishop’s is his band’s version of “As the Years Go Passing By.” Jo Baker was the vocalist, and she does a great job singing the haunting melody of that tune. Sadly, Ms. Baker passed away all too early.

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