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The Trump verdict: the bigger picture — 33 Comments

  1. “After all, the trial and verdict have made it crystal clear how unscrupulous the left is and how the rules mean nothing to them except “what I can get away with legally if I have the right people in place.”

    Or illegally, as the case (2020) may be.

  2. You have faith in the American people to recognize the Dems are messed up in the head? I do not.

  3. Telemachus:

    But that’s what I’m trying to say. They got away with it “legally” in the sense that they bore no legal consequences despite lawsuits and investigations.

  4. I have maintained since 2008 that Obama stole Indiana. There were a reported 105% people registered to vote in Marion and Lake counties or people eligible to vote. There are two populous, left leaning counties, and it put him oer the edge. Was it just democrats in those two counties, or was it a concerted effort on the part of the DNC, or was it a concerted effort on the part of the backroom democrats working on a long range plan? I am not sure. But what it did was show them how it could be accomplished, that it wasn’t that hard to do, and that it could be swept under the rug. The 11 electoral votes of Indiana didn’t matter. I also think that Florida and North Carolina were also stolen in 2008, as well. Similar way — concentrate and populous left leaning counties, and let the “deplorables” vote Republican elsewhere. I think regardless, Obama would’ve won because people thought they were voting for David Palmer from “24” — the absolutely wonderful perfect black president. (I know that sounds silly, but I really believe people thought that Obama was going to be just like the TV character.)

    Once they did it 2008, they did it bigger each year. 2016 taught them they really needed to go EVEN BIGGER STILL. It wasn’t enought o cheat at the polls — they needed big time lawfare.

    I am so depressed. I am afraid we are undone. We have become Parador. :`-(

  5. Dispair is a powerful force. I’ve noticed a lot of posts that amount ot “all hope is lost” here and elsewhere. But I don’t believe that sort of thinking is particularly rational, realistic, or useful any more than excessive optimism is. That’s not to say that things aren’t very bad right now and deeply concerning.

    they must think they are positioned in a way that will allow them to keep power indefinitely even without the consent of the governed.

    My guess is that it’s not so much that they believe themselves to be beyond all consequences (although some of them certainly do) but rather that they don’t have any other means to maintain power at the moment other than through corruption and destruction of the law.

    If they were actually certain that they could ensure electoral victory (whether by cheating or legitimately) I doubt they would’ve bothered to relentlessly persecute Trump in the brazen way they have been. If this coming election was a “slam dunk” win for them, why risk anything? Why risk creating a martyr? Why have Biden appear on camera at all, ever?

  6. “The conviction further de-legitimizes any possible Democrat victory in 2024.”

    Absolutely true..and worse.
    This Stalinesque “conviction” of POTUS Trump makes your first sentence, “The verdict makes it more and more plausible – to fair-thinking people anyway – that there indeed was voting fraud in 2020…” the more legitimate position. It also gives credence to every allegation of D voter fraud before & since. And the victory lap article about “fortifying” the election…well…when they tell you what they did, believe ’em.

    Coupled with Biden’s clear unsound mind and unfit character as the D standard bearer (if in name only)…they’re not even hiding their shenanigans any longer.

    The point that remains is that they’ve gotten away with it…so far. What happens after “so far” is the open question…I’m afraid I don’t have any good answers, but to hear even those who have historically thumbed their noses at Trump saying “vote for him” is…interesting. I’m not feeling “hope” on the political front yet…but not yet “despair” either. I do sense it’s going to get ugly & maybe bloody…we’ll see.

  7. Do you think the Republicans, who want to be (rightfully) seen as the “law and order” party, will nominate a guy sentenced to prison for 4 years?

  8. REMEMBER. The time will come when we will have to re-educate the “Democrats”. Teach them about citizenship, civic organizations and the uniqueness of the American way in the world.

  9. Do you think the Republicans, who want to be (rightfully) seen as the “law and order” party, will nominate a guy sentenced to prison for 4 years?


    Yes, if his name is Trump and he got sentenced based on yesterdays political show trial.

    Do you care about law and order?

    But Trump hasn’t been sentenced yet and I’ll be surprised if he is sentenced to prison. I think even today’s Democrats know that’s a bridge too far.

    But we are going to hear “Donald J. Trump, convicted felon” about a billion times between here and November.

    And most Republicans will pull the lever for Trump anyway. They know he got railroaded.

    Do you actually talk to any Republicans?

  10. liontrainor – If Republicans understand that he was charged because his accounting books said “Legal Fee” instead of “NDA payment to get a lying whore to shut up”, then I don’t think they’ll have a problem voting for Trump.

  11. liontrainor:

    “Law and order” includes not convicting innocent people in show trials.

    It does for Democrats, though, as long as they’re the prosecutors of their opponents. That’s a law and order they can really sink their teeth into.

  12. I want remind people that things aren’t as ironclad as they seem, remember Ceausescu?

  13. Whenever someone says “our democracy” time to be very suspicious.

  14. Preference Cascade got Ceausescu, but FJB and Democrats are immune, until they aren’t.

  15. The verdict makes it more and more plausible – to fair-thinking people anyway – that there indeed was voting fraud in 2020 and that there will be voter fraud in 2024.

    Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 mules, either the book or the movie, proved that. The advantage of the book is that it answered a lot of criticisms of the movie.

    The show trial is one more proof.

  16. I’m cautiously optimistic.
    I personally know Democrats who are basically honest and idealistic… and some of them are lawyers. The verdict probably won’t make them vote for Trump (they’d cut their own throats first), but it may make them a bit less likely to vote for Biden.
    So this might not only cost the Dems the undecided votes, it might cost them some of their base as well.

  17. Slightly O/T, but the amount of money Trump paid to Daniels was basically “go away” money. I really have my doubts that a guy that was able to bag Melania Knaus really needed to have a roll in the hay with a woman who’s had sex with hundreds of men in front of a camera for strangers to watch. Not to mention that after having sex with that many men she’s likely got multiple STDs. Why would Trump take a chance like that?

    And yes, there will be cheating this time around. This may be a slight stretching of things, but when we get told that Biden pulled 75% of the vote, they will tell us with a straight face that “of course he did. The guy he was running against is a convicted felon.”

  18. Huxley: “But we are going to hear “Donald J. Trump, convicted felon” about a billion times between here and November.”

    A commenter on the Jesse Waters show tonight made a hilarious observation. He said that Biden might try to describe Trump as a convicted felon.
    That will make Biden the first candidate in American history to lose to a convicted felon. LFOL!

  19. The one thing that the Trump conviction establishes beyond the shadow of a doubt is not that he is a “convicted felon”, but that most Democrats are a primitive subhuman species. This has not always been true, but it certainly is now.

    A simple test of this point would be to ask them how their party has changed. Most would respond with blank stares.

    Case closed.

  20. richf:

    Have you asked you friends what they think of the trial and the verdict? I’d be very curious to know.

  21. Shall we review the bidding?

    Follow the money. Hillary Clinton for President Campaign $> Perkins Coie Law Firm $> Fusion GPS $> Christopher Steele = Donald Trump is a Russian asset. Result: Hillary’s campaign is fined $8,000 by FEC for paying for the Steele Dossier.

    Michael Cohen, Lawyer $> Stormy Daniels for NDA. Donald Trump $> Michael Cohen for legal services.

    Stormy violates NDA, is sued, and loses. Stormy owes Donald Trump $560,000 as a result.

    FEC and New York DA, CY Vance, decide not to pursue action against Trump for payment to Stormy Daniels by Cohen.

    New York DA, Alvin Bragg, and a former DOJ prosecutor, Mathew Colangelo, dream up a new theory of the case, indict Donald Trump, and try it in Manhattan in front of a partisan judge and a hostile jury. Result: Trump is convicted of 34 felonies.

    The MSM, POTUS Biden, Hillary Clinton, and many other Democrat luminaries proclaim that “no one is above the law!” And they expect the rubes, hicks, and deplorables to believe this is a triumph of our Justice system.

    This hick is not impressed and will not accept their gaslighting.

  22. The Congress will have to step in as SCOTUS will be slow to react.

    That makes Senator Manchin’s defection from the Democrat Party yesterday highly significant. If he sides with the GOP they will have 50 votes. Democrat Senator Fetterman has been showing signs of independent thinking of late and might join with the GOP in critical votes if Mitch McConnell agrees to allow a showdown.

    That’s one glimmer of hope for us today.

  23. This sentiment is gaining traction:

    If you’re a Republican running for office, you can just go ahead and throw away all of your elegant little policy proposals for this or that corporate exclusion or tax subsidy. Give me a list of which Democrat officials you’re going to put in prison, or get lost.

    Next endgame calculation: Applying standards set by treatment of J6 prisoners, how tiny, squalid (rats, lice, mold, etc) and meagerly provisioned will the cells be? Sadistic jail guards and denial of medical treatment will be a must.

    Harsh karma, but they’ve brought it on themselves.

  24. “Manchin reportedly will still caucus with Democrats in the Senate.”
    What a selfish coward!
    Always been an arse.
    I do hope WVa is not so naive or stupid as to elect him as their governor!

  25. There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.

    If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon’s but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other.

    Ulysses S. Grant.

  26. He was byrds protege of course he was going to be useless

    They cant get good trolls no matter how much they pay

    So the prosecution didnt put up any proof the incident happened cohen and daniels are such hearsay

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