Home » Michigan: sounds like the voting fix may be in


Michigan: sounds like the voting fix may be in — 13 Comments

  1. I live in northwest Indiana*, near the border with Michigan. When the wind blows from the north I smell a powerful odor of mendacity.

    *Red state, open carry, running budget surpluses. Shhhhh, don’t tell anyone.

  2. “In the 2022 mid-term elections in Michigan, voters handed control of the Michigan Legislature to the Democrats, giving them a majority in both the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan Senate…”

    Voters knew that radical leftist Whitmer, as Governor would sign into law everything sent to her by the leftist legislature. Willfully blind to the fact that they are enabling their own future enslavement.

  3. did they actually or was it another mail avalanche, which cannot be properly discerned

  4. I believe that the bulk of women who have abortions are liberal. And those children would probably vote Democrat. It appears that they have killed so many of their own children (65 million and counting) that they can not win an election without cheating.

  5. Just wait until the US House switches to the Democrats in July or August. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

  6. Once it becomes a one party state, it stays a one party state.
    Pennsylvania isn’t far behind working on rigging the election

  7. Thanks, Oilcan. So fraud votes are aborted Dems voting from the Great Beyond, along with other deceased and flipped R votes. Biggest challenge for fraudsters: making it look plausible.

  8. Washington state has gone that route. All mail balloting. Motor voter registration, and registration right up to election day.

    It all sounds so good. We just want to make it easier for all to vote. 🙁 (And to make sure the right votes are counted.)

    A republican has no chance of winning statewide, and the state Republican party is GOPe to the core. No chance of going back. But I still vote and HOPE.

  9. Some hope…perhaps…
    Marc Elias getting his tuchus handed to him (by an Obama-appointed judge)…
    ‘ “It Simply Does Not Make Any Sense”: Judge Trashes Election Lawsuit By The Elias Law Firm’—
    Which means it’s more than pretty egregious…
    Which is par for the course for that slimeball…
    But he’ll be back.
    (People like him will always be back.)

    + Nothing-to-see-here-folks Georgia Bonus…
    “Georgia reprimands Fulton County for scanning ballots twice in 2020 recount”—

    + Stormy Bonus…
    “Bill Maher Upends Stormy Daniels’ Testimony With 2018 Footage”—

    Stormy lies? Gosh, whodathunk THAT???

  10. And when Democrats finally get control of the House, Senate and the Whitehouse they pass HR1 and it’s the end of representative government.

  11. So we need a new federal voting rights act to counteract all of this. Only way. Fat chance, eh?

  12. Re Bobs point. When SCOTUS rejected the Texas led the many state’s lawsuits against Pennsylvania et al, I argued that we need the legal system to make deprivation of Constitutional balloting a a Federal Civil Right, facing strict scrutiny. This means making election officials subject to class-action remedies and to be held, as individuals, responsible for deprivation of civil rights.

    What would this do in the case of corrupt Michigan? Nothing. Democrats will steal Michigan.

    So long as this effort to establish a primary federal right to election integrity is defeated, the Great American Art of Election Rigging — patented by Democrats for centuries — will go on, and on.

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