Home » Trump held in contempt for the tenth time


Trump held in contempt for the tenth time — 31 Comments

  1. …this Court’s lawful orders.
    Translation: My orders are politically motivated, but I have the power here, which I will abuse until someone stops me.

    Doesn’t reflect well on our legal system, but here we are.

  2. Where’s the fool going to order him jailed, Ryker’s Island? I’d bet anything that Trump would get a huge honor guard of police and firemen to escort him wherever he’s jailed.

    This judge is a moron who has been out of sight for most of his career and never came under inspection for his idiot judgement. Here it comes, though the NYT will make him a hero.

  3. It could be the greatest boon to Trump if they did jail him. To quote Clint Eastwood, “Go ahead, make my day!”

    As GB often says, they are playing with fire and don’t even know its hot.

  4. “Whatever you do,” cried Brer Rabbit, “Don’t throw me into the briar patch.”

    –“Song of the South — Briar Patch Scene”


    According to polls, the majority of Americans, even a surprising number of Democrats, believe Trump is being treated unfairly.

    And according to polls, Trump’s numbers keeping going up with the lawfare. It’s weird that Democrats seem intent on turning Trump into Nelson Mandela.

  5. Karl Marx would be proud of Judge Merchan
    The desperation they are showing how afraid they are if Trump is reelected for the 3rd time.

  6. “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

  7. In the criminal justice system, there are two separate yet unequal kinds of justice …

  8. He may not regret it now when he’s paying the little fine, and he may not regret it later if he’s sent to jail, but he’s certainly going to regret it if the jury finds him guilty. Take it from someone who’s seen the inside of a courtroom (although not as the defendant): it never pays to piss off the judge.

  9. Any rational person should hold Merchan and his ‘court’ in contempt. Utterly contemptable they are…..

  10. As some have already commented, if Judge Juan throws Trump in jail, that will be it for the election, and no amount of cheating will overcome the “sympathy” vote for Trump.

  11. Grandpagrumble (10:07 pm), I humbly caution you against underestimating the opposition’s will, resources, and power to “overcome the ‘sympathy’ vote for Trump.”

  12. “They really fear Trump.” – Robert+Shotzberger

    With good reason. He’s not afraid of the MSM, the political activists, or
    corrupt judges. He can’t be bought, and he loves the country. In other worlds, he’s the anti-Progressive who can’t be bullied or finessed into “going along to get along.”

    Where is the judge going to put the Secret Service when he sends the Donald to jail? And how is he going to keep the NYPD from sending in McDonalds food and other of Trump’s favorite things? Methinks the judge has not thought this through.

    He’s their worst nightmare and it’s getting worse for them.

  13. I think it’s entirely possible that Merchan is telling the truth when he says he doesn’t want to put Trump in jail. The practical problems are obvious, and so far every lawfare move has made Trump stronger. He may almost be sort of pleading with Trump to stop, because if he _doesn’t_ put him in prison or take some such action, his power/status/authority as judge begins to look hollow. But if he does, it’s possibly a ‘if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine’ kind of moment. Or at least I suspect Merchan fears some such outcome.

    Probably a lot of Lefties wish they could find some kind of exit strategy from this whole thing, but they’ve more or less trapped both us and themselves.

  14. I hope Merchan is “hoist by one’s own petard “. S***head should have nipped this travesty in the bud.

  15. We are next. Let’s cut to the chase. We voted for the rapist

  16. I believe Tara. We’ve all seen Biden’s predatory behavior. I don’t think Donald Trump is a rapist. But Joe Biden definitely

  17. Robert+Shotzberger – They don’t fear Trump. They’re playing you for a fool. Trump is the only Republican that Biden has a snowball’s chance in hades of defeating. They’ll get what they want in about two weeks, when Trump’s new first name will be “convicted felon.”

    And anyone who truly believes that DeSantis or Haley would be in this predicament is beyond help. DeSantis or Haley would be up by 20 points over a president with an approval rating in the 30’s.

  18. Looks legit to me, how do they get the robes on all the kangaroos

  19. There is that inconvenient detail that daniels had tried to sell this story five years before to a german publication no bites

  20. They’ve already set the stage to have him stripped of his secret service when he is inevitably convicted of these made-up felonies by the NYC jury and sent to prison. The judge doesn’t want to send him to prison yet until he’s officially been branded a felon, since he will have protection until then. As a felon stripped of secret service, he’ll will be quickly epsteined in prison and democracy will be saved when they take his corpse out in a body bag.

  21. Color me naive…but isn’t there any way that this obvious farce of a kafka-esque “trial” can be stopped in its tracks, let alone overturned?

  22. They don’t fear Trump.
    I think your handlers should send someone less blatant.

  23. the turtles are stacked pretty heavily down the line, barry, from my sources,

  24. A number of legal pundits have pointed out, gag orders are usually issued to protect the defendant. In this case they are being issued to shut the defendant up.
    The Bill of Rights is on Trump’s side. In 1987, a judge issued a gag order for Rep. Harold Ford, on trial for selling influence. An appeals court struck down the gag order. The appeals court ruled, “The defendant, a Democrat, a black congressman who represents a largely black constituency in Memphis, is entitled to attack the alleged political motives of the Republican administration which he claims is persecuting him because of his political views and his race”. The judges said “he has the right to express his outrage.”

  25. Trump has right on his side but the Democrats are desperate. Assassination is the ultimate election interference. Bolsonaro in Brazil was attacked in his campaign and then the criminals got him evicted They are pursuing him now.

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