Home » Watching the sausage made: what happened to the border bill?


Watching the sausage made: what happened to the border bill? — 23 Comments

  1. Took me a year (2002/2003) to figure out how moronic the GOP was – went NPA by next voting date, and have voted against Democrats & not for Republicans ever since.

    Most people probably are unaware that the aid to Ukraine in the bill that was actually passed was in the form of something Trump had proposed, a “forgivable loan”

    Yeah, wishy-washy, but Trump did manage to stay silent during that vote. Trump has had a grudge against Ukraine ever since they didn’t help him hang Joe Biden. He’s gonna have to come out w/ a strong statement of support for Ukraine in order for me to vote a third time for him…

  2. So in point of fact the invasion continues thanks to the refugee funding the depletion of our arsenal continues the harassing of israel continues so there is no incentive to vote republican

  3. I fault Speaker Johnson for not offering single issue bills. Let the Democrats go on record refusing to pass a bill strictly for border security. I see no rationale, no downside for the Republican House in doing so.

    I do see a possible reason for not including border security within this bill. Which is that Trump supported passage of this bill because he judges that Biden and the democrat’s failure to secure the border, will greatly help him in November.

    That said, Trump would be even more helped, if Johnson offered a single border security bill that the democrats turned down. Perhaps Trump is afraid that they would pass a border security bill and that, no matter what the bill’s provisions, if Biden is reelected none of the provisions will be implemented or enforced.

  4. The House had previously passed HR2 The Secure the Border Act of 2023 in May of last year.

    So it all would have been for show. I suppose it’s something they could bring up and pass once a month to keep the issue alive, and that they are doing their jobs.

    Until Republicans have a majority in all three branches, codifying some of the Trump executive orders doesn’t have a chance of passing.

  5. The GOP House has an absolute veto on all spending, black letter in the Constitution. They choose not to use it.

    They whip their caucus to find billions to help secure Ukraine’s border, they whip their caucus to find billions to help secure Israel’s border, but they don’t to help secure our border.

    As an American, securing America’s border is of primary importance to me and any other country’s at best secondary. But spending on Ukraine’s and Israel’s borders delivers tax money to GOP cronies and spending on our border does not.

    The GOP has to be held accountable by GOP voters for better performance than giving the Dems half (or more) of what they want. (Especially when they hold, as they do, an absolute veto on all spending.) Or nothing will change.

    I have eyes to see what the Dems are doing for their base, and what the GOP fails to do for its base. The Dems use every weapon they have, but the GOP does not. The GOP’s last 40 years have been very good for the Swamp but not so good for the GOP’s base. We will not get different results doing what we’ve been doing.

    Kicking a few of the worst squishes off the taxpayer trough would help the others get their minds right.

    There is no cavalry coming to save us if all the GOP, as currently constituted, can do is delay the Left’s victories by a few years or a few hundred million.

    That is the antithesis of a strategy, to keep voting GOP and hope they finally keep some of their promises. The endgame there is, at best, the Left waits another ten years for everything they want, and the GOP officeholders and their cronies get fat from our tax money. Works out well for them and their conservative media talking heads, which is why they continue to say that’s what we need to do and make endless excuses for why no majority was big enough to keep a promise.

  6. Geoffey Britain:

    You write:

    I fault Speaker Johnson for not offering single issue bills. Let the Democrats go on record refusing to pass a bill strictly for border security. I see no rationale, no downside for the Republican House in doing so.

    You seem to be unaware of what has actually occurred regarding standalone border bills. Have you researched what the House actually did, or do you think you already know? Take a look at what happened in May of 2023. That’s nearly a year ago:

    A sharply divided U.S. House passed a border security package Thursday that was heavily influenced by Texas Republicans who took the reins on their party’s border agenda this year.

    Dubbed the Secure the Border Act, it was approved largely along party lines in a 219-213 vote …

    Democrats decried the Republican-written bill as a draconian package and a pointless exercise that had no chance of passage in the Democratic-controlled Senate. House Democrats dubbed the bill the “Child Deportation Act” in official correspondence. …

    The Secure the Border Act would resume construction of the border wall begun under President Donald Trump, limit asylum eligibility to ports of entry, require migrants to wait out asylum claims in Mexico, provide grants for law enforcement engaged in border security and add stiffer penalties for overstaying visas. It also would extend expulsion authority akin to Title 42.

    Texans were responsible for key provisions in the bill.

    House Foreign Affairs Chair Michael McCaul, R-Austin, included language to push the administration to keep migrants in Mexico as they await their asylum claims as well as a provision exploring reimbursing border states for their initiatives on the border.

    Guess what? Schumer killed it in the Senate; it was never even taken up. You wrote:

    Trump would be even more helped, if Johnson offered a single border security bill that the democrats turned down.

    Funny thing; that already happened (under Kevin McCarthy), but you don’t seem aware of it. And I bet most people complaining that it didn’t happen also aren’t aware that it did happen.

  7. What is the point of a majority the dems
    know to loot the country to allow the invasion to arm our enemies

  8. “Funny thing; that already happened (under Kevin McCarthy), but you don’t seem aware of it. And I bet most people complaining that it didn’t happen also aren’t aware that it did happen.”

    Of course they’re not aware of it- job #1 of the US media is to make sure nothing comes to the public’s attention that would reflect poorly on a Democrat!

    That’s why I often think fondly about a slight modification to the quote from Shakespeare’s Henry VI… “SECOND, we kill all the lawyers!”

  9. MIguel cervantes:

    I don’t know what your question means.

    But I’ll take a guess and answer that without the Senate and the presidency, a GOP majority in the House is very limited in its power, and the present majority is so thin it requires near-unanimity to do just about anything.

    One thing the GOP majority in the House is good for, however, is blocking the most egregiously-awful legislation the Democrats would otherwise be passing: HR1, making DC a state, a national voting bill that loosens all security for voting, and a host of other things. A GOP House majority has also investigated some issues that the Democrats wouldn’t have touched with a 10-foot pole.

  10. I don’t think the House Republicans do have much power. They only have a one vote majority now, and the GOP has more renegades than the Democrats. I was surprised to hear that House Republicans actually had been able to pass a border security bill — I didn’t think they could get their stuff together enough to do that — but I wasn’t at all surprised that the Senate rejected it. Biden wouldn’t have enforced it anyway.

    One thing I’m hearing now is that Ukraine’s borders are also our borders. That sounds like an unbelievably spurious argument to me, but DOD, the CIA, and the big defense contractors have big influence in Congress.

  11. Ray Van Dune:

    I agree that the leftist-biased MSM doesn’t ever want to say anything that reflects well on the GOP, but there are other sources of news. In this case, however, the MSM did cover it, but in the sense of: those mean old Republicans are cruel to asylum seekers, etc..

    I also think that, before a person says that such-and-such didn’t happen, it’s probably a good idea to check and see whether it did or didn’t happen. The internet makes that relatively easy. But we often assume if we didn’t hear about something then it never happened.

  12. Abraxis:

    And Vlad’s influence in the far right is miniscule? Ask Tucker and LT. Col. Macgreggor.

    Isolationism sells.

  13. While we are all occupied shooting at each other in our usual circular firing squad, let us not forget that the border issue was one that the Biden cabal stirred up by eliminating the Trump EO’s like “Remain in Mexico,” which had demonstrably reduced the inflow to a trickle. That same cabal could, if it wished, return to the status quo ante but has chosen instead to eliminate all barriers to the influx of foreign invaders in order to assure its political ascendancy. Are we not amused?

  14. “The move came after House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) reneged on an earlier promise to not put Ukraine funding on the floor without border concessions from Democrats.”

    And therein lies a big part of the problem among “the base”.

    I was raised to believe that a man’s word is his bond and a promise is utterly binding. I very, very rarely promise anything, I never make promises unless I’m 100% certain I can keep them and when I make a promise, you can believe that the only way what I promised to do won’t get done is if I’m dead.

    I don’t think I’m rare in the “republican base”. I have no use for anyone who doesn’t keep a promise. If Johnson wasn’t devoted to the cause of linking border security to foreign aid, he shouldn’t have made those promises.

    Johnson has proven himself to be the most despicable of human beings and the worst type of politician: he says what he thinks you want to hear to get your support and then stabs you in the back when it’s politically expedient to do so.

    He needs to go.

  15. The ones who drove out george santos then proceeded to drop out in violation of their oath are firing the muskets

    Mccarthy enabled the coverup that robbed many of their liberties that allowed a cloud on matt gaetz

  16. The “My way or the highway!” approach to politics returns. Herding of cats pary.

    Who knew that Johnson was worse than Illan
    Ohmar or OAC or Nancy Pelosi. Republicans actually need to be led by Democrats because Democrats are better people. (sarc x 11)

  17. A border bill wouldn’t have done anything. Even if such a bill were to pass both the House and Senate, the White House is still the body charged with enforcing the border. And it refuses to do so. Nothing would change if the bill passed.

  18. @Om

    To use your terms, Vlad and isolationism may have some influence on the far right internet, but I doubt they influenced the mass of Republicans in Congress. Surely, there is a middle way between provoking and throwing oneself into foreign conflicts on the one hand and complete isolation on the other, and surely there’s a point when one realizes that a war can’t be won and has to be wound up somehow.

    I don’t believe that the House Republicans have even reached that point yet. They wanted to get the border fixed and wanted to use Ukraine aid as a lever to get that done, and couldn’t even manage that. On the other hand, the influence of the military-industrial complex on Democrats and some Republicans has been clear.

  19. Abraxas:

    They couldn’t manage it because they do not control the Senate, and because they have such a razor-thin margin in the House and it would require 100% support there. And even then – as I said – it would just be theater because it wouldn’t pass in the Senate because Chuck Schumer would not bring it to a vote.

    Explain how they could have “managed” to do it, with the numbers being as they are. Be angry at the Democrats rather than the Republicans.

    And reasonable people differ on whether it is time to give up on Ukraine.

    I happen to think that we are occupying that middle ground on supporting Ukraine. We are not fighting there with boots on the ground, and we won’t be.

  20. junior:

    I’m inclined to agree with you – although it might depend on whether court challenges to Biden’s non-compliance would be successful. Such cases would probably end up in SCOTUS.

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