Home » Caroline Glick on Iran’s attack on Israel


Caroline Glick on Iran’s attack on Israel — 26 Comments

  1. On the one hand I can understand why she doesn’t want to dwell on internal American politics, but she really does herself, her viewers, and her country a disservice by saying “America is hamstringing Israel” and “America is taking Iran’s side.” It isn’t America that is doing this. It is the Democratic Party. If she is close enough to America to spend weeks here at a time, she should be able to see this. Netanyahu may have to keep up the fiction for diplomatic reasons, but I see no reason that she should.

  2. The reality is that the racist/fascist government of Israel is trying to incite a war between Iran and the US, regardless of the consequences, which could be WW III with nukes. The otherwise blind Democrats, some of them anyway, can see the potential horrors, and are trying to rein in Israel’s lunatics. We had all better hope they succeed.

    Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, and other Israeli politicians are war criminals, and need to be in prison.

    Glick, with her raging hatred of all things not Jewish, is another voice of lunacy.

  3. “The reality…”
    But on which planet…?

    In any event, what it means is that Iran, Hezbullah, Hamas and the Houthis can do what they want with minimal, if any, consequences.

    One can well understand why that should appeal to someone like you.
    (OTOH, a war between the Great Satan and Iran? But how does one incite a war between allies?)

    “Thirteen Israelis wounded in Hezbollah attack from Lebanon;
    “The Iranian terror proxy said it launched a combined assault with guided missiles and drones.”—

    …With impunity having become the cutting edge of “deterrence”, looks like the cat’s out of the bag….

  4. I like Glick and think her analyses are usually spot on. I do wish she could pause and take a breath every once in a while — she leaves me breathless!

    Two items: She is clearly annoyed that the US is trying to take credit for downing some of the weapons fired toward Israel, saying in response that Israel could have done it all on its own. Possibly true, but one doesn’t want to test that hypothesis in real life. Reporting I have seen said the US took out approximately 60 drones and/or cruise missiles on their way to Israel. Since most or all were taken out by aircraft, we can accept that they were not ballistic missiles. So that’s not a huge number out of 300+, but taking them out did free up the Iron Dome interceptors to be used against the faster-moving ballistic missiles. Should we play this up and make it sound like the Israelis needed our help? No. But Click probably doesn’t need to make such a big case over it.

    And she exposes the success of Iran’s propaganda campaign around the world. This is extremely troubling, and I sincerely hope we can wake up from this foolishness. First Amendment or not, I’d like to see these kids rounded up, and those here on student visas, expelled. They are acting as foreign agents, something not permitted on student visas.

  5. I think what she’s most unhappy about is what Israel gave up in return for plugging in to the CENTCOM controlled networked defense that was used to control and de-conflict the defense. Can’t say I disagree, however it may have been the only way the Gulf Arab states would assist.

  6. @bob sykes

    I dislike liars at the best of times, especially those shilling for literal Genocidal Islamofascists.

    The reality is that the racist/fascist government of Israel

    Ok dipshit. Going to stop you right there. How is the Israeli government “racist”? Do you not know of the number of Israeli Arabs and Druze and Beta Israel that are fighting in the IDF against Hamas right at this moment? This just underlines that you are using word salad.

    Ditto “Fascist.” Israel is a multiparty parliamentary republic, and while Netanyahu and his party are “controversial” in this case the public broadly supports his stance. AND THAT’S NOT SURPRISING CONSIDERING THE ACTUAL RACIST FASCISTS IN THIS STORY ATTACKED THE EQUIVALENT OF DEEP DEM PEACENIKS DURING CONCERTS FOR PEACE, ENGAGING IN MASS MURDER, MUTILATION, AND RAPE. It’d be a bit like if the Viet Cong teleported to Woodstock and started killing people and violating Melanie Safka.

    There are racist fascists in this story, indeed people who proudly claim descent from the original fascists of the interwar period. But they’re not Israeli. They are Hamas and to a lesser extent Fatah, both of whom still lionize Amin al-Husseini, the genocidal “Arab Nationalist” and Nazi collaborator.

    is trying to incite a war between Iran and the US, regardless of the consequences,

    Riiiiight. It’s ISRAEL trying to incite a war between Iran and the US, not the pwoor, innocent Mullahs of Iran. Who have declared war on us in a fatwah by their spiritual founder, which the regime has pointedly stated it cannot and will not recant.

    which could be WW III with nukes.

    Bullshit. There’s a reason why as chummy as Russia and the PRC have gotten with Iran, they have limited their agreements. Because they now how toxic the Iranian mullahcracy is and how ultimately fragile its grip on its populace is. Also why they are not interested in using nukes to defend it in an existential war.

    This is the kind of scaremongering bullshit that demonized Trump for deleting Solemani (in essence the Iranian Himmler) and claimed it would start WWIII. Only for the Iranian dictatorship to back down with an ineffectual artillery barrage they lied about in order to try and save face.

    It is the Iranian Mullahcracy that seeks WWIII with nukes regardless of the consequences, which outright has a special forces unit dedicated to State Terrorism called Al-Quds Force (Literally Jerusalem Force), and which has pledged to complete the Holocaust of Jews and destroy both the “Little Satan” of Israel and the “Great Satan” of the US.

    The otherwise blind Democrats, some of them anyway, can see the potential horrors, and are trying to rein in Israel’s lunatics. We had all better hope they succeed.

    Bullshit. And I know it’s bullshit because scumsucking Nazis like you obsess about “potential horrors” from ISRAEL while openly ignoring the VERY REAL Horrors of the Iranian regime and Hamas, as well as the ramifications if apocalyptic, totalitarian Twelver lunatics get control of nukes.

    Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, Smotrich, and other Israeli politicians are war criminals, and need to be in prison.

    Bullshit. Cite the War Crimes.

    Glick, with her raging hatred of all things not Jewish, is another voice of lunacy.

    This is rich coming from you, Jew Hating Lunatic.

  7. Bob Sykes is adept at reminding people that palaeobabble is both good and original. Just never at the same time.

  8. It’s amazing anyone can see Israel as the villain in this after Oct 7 and after Iran’s massive attack on Israel.

  9. It’s amazing anyone can see Israel as the villain in this after Oct 7 and after Iran’s massive attack on Israel.
    Have a gander at the comment boards at Unz. You’ll discover many such people.

  10. Well, bob continues in his usual and unoriginal fashion (Springtime For Hitler and Germamy).

  11. “It’s amazing anyone can see Israel as the villain in this after Oct 7 and after Iran’s massive attack on Israel.”

    There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    Many of those against Israel in this conflict willfully close their eyes to any and all evidence of the atrocities that Hamas has committed, while simultaneously agreeing with any and all claims of atrocities by the Israelis.

  12. That’s only because Hamas is the victim in this drama.

    They haven’t yet been able to destroy the Zionist Entity and they’ve been suffering mightily because of it.
    They’ve been trying, O how they’ve been trying…but no dice.
    At least, not yet.

    The world feels their pain.

    If only the Zionists would allow themselves to be annihilated…
    …but the damned ZIOs have NO compassion…
    …which is why they deserve to be annihilated.

    This shouldn’t be too difficult to understand….

  13. Have a gander at the comment boards at Unz. You’ll discover many such people.

    Oh, yeah I know.

    There are also the leftist women who make excuses for their poor, disadvantaged rapists.

  14. ‘bob sykes on April 17, 2024 at 8:49 am’

    Bob, imho, Iran has been at war with the USA since those ‘students’ occupied our embassy in Tehran and held our people hostage oh so many years ago. An act of war which has been studiously ignored by our political class regardless of party.

    It would clarify things enormously if the U.S. Congress would recognize this, do its duty, and declare that a state of war exists between the USA and the Mullahs in Tehran.

    This does NOT mean that we would need to invade Iran and try to make good little democrats out of the locals. It does NOT mean that we would nuke Tehran. It would mean that we could legally seize any Iranian assets we encountered, such as ships filled with oil. And as a bonus we could prosecute, convict, and hang those of our politicians who have given aid and comfort to our enemies.

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