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Biden’s war against the Jews and Israel — 33 Comments

  1. Biden doesn’t have any agency. It’s a reasonable wager the source of this is a nest of Foreign Service officers, acting through Blinken.

  2. I will admit to having low regard for Fetterman when he first took office. His having been excepted on the unwritten dress rules of the Senate did not improve him in my eyes. Then the Senate voted to formalize the old dress rules and Fetterman did not scream in pain or claim that he was being discriminated against — he just started wearing a suit and tie.

    And now he has criticized his party for their anti-Israel stance. All of a sudden I am thinking perhaps I judged him harshly at the outset. I apologize, Senator. You have better principles than most of your colleagues.

  3. apparently hes better off without his communications staff, at least on two issues,
    israel and the border, perhaps three he has shown evolution, the south african posture falls into that category,

    strange strange world we live in,

  4. Bernard-Henri Lévy published a great oped in the WSJ on EXACTLY with it is crucial that Israel totally defeat Hamas. I highly recommend reading it.

  5. It is futile to expect ethical behavior from those whose moral compass is skewed. Nor should the importance of a properly functioning moral compass be dismissed, at base it is the primary difference between the civilized and the barbaric.

  6. Too many of Obama’s WH staff are in this WH. We know that Obama is a virulent antisemite. It doesn’t help that Biden is of the same disgusting mind set. It seems the British Disease has infected all levels of our govt.

  7. WRT Fetterman. He did what he had to do to get elected. Give him credit for figuring it out and then doing it.

    I just don’t get it. Even when choosing the lesser of two evils, the choice is that the one chosen is not as bad as the one we hope loses, whatever it is. But it is bad, hence the description of the choice. In this case, these obscenities of human beings are saying Hamas and by extension Islamic expansionism at any price are better than Israel.

    I found, in college in the Sixties, a thought line which was that any enemy of the US or the civilized west is, by definition, morally superior. No atrocity of any kind was allowed to sully that. They could be excused, ignored, diminished, whatabouted, but never, ever counted against an enemy of the US. Just because.
    Some years ago, maybe twenty, I surveyed various peace and justice groups about the Cambodian killing fields. None admitted to knowing what I was talking about.
    So…what is it with our politicians?
    Either they are morally beyond evil, or they are….some kind of insane. Or, having had it together enough to achieve their current positions, perhaps they are on the take and nothing else matters.
    Excluding ethnic-only Jews, it would be interesting to hear from Jews who continue to vote left/dem.

    As to sex crimes, I think this is to be considered an improvement. Not all that long ago, an Israeli grad student accused IDF soldiers of dehumanizing Arab women by not raping them. So they have that going for them.

  8. Not all that long ago, an Israeli grad student accused IDF soldiers of dehumanizing Arab women by not raping them.

    Richard Aubrey:

    I’ve seen that offered as a rationale for the near non-existent white-on-black sexual assaults versus the stratospheric black-on-white sexual assaults.

    White-on-Black-sexual-assault-cases: 10
    Black-on-White–sexual-assault-cases: 212,401

    –US Bureau of Justice Statistics, (2005)

    The likelihood of a Black committing sexual assault against a White is more than 20,000x higher than the other way around.

    Since 2005 the BJS doesn’t break out these numbers by race.

    That’s a relief!

  9. I saw that column linked at Powerline. I wonder how many Muslim voters there are compared to Jews ? This seems to be mostly election politics. Certainly Obama imported as many Muslims as he could.

  10. It is heart breaking to see how our governing functionaries, (I substituted for the word ‘Toadies’) and the young people occupying space in our Universities align with the forces of evil. They deny that, of course. Their denials are spurious. Are their attitudes a function of ignorance? Or is there a dark under current manifesting itself?

    I am also sad for any people loosely known as Palestinians, who would choose to live in peace if they had a choice and were not co-
    opted by the Despicable Ones who control their destiny, whether through religious dictates or brute force. I assume when making that statement that there are some, although we will never know that for a fact; and certainly not how many.

    I also assume that if exposed to an honest account, the average American would sympathize with Israel. Again, the numbers will likely never be known. There is no credible voice to mobilize them out of their lethargy. Maybe a President Trump would try if it is not too late. Kudos to Fetterman, a surprising voice of reason, although not one to rally the masses.

    Interestingly, I have chosen to fly the Israeli flag along with the American flag on the front of our home. My wife was a bit queasy, thinking we might invite trouble. I accept that risk. No one seems to notice or they pretend not to. That includes family members who have entered our front door.

  11. Oldflyer.

    A lady at our church–liberal Protestant, aka “sideline” denom–had some information on a political issue which is of some note in the area. Indeed, another church could be said to be….not entirely honest.
    Since her name has a vaguely Jewish tone, she elected to keep it to herself.
    I’m going to try to see it and then make it public over my name. Let them come.

  12. Richard Aubrey: “I found, in college in the Sixties, a thought line which was that any enemy of the US or the civilized west is, by definition, morally superior.”

    I’m always telling people: absolutely every destructive thing in today’s left, cultural and political, was there in the phenomenon we call “the Sixties.” There were some good things, too. But those mostly faded while the bad metastasized.

  13. Oldflyer:


    I, likewise, am deeply saddened and distressed by what I see, especially among young people brainwashed by TikTok and by universities.

  14. Mac…”I’m always telling people: absolutely every destructive thing in today’s left, cultural and political, was there in the phenomenon we call “the Sixties.” There were some good things, too. But those mostly faded while the bad metastasized.”

    @RuxandraTeslo notes that student protestors seemed to rebel against bureaucracy. Now they ask for MORE bureaucracy, for more protection, for less individualism.

    She continues: “For the first time, The youth is asking the elders to be enslaved.”

    My response was, it’s not the First time…for example, Naziism was to a considerable degree a youth movement. It may be a first, however, for the US.


  15. “…not the first time…’

    Except that Nazism, as I understand it, was a movement of German “liberation” from the heavy “yoke” imposed by the victors of WWI at Versailles, not slavery.
    Similarly, those eastern European countries conquered by the Nazis in Operation Barbarossa were said (by the Nazis) to be liberated from the Bolsheviks.
    Only later was the bitter truth understood…
    (Just as Bolshevism was a movement of “liberation” from evil capitalism.)

    And so…when any group of violent (or even not so violent) extremists promises you liberation, caveat emptor…

  16. Fetterman is a enigma to me, he says one thing but will vote the other I anm sure.
    I would be shocked if every hostage wasn’t sexually assaulted, yes both and tortured.

  17. I am a triple minority, a Jew, a retired trial lawyer and a conservative. Knowing the history of my people, I remain a committed Zionist. I graduated undergraduate school on the eve of the “67 war. That was a wake up call for a then young man.

  18. Barry Meislin…”Except that Nazism, as I understand it, was a movement of German “liberation” from the heavy “yoke” imposed by the victors of WWI at Versailles, not slavery.”

    That’s true, and the Nazis did talk about ‘freedom’ in this sense. But it was also quite clear that Naziism meant the end of any kind of freedom in Germany…and many people seemed to welcome this. One young Nazi was recorded as saying ‘We Germans are so happy, we are free of freedom.’

  19. So the muslims of Michigan may withhold support of Biden.
    So exactly who will they vote for in the next presidential election?
    Kennedy ? Trump?
    Or maybe not cast a vote at all for president?

    It’s clear to any sentient being that not supporting Biden – by not voting for him – will help Trump.
    So why would the muslims of Michigan do this?
    IMHO, they won’t.; they will all vote for Biden because his hate-the-Jews policies are in line with their goals.

    As to why Biden / Obama are supporting Iran – literally, that is what they are doing –
    and pressuring Israel to cease military operations, it’s because they hate Jews; at least those Jews that are not leftist and liberal progressives.
    I honestly cannot think of any other reason.
    Obama’s good pals, Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakan never minced words about “deceitful” Jews.
    Could you imagine if Trump had friends that described Jews in the manner that Wright and Farrakan described them?

    The total bullshit about a two state solution is a non-starter, because Hamas seeks a one state solution. Everybody knows this as does Biden / Obama and the two incredibly stupid moron advisors of his, Blinken and Jake Powell.

    Don’t be surprised that if Biden/Obama prevail, we will see Blinken and/or Powell waving a piece of paper and state, “peace in our time in the Middle East.”

  20. Meh.
    In the immediate aftermath of the massacre, the (Left-leaning but largely professional) Times of Israel website posted some fierce sermons from prominent Reform/progressive congregations in NYC and LA. So I continued to sample their YouTube channels.

    Alas that flash of clarity was transient.

    In recent sermons they are back to calling normies “white supremacists” – you know, the 80 percent of Americans with sufficient moral compass and cultural pride to support Israel.

    And they are studiously ignoring or rescripting the anti-Semitism of their radical “allies” even as they are subjected to a Marxist Kristallnacht. Like the sad, old joke about the Jew in Exile who gets spit on, but says it’s raining…

    They just can’t accept that they have been kicked out the Kool Kidz Klub of radical revolutionaries. No longer part of the rainbow coalition opposing the “authoritarian” West…

    Nothing was learned – and no reflection upon their previous behaviors. Golly gee – now that my radical thug “allies” are canceling ME and circling MY home and synagogue, maybe I wasn’t exactly bringing the light of human progress when I pumped my fists and shouted “burn it down” during BLM riots that ruined other folk’s communities….

    Hopefully some are in the first stage of grief, and will move on from denial to something more real.

    Not holding my breath.
    It’s not just a cliche that Progressivism is a religion… They are clinging to it like True Believers.

  21. I went to the University of Michigan, and the Middle Eastern Christians from the greater Dearborn-Detroit area mystified me. Their parents and grandparents left the “old country” because of how badly they were treated as non-Moslems there. So, their kids and grandkids cozy up the Moslem population in Michigan.

    Hamtramk was still Polish when I lived in Ann Arbor. Sigh.

  22. It strike me that the demands for Palestinian ‘freedom’ are similar to the Nazi demands for German ‘freedom’…ie, tyranny *within* the country but no interference from other nations.

    Until the tyrannical regime causes so much trouble for other nations that they decide to do something about it.

  23. I don’t know if Biden is as bad as Hillary would have been, but he’s damned close.

    I personally suspect there’s going to be a civil war if they cheat again, the way they almost certainly did in 2020, to elect whomever the Democrats put forwards.

    Because I don’t see any possible way the Democrats manage to get elected given this economy and the overall world situation and their blatant part in making it so damned ephed up.

    I know fools who will vote for Brandon or the nominee regardless, but there are not THAT many idiots out there.

    }}} I would be shocked if every hostage wasn’t sexually assaulted, yes both and tortured.

    No matter their age or gender, in fact. I seem to recall that there have been reports that they raped a small baby on 10/7, FFS.

    Anyone openly associated with Hamas can be just flat out killed as far as I am concerned. Yes, that classes as “genocide”. Given their own propensity for same, I don’t see any option that does not return the “favor”. Think of it as Evolution In Action.

  24. The claims about Israel sexually assaulting women makes sense as a counter to the rapes by Hamas. Pro Hamas partisans need something to point to to nullify the Hamas rape charges. It doesn’t have to be true.

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