Home » Canadian law infringing on Jewish ritual slaughter is challenged


Canadian law infringing on Jewish ritual slaughter is challenged — 16 Comments

  1. I believe that Muslims also eat Kosher meats because it meets their requirements for how the animal must be killed.

    Don’t be surprised if Canadian Muslims oppose the law prohibiting ritual slaughter, the Canadian govt. will back down.

  2. Wow, I’ve never been rendered so curious about vegetarianism in my life!

    Plus, the uncomfortable surfacing of a repressed memory from No Country for Old Men.

  3. Yep. I searched immediately for halal in the quotes.

    The Canadian regulations, however, offer an additional loophole in that they mandate methods that make shechitah impossible, but allow Muslim ritual slaughter [halal] to continue unabated.

  4. I have watched lambs be slaughtered by knife. There is nothing cruel about it. Death is as close to instantaneous as you can get. They are gone before they hit the ground.


  5. Whether or not the animal is stunned, they will be bled out. Is “knocking out” the animal before slitting the throat more humane? Which hurts more initially– getting hit in the head or getting cut by a very sharp knife?

  6. Brian;
    Getting hit in the head hurts. Getting hit really hard stuns or kills before the hurt can be felt.

  7. John Tyler, it is Halal but essentially the same method to kill the animal. Someone in Canada should play lawfare with their left wing government.

  8. As best I can determine, there are about 600,000 self-defined Orthodox Jews in America. The group in NYC gets the most visibility: all-black garments,all men bearded, many babies per woman. They seem to be in tightly cloistered communities, in the industrialized North.
    Thus, in Canada there are proportionately maybe 40,000. I would bet those are in Eastern Canada, land of Trudeau and his oppressions.
    I personally find shechitah preferable. Stunning is less than 100% effective. I witnessed a terrible commercial pig abbatoir at a young age. That was a right good while ago, but the memory remains, indelible.

  9. I’m always amused at the lengths people go to convincing themselves they’re not animals.

  10. As far as I understand it, the only requirement for halal, aside from the animal being acceptable and fit for Moslem consumption, is the short prayer that is said by the slaughterer before the animal is about to be slaughtered. The form of the prayer is, I believe, something along the lines of “By the grace of Allah” i.e., that the halal slaughter about to be performed is by God’s grace.
    The rules of kosher slaughter are more numerous and stringent, but do include a similar prayer stated by the kosher slaughterer, hence kosher slaughter is considered acceptable by Moslems.

    Before Halal become more prevalent across the US and Canada (and perhaps other places) Moslems who cared about halal issues would buy kosher meat.

    (Should be stated that the reverse is not the case: i.e., halal slaughter is not considered kosher.)

  11. Frederick. It’s tough enough to get crossways with the US government. The Canadian government doesn’t have anything which, however it’s described, functions as our Bill of Rights.
    See how easily the truckers were debunked, for example.
    And the proposed hate think law.
    Still, if it could be done, making public the case that it’s an anti-semitic tactic and not a matter of animal cruelty would be in interesting proposition.

  12. I did write “debanked”. Autocorrect got to it later. If you’re reading this, you get it.

  13. So many elites are dishonestly Jew haters, tho many are honest about it.
    There is a big Market for Rationalizations to produce rational sounding reasons so as to make living as a Jew more difficult. Or as a Christian, or in many cases as a Muslim.

    The loophole for Muslims is a huge tell, but the lack of science in general about the pain of animals should be disturbing to all.

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