Home » Open thread 1/26/24


Open thread 1/26/24 — 36 Comments

  1. So will today go down as the start of CW2? Will Obama (Biden) try to federalize the Texas National Guard and thus provoke the guardsmen to decide who they’ll support and if they will fight their compatriots? There’s reports of ordinary Texans arming themselves and heading to the flashpoint. Abbot is going to ignore the SC ruling and now has the backing of 25 other states.

    This could get real ugly, real fast. What will Obama do??

  2. RE: UFOs, Dr. Shaun Kirkpatrick, AARO, and the truth

    In his recent snide and intemperate Scientific American op-ed—Dr. Shaun Kirkpatrick, former head of AARO wrote that …”

    “As of the time of my departure, none, let me repeat, none of the conspiracy-minded “whistleblowers” in the public eye had elected to come to AARO to provide their “evidence” and statement for the record despite numerous invitations.”*

    Well, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon fired back, writing that, in fact, he had brought Lou Elizondo, Dr. Hal Puthof, and DR. Eric Davis in to testify to ARRO, where they provided many hours of their testimony to Dr. Kirkpatrick in a classified setting.

    Yet, they never received any feedback from Kirkpatrick or AARO. **

    * https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/heres-what-i-learned-as-the-u-s-governments-ufo-hunter/

    ** https://www.ufofeed.com/44740/chris-mellon-fires-back-after-kirkpatrick-brutally-attacks-ufo-community-dismissing-them-as-conspiracy-theorists/

  3. Physicguy, you are so right about how this can get out of control. And I read that in Fred’s voice.

  4. I once thought about archaelogy because indiana jones, but there really wasn’t much of a career in it, the rosetta is a fascinating element, a window into a distant world, it’s interesting for the stargate film and I presume the series, they had an expert on the ancient egyptian dialect, this was back when roland emmerich cared about accuracy in some matters,

  5. Re Civil War 2: It’ll be interesting to see if the Regime decides to try to actually bring in the US Army. Will the Army even be willing to fight against Texas gaurd and citizenry? Has the Army been degraded and corrupted enough that they would be willing shed blood of American citizens? Have we truly become just another deeply corrupt, authoritarian third world hellhole?

  6. RE: UFOs, and what is “credible” proof?

    It appears that Dr. Kirkpatrick is playing word games here, and has been setting the bar for the information being given to him and AARO to be considered by them to be “credible” so high, that nothing could meet that standard.

  7. the talking points are out


    I don’t trust Chris Mellon because he is one of those swamp drones, the fact they couldnt make a determination what these incidents entail does make me keep an open eye, but not too closely because other matters, that us intelligence (thats a larf) should be
    concerned with, like say Hamas or Hezbollah
    cells, but that was the concern of the late Phil Haney, who actually knew something about the subject

    you didn’t see crippling MRI machines in the cards did you

  8. physicsguy – Texas isn’t (directly) ignorning the Supreme Court. If I understand correctly, the Supreme Court didn’t order Texas to do anything, it just lifted an injunction that prevented the feds from removing the wire fences that Texas put up.

  9. what fresh hell is this,,https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1574571045029224448.html

    how the powers that be, saw ‘strange days’* as a how to manual

    *one of the few films that made me sick to watch, Ralph Fiennes plays a former burnt out cop in fin de siecle LA which looks a lot like modern day la, where there is a form of VR that has addictive properties, like tiktok,there is a proto BLM plot with the killing of a rapper, played by D’ofrio as a racist cop,this was not long after full metal jacket, the VR has a recording of the incident in question

  10. Bauxite has it right on this case. The SCOUTS ruling game the Feds and Biden the ability to rip up the fences and other blockages, but nothing against the State or citizens putting them back on. So expect this to trigger an odd tug of war.

    Hopefully it will not go beyond this.

    As for what else happens, no idea. Though it would be interesting to compare the number of states supporting Texas and their composition, versus those that supported Texas’s lawsuit to the Supreme Court about voter integrity.

  11. That video was fascinating, thank you! I had no idea that other copies of the Rosetta Stone decree had been found. The amount of labour that must have gone into carving this inscriptions into hard stone must have been immense.

    As a footnote to that bit of history, I will point out that Cleopatra (the famous one, Cleopatra VII of the Ptolemaic Dynasty) was the only one of her family to have spoken Egyptian (one of her many languages).

    I will also point out that the Demotic script is still in use as a written language of the Coptic Church. It was heavily influenced by Greek, not surprising given the linguistic history of Christianity in Egypt.

  12. I’m reminded of the Movie Contact, where Robert Zemeckis did reasonably try to make something of Carl Sagan’s long form disquisitions the message the aliens send to earth, has a piece of a long text, where one symbol serves as a key to the design of the transport vehicle,

  13. Will the Army even be willing to fight against Texas gaurd and citizenry?


    Not a bet upon which I would depend.

  14. Another great find, neo. Etymology is a love of mine and there was so much detail in that.

    Familiar with the stone but the woman had so much backstory it was enthralling. I liked her insights into the motivation behind it.

    The Rosetta Stone was part inspiration for part of my work. (Also, one episode of Star Trek Next Gen)

    Dedication line in Gosh’Sagirta.

    Thanks ever so much for the find.

  15. It’s afraid

    Fear of boogeymen is a prominent theme in Michelle O’s life. When fearful people get power, they can do viciously horrible things. Barack O knows about and plays on those fears, but is not stupid enough to believe fear mythology. His policies were somewhat moderated by his awareness of reality.

    Michelle is another story.

  16. Something else going on in Canada…

    Since 2021 some 68 churches in Canada plus a few in the US have been damaged or flat burnt to the ground. Only two fires are considered accidental.

    They appear to be reprisals for the discoveries of over 1000 unmarked graves of Native American children on the properties of Christian schools.


  17. Fascinating video. Having been to Egypt and seen the Cartouche of Alexander I find this very interesting. I did not get though where she is doing her work. Is it in the British Museum?

  18. miguel cervantes and huxley–

    From various reports, formerly rather sleepy, bland, relatively crime free, and inoffensive Canada is, under Trudeau, swirling faster and faster around the drain.*

    Hmm, Christian churches torched, vandalized, and desecrated.

    Who could the culprits possibly be, who could it possibly be?

    And, while you are at it, how about this analysis with regard to Islam and Muslims, which says that Islam and Muslims will take over Europe?**

    * See, for instance, this https://www.raymondibrahim.com/2024/01/25/canada-nearly-100-churches-torched-four-during-christmas-2023/

    ** See ** https://pjmedia.com/raymond-ibrahim/2024/01/25/europeans-will-succumb-to-islam-says-former-intelligence-chief-n4925852

  19. Re misunderstanding the law and SCOTUS demurral is evident in video blogger “Practical Prepper” (a presumed prepper or else Fed plant) video just online for a few hours, garnering over 150,000 views and around 6,000 comments.

    “No one wants this (civil conflict)” or “do we need a change?” the host asks. He solicits viewers replies.

    There, you’ll see a few questioners, but overwhelming support for Texas.

  20. A woman made ChatGPT into her personal trainer:


    Hasn’t everybody? More seriously, Chat is never at a loss for advice.

    Chat is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. Chat will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.

    Er … no wait, that was someone else.

    I notice the young woman is only looking for a place to start and provides no results from following Chat’s program. There are a fair number of language learners who rely on Chat for their study plans.

    I am sure Chat’s plans are sensible according to conventional wisdom. From what I can tell, Chat doesn’t really know anything, it just averages a lot of stuff it has read. Which can be helpful, but not all that special.

    Here’s Chat imitating Barack Obama as a fitness coach:

    Alright, everyone, let’s get started! Now, the first thing I want to say is this: Fitness isn’t just about hitting the gym. It’s about a holistic approach to a healthier lifestyle. You see, whether you’re lifting weights or running on the treadmill, it’s all about setting realistic goals and staying committed to them. Just like we set goals in politics, in fitness, it’s important to have a clear vision.

    Now, let’s talk about diet. Remember, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Eating right is crucial. It’s like building a strong foundation for a better America, but in this case, it’s for a better you. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your meals. And yes, every once in a while, it’s okay to treat yourself – in moderation, of course!…

  21. Very amusing, huxley. I recognized that quote from Michelle O. 🙂 And Chat’s take on Obama isn’t bad.

  22. Today I’m asking Chat how to modify Julia Child’s recipe for Coq Au Vin which calls for a young frying chicken. That’s not how my grocery store labels chicken in the meat dept. I have skinless chicken breasts instead. Some of Chat’s advice:

    Texture and Flavor: Chicken breasts are leaner than other parts of the chicken, like thighs or drumsticks. This means they can become dry or tough if overcooked. Since Coq Au Vin is a slow-cooked dish, you’ll need to be careful not to overcook the breasts.

    Cooking Time: Chicken breasts typically cook faster than other parts of the chicken, especially in a stew or braise. You may need to adjust the cooking time in the recipe to ensure the chicken breasts don’t become overcooked.

  23. RE: Christopher Columbus and a new Crusade

    Here is a fun fact I’ve just run across.

    While Columbus was looking for a faster route to India and certainly hoped to find all sorts of riches–gold and spices–according to an entry in his diary, the ultimate aim of getting that gold was to return it to Spain, so that Ferdinand and Isabella could mount a new Crusade to recapture Jerusalem, attacking Jerusalem from a different direction than all of the previous Crusades.

  24. It’s going to be a slightly awkward position for the US Army to adopt, isn’t it, going on an open offensive against the Texas Guard, with the objective of keeping the national borders open to undocumented illegal aliens from all over the world? The US Army, fighting against National Security?

    Considering that the polling suggests something like 70% of Americans are against the practice of Open Borders and unfettered illegal immigration, I can’t see this as being a confrontation that the Biden Administration would relish.

  25. News from the UN. They were complicit in the Hamas attacks and hiding captives.

    Throw the son-bitches out of the building and off our shores then quit that rat-ass organization.

  26. I’m not sure if I simply misread the comments about the Canadian church burnings, or it it was discussed in more detail elsewhere, but it seems like huxley and others might not be aware that this was a hoax. Unfortunately, the arson attacks on the churches is 100% real, but the 1000 native children in unmarked graves has been proven a complete fallacy.



    An extraordinary* example of hideous, sensationalist media causing grave harm.

    *Or, sadly, all too common.

  27. Rufus T Firefly:

    Another story too good to bother verifying much less retracting when proven to be false.

  28. Do we know why hieroglyph literacy was lost to the ages until the stele was found?

    She explains that the demonic style of writing became more popular and hieroglphys were mainly the realm of the priestly class, but do we know why the knowledge was completely lost to time? Hebrew, Aramaic… other ancient languages and scripts with a religious heritage were preserved by academics and/or theologians, despite them falling out of common use. Until, perhaps the mid-50s, a Westerner wasn’t really considered educated if he or she couldn’t read Latin and Ancient Greek with some aptitude, regardless of neither being used for hundreds of years. Why was hieroglyph literacy not maintained?

  29. om @ 2:43pm,

    I wish some wealthy individual with very deep pockets and/or crowd funding would assemble an entertaining, watchable presentation of just how much media and others have gotten completely upside down in human history.

    A lot of the material is already there. “The Fall of Minneapolis,” Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer’s play about the Ferguson Riots, films on the history of the Civil War and KKK and the Democrat party’s complicity in those atrocities, the Holodomor, Castro, Mao and Stalin’s butchery… McElhinney and McAleer also made a great documentary rebutting a popular anti-fracking documentary and showing its many lies.

    A fund that pays people $100 if they voluntarily watch some of these entertainments and take a brief test at the end, to prove they watched. The truth is out there, but it’s nearly impossible to see because there is so much entertainment and media constantly produced to obfuscate the truth.

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