Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s kids…
…appear to have a good deal more sense than their mom and dad.
Gives you some faith in the next generation, doesn’t it?
…appear to have a good deal more sense than their mom and dad.
Gives you some faith in the next generation, doesn’t it?
The first comment asks: “Who else skipped right through the article to read the comments?”
UH.. that would be me.
no faith in the next generation…
everyone has common sense and such until they have their “consciousness raised” by others telling them things… they still have feminist conciousness raisin, race conciousness raising, white guilt conciousness raising, and a whole bunch more… some of it they wont get beaten into them by social pressure until they are in college…
and notice that unlike everyone else, they get to have more than one child and not have others complain… (they of course are on the ‘right’ side and so should have as many as the left allows them to… its the others genetics that have to be prevented when one is breeding humans for outcomes, no? ergo nancy pelosi has 5, and lots of the people in the elite have many… while espousing birth control, one child, abortions, and so on… i guess their children will repopulate over time while the good conciousness raised dupes fade into history)
Good Lord, can’t you just be happy for people? They have a nice big family and are belatedly considering doing the right thing by their children, and because their children are nagging them to do it. It is a nice little insight into how a couple’s commitment to their children trumps political correctness, and YOU come waltzing it to urinate on everyone’s Cheerios.
Seriously, you need to dial back considerably on the shrillness knob. I understand what you are saying and grasp your points, but piling on in reaction to a story of a family dynamic of children teaching their parents is more than just a little over the top, don’t you think? You know, there’s a time and place…
Its great to see two Hollywood royalty putting the needs of the children ahead of their own desires. They do seem To love their kids and aren’t using them as ornaments and narcissistic extensions of themselves. Maybe John Voit is coming through the genes and to the fore.