Home » Open thread 12/4/23


Open thread 12/4/23 — 27 Comments

  1. RE: UFOs and Disclosure

    Knowledge is Power.

    I think that, long before many others in Congress, Schumer has realized that the game is about to undergo a radical transformation, and that things which were of great importance will be that way no longer, now that not only new pieces have come into play, but a new, radically different board, along with a new set of rules, is what people will be using from now on.

  2. Loved it! Thanks for providing my mind something worthwhile to consider at the start of the day!

  3. Barry Meislin @ 11:43am,

    “Grand Betrayal.” I can certainly understand them not voting Republican, but if they continue to vote Dem (and they will), how can one call it a betrayal? As with other minority communities, the truth has been in plain sight since the Democrats started the Klan. If you carry the scorpion to the other side of the river it will still sting you. Voting for more scorpions is not an effective strategy.

  4. Is anyone else wonder if some old disease may reemerge from the Perma frost? A few years ago when I read they were exhuming the bodies of people who died in the Spanish flu from the Perma frost for research, I thought that could maybe go sideways real quick.

  5. Gaslit Nation….

    Led by the nose by a group of psychopaths posing as saints and saviors…. (Well, TRANSFORMATIVE Saviors….)
    Let us savor the ways…

    Here’s the master, let’s call him “Chairman Fao” (short for Fao Chi, he of “Let a Hundred Falsehoods Blossom” fame (well, blossoms all the way to the bank, that is….)
    With a tasteful sampling of the Great Charlatan’s irresistible charisma and well-honed professional graces in the first several grafs:
    ‘…CDC director Robert Redfield, a virologist of long experience, found evidence that Covid virus originated in a lab. Fauci, who is not a virologist, cut Redfield out of discussions on the origins of the Covid virus, which Fauci claimed arose naturally in the wild. When other scientists found evidence of a lab origin, Fauci bullied them into changing their position. His control of their funding gave him leverage….’ etc., etc., you get the idea. RTWT

    But wait! What have we here? A person of conscience? Can it be? Truly?
    Well, several good years after the fact, in fact…but might one wonder if there’s a “statute of limitations” on Remorse? On Regret? No? Yes? Oh well, sorry, my dear sir…
    ‘Top White House Health Official Regrets Working with Fauci to Downplay COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory;
    ‘In a Sky Net Australia exclusive, Dr. Robert Kadlec says: “I wake up at usually about 2 or 3am and think about it honestly, because it’s something that we all played a role in.” ‘—

    Not to worry, though. No regrets here! Indeed, we present a woman—of rare expertise—after Chairman Fao’s heart….
    “Top WHO Consultant Working For US Intelligence Helped Downplay COVID Lab Leak Theory…”—

    Merely the tip of the sordid iceberg.
    AND IT CONTINUES! As they’re STILL selling Covid-19 vaccines! And to KIDS to boot…. Though the poor dears (dealers?) aren’t earning nearly as much for them…and IF there’s any justice in the world (“IF”) they’ll be taken—all of ’em—to the cleaners before the next decade is up.

  6. @ Barry > “Gaslit Nation….”

    Great post by Rev. Naugle. Final grafs:

    So much of what we have gone through in these recent years is understandable as a form of societal-level narcissistic abuse. We weren’t allowed to leave our homes, see our friends, go to church or work, or even make our own medical decisions. We were constantly told that those in power were to credit every time the scary numbers went down and that we were to blame every time the scary numbers went up.

    I distinctly remember Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio lecturing his citizens as if it were their fault that he had to impose a mask mandate. President Biden’s infamous “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin” is a textbook example of narcissistic rage.

    If I were counseling a victim of narcissistic abuse in my office or the confessional, my immediate suggestion would be to break off contact as completely as possible as the relationship is unrecoverable.

    How does a nation respond when the abusers are politicians from both parties and nearly the entirety of the administrative state and legacy media?

  7. It sure looks like this “Remorse” thang may be contagious…

    “These Experts Advocated for Lockdowns; Now They Say They Were Wrong;
    “Very few experts who now say they were wrong on lockdowns and mandates have publicly apologized. We spoke to two who did.”—
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog.

    Problem is, of course, that Sweden’s experts got it right.
    How the HELL did that happen?
    (Well, not exactly “right”: even they pooh-poohed HCL + zinc, disregarded Ivermectin, ignored natural immunity…but STILL came out light years ahead of those “experts” in other countries—but not the experts that were being ignored, canceled, shamed, denigrated, ATTACKED by Fauci’s army—but who STILL, courageously, gave their informed, expert opinion to anyone who bothered to listen.)

    And so one might say, it’s not a question of mistakes made: it’s a question of criminal negligence, of a failure to WANT TO HEED the right people, a failure to look around, to entertain doubt WRT the ACCEPTED, FASHIONABLE(?) opinions. On a MASSIVE scale.
    One of the people in the article linked to above even admits that he was not qualified to make decisions on pandemics.
    But he did. WHY? Multiply by hundreds, if not more…

  8. Shirehome–

    It seems to me that by introducing and sponsoring his UFO Amendment Schumer has placed a bet on a particular future, one in which human beings may find themselves to be lower on the food chain and sentience scales than we currently fancy ourselves to be, but also a situation in which–if we can copy, steal, or master extremely powerful NHI technologies, and some fraction of their likely knowledge–the human race might also have new opportunities on what President Kennedy called the “new High Frontier,” opportunities to do things like plant viable settlements in our Solar system, travel out into the Galaxy—open up a new “age of exploration,” assure the survival of the human race by planting breeding colonies on compatible planets–and, who knows, trade, or engage in all sorts of other new endeavors, and occupations.

    Our American Congress could possibly play a role in guiding/promoting this tremendous expansion and new way of life, and Schumer wants to position himself to take advantage if things fall out the way he thinks it will.

    Some opportunity will come along, and Schumer wants to be right up front, first in line, when it does.

  9. There were people desperate to be told what to do. Not merely to be safe, but to be commanded. And to see others commanded, results being irrelevant.

  10. Snow on Pine:

    Sure sounds like science fiction, given all that we know about members of congress.

  11. om–This isn’t prone to hysteria, drunk old Aunt Ida yelling that she just saw a light in the sky!

    This particular “science fiction” has an increasing accumulation of facts, a lot of observations–data, more and more acknowledgement of it’s reality from those in and out of high government office, and a lot of sober, highly trained witnesses testifying to the fact that it’s actually Reality.

    If Schumer is wrong, nothing much is lost, if Schumer is right, there is a lot to gain.

  12. Per Geert Wilders, the antidote to rotten politicians supported by rotten media is honest politicians supported by honest media. It takes time, but it’s that simple.

    Further, don’t be afraid to propose and implement populist policies. You’ll be surprised at the upsurge in support it generates. This is particularly the case as more people are “mugged by reality”.

  13. Snow on Pine:

    Your facts seem highly malleable and flexible. Sorry, but otherwise you seem grounded in reality, facts that lead into wild speculation, with alternatively wishfull and dreadful fancies.

  14. Well, it’s no fun. To get Covid, that is. Came down with it the day after Thanksgiving. Ten days and I’m clear. Never had a bad fever or O2 issues, but my bride, who got sick two days after me, has had a much rougher time. She’s much better now and was treated with Paxlovid. She’s still quite weak, though.

    I was worried about her having to be hospitalized, as our hospital is having nursing shortages and labor problems. Bad ju ju. Old age isn’t for sissies, as they say.

    Be careful out there, the WuFlu is still around.

  15. J.J. and Mrs. J.J.:

    Good to hear you are both better now. I’ve heard there is an “atmospheric river” coming through the west side. Like water off a duck? Have to ask Chases Eagles if that is so.

  16. Please make sure Mrs. J.J. doesn’t overdo things once she’s feeling a little stronger. This may take some time.

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