Home » Black Lives Matter says Jewish Lives Don’t Matter


Black Lives Matter says Jewish Lives Don’t Matter — 35 Comments

  1. “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”
    Corporate upper management, NGO administrators, the boards of the professional associations, politicians, now the military. It applies to all of them in this country. We live in a decadent age.

  2. We can all now see clearly who these Leftists really are: Communists and destroyers of the American Republic.

    On Twitter, I interact with a NE Dem. She’s pro trans. I think she has trans kids. On her profile it reads, “Agent of Satan.”

    That is correct. St. Igantius of Loyola got it right with his “Two Standards” meditation.

    I only hope American Jews wake up and stop donating and voting for Dems.

    Obama and Biden funded Iran. Iran funds Hamas. I think both Obama and Biden have been bribed by Iran. Prove me wrong.

  3. Don’t forget that prior to the civil war in Lebanon, it was a well to do Christian majority state. Beirut was considered a resort on par with the French Riviera. The invading muslins tried to take over and instigated a civil war that wrecked the country. They also succeeded in driving out much of the Christian population.

  4. Apologist say Palestinians have the right to resist!
    MLK resisted! Gandhi resisted. Black in US treated far worse and far longer. MLK didn’t kill anyone and changed the world. PLO et. al. have been at war since 1948, and have rejected every peace proposal. And now they are worse off.
    Where is the Palestinian MLK or Gandhi.

    Hamas didn’t build bomb shelters and prevents people leaving. They want the civilian martyrs.
    They could stop the killing in under an hour by surrendering.
    And yet, all the pro-Hamas people refuse to acknowledge that fact and blame the Jews.

    Also many state Israel should do nothing. This is the same as saying it is OK for Hamas to kill Jews, but they should fight back, because if only Jews are killed, there will be fewer dead people, which is a good thing.

  5. Black Lives Matter has always condoned terrorism. No surprise there.

    That the FBI and National Guard were ordered to kneel to them in 2020 is utterly incomprehensible.

  6. “Don’t sit on a hot stove till that happens”. LOL That’s one of my favorite expressions. When I showed it to my neighbor she said “well you surely knew it had to be in the public domain.” In at least one small way, we’re kindred spirits or as the sometimes snooty French might say, a bien-pensant.

  7. om–

    Somebody needs to come up with a better name for the Bureau of Land Management– its 10,000 (or thereabouts) employees must be tired of the bureau’s acronym.

  8. A company founder on Twitter: “As a startup founder in 2020 I was under tremendous pressure to ‘publicly support’ BLM to appear anti-racist. I was told that “silence is violence” when I even questioned this pressure. Well, the mask is finally off.” (followed by reference to the BLM Chicago tweet supporting Hamas)

    If you’re on Twitter, take a look at some of the responses she got:


  9. Prof. Jacobson, at Legal Insurrection, has been pointing out the peculiar links between Black Lives Matter and “Palestinian” activists for quite a while. Glad they are now completely open about it, so people can see it.

  10. If social media existed during the Holocaust, twitter feeds would look exactly the same as they do now.

  11. Neo and chazzand–

    My grandmother’s earthier version was “Burn your butt, sit on the blisters.”

  12. PA+Cat:

    True. The folks who manage grazing allotments, mineral rights, a little timber, and recreation (wide open western spaces) don’t deserve to be lumped with racist, Marxist, criminal fraudsters.

    Bastards Love Massacres should go and Stand With Hamas in Gaza. Either to be stood up against the wall or stand still while their buildings are pancaked.

    Their time is up.

  13. Paul in Boston:

    Actually, prior to the Lebanese Civil War, Muslims had already become the majority in Lebanon because between 1948 and the 1960s, lots of Palestinians came there and shifted the balance to Muslim. Prior to that it was a majority Christian country.

  14. As I am sure many others did as well, at about 24 hours into the conflict, I went to various sites describing the Gaza strip, its history, and its demographics; and I pored over Google Earth satellite maps of the 141 square miles that comprise the territory.

    I was trying to figure out a rough misery index scale based on density alone.

    Wikipedia for what little that site is worth, had some interesting images not of the kind one is used to seeing on news reports which present the strip as one giant desiccated tenement. Attractive images, promising images.

    2.3 million people packed into 141 square miles is of course very dense, and works out to about 26 people per acre.

    Looking only at density, the kind that is presumed to drive men homicidally crazy and rats to become homosexual, are there any comparisons?

    However imperfect, sizewise the city of Detroit in 1950 was 139 square miles, and had a population of 1,850,00, or 13,300 per sq mile or 21 persons per acre. This included public parks, amusement parks, golf courses, playgrounds, waterworks, shipping facilities, very significant industry, and miles of substantial single family dwellings on city sized lots on tree lined streets. Not to mention churches, schools, universities, many hospitals and so forth. Yet the density was nothing like intolerable. The average abandoned city lot being mowed by the city at present is reported at 3200 square feet; an acre being 43,500sq ft prox.

    Without doing any calculation that should give you 8 to 12 lots with room for streets, and in Detroit, alley ways. A typical residential street image below from circa 1995 well after its prime.


    A blogger observes regarding the larger lots pictured in the google street view above

    ” … let’s examine the blocks of Detroit, a city long known ” … for its prevalence of single-family detached housing. Lots here (a neighborhood of the 1910s or 1920s) are 34′ x 125′, a more reasonable dimension that’s helped the city maintain its high share of single-family housing. Note also the presence of alleys here through the center of the block.”


    How many people in 1950 would have lived in the families inhabiting eight of the houses pictured in the Google street view?

    News reports indicate that 40% of the population of Gaza is under 15 years of age.

    Now, running a country is obviously different from running a city, but the infrastructure and dwelling space in urban environments of comparable size and populations bear some consideration.

    As I looked over the satellite maps and considered the images of beach front, modest open spaces, and climate, it occurred to me that there was no objective reason for Gaza to be a starving hell hole, and that with 40% of the population being under 15, it could not be.

    Its population density is great but it does not even compare to Manhattan, Brooklyn, Singapore, or many municipal regions. It is denser but not by orders of magnitude than 1950 Detroit.

    It was only after watching innumerable commentaries that I saw someone finally observe that Gaza could, if the leadership chose, leverage the resources it did have, and do so to its great advantage.

    It could be relatively wealthy. But that would involve settling for the status quo, and focusing on turning lemons into the proverbial …

  15. I wonder whether the BLM people know anything about the history of the region, or the Palestinians. . . .

    The white BLM people probably do. The black BLM people probably don’t. My experience of attending a very integrated high school located in a rather dangerous black inner city neighborhood taught me that most inner city/lower class blacks don’t know much about a lot, including, especially, world history, and that most blacks — and I mean most, including university educated blacks — are to greater or lesser degrees antisemitic.

  16. Interesting – I’d heard that the Palestinians were “rejected” by other countries in the Middle East, I never knew the reason for it.

  17. IrishOtter49:

    I have yet to meet a liberal who knows anything more than a smattering of the history of the area, and usually much less than that. Which is not to say that such liberals do not exist; only that I don’t know them or at least have not spoken to any of them on the subject. About 20 years ago, I was talking to a friend who was quite pro-Palestinian. A well-educated woman, who taught English at the college level and also was a devout Catholic. While we were discussing something that was happening between Israel and Palestine at the time, I made a reference to the UN partition of Palestine and the resultant war. She had never heard of those two events (she was not young, either; she had been alive during those events).

  18. @ Neo – the younger Democrats know even less, and that is deliberate.

    The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) claimed using the term “terrorist” when referring to Hamas is an opinion, not a fact.

    However, the out-of-touch liberal outlet failed to mention that Hamas is responsible for murdering over 700 Israelis, raping women, kidnapping children, and mutilating bodies in the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.

    This is just another example of the Left making excuses and accepting antisemitism.

    According to leaked emails from CBC’s director of journalistic standards, George Achi, strict guidelines include not referring “to militants, soldiers or anyone else as ‘terrorists.’ The notion of terrorism remains heavily politicized and is part of the story.”

    “Even when quoting/clipping a government or a source referring to fighters as ‘terrorists,’ we should add context to ensure the audience understands this is opinion, not fact,” the email continues.

    In addition, Achi ordered journalists not to describe Gaza as an independent territory since 2005.

    “Please do not describe 2005 as ‘the end of the occupation’ as Israel has maintained control over airspace, seafront, and virtually all movement into or out of the area,” his email read. “Our description should be fact-based, referring to the end of permanent Israeli military presence on the ground.”

    Readers add context:
    Israel withdrew all residents from Gaza in 2005, leaving a thriving econmic infrastructure which Hamas & the Gazans destroyed; the Israelis attempt to interdict material that can be used militarily and for terrorist attacks; there are no Israelis on the ground, military or otherwise; Israel supplies (or did until this week) most of Gaza’s fuel, electricity, water, and food.

    There are plenty of stories out with the truth about the non-occupied Strip, but they never show up in Democrat media.
    Funny way to be fact based.

  19. neo:

    Thanks for your post. Point taken. I agree and admit I gave white liberals too much credit for having any depth of knowledge about the ME. I don’t have a sense of the extent of antisemitism among liberals. I know it exists. I don’t know how deep and wide it is. I have noticed, and for a long time — since my college days — that liberals are wont say they are “anti-Zionist not antisemitic.” Are they still saying that? That’s a good one, sure.

  20. neo:

    I’m guessing your “well-educated” friend didn’t know about the Balfour Declaration either.

    Probably she’s got a lot company in her ignorance.

  21. @ PA Cat > “Somebody needs to come up with a better name for the Bureau of Land Management– its 10,000 (or thereabouts) employees must be tired of the bureau’s acronym.”

    The Wyoming historical site where we served this summer includes some portions of land under BLM management, which we sometimes mention when orienting visitors. After the first few puzzled reactions, I started using the agency’s full name.

    Personally, I think that the “newcomers” should make sure their potential acronym is not already in use, but I suppose that would be too much to ask.
    I wonder if BLM 1.0 ought to sue for cultural appropriation?

  22. Cornhead…
    “Communists and destroyers of the American Republic…On her profile it reads, “Agent of Satan.” That is correct. St. Igantius of Loyola got it right with his “Two Standards” meditation.”

    “Basically, will you march under the flag of Satan or that of Christ?”

    Exactly right.
    BLM, like Hamas, like every Marxist ever can only destroy what’s already in place. They never build. Never cause things to flourish. Create ugliness & revel in it. For crying out loud…who thinks brutalizing women & driving through the streets with their dead bodies is a thing of joy? Obviously the Hamas Palestinian terrorists & their apologists in the West.

    Hence… “The thief comes only to steal kill & destroy. I came that they might have life & have it to the full.” There’s only the two options. They have chosen poorly.

  23. The white equivalent of the BLM is the American Nazi Party or KKK.
    I will speculate that the leaders of the latter two hate groups, do not own several multi-million dollar mansions, nor do they receive any sort of monetary donations from corporate America.

    I seriously doubt that any top “official” (e.g., thug) of BLM could find Gaza Strip on the map. If presented a map and asked to locate the Gaza Strip, they would probably seek out Las Vegas on the map (which, also, they would not be able to find on a map) to locate “the Strip.”

  24. From the beginning when they would not accept people saying All Lives Matter it was clear the they meant Only Black Lives Matter.

  25. DNW:

    I wasn’t sure where you were going with your long comment, but I do take your point that the Arabs in Gaza choose to live poorly in order to pursue the Hamas project to drive Israel into the sea.

    I’ve also run into those arguments that Gaza is a hellhole because Israel intentionally imposes such cruel suffering on the Palestinians.

  26. DNW :
    I wasn’t sure where you were going with your long comment, but I do take your point that the Arabs in Gaza choose to live poorly in order to pursue the Hamas project to drive Israel into the sea.

    I’ve also run into those arguments that Gaza is a hellhole because Israel intentionally imposes such cruel suffering on the Palestinians.


    Yeah, I was just trying to sort through some of the hyperbolic, if not near hysterical, language concerning the supposedly unbearably crowded conditions in the Gaza strip.

    Limited as they might be, they do have certain resources.

    As a defeated Confederate general reputedly remarked to his wife, (prox) “We have still left to us, a cow, apples, and flour. We will make apple pies.” Which she then sold to union troops occupying the area.

    Now I am not saying that Gazans would be happy living in small Tudors and 800 sq ft main floor bungalows (or their hot climate versions) with basements and upper storeys, and little vegetable and flower gardens out back. But you sure as hell can house a huge number on 35×140 ft lots in relatively comfortable and even attractive conditions with planning like that. Possibly 15,000 per square mile or more. Maybe substantially more.

    How many prefab knockoffs or equivalents could Hamas afford to put up with their billions? Well, a billion dollars would buy you 16,600, basic $60k prefabs. Not including land or infrastructure.

    This is not just a “tiny house” fantasy for housing Gazans on their own piece of earth. It seems completely do-able in principle for perhaps a plurality of families with live-in children.

    If, a choice was made to do so.

    But if we really wanted to get into the realm of daydreams, we might ask ourselves just how many Boxable style dwellings one could purchase for a billion dollars.

    But maybe they like living in apartments, and that is ok too. Maybe they would turn up their noses at those suggested alternate living conditions as impractical, or patronizing and limiting, as culturally alien, antiquated, or even capitalist.

    There are after all recorded instances – exaggerated or not – of people preferring to nearly starve to death rather than shift their diet of staples.

    Either way, the fact is that it is not overcrowding that is causing them to act like maniacs.

    And from what I have seen so far, their lhousing conditions as they were, were not atrocious.

    Oh if you are interested in housing per se, take the time to read through the Old Urbanist link provided. He analyzes why the planners of the early 20th century strove to include backyards even if at the cost of frontage limited to 35 feet. Yes … it was probably about “canning gardens” space.

  27. Born in 45. Grew up in one of the post war subdivisions slapped down after the war. Lots were 40 by 120. One car-width driveway, garage is up to you. One thousand square foot home–with or without a basement depending on local conditions–three bedrooms and a bathroom.
    By the mile outside cities large and medium. Can see them on google earth. Figured we were doing okay. Far better than most of our parents had anticipated.

    As to white liberals knowing much or little about the ME. Mostly little. Everybody has, special needs aside, roughly the same bucket size for information. Liberals “know” what they need to know to be liberal and–for the innocent of them–unconsciously avoid anything else. Others avoid it as an active process. And some, I have to believe, know better but will not be caught admitting it. Which applies to any contentious subject.

    But… what difference does it make? Do you think white liberals, if they knew the history of the ME would have a different opinion? Not likely.

  28. in point of fact, only criminals matter to them, their roots as chris rufo discerned is the black liberation army, which is panthers, they are driven by the nihilist aesttetic of Franz Fanon, the martinique born fan of the Algerian rebels, much like Malley pere,

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