Home » Pack your bags: it’s off to the re-education camps with you!


Pack your bags: it’s off to the re-education camps with you! — 27 Comments

  1. The red baseball cap as the new yarmulke? To be followed by flying the American flag instead of those other ones. The Gladsen flag is already a known metric.

  2. I have become much more careful about what I say on the Blogs and in Emails to friends.

  3. anyone who wore a MAGA hat was being demonized as a racist

    I sense the influence of Alinsky here. In the winter of 2015-2016, my commie sister-in-law tried to start a conversation with me about politics and said “Trump is such a racist.”

    I replied “I never heard that,” meaning that I never heard any credible evidence of it.

    [Hillary said] “He’s only in it for himself.”

    Project much?

  4. “maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. Hillary Clinton

    “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.” George Orwell, 1984

  5. Hillary is the worst public political figure I’ve ever seen. She is completely lacking in self-awareness and seems incapable of gleaning, or simply understanding, the thinking of anyone outside the professional political sphere. Trump supporters, MAGA Extremists, are a cult? Wtf.

    Shirehome: with respect, your approach is mistaken. Do not be careful of what you say. Speak it loudly and proudly, and regularly. This is the only way to effect change, to defeat those that disagree.

  6. om says, “The red baseball cap as the new yarmulke?”

    Prepare to be chased around an MLB stadium of your choice by a large mob of outraged Reds, Nats, Cardinals, Angels, and Phillies fans.

  7. PA+Cat:

    The FIB needs a much bigger budget, there are vast numbers who need to be controlled! (not funny, but the sports fan is probably an alien culture to the FIB)

  8. On the night of the 2016 election, and every poll said Hildabeast was going to win, I went to bed before more Han maybe 2 states reported. I woke up around midnight but dreaded the news coming, and started to imagine what a few years under her what might be like. One thought was global warming denying might get you in a Gulag camp. The good news was finally about 1am turned on the TV and once Pennsylvania called for Trump I knew it was going to be all right.
    Well, my wake nightmare looks like she would be putting me in a camp.

  9. maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.

    When they tell you who they are, believe them.

    She is, by nature, a dictator and totalitarian.


    I have become much more careful about what I say on the Blogs and in Emails to friends.

    Not me. I’m 75 and crotchety, I’ll say what I want. Can’t cancel my work or business, I divested that a decade ago. Turn public opinion against me? Seriously?

    Kill me? A little severe for someone of my lesser note but, don’t care. I’ve lived longer than most of the people in human history so I’m fine with my span. Besides, I already had a chat with Charon this summer and he told me to hold onto my coins.

    Piss on her and her cult’s feelz.

  11. Larry Grathwohl worked undercover to spy on the Weather Underground. The conversations he mentions below “included Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Linda Evans, Jeff Jones, and many others.”

    Which is basically the Weather Underground high command. Furthermore Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, after they got off scot-free and merged back into top-tier jobs, literally launched Obama’s political career from their Chicago home.

    So after the Revolution comes, there will be millions of Americans beyond re-education who have an appointment Up Against the Wall.

    I asked, “Well what is going to happen to those people we can’t reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?” And the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated.

    And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers.

    And when I say “eliminate,” I mean “kill.”

    Twenty-five million people.

    I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.

    –Larry Grathwohl, “Bill Ayers Planned to Kill 25 Million Americans in Re-Education Camps”


    Happy trails!

  12. Hillary: “……..those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure.

    “He’s only in it for himself……….”

    Says the woman who took a gift of $100,000 disguised as cattle futures trading profits. The woman who helped Bill wrangle big bucks from the CCP during his second campaign. The woman, who as Secretary of State, grifted several million$ into the Clinton Global Initiative by allowing the sale of some of our uranium mining companies to a Russian backed oligarch. The same woman who raised many millions to rebuild Haiti and kept most of the money in the Clinton foundation. That woman has ALWAYS been in it only for herself.

    IMO, she’s beginning to see a new opportunity (Biden’s falling poll numbers and obvious mental decline) to run again. For the peeps, of course. 🙂

  13. Of course, being sent to camps by Amerikkka was a classic concern of the New Left. I never took it too seriously. Projection, perhaps?

    Here’s a funny bit by poet Jim Carroll recounting a conversation with poet Allen Ginsberg in the 70s:

    After heating some tea and playing Allen The Who’s new LP, I show him a new poem of mine in the recent issue of “Poetry Mag.” He keeps mumbling things like, “You’ve got some great lines here, some really great haikus within the overall work, but what are you going to write when they throw us all into concentration camps?”

    Terrific. Real solid literary criticism. I could have gotten better poetic advice from Leon Trotsky, for God’s sake.

    I tell Allen to speak for himself… I’m not planning on grabbing the bus to the camps, myself. Fucking politics… I mean, does he really believe it when he spouts that shit? Worse yet, could he possibly be right? Have I not been paying attention somewhere?

    –Jim Carroll, “The Downtown Diaries: 1971-1973”

  14. I’m reminded of the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” episode where Larry David decides to start wearing a MAGA hat so people will leave him alone.

  15. [HRC on DJT] “He’s only in it for himself. He’s now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions”

    My God, doesn’t Trump understand the foundation of American law – guilty until proven innocent?

  16. Now we know why so many Federal agencies have quasi-military enforcement functions. It takes a lot of Feds to round up half the country and load them into cattle cars for the trip to the death re-education camps.

  17. Bill Clinton certainly was slick. He had a feline sense of how to appeal to people. His wife doesn’t. She’s not very good with people outside of her own social circle or with people who don’t already idolize her.

    There’s a video tracing her accent, from the Southern drawl she adopted when Bill was in Arkansas politics, to the Northeast tones she attempted as senator from New York. Now it seems like she’s gone full circle back to her original Midwest accent, which can be quite grating. But if she devotes so little attention to what she says, why would she spend any time adjusting how she says it?

  18. AGAAVE isn’t just what tequila is made out of.

    It’s “Anti-Government Anti-Authority Violent Extremism,” the focus of current FBI activity.

    Brochure here.

  19. To do penance for my grievous sins, I occasionally listen to the weekend show on national public radio. In today’s episode, the unctuous host Scott Simon intones “in Germany, a far right political party that is under investigation for being a threat to democracy, now has higher poll numbers than all the three parties in the government.” They note with disapproval that the party is “populist” although they do not define the term. As a warning, they quote an AFD spokesman who says that “populist” parties now lead Sweden and Norway and things aren’t so bad there. As to the threat to democracy, apparently it’s because they are “anti-immigrant and target minorities.” The reporter notes with approval that so far the other three parties have refused to form a coalition with the AFD but warns that the so-called conservatives may form a coalition since the two could form a governing coalition. The report ends with a warning that with the wave of “populism” overtaking Europe, Germany may be next. All in all a fun bit of schadenfreude.


  20. Abraxas:

    That’s mostly Antifa, right? And of course The Patriot Front (aka, Spotafed! or Webefeds) 🙂

  21. It seems like the Biden administration is trying to provoke violent responses. Failed or successful attacks discredit Biden’s opponents, gives the government an excuse for a crackdown, and justifies the activities and salaries of the FBI and the DOJ.

    So many people voted for Biden because they wanted things to “go back to normal.” Is it normal to have thousands streaming over the border every week (or day) and filling up hotels and motels to the point where long-term elderly residents are thrown out, travelers can’t find lodging and family vacations have to be cancelled? I suspect for Biden voters all that is normal, because the media isn’t telling them that it’s abnormal, but it all seems designed to provoke people who see what is going on and are affected by it.

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