Turley and Greenwald on government-driven censorship
The question is, when will the evidence of systemic censorship force Democrats in Congress to drop their unified opposition to any investigation of this unprecedented partnership of government, corporate and academic interests? That triumvirate arguably has created the most extensive censorship system we have ever seen.
I believe I can answer that question: never – unless, of course, the right manages some day to grab the reins and do the same thing to the left. Oh, then you would hear the Democrats scream in protest.
Turley sounds a cautionary note here:
The injunction in this case is likely to face tough scrutiny and skepticism on appeal. [Judge] Doughty was previously rebuked by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit when it blocked his order to compel former White House press secretary Jen Psaki to testify in the case.
Here’s an exchange from Turley’s previous House testimony:
The left was once the target of censorship and blacklisting during the Red Scare. Today, they have literally adopted the arguments used to target liberals and socialists.
In my hearing, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) quoted from the 1919 decision in Schenck v. United States to justify censoring those with opposing views. When I pointed out that he was quoting from a case justifying the arrest of socialists due to their political views during the Red Scare, Goldman shot back that “we don’t need a law class here.”
Nor do they want one. What they want is compliant leftist judges, and there certainly are plenty of them.
Glenn Greenwald also has something to say. He points out that the administration and its defenders first denied that they censored and said those who accused them of it were liars, and then – when they unable to hide it anymore because of the Twitter files and other definitive proof – they claimed that their their censorship efforts were both necessary and good.
WATCH: Once evidence of US government censorship online became overwhelming, establishment Dems had to switch from denying it was happening to openly endorsing it.@GGreenwald: "This is demented. I cannot believe that any person thinks this way let alone a member of Congress,… pic.twitter.com/oi33uxrDbZ
— System Update (@SystemUpdate_) July 6, 2023
While we’re on the subject of Turley, he has some questions for Democrats – questions the left will never answer:
Nonetheless, try a little exercise. Ask yourself if conservatives derided the Court as illegitimate over Roe v Wade. Or was it just “wrong”? Ask yourself if, when the Court opened a small window to racial preferences two decades ago, whether conservatives derided the Court as “abnormal.” Perhaps they did, but we just don’t read those newspapers. Let us know.
Ask yourself a question: When conservatives vote together, why are they tyrants, “unrestrained by public opinion”? But when liberals vote together (which they have done this entire term), they are simply following the law?
And another question: Per the NYT, the Tenth Circuit, et al, an observant Christian web designer should be legally barred from saying no to making a same-sex wedding site. Can a Jewish designer say no to making a Neo-Nazi site? How about a Black designer saying no to a KKK site?
In fact, Chief Justice John Roberts is better known for upholding years of judicial precedent than for wrenching the Court in a conservative direction, as so many media outlets argue.
To the left, the ratchet is supposed to only go one way: leftward. Everything else is illegitmate. You know; the arc of history and all that.
U.S. Government Files Emergency Stay Request to Keep Censoring Americans on Social Media /// The U.S. government has filed an emergency stay request to lift a recent injunction issued by a federal judge forbidding the government from violating Americans’ First Amendment rights by colluding with social media companies to censor their constitutionally protected speech. /// https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/4166235/posts
Greenwald makes a good comparison to what the Democrat Party now supports and Fascism. Fascism began as Socialism, Mussolini was editor of a Socialist newspaper before he invented Fascism.
You’ll notice Tyler Cowan of the Mercatus Center has defended old Twitter and the national security establishment in this matter. If you thought the ‘libertarians’ at the Mercatus Center might just be a claque of poseurs, you were right.
“Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out…” David Horowitz
what they pound you over the head, is probably a lie, what they bury through bannings or meterings is probably the truth,
most of the claims against western allies over the years like the shah or batista or diem, were often exaggerated or ouright lies, sometimes it has taken 45 years for the former to be found out, see the fall of heaven, or moyars work, yet modern scholarship or commentary almost never takes note of it, see ken burns vietnam tome that was firmly trapped in 1975.
“What they want is compliant leftist judges, and there certainly are plenty of them.”
To be a Democrat is to pledge allegiance to the cult. Loyalty to the cult takes priority over religious faith, basic fairness, truth, moral integrity and the rule of law.