Home » And all through the house…


And all through the house… — 12 Comments

  1. I’ve never (yet) had a mouse problem (on Christmas Eve or any other night) because I have two cats . . . but if Neo won’t mind– here is a short video on selecting a cat who will actually chase mice:


    My male cat, who is named for the first manager of the NY Mets, would rather chase (toy) baseballs than almost anything else, but I think he has promise as an outfield mouser. His lady friend is probably hopeless as a chasseur because she’s named for a French fashion designer (Chanel), but might go after a mouse if it threatened her food dish. In any case, both of them wish Neo a warm, happy, and rodent-free Christmas Eve/Seventh Night of Chanukah.

  2. Art Deco:

    My son hasn’t lived anywhere near me for over a decade. And I had mouse problems about a year ago. Who ya gonna call? Mousebusters.

  3. Casts are not an absolute sinecure against mousies. We have two cats and when they were about one a mouse got into the house. They had chased it upstairs and cornered it in the ridiculously large tub that came with the house. However they couldn’t finish the deed. Every time they would advance on it the mouse would screech/scream and charge at them. I guess the mouse figured if he was going down he was taking a cat with him or die trying. Except this mouse activity perplexed and terrified our two house cats (13lbs plus each) and they would retreat and lash their tails in consternation. I finally found a disposable tupperware, captured the miscreant mouse and transported him down the street a few houses to a local church parking lot informing said mouse that henceforth he was a church mouse and if he were even found in my house again the punishment would not be so lenient. Seems to have worked it hasn’t been back…

  4. I’ve never had cats I could rely on to do mousing, but last Christmas we took in a stray who is an absolute terror to the birds. And, now that I think about it, I haven’t seen any mice since he arrived. Good cat. His name, btw, is Tybalt (“the prince of cats”), or more familiarly, Mr. T.

    Merry Christmas to all!

  5. Our cats have all been indoor/outdoor cats. They seem to enjoy mousing. They always left what I think is mouse gall bladders on the porch. Sweet!

  6. There was a mouse in the office many years ago and everyone was terrified of it until I stomped on it and that was the end of the mouse. I told my coworkers “I killed it so you can now dispose of it”.

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