Home » Steve Bannon sentenced to four months for contempt


Steve Bannon sentenced to four months for contempt — 18 Comments

  1. Now the Jan 6 Star Chamber has issued a subpoena to Pres Trump. Wonder what would happen if a Rep Congress (well hope does spring eternal) sent a subpoena to BO. I would say after a Rep is Pres and a Rep cogress sends one to Biden, but that would be harassing someone that is in a nursing home. Maybe Harris?

  2. “it’s completely obvious that his sentencing is just another example of one set of legal consequences (none) for Democrats and another set (conviction, prison) for Republicans and in particular for anyone affiliated with Donald Trump:” neo

    Laws must be cut down to get after the devil(s)…

    And when the devil(s) turn round, with all the laws having been cut down… whatever shall they do?

  3. Remember what they did to Whitey Bulger. They have stables full of people with no future. Whitey is what they consider to be a “message” A couple of months is plenty of time.

  4. FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith fabricated evidence against the president and his campaign in order to get an illegal spy warrant.

    Despite being convicted of a felony, he didn’t spend a single day in prison, and his law license was restored.

    Bannon didn’t talk to Congress.

  5. Nonapod on the open thread today:
    “Steve Bannon is being thrown in jail for 4 months for ignoring a congressional subponea. I can only hope that now since that precedent has been set (that from now on we absolutely throw people in jail for ignoring congressional subponeas) it’s actually applied by Republicans against contemptuous deep staters in the future. But I guess that would require Republican congress critters with backbones and standards, 2 things that have been rarely seen in the House.”

    If some of the new Republican candidates are elected, that could change.

  6. I’m starting to wonder where the end game is in all this. We are a nation of laws, or at least we’re supposed to be, but when it becomes apparent to even the most common that It Is Not So and that they, too, suffer the same risk of casual reprisal as the High and Mighty (as evidenced by the seemingly perpetual responses of the Greatly Offended Class to the January 6th embroglio) other things may be considered.

    I doubt there’s great risk of the masses ruthlessly chopping down too large a percentage of Sir Thomas More’s great forest of laws, but I wouldn’t rule out an enthusiastic pruning of those devoted to continually applying them selectively and punitively.

    The possibility that we may be looking at a vain attempt of employing The Third Box as a means of correction has not been banished from the realm of thoughtful consideration, consideration present, I hope, in all quarters.

  7. Neo: Compare and contrast with the treatment of Lois Lerner and of Eric Holder.

    Lois Lerner invoked her Fifth Amendment rights. That’s a valid response to a subpoena. Eric Holder was upholding a presidential directive on executive privilege, and it is the policy of the Department of Justice to not prosecute such cases. With Steve Bannon, the president did not invoke executive privilege and the court ruled he must testify. (Bannon’s case is subject to appeal.)

    Philus: Despite being convicted of a felony, he didn’t spend a single day in prison, and his law license was restored.

    John Durham, appointed by Trump’s Attorney General, negotiated the plea deal. The trial judge agreed that Clinesmith believed the altered email was not false, but a correction. Clinesmith pleaded guilty and showed acceptance of his criminal behavior.

    Philus: Bannon didn’t talk to Congress.

    Bannon defied a valid subpoena and a court order to testify. He went to trial, even though he had no valid defense, and he has shown no remorse.

    Skip: Remember the Jan6 Kangaroo Court has done nothing legitimately

    If you mean the House committee, they are not a court. How are they not legitimate?

  8. “How are they not legitimate”?
    An excellent question!
    Let us count (some of) the ways…
    “Alan Dershowitz…: Jan. 6 Hearing Is Modern-Day ‘McCarthyism’ “—
    “Dershowitz: Jan. 6 Panel ‘Doctored the Tape,’ Edited Out Trump’s Words”—
    “Liberal Professors Dershowitz, Turley Prove the Jan. 6 Committee Hearings Are a Sham”—
    “Dershowitz to Newsmax: Trump Should Contest Jan. 6 Subpoena in Court”—
    “Alan Dershowitz Calls Dems’ Televised Jan. 6 Hearing a ‘Kangaroo Court, a Fixed Jury’ “—
    “Dershowitz: ‘absolutely’ nothing Trump said on January 6 was incitement under the First Amendment”—
    (Well, you did ask…OTOH, I suppose the above may demonstrate—to some—PRECISELY WHY the Jan. 6 House committee IS LEGITIMATE!!)

  9. Zachriel,
    Trump did invoke executive privilege. He later withdrew that, and at that point Bannon agreed to testify, and did so. They still prosecuted him.

    I dropped in on a thread celebrating the jail sentence for Bannon. I pointed out to the lefty partisans that now that the rules had been changed, those rules would be used against them. They will not like the new rules.

    The response was very muted. I was quite surprised. It was as if they had just realized that silly things could be used against them, too.

    There is no reason the Justice department can’t be moved to Cheyenne. Let’s have a few trials in Wyoming, why don’t we?

  10. Gordon Scott: Trump did invoke executive privilege.

    Trump is not the president. Bannon hadn’t been in government for years. Bannon refused to cooperate in any manner, refusing to provide any documents including those which would not conceivably be covered by executive privilege, or even provide a privilege log. Even after Trump waived privilege, Bannon still wouldn’t comply. All this was brought up at trial.

  11. because it’s none of this ill gotten confederacy of dunces business, it’s just expected if you are a political enemy of this gang of pirates you will go to jail

    if you are an ally, murder and rampant vandalism will save you, we see this in microcosm the criminal management of the waukesha massacre, same with the parkland slaughter, or las vegas, or pulse, justice denied nay even the semblance of accountability,

  12. Panel on MSNBC: Woman of color discussing Steve Bannon’s appeal of contempt of congress conviction:

    “Let me be very clear, no black man in America would be allowed to walk free while appealing his sentence for such a serious crime.”

    How about Eric Holder?

  13. Lois Lerner also destroyed her computer hard drive and refused to provide emails and documents. She was engaging in a coverup of the IRS actions she undertook against the Tea Party.

    Holder was running guns to cartels. He outright lied to Congress, claiming he didn’t hear about Fast and Furious until it came out in the news. But emails showed that this wasn’t true.

    F&F wasn’t just DOJ, but also DHS and Treasury (there was an IRS agent involved). Obama stood by Holder, so Obama is implicated as well. It went to the top.

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