Home » The Mar-a-Lago raid: thing is, we already had become a “broken, third-world country”


The Mar-a-Lago raid: thing is, we already had become a “broken, third-world country” — 71 Comments

  1. This gets back to the whole “stupid vs. foolish” argument. This is more than foolishness. This is literally people who lack the capacity to think more than one step ahead. Those are the kind of people who make world-changing, life-ending mistakes.

    And it’s happening LESS THAN THREE MONTHS before the GOP almost certainly wins back control of the House and very possibly control of the Senate.

    This is just stupid.


  2. The United Fruit Company had far more respect for justice than these bastards.

  3. According to the NYT, the agents were looking for classified materials allegedly removed from the White House. The thing is, the President has the authority to have anything declassified. We truly live in dangerous times. It seems like the left is intent on fomenting a civil war.

  4. If the Deep State wanted to energize its political opposition just before the midterms, it chose the right strategy.

  5. MBunge – For once, we are in complete agreement. They had better have more on Trump than some ticky-tack mishandling of classified information or strained obstruction charge. I doubt they do. (Good grief – Hillary got off for mishandling classified information and they’re raiding Mar-a-Lago over the same offense? That’s just insane.)

    This is a stupidity arising from partisan blindness. These people truly don’t live in reality anymore.

  6. As usual, the Bee is on the case:

    WEST PALM BEACH, FL — High-level Chinese asset and sex trafficker Hunter Biden breathed a sigh of relief this evening as an FBI raid team passed by his West Palm Beach vacation home to raid Donald Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago. “Whew! Thought they had me for a minute there,” Biden sighed, according to sources before going back to smoking crack with a hooker on a pile of cash freshly delivered by Chinese agents. “Glad to know the FBI is still working for my Dad!” The FBI arrived at Mar-a-Lago shortly after, but things got awkward after the FBI raid team ran into the FBI evidence planting team due to a scheduling mistake.


  7. What’s the chance these “classified documents” implicated the deep state and Democrats?

  8. “Anyone who knows anything about history should be very very afraid.”

    Yes, they should be afraid; but, I’d be willing to bet that the anti-Trump crowd will soon be crowing about how great this is – and having not learned anything from history except to re-write it to satisfy some leftist narrative just don’t get how dangerous this is.

    By the time they do learn anything – if they even reach that milestone – it will be much too late.

  9. The Governor of Florida had this to say about an hour ago:

    “The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.”

    Twitter screen shot here: https://notthebee.com/article/ron-desantis-reacts-to-trumps-mar-a-lago-home-being-raided-by-fbi

  10. The United Fruit Company had far more respect for justice than these bastards.

    The United Fruit Company was founded by men who put their chips on the table to build a business in an untested and uncongenial environment. One thing they did beneficial to Guatemala was to set up a postal service for the country. These were men of accomplishment. What the crew running the country know about business is how to shake them down.

  11. That is a bold flex by the deep state after the IRS Super Boost Act just passed.

    Also, as a former sec clearance holder, the classification root authority (from which all authority is delegated) is … the President. Sure, Biden could have revoked whatever Trump decided, but that becomes a different issue than a criminal case.

  12. Anyone who knows anything about history should be very very afraid.


    I love love love that Ron DeSantis refers to the installed, unelected “presidential” administration as “the Regime.” Exactly.

  13. Well, this is what I’ve been saying. I remain optimistic. I believe we are winning. However, consequently, this is a very dangerous time.

    The Democrat/Deep State/Big Media/Big Tech oligarchy can see the Red Tsunami coming in the midterms. Once the House flips and maybe even the Senate, they lose their power to enact big bills and Republicans, even RINOs I suspect, will be running their Select Committee investigations into Democrat crimes and conspiracies.

    This is the darkness before the dawn. It will be Bad. However, it is not a sign of their strength. Our enemies are weakening and desperate.

    Take hold, friends, we are not finished.

    We are done.
    If, and they can, the Dems take the Senate, we are not going to survive.

  15. Fort Sumpter, but the Democrats are too stupid and full of self regard to know it. They thought that could forever get away with these tactics that they have used on little people. This is a escalation to the level of war. There are many people out there who have just watched and done nothing except get angry. That’s over.

    I’ve thought that if they stole the next two elections that would be the trigger. Not anymore. Things are now going to start happening and build. If the Dems call out antifa and BLM there will be fully armed push back now, to hell with the police. The FBI is going to have to watch its back starting soon, they are the obvious target.

    My parents an aunt and an uncle were Polish Jews who spent six years in fear for their lives. They’d be extremely upset right now that the Communists and the Fascists have have taken off their masks and turned out to be agents of the US government.

  16. If the justification of this raid is really due to a few classified documents than this really does seem to be an incredibly foolish move. Why whip up a hornet’s nest over something that the average person has almost zero interest in? The reaction of DeSantis is spot on and shows again that he has very sharp political instincts. Trump should appoint him as Swamp Draining Czar.

    The deep state will not go down without a fight, however, and who knows what else they have up their sleeves?

  17. Obama put his classified documents in his digital library that requires a physical building.

    Ya know, documents from the NSC about unmasking and the Russian Hoax.

  18. Ps 120
    1 I call on the Lord in my distress,
    and he answers me.
    2 Save me, Lord,
    from lying lips
    and from deceitful tongues.
    3 What will he do to you,
    and what more besides,
    you deceitful tongue?
    4 He will punish you with a warrior’s sharp arrows,
    with burning coals of the broom bush.
    5 Woe to me that I dwell in Meshek,
    that I live among the tents of Kedar!
    6 Too long have I lived
    among those who hate peace.
    7 I am for peace;
    but when I speak, they are for war.

    Well, they can have it.

  19. Ed Bondarenka:

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…

    Psalms 23:4

    We’ve been here before. It’s a bigger picture than the newspapers or even the conservative media are telling us.

    I became a Christian, again, after absorbing the story of Joan of Arc. I’m not exactly a Christian these days, but I’m not neither either, if you can follow.

    I never lost my faith.

    And how the KJV sings…

  20. Vote!!! Vote like your life depends on it. Because it does.

    Turn out for the primaries here in WA state was 20%. 20% with an all-mail in ballot system. SHAMEFUL!! And the results aren’t final yet – it’s been five days. WTF! I’m convinced that any election tally that can’t be completed in two days is a bad system.

    We outnumber the progs. If people just go out and vote for Rs up and down the ballot, no amount of cheating can overcome it. We have to beat them at the ballot box, or we’ll have to shoot our way out of what will become a liberal fascist state.

    Vote! And encourage everyone you know who might vote GOP to vote. It’s time to be active citizens.

  21. From William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection:

    “This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown. See, In Re J6. It’s also a provocation to get Trump to declare his candidacy for President before the midterms. Democrats would love to turn 2022 into a referendum on Trump rather than the deliberate destruction of the national borders and inflation. . . . I flipped back and forth between CNN and MSNBC. At least when I watched, they were not engaging in the expected celebrations. There was a palpable dread that this could backfire against the Democrats. Bigly.

    Be smart.”


  22. Sad day in America. For all the Biden voters that said they are not ‘socialist’ here is your gift and I hope you are happy.

    The lefty loons are thrilled, but I doubt suburban women are happy with the last 18 months.

    Kate, good point that this will energise the deep state’s political opposition. They are making Trump a Martyr, which is terrible for the aggressor.

  23. Leftists need to take this seriously.

    Any attempt to incarcerate Trump, or worse, will have a lot of ordinary people thinking that they are next in line for persecution for not toeing the Left’s neo-feudalist line … and that they perhaps have nothing to lose by active opposition in a manner reminiscent of Antifa at their worst.

    No Q required. They already see the weaponizing of the IRS taking place. And they see the double standards that gave Al Gore in 2000, and Democrats in 2016, a pass on the election “interference” the left is now trying to fashion into a rope to hang Trump with.

    The compromised 2020 election is just the latest in a long line of Progressive overreach that chafes free people. Neither Progressives, nor our government officials, are our gods or lords … and heavy hands on their part will at most delay the response to that chafing.

    They keep it up and that response will come. No matter how much they believe that their self-righteous status quo can continue with impunity.

  24. Like the ballots, they will find extra boxes of “evidence” (that smells like a Swamp).

  25. As long as the FBI is under the DOJ which is being run by Democrats/ Marxists the Democrats themselves will not want their law enforcement arm to be shut down.

  26. A few days ago the IRS got a size increase in preparation for weaponizing it, yesterday the feds raided Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

    What else are they doing that they don’t want us to notice while we’re distracted by these events?

  27. On another topic perhaps:

    Fun facts to do with what you will:
    USSR Leaves Afghanistan: 02/15/89
    USSR Collapses: 12/26/91
    Days elapsed: 1044

    US Leaves Afghanistan: 08/30/21
    US date + 1044 days: 07/09/24
    Days until that date: 700

  28. Thinking about what this means for 2024 – Trump may or may not be eligible to run. (Garland is going to indict him for something, no matter how ticky tack and I suspect a DC jury will convict him of literally anything. The appeal process would not likely be complete in time for him to run.)

    Even if Trump is eligible to run, is he the best candidate to push back against this? The deep state rang rings around him during his first term. Mueller’s team would have succeeded in manufacturing an impeachment if Bill Barr hadn’t agreed to come out of retirement. Dr. Birx has now begun bragging about how she willfully defied Trump administration personnel on COVID restrictions. And that was happening throughout government.

    Trump fights. I give him credit for that. We need to do more than fight the administrative state, though, we need wins.

  29. PA+Cat’s link to Jacobsen, I think, hits it right. They are trying to provoke a violent reaction.

    I have very mixed thoughts on this. 1) So far, all I’ve seen/heard from the usual GOP crowd ala Cruz, Rubio, Jordan, etc is how horrible this is and we need to have hearings yada yada yada. As if the Ds give a flying f*ck about “hearings”.

    2) What good is voting straight red if the the vote is rigged? Or if not rigged, then having a GOP that is effect neutered?

    3) At what point do the people actually have to react in a violent way? This is the question we’ve been facing now for 12 years or more. The Ds have been weaponizing the federal government for quite some time now: the DoJ, even the IRS has weapons and ammo, and the military is sliding into their sphere. They obviously are preparing for CW2 with the idea of provoking it and then totally obliterating 50% of the population into submission to finally gain total power.

    4) I have for some time, see no bright future, and it looks even darker now. And quite frankly, I feel powerless to stop it, and have little faith in the GOP leaders to also stop it.

  30. It’s not clear to me that a conviction by a DC jury on some kind of bogus charge will “disqualify” Trump in the constitutional sense.

  31. For all y’all hoping for the next election… bless you. Whatever helps you sleep through the night. The right people, Secretaries of State, election officials, judges, and courts, helped rig and cover the rigging of the last election. Heck, the Census Bureau, put under White House control with Obama, over counted a bunch of Blues states, and undercounted Red states. If we have an election, my guess is it will be rigged. Bookies in Europe are picking the Communist to hold the Senate. The first two years of Trump were stymied by Republicans in the House. Did they all of a sudden become men of courage? I doubt it. Many Republicans in the House resigned in 2018.
    Mangled movie quote from “Edge of Darkness”….”Sometimes you have to decide, are you going to hang on the cross or pound the nails?”
    One of the promises of praying the Rosary, will not be overwhelmed by misfortune.

  32. @physicsugy
    The hearings are necessary… provided good people get control of the congress. But if you hold hearings and the MSM won’t talk about them do they make a sound?

    I feel the powerlessness as well since I see us sliding into disaster and see no way to prevent it. When half the country seems willing to accept the change of definitions of basic words. We joked about Clinton’s “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” quote but if language has no fixed meaning there is no law or agreement that can bind you or even shame you when you violate it.

  33. Assuming there actually is a Red Wave in November sweeping the RINO’s into control of both houses of Congress, and assuming that the RINO’s actually try to investigate the DOJ/FBI the Lefties will stonewall. Files, text’s, voice mails and other paper trails will suddenly be lost, not found, or sealed by a friendly Lefty judge.

    But it is a huge assumption that the RINO’s in Congress will actually do anything. Remember most of them hate Trump for upsetting the nice little con they had working in cahoots with the Left prior to 2016.

  34. Perhaps the Democrats have some inside scoop about what will happen in November.

    BTW — Jack Cashill’s latest column discusses how the navy shot down TWA 700. Anyone claiming that was a coverup was considered a conspiracy nut regardless of all the mountains of evidence. How about now? Anyone who still believes the bizarre FBI and CIA stories on TWA 700?

    Anyone willing to take Jayna Davis seriously now? The Iraqi that worked with McVeigh in the OK City bombing was subject to an FBI APB. Then Bill Clinton decided he wanted to blame Rush Limbaugh and the manhunt for the Iraqi agent was scrubbed. Anyone who still thinks the FBI wouldn’t coverup the truth when ordered to by the president?

    Anyone willing to put more credence in the stories detailing all the various coverups involved in the Vince Foster suicide?

    Anyone want to take another look at the four military doctors who knowingly trashed their careers when they testified that Ron Brown had a bullet hole in the back of his head?

    Does anyone think Epstein killed himself?

    Anyone curious why the Clintons had a large ARMY of private investigators and private security muscle operating out of the White House? The term “army” was used by a former administration official.

  35. For Oklahoma City bombing, the truck bomb was the detonator. Why were all the FBI agents out of the office that morning? There was an unidentified leg. How is it the owner of that leg was never identified?

  36. It was UFOs in Oklahoma City, Arkansas, Washington DC, and in Epstein’s cell. Explains it all.

  37. One more — Jan 6.

    There were scuffles between Antifa and MAGA supporters. Antifa was attacking and smashing into the building while MAGA people resisted.

    The capitol cop who died messaged a friend complaining about what Antifa was doing that day.

    Combined with all the shady characters with govt connections who haven’t been arrested, Jan 6 is looking more and more like America’s Reichstag fire.

  38. Jack Cashill’s latest column discusses how the navy shot down TWA 700.

    I think you mean TWA 800. Cashill has his marks and you’re one of them.

  39. Heck, the Census Bureau, put under White House control with Obama,

    It wasn’t. Rahm Emmanuel wanted to do that, but there was enough hue and cry that the project was dropped.

  40. Why would any govt agency need to be moved under the White House? The agencies are already fully under the control of the Left.

    EPA regularly fabricates to advance a climate agenda. The various national health agencies have faked all kinds of data on Covid. The temperature records are adjusted every 3 months to exaggerate warming. Commerce intentionally fabricated jobs numbers for Obama. Census miscounted 2020 with all the mistakes helping Democrats.

    More and more economists are starting to raise serious questions about the economic data coming out of the administration. After what we KNOW the Democrats have done to break the law and abuse power, does anyone really want to argue that they have too much integrity to fiddle with some numbers??!! Especially when all the numbers are simply ballpark estimates to begin with?!

    Bill Clinton is quoted by little George Stephy as saying — “I believe in killing people when they are hurting you.” I believe it. I don’t think there is any crime too heinous for them to commit.

  41. When first I heard of this I wondered: what rubric is used to “justify” the warrant? What judge was persuaded to sign off on that rubric, by what language in affidavit alledging what violation(s) of law(s) or procedure(s)?

    Trustworthy answers are thus far lacking, albeit the appearances have it that classified documents were sought, and therefore, presumably, “national security” was invoked as justification; further, that “national security” will have (or has) been invoked to conceal the proceedings of this act from its inception through its execution to its results today. No transparency will be available: all will be sealed right up until it isn’t sealed.

    So, great. Everyone, save the active agents, stands in the dark. Under “cover” of “necessary” secrecy, so to speak.

    Have I got this wrong?

  42. Look at what has happened in the US military. Obama purged the officer ranks and promoted those who would support him and they are now in control.

    The military has focused on race and those who would not comply either were dismissed or didn’t reenlist. New enlistees will follow the new directives without question as most conservatives have given up on entering the service.

    A former general was recently reprimanded for a meme about Biden’s wife while several who publicly disapproved of Trump had nothing done to them.

    It truly is frightening to see all facets of the government empowered to go against the people of the country to keep the power, money and influence in Washington.

  43. Andy McCarthy lays out in a National Review article that prosecutors often play a game where they get a search warrant for one potential crime and use that search to look for evidence of another crime that they don’t have sufficient evidence of.

    “I believe that principle is key to understanding the FBI’s search of former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida on Monday. The ostensible justification for the search of Trump’s compound is his potentially unlawful retention of government records and mishandling of classified information. The real reason is the Capitol riot.”
    “…prosecutors investigating did want to search Trump’s premises for potential evidence of Capitol riot crimes. The former president’s apparent violations of government records and classified information laws gave the DOJ the pretext it needed.”

    I’m sure Neo will be looking at what McCarthy has to say, and it’s definitely peeling back the curtain to what the DOJ is up to.


  44. Antifa could not exist without the cooperation of the FBI and DOJ.

    They do not require any co-operation at all. They require that the FBI look the other way.

  45. Brian E – I read McCarthy’s essay too. It is plausible at least, but I cannot figure out what January 6th evidence would plausibly be at Mar-a-Lago. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

    I read McCarthy regularly during the Mueller fiaso. At first, he defended the professionalism of the DOJ and FBI, insisting that there must be non-public information explaining their actions. As the facts rolled in, he slowly realized that the whole investigation was a sham. There might be more of the same here. I don’t discount the possibility that Garland and his prosecutors are trying to run the play that Elias outlined to convict Trump and try to preclude him from seeking office.

  46. Bauxite,
    D. Cheney recently said something to the effect that President Trump was the greatest threat to the republic– ever.
    Why the hyperbole? What makes him the greatest threat ever?

    I think the Biden administration intends to put President Trump in prison. That’s the only way they can create a cover for what’s going on.

    President Trump started to pull back the curtain exposing just how corrupt Washington is. Republicans, Democrats, administrative state, court system– it’s all a cabal of evil.

    Enough of the American people have been unwilling to let it go. And President Trump has been unwilling to let it go. The Democrats and the GOPe have no choice, it’s the only way they can finally discredit the former President.

    There’s something else McCarthy said that is revealing.

    “If the Capitol riot had not happened, there would have been no thought of indicting Trump over the futile, half-baked “stop the steal” scheme. Because of the riot, the scheme is more condemnable, but the DOJ still can’t tie Trump to the riot. Meantime, if the DOJ were to charge Trump with anything less than a slam-dunk case, and especially on one that smacked of selective prosecution, there would be an eruption of protest. The Justice Department’s legitimacy, which hinges on the public’s acceptance of it as a non-partisan law-enforcer, would be at risk.

    McCarthy may not even understand what he said– but as I read this events surrounding J6 start making sense.
    Why did Democrats not want additional law enforcement?
    Did portions of the police let protestors into the capitol?
    Was this a case of entrapment?

    The events of J6 were a setup. I know this sounds rabidly conspiratorial. But everything happening is so bizarre, it makes everything suspicious. Nothing is just as it seems. The intrigue is real, as each side plays this dark game of gotcha.

  47. Regarding judges signing off on sketchy warrants: just think back to what those esteemed beltway judges signed off when it was the FBI and FISA surveillance requests. Seems like some judges are in on the con, not the “mark.” The beltway is a ring around a cess pit (septic tank); worse than any swamp.

  48. Mike K – I’m surprised that the magistrate judge signed the warrant. On a matter with this level of novelty, I would have expected the magistrate judge to kick the warrant up to someone with a lifetime appointment.

  49. I’ve seen the claims about the magistrate judge, attributed to “a source” or “sources”. Guess what? These aren’t trustworthy reports! Ha! How’bout that.

    Now if some Trump family member or employee who perused the warrant at the door prior to allowing its execution comes forward and says in effect “I read Judge xyz’s name on the warrant presented”, well then we have a trustworthy report. Until then, what we have is unfounded speculation.

    Which, unfounded speculation that is, is precisely the point of my earlier post. All this is ripe for untoward manipulations.

    Don’t play.

  50. Epstien didn’t play either. 🙂

    “Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?” (Or ex president).

    Probably there is no shortage of toadies to sign any warrant.

    72 hour rule kicks in?

  51. “but I cannot figure out what January 6th evidence would plausibly be at Mar-a-Lago. – Bauxite

    Good point. It was mentioned no one was allowed to observe the agents during the search.

    Planted evidence?

    I know, I know. Just a bunch of conspiracy!

  52. I’ve seen the claims about the magistrate judge, attributed to “a source” or “sources”. Guess what? These aren’t trustworthy reports! Ha! How’bout that.

    If you consider them “untrustworthy” I doubt any facts would impress you.

  53. “It is plausible at least, but I cannot figure out what January 6th evidence would plausibly be at Mar-a-Lago.”

    There’s nothing plausible about it. You have to remember that THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT RATIONAL WHEN IT COMES TO DONALD TRUMP. He is an existential threat to them and their response is more panic and hysteria than careful consideration.

    To the extent there is any thinking going on at all, they’re looking for and think they’ll find the equivalent of a video where Trump is stroking a cat while describing his plan to have Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi executed. That is literally what they think Donald Trump is, a Bond-film villain.

    Almost all of the investigations into Trump are largely based on one assumption, that there MUST be something there and they just need to find it.

    Stop trying to understand crazy people in rational terms.


  54. Send lawyers, guns & money, the sh*t has hit the fan!
    My memory may be a bit hazy but it’s funny how these FBI raids keep coming from one direction–am I wrong?

  55. Back in January, 2021, the late Angelo Codevilla pronounced the US now a classic oligarchy.

    Furthermore, he averted that its reign would be “ruinous” and “short.” With FJBs spending and inflation, we’ve already seen the first prediction manifest itself.

    Now, we’re obviously working on the second one.

  56. YESTERDAY, I shared this prescient warning with my old buddy, an American historian:
    “The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends” by Joy Pullman at the Federalist.

    It is quite a Bill Of Indictment, to which many more could be added. But as a taster here’s Obamunists eminence grice, AG Holder, on what expects DOJ to do to Trmp:

    On Thursday, Barack Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder decided it was the time to bring the subtext of the Jan. 6 show trials and related domestic security state activities into the open.

    “‘My guess is that by the end of this process, you’re going to see indictments involving high-level people in the White House, you’re going to see indictments against people outside the White House who were advising them with regard to the attempt to steal the election, and I think ultimately you’re probably going to see the president, former president of the United States indicted as well,’Holder told SiriusXM host Joe Madison.

    “Holder noted that the U.S. Department of Justice he formerly headed is working with the illegally constituted Jan. 6 Commission towards this goal. We know these entities are also working with the FBI, whose head bit his thumb at congressional oversight repeatedly in a public hearing last week.

    “Locking Up Opposition Politicians Is What Putin Does”

    “An indictment of former President Donald Trump would be a breathtakingly authoritarian turn. It would amount to the U.S. security state refusing to accept ‘no’ from America’s voters yet again. An indictment would be an unelected and unaccountable federal agency overruling voters’ two-time rejection of impeachment through their elected representatives.

    “This is the core danger of the administrative state: Its now open propensity to go rogue. It is apparently hellbent now on turning the United States into a banana republic.”

    Well, as our hostess already wrote…

  57. One more attempt to prevent Trump from running in 2024.

    Two impeachments, the case against Trump in NY failed and now this… if this fails only assassination remains.

    Yet if this succeeds, it puts De Santis in the W.H. and so far, I’ve seen no evidence that De Santis has a propensity to appoint backstabbers as advisers.

    JJ urges us to vote and I certainly will but I see no basis for assuming that this election will be free of electoral fraud. And if significant electoral fraud again occurs and is successful enough to keep the status quo in Congress, then the 2024 election has already been decided with a President Newsome the likely ‘winner’.

  58. Eyeore is back.

    Not much outrage, if only President Trump’s home had be raided by the WEF/NWO or Klaus Schwab.

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