They’re great if you have quintuplets (triplets are also acceptable)…othewise, you gotta keep ’em busy (maybe get a few sheep as part of the package). This one was a bit suspicious when her owner was sidetracked by a suspicious character and didn’t pay pooch the necessary attention… Well, that certainly won’t do. Owner needs rescuing pronto!
Apropos of Neo’s thread yesterday about Boris Johnson: the news via the BBC is that “Boris Johnson is to stand down as Conservative Party leader, but intends to carry on as prime minister until the autumn. He plans to stay in Downing Street until a new Tory leader has been elected to replace him as PM. And he has begun appointing new ministers to replace the ones that quit in protest at his leadership. But some Tory MPs are urging him to leave as soon as possible to avoid government paralysis. Former minister Sir Bob Neill told MPs there was a ‘serious question mark’ over how long a ‘caretaker’ prime minister could stay in place.”
But then, he would, wouldn’t he?
The founder of an organization called “Open Society Foundations” could do no less…
Speaking of renovations, Barry, here’s another one for you: someone blew up a bizarre Georgia monument called the Georgia Guidestones around 4 a.m.: “The 19-foot-high Georgia Guidestones were erected in 1980 and have been a source of mystery ever since; it was commissioned by an unknown person or group under the name R.C. Christian.”
According to Newsweek, the guidestones were engraved with 10 principles in eight languages:
1) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2) Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3) Unite humanity with a living new language.
4) Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5) Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6) Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7) Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8) Balance personal rights with social duties.
9) Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10) Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
I’d never heard of the Georgia Guidestones until today. Any of Neo’s readers know anything more about them, or why someone would want to blow them up?
No one can say for sure.
Some have conjectured that it may have been a few disaffected Young Turks from the underground Anti-Patronization Farction (Antipa).
Others think it may have been a group of ASL militants—or any other group: e.g., Inuits, Satmars—protesting the exclusion their tongue from the monument. (Similarly, it’s entirely possible that it’s the work of a disaffected collective that simply hates learning new languages.)
Me? I think it was a Fourth of July prank that just got out of hand (these sorts of things can and do happen)…
Warning: Do NOT try this at home:
Never heard of the Georgia Guidestones before, but my guess is that the inscription was written by Dr. Bronner.
Barry; I just don’t get Soros. I cannot think of anything positive he has done for the USA. In Berlin, or Tbilisi for that matter, he would be thrown out on his kiester if he tried any of what he promotes in the US. It seems that he is much more moderate outside the USA. I don’t understand his visceral hatred of traditional American values. After the fall of the Wall in 1989, I encouraged my partners in Slovakia to apply for Soros grants to improve ports/harbors/transport infrastructure. Back in those days he seemed to be involved in some good causes.
From his Brussels web page…
Apart from his deranged Green agenda he seems moderate in comparison to his USA activities. As I commented above, I just don’t understand his hatred of America.
And this in-depth article on how to choose the perfect grift:
“Life of Brian;
“Meet the amazing Brian Deese, savior of the planet and Joe Biden’s mouthpiece for the “liberal world order.””
Not to worry: It’s just “Biden” doing what “he” does best….
Yep, doing what “he” does best….
(And given “Biden”‘s energy program, this, um, new hire is most certainly over-qualified…)
I am fairly tolerant, and if the Energy Dept. appointee does odd things with consenting adults in his private life, that’s not my concern. But there are reports that he promoted a website dealing with underage gay prostitution. That’s a big problem.
I’m not sure I’m the “go-to” person on sinister, palindromic purveyors of perversity…
…but Soros would seem to be a man of Orwellian intensity with a mission—a very specific mission, at that—and megatons of money with which to attempt to achieve it.
The US qua “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, “the font of liberty”, the stalwart “defender of the free world”, the “last best hope on earth”, etc….is THE ONLY thing standing in the way of that mission.
You may draw your own conclusions.
And so the perversion of the country and its foundations—its institutions and its children—is necessary for this man’s dream to come true.
Yes, Soros “has a dream”…
(BTW, he’s persona non grata in Hungary, as well, at least for as long as Victor Orban can manage to stay in power—which is one of THE main reasons why the EU and the compliant, corrupt liberal media is gunning for him, well, that and his refusal to kowtow to the EU’s policy on immigration. Actually, Orban and Soros used to be politically sympathetic, for a short while, until they became the fierce opponents they currently are. See this remarkable piece by the excellent Christopher Caldwell, though keep in mind it’s from the Spring of 2019— )
All this in addition to his more “traditional”, and better-known, efforts to chisel out America from within by way of corrupting and perverting the country’s justice system:
“How George Soros’ billions are remaking America’s justice system”—
And so, a man with a mission, a man of “passionate intensity”…like “Biden”, like Kurt Schwab and his own sinister, beloved WTF…like all too many…
“That’s a big problem.”
Actually, Kate, it’s a feature—and it’s a characteristic of all too many of “Biden”‘s cabinet picks such as they are. (I chalk it up to the master “transformationalist”‘s—AKA Obama—magnificently perverse, and nasty, sense of humor.)
The point, you see, is to “push the buttons” of decent people and make them “dance”, as it were (think low-budget films). IOW, the point IS PRECISELY to provoke…”to the sticking place”.
(It’s essentially “just” another aspect of the Covid-19 policies, lockdowns, vax demands, border shenanigans, inflationary policies, supply chain sabotage, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. And I’m afraid there’s a lot more “dancing” that “Biden” yet intends to force on the citizens of the country.
If Adam Smith stated that “there is a great deal of ruin in a country”, then “Biden” believes “he” is THE instrument that must demonstrate to Americans just HOW MUCH ruin there is…for America’s good(TM), of course…
and the good of the planet…
Barry, my conclusion coincides with yours. Your analysis is well founded. But what IS his mission? what is his dream? I simply do not get it….to wreck the nation that has given the inspiration and prosperity to more people than any in history. I suppose it is just too difficult for me to look into the glaring brightness of evil and to search for another explanation. But there it is – if you can bear to look.
I realize that “The Dodo” always runs feel good animal stories, but can someone explain why these people leave two dogs, unattended and alone, with total access to a swimming pool they could drown in, which they almost did.
Mikesky, perhaps you are right. Maybe it is simply that.
In a nutshell, Soros has decided that nationalism is the enemy and must be eradicated.
So have many others but at some point they may grow out of such superficialities.
Not Soros, Though.
He seems not to have noticed that nationalism can be a force for good and/or that there are things far worse.
But such is the depth of his thinking.
The point: America is the champion of nationalism and must be reformed, changed, “helped” to kick that egregious habit, utterly transformed, altered beyond all of recognition.
And if necessary …Destroyed….
I don’t read their minds, but my guess is that – as they said at some point – the dogs hadn’t shown any inclination to go into the water in the past. So the owners probably thought they were safe. It also says at the end that the owners are now putting in some protective fencing, so I guess they learned their lesson.
Much of Soros’ effort in the US has focused on changing the way criminals are dealt with. My sense is that he buys into all the leftist theory about that. He basically is a “progressive,” politically. But his destructive efforts aren’t limited to the US. He did a number on Britain in 1992; see this.
Doggies are the best creatures on earth.
Dogs have repeatedly demonstrated that the adage “Man’s best friend” is decidedly justified. No other animal has nearly the record of assisting human beings when needed. Perhaps due to circumstance, Porpoises are a distant second.
My sense is that he buys into all the leftist theory about that.
My sense is he’s a Loki figure who likes to wreck stuff to amuse himself.
Soros is an advocate of TransNationalism, the theory that posits that nationalism itself is the primary causal factor in wars. That thousands of wars occured before the emergence of Nation States is merely an inconvienent truth.
America’s declining patriotism and Constitution stand as the primary obstacle to the dominance of transnationalism in the West.
Soros is doing all he can to erode America’s foundational infrastructure. Soros wants a world without borders ‘ruled’ over by a UN controlled by our betters, the Global Elite.
“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” George Soros
Though many are silent, their actions demonstrate that every current leader of the major western nations embraces the ‘theory’ of transnationalism.
Of course the removal of America will not complete the transformation of the world to one in which national borders no longer exist. Symbolically, Israel stands as a bulwark of nationalism in the Middle East. Pragmatically, Russia and China’s nationalism stand as substantial obstacles as well. So all too must go in time.
But the West’s Global Elite know full well that just as Rome was not built in a day, so too will the West’s Great Reset be just a step on the way to a ‘better’ world.
“My sense is he’s a Loki figure who likes to wreck stuff to amuse himself.”
The underlying motivation yes but he rationalizes that to be the icing on the cake. A borderless world is his great ’cause’… his immortal legacy demonstrating his historical worthiness.
Art Deco:
I disagree.
There is a method and pattern and belief system behind what he does. He also may like to shake things up for its own sake, but the two are not mutually exclusive.
Don’t worry, Geoffrey; they have their plans for the Little Satan, too….
– – – – – – – – –
Meanwhile, what in tarnation be this??
“Herzog to honor Biden with Presidential Medal of Honor next week;
“US leader set to become first recipient of award since 2014, for his ‘uncompromising decades-long commitment to Israel’s security,’ says president’s office”
(So the Israelis think they’re gonna outfox “Biden”, eh? Almost funny…but hey, why not try a little diplomatic blackmail. Ya’ never know; it might always work…right?)
File under: “But, but how could you DO this?? We gave you that shiny piece of metal and we said such nice things about you!!!….”
OTOH—OMG—what if they really believe what they’re saying….?
Barry Meislin: Here’s another news item for your collection about Brandon’s itch to “push the buttons” of decent people:
“Jerry Harris, former Biden campaign surrogate and star of the Netflix documentary Cheer, was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for sex crimes involving minors. The disgraced cheerleader pleaded guilty in February to sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy in a bathroom at a cheer competition and paying another underaged child to send him sexually explicit photos and videos on Snapchat. Prior to his arrest in September 2020, Harris was one of several celebrity influencers the Biden campaign embraced in an effort to ‘win back the internet.’ In June 2020, Biden appeared with Harris on Instagram Live to discuss ‘some really important issues facing our country right now, in particular young adults and the black community.'”
This has to be the most corrupt administration in United States history.
Beginning with the 2017 appearance of the New York Times article on AATIP and videos of UFOs, Lou Elizondo and Chris Mellon–as serious, credentialed, and experienced former government officials–have succeeded in bringing into greater public awareness and focus the reality and seriousness of UFOs, and have also presented such information to members of Congress.
Some—hopefully an increasing number–of these members of Congress are starting to wake up to the serious National Security threat presented by UFOs shadowing/surveilling (and sometimes interfering with) our nuclear armed ICBMs, ours and other country’s nuclear and military forces, and traversing with impunity what appears to be the entirety of Earth’s skies, oceans, and near Earth orbit.
This coupled with the reality of our and other of Earth’s military’s powerlessness to stop these incursions.
There is a 70 plus year history of our military trying, in every way they can, to delegitimize and to create a stigma around the issue of UFOs.
Meanwhile, it appears, apparently hiding the serious nature of this problem from the very officials who it was their duty to inform about this apparently grave threat to our National Security.
Exemplifying this approach was the DODs creation of their do nothing (so far reportedly less than 10 assigned personnel) Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AIOMSG), and the disinformation charade presented by two high level DOD witnesses at the recent UFO Hearing—“we know nothing.”
Members of Congress are apparently tired of the Defense Department slow rolling AOIMSG, and refusing to give full and direct answers to their questions about what they know about UFOs.
Thus, this new, tough Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023 Defense Authorization Act, introduced by Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, would set up a new UFO investigatory body within DOD under tight Congressional control tasked with looking at current, past, and future UFO issues and, most noteworthy, provides immunity for those government or private contract personnel involved in any way with UFOs to testify to what they know without any repercussions from whatever Non Disclosure or Secrecy Agreements they might have signed in the past, or Public Law.
A link to the the text of this proposed Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023 Defense Authorization Act introduced by Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin is included in the article linked below.
If the COVID-19 vaccines have been a disappointment from a public health standpoint in stopping the continuing spread of new variants of the disease, why is Big Pharma as well as its government allies in the FDA, CDC, and NIH still pushing them?
Yada yada. OK. But then there is this.
Consider: Pfizer expects $32 billion in COVID vaccine sales in 2022. Moderna is forecasting $19 billion in COVID sales with the vaccine being its only current commercial product.
I knew it was going to be billions, but $32B just to Pfizer? In one year? In a year that has seen the crisis mostly evaporate? Just wow.
Art Deco,
I’ve been following that story a little. Tucker Carlson had an addendum to that story that was a little shocking to me. He claimed that some years ago, the oil SPR was nearly full. But when Biden started this new selling, it was only about 70% (approx.) full. Why? Because Congress (I think) has been selling it off to raise cash for other spending. Who knew? I didn’t. Gotta pay those Pfizer bills.
It never stops: Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan, was shot in the back on Friday morning [Japanese time] while giving a speech in Nara. He was rushed to the hospital “without any clear vital signs,” according to first responders.
“A suspect in his 40s was detained at the scene. The man, wearing a gray shirt and khaki pants, lingered in the area after the incident, according to a witness.”
(“Comes a time”…when the Democrats and their media stooges just can’t protect the scummier scum any more…)
Meanwhile, the Democrats are swinging into action, led by “Biden”‘s thugs in the DOJ (make that DOI).
You are NOT supposed to prevent Democrats from cheating during elections!!
Repeat, NOT!
Don’t try it.
Don’t even think about it.
“WE” will ensure that YOU suffer maximum pain should you even think about attempting to try to ensure that the coming elections honest.
“Biden” hath spoken….
‘States target independent election watchdogs with reprisals to deter scrutiny of irregularities;
‘Wisconsin Elections Commission fines outside election integrity monitor for “frivolous complaints,” while Washington state Supreme Court greenlights Democrat AG pursuit of bar sanctions against watchdog lawyer.’—
File under: Come on you Deplorables. Honest elections?? Yeah, come on…MAKE “MY” DAY….
Dogs are such wonderful creatures. Cats are also wonderful.
…and then there are border collies….
They’re great if you have quintuplets (triplets are also acceptable)…othewise, you gotta keep ’em busy (maybe get a few sheep as part of the package). This one was a bit suspicious when her owner was sidetracked by a suspicious character and didn’t pay pooch the necessary attention… Well, that certainly won’t do. Owner needs rescuing pronto!
Apropos of Neo’s thread yesterday about Boris Johnson: the news via the BBC is that “Boris Johnson is to stand down as Conservative Party leader, but intends to carry on as prime minister until the autumn. He plans to stay in Downing Street until a new Tory leader has been elected to replace him as PM. And he has begun appointing new ministers to replace the ones that quit in protest at his leadership. But some Tory MPs are urging him to leave as soon as possible to avoid government paralysis. Former minister Sir Bob Neill told MPs there was a ‘serious question mark’ over how long a ‘caretaker’ prime minister could stay in place.”
Well, I don’t think Carrie’s finished the renovations yet.
And right on cue:
“Soros Claims ‘Far-Right’ SCOTUS ‘Greater’ Threat Than China, Russia”—
But then, he would, wouldn’t he?
The founder of an organization called “Open Society Foundations” could do no less…
Speaking of renovations, Barry, here’s another one for you: someone blew up a bizarre Georgia monument called the Georgia Guidestones around 4 a.m.: “The 19-foot-high Georgia Guidestones were erected in 1980 and have been a source of mystery ever since; it was commissioned by an unknown person or group under the name R.C. Christian.”
According to Newsweek, the guidestones were engraved with 10 principles in eight languages:
1) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2) Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3) Unite humanity with a living new language.
4) Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5) Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6) Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7) Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8) Balance personal rights with social duties.
9) Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10) Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
I’d never heard of the Georgia Guidestones until today. Any of Neo’s readers know anything more about them, or why someone would want to blow them up?
No one can say for sure.
Some have conjectured that it may have been a few disaffected Young Turks from the underground Anti-Patronization Farction (Antipa).
Others think it may have been a group of ASL militants—or any other group: e.g., Inuits, Satmars—protesting the exclusion their tongue from the monument. (Similarly, it’s entirely possible that it’s the work of a disaffected collective that simply hates learning new languages.)
Me? I think it was a Fourth of July prank that just got out of hand (these sorts of things can and do happen)…
Warning: Do NOT try this at home:
Never heard of the Georgia Guidestones before, but my guess is that the inscription was written by Dr. Bronner.
Barry; I just don’t get Soros. I cannot think of anything positive he has done for the USA. In Berlin, or Tbilisi for that matter, he would be thrown out on his kiester if he tried any of what he promotes in the US. It seems that he is much more moderate outside the USA. I don’t understand his visceral hatred of traditional American values. After the fall of the Wall in 1989, I encouraged my partners in Slovakia to apply for Soros grants to improve ports/harbors/transport infrastructure. Back in those days he seemed to be involved in some good causes.
From his Brussels web page…
Apart from his deranged Green agenda he seems moderate in comparison to his USA activities. As I commented above, I just don’t understand his hatred of America.
And this in-depth article on how to choose the perfect grift:
“Life of Brian;
“Meet the amazing Brian Deese, savior of the planet and Joe Biden’s mouthpiece for the “liberal world order.””
Not to worry: It’s just “Biden” doing what “he” does best….
+ Bonus(?)
“New Biden Dept. of Energy hire is a nonbinary drag queen…”
Yep, doing what “he” does best….
(And given “Biden”‘s energy program, this, um, new hire is most certainly over-qualified…)
I am fairly tolerant, and if the Energy Dept. appointee does odd things with consenting adults in his private life, that’s not my concern. But there are reports that he promoted a website dealing with underage gay prostitution. That’s a big problem.
I’m not sure I’m the “go-to” person on sinister, palindromic purveyors of perversity…
…but Soros would seem to be a man of Orwellian intensity with a mission—a very specific mission, at that—and megatons of money with which to attempt to achieve it.
The US qua “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, “the font of liberty”, the stalwart “defender of the free world”, the “last best hope on earth”, etc….is THE ONLY thing standing in the way of that mission.
You may draw your own conclusions.
And so the perversion of the country and its foundations—its institutions and its children—is necessary for this man’s dream to come true.
Yes, Soros “has a dream”…
(BTW, he’s persona non grata in Hungary, as well, at least for as long as Victor Orban can manage to stay in power—which is one of THE main reasons why the EU and the compliant, corrupt liberal media is gunning for him, well, that and his refusal to kowtow to the EU’s policy on immigration. Actually, Orban and Soros used to be politically sympathetic, for a short while, until they became the fierce opponents they currently are. See this remarkable piece by the excellent Christopher Caldwell, though keep in mind it’s from the Spring of 2019— )
A more recent twist in Soros’s sordid strategy is his buying up of right-wing media organs and effectively squelching those voices from within.
Here’s an example of this latest gambit to essentially destroy freedom of expression:
“Soros takeover: Conservative radio star Lourdes Ubieta quits iconic Radio Mambi ahead of sale to liberal group”—
All this in addition to his more “traditional”, and better-known, efforts to chisel out America from within by way of corrupting and perverting the country’s justice system:
“How George Soros’ billions are remaking America’s justice system”—
And so, a man with a mission, a man of “passionate intensity”…like “Biden”, like Kurt Schwab and his own sinister, beloved WTF…like all too many…
“That’s a big problem.”
Actually, Kate, it’s a feature—and it’s a characteristic of all too many of “Biden”‘s cabinet picks such as they are. (I chalk it up to the master “transformationalist”‘s—AKA Obama—magnificently perverse, and nasty, sense of humor.)
The point, you see, is to “push the buttons” of decent people and make them “dance”, as it were (think low-budget films). IOW, the point IS PRECISELY to provoke…”to the sticking place”.
(It’s essentially “just” another aspect of the Covid-19 policies, lockdowns, vax demands, border shenanigans, inflationary policies, supply chain sabotage, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. And I’m afraid there’s a lot more “dancing” that “Biden” yet intends to force on the citizens of the country.
If Adam Smith stated that “there is a great deal of ruin in a country”, then “Biden” believes “he” is THE instrument that must demonstrate to Americans just HOW MUCH ruin there is…for America’s good(TM), of course…
and the good of the planet…
Barry, my conclusion coincides with yours. Your analysis is well founded. But what IS his mission? what is his dream? I simply do not get it….to wreck the nation that has given the inspiration and prosperity to more people than any in history. I suppose it is just too difficult for me to look into the glaring brightness of evil and to search for another explanation. But there it is – if you can bear to look.
But what IS his mission? what is his dream?
Some men…
I realize that “The Dodo” always runs feel good animal stories, but can someone explain why these people leave two dogs, unattended and alone, with total access to a swimming pool they could drown in, which they almost did.
Mikesky, perhaps you are right. Maybe it is simply that.
In a nutshell, Soros has decided that nationalism is the enemy and must be eradicated.
So have many others but at some point they may grow out of such superficialities.
Not Soros, Though.
He seems not to have noticed that nationalism can be a force for good and/or that there are things far worse.
But such is the depth of his thinking.
The point: America is the champion of nationalism and must be reformed, changed, “helped” to kick that egregious habit, utterly transformed, altered beyond all of recognition.
And if necessary …Destroyed….
I don’t read their minds, but my guess is that – as they said at some point – the dogs hadn’t shown any inclination to go into the water in the past. So the owners probably thought they were safe. It also says at the end that the owners are now putting in some protective fencing, so I guess they learned their lesson.
Much of Soros’ effort in the US has focused on changing the way criminals are dealt with. My sense is that he buys into all the leftist theory about that. He basically is a “progressive,” politically. But his destructive efforts aren’t limited to the US. He did a number on Britain in 1992; see this.
Doggies are the best creatures on earth.
Dogs have repeatedly demonstrated that the adage “Man’s best friend” is decidedly justified. No other animal has nearly the record of assisting human beings when needed. Perhaps due to circumstance, Porpoises are a distant second.
My sense is that he buys into all the leftist theory about that.
My sense is he’s a Loki figure who likes to wreck stuff to amuse himself.
Soros is an advocate of TransNationalism, the theory that posits that nationalism itself is the primary causal factor in wars. That thousands of wars occured before the emergence of Nation States is merely an inconvienent truth.
America’s declining patriotism and Constitution stand as the primary obstacle to the dominance of transnationalism in the West.
Soros is doing all he can to erode America’s foundational infrastructure. Soros wants a world without borders ‘ruled’ over by a UN controlled by our betters, the Global Elite.
“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” George Soros
Though many are silent, their actions demonstrate that every current leader of the major western nations embraces the ‘theory’ of transnationalism.
Of course the removal of America will not complete the transformation of the world to one in which national borders no longer exist. Symbolically, Israel stands as a bulwark of nationalism in the Middle East. Pragmatically, Russia and China’s nationalism stand as substantial obstacles as well. So all too must go in time.
But the West’s Global Elite know full well that just as Rome was not built in a day, so too will the West’s Great Reset be just a step on the way to a ‘better’ world.
“My sense is he’s a Loki figure who likes to wreck stuff to amuse himself.”
The underlying motivation yes but he rationalizes that to be the icing on the cake. A borderless world is his great ’cause’… his immortal legacy demonstrating his historical worthiness.
Art Deco:
I disagree.
There is a method and pattern and belief system behind what he does. He also may like to shake things up for its own sake, but the two are not mutually exclusive.
Don’t worry, Geoffrey; they have their plans for the Little Satan, too….
– – – – – – – – –
Meanwhile, what in tarnation be this??
“Herzog to honor Biden with Presidential Medal of Honor next week;
“US leader set to become first recipient of award since 2014, for his ‘uncompromising decades-long commitment to Israel’s security,’ says president’s office”
(So the Israelis think they’re gonna outfox “Biden”, eh? Almost funny…but hey, why not try a little diplomatic blackmail. Ya’ never know; it might always work…right?)
File under: “But, but how could you DO this?? We gave you that shiny piece of metal and we said such nice things about you!!!….”
OTOH—OMG—what if they really believe what they’re saying….?
Barry Meislin: Here’s another news item for your collection about Brandon’s itch to “push the buttons” of decent people:
“Jerry Harris, former Biden campaign surrogate and star of the Netflix documentary Cheer, was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for sex crimes involving minors. The disgraced cheerleader pleaded guilty in February to sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy in a bathroom at a cheer competition and paying another underaged child to send him sexually explicit photos and videos on Snapchat. Prior to his arrest in September 2020, Harris was one of several celebrity influencers the Biden campaign embraced in an effort to ‘win back the internet.’ In June 2020, Biden appeared with Harris on Instagram Live to discuss ‘some really important issues facing our country right now, in particular young adults and the black community.'”
This has to be the most corrupt administration in United States history.
Beginning with the 2017 appearance of the New York Times article on AATIP and videos of UFOs, Lou Elizondo and Chris Mellon–as serious, credentialed, and experienced former government officials–have succeeded in bringing into greater public awareness and focus the reality and seriousness of UFOs, and have also presented such information to members of Congress.
Some—hopefully an increasing number–of these members of Congress are starting to wake up to the serious National Security threat presented by UFOs shadowing/surveilling (and sometimes interfering with) our nuclear armed ICBMs, ours and other country’s nuclear and military forces, and traversing with impunity what appears to be the entirety of Earth’s skies, oceans, and near Earth orbit.
This coupled with the reality of our and other of Earth’s military’s powerlessness to stop these incursions.
There is a 70 plus year history of our military trying, in every way they can, to delegitimize and to create a stigma around the issue of UFOs.
Meanwhile, it appears, apparently hiding the serious nature of this problem from the very officials who it was their duty to inform about this apparently grave threat to our National Security.
Exemplifying this approach was the DODs creation of their do nothing (so far reportedly less than 10 assigned personnel) Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AIOMSG), and the disinformation charade presented by two high level DOD witnesses at the recent UFO Hearing—“we know nothing.”
Members of Congress are apparently tired of the Defense Department slow rolling AOIMSG, and refusing to give full and direct answers to their questions about what they know about UFOs.
Thus, this new, tough Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023 Defense Authorization Act, introduced by Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, would set up a new UFO investigatory body within DOD under tight Congressional control tasked with looking at current, past, and future UFO issues and, most noteworthy, provides immunity for those government or private contract personnel involved in any way with UFOs to testify to what they know without any repercussions from whatever Non Disclosure or Secrecy Agreements they might have signed in the past, or Public Law.
A link to the the text of this proposed Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023 Defense Authorization Act introduced by Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin is included in the article linked below.
This is an article I initially read because I felt an obligation, more than a desire to do so.
Follow the COVID Money
By Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D.
If the COVID-19 vaccines have been a disappointment from a public health standpoint in stopping the continuing spread of new variants of the disease, why is Big Pharma as well as its government allies in the FDA, CDC, and NIH still pushing them?
Yada yada. OK. But then there is this.
Consider: Pfizer expects $32 billion in COVID vaccine sales in 2022. Moderna is forecasting $19 billion in COVID sales with the vaccine being its only current commercial product.
I knew it was going to be billions, but $32B just to Pfizer? In one year? In a year that has seen the crisis mostly evaporate? Just wow.
Art Deco,
I’ve been following that story a little. Tucker Carlson had an addendum to that story that was a little shocking to me. He claimed that some years ago, the oil SPR was nearly full. But when Biden started this new selling, it was only about 70% (approx.) full. Why? Because Congress (I think) has been selling it off to raise cash for other spending. Who knew? I didn’t. Gotta pay those Pfizer bills.
It never stops: Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan, was shot in the back on Friday morning [Japanese time] while giving a speech in Nara. He was rushed to the hospital “without any clear vital signs,” according to first responders.
“A suspect in his 40s was detained at the scene. The man, wearing a gray shirt and khaki pants, lingered in the area after the incident, according to a witness.”
Shinzo Abe has died.
Yeah, well, it seems to be par for the course.
DIVERSITY!—drum roll—no doubt….
…But you had me worried for a moment—I thought you were going to link to this piece of garbage:
(“Comes a time”…when the Democrats and their media stooges just can’t protect the scummier scum any more…)
Meanwhile, the Democrats are swinging into action, led by “Biden”‘s thugs in the DOJ (make that DOI).
You are NOT supposed to prevent Democrats from cheating during elections!!
Repeat, NOT!
Don’t try it.
Don’t even think about it.
“WE” will ensure that YOU suffer maximum pain should you even think about attempting to try to ensure that the coming elections honest.
“Biden” hath spoken….
‘States target independent election watchdogs with reprisals to deter scrutiny of irregularities;
‘Wisconsin Elections Commission fines outside election integrity monitor for “frivolous complaints,” while Washington state Supreme Court greenlights Democrat AG pursuit of bar sanctions against watchdog lawyer.’—
File under: Come on you Deplorables. Honest elections?? Yeah, come on…MAKE “MY” DAY….
“Biden”‘s DOI (featuring ENFORCER Merrick Garland), continued…
“Utah parents heated after discovering DOJ ‘mining’ racial data, names of their children: ‘absolute overreach'”—