Home » Subway shooting suspect Frank James arrested: an equal opportunity hater, but you would have trouble learning that if you only read the MSM


Subway shooting suspect Frank James arrested: an equal opportunity hater, but you would have trouble learning that if you only read the MSM — 13 Comments

  1. whaddaya expect from a white supremacist? Of course he hates black people. Oooops!

    Sounds to me like another totally mentally unstable person whom the system has allowed to roam freely even though his condition has been well-known for quite sometime; just like thousands more

  2. This story is likely to disappear as quickly down the Orwellian memory-hole as that of Darrrell Brooks, of Waukesha infamy, who was also not overly enamored of white people. Whenever the ghastly Mayorkas and the odious Garland speak about the greatest threat to the nation, it is invariably in terms of so-called “white supremacists” or Trump-supporting “domestic extremists”, whereas the demographic facts about patterns of criminal offending (including last week’s rampage in Sacramento) are known to anyone who has read Heather Mac Donald and Charles Murray or who has simply followed the news with an open mind unclouded by preconceived notions. None of this, however, is going to change unless our entire system of education and our entirely mendacious media are miraculously and utterly transformed.

  3. Frank James is probably mentally ill, but he certainly absorbed the lessons of CRT, identity politics and tribalism.

  4. Well, he didn’t rant about transgender people, so there must be a handful of groups he doesn’t hate.

  5. Zack’s t-shirt says “MACA,” whatever that is.

    I looked at the legacy media sites this morning. All were downplaying James’s racist language.

  6. And, on initial witness statements, they said he was black, heavy, and 5’5″. He is black and heavy, but if he’s 5’5″ then all the surrounding police officers are also short.

  7. The New York Daily News which decades ago was a conservative paper is basically what I call a “blue collar” liberal newspaper. It basically caters to people who work for New York City and not “ivy league upscale liberals” of Manhattan and the trendy neighborhoods of Brooklyn – Thise folks are New York Times readers..

  8. Like Corn Pop, Frank R. James is a bad dude.

    It’s time for Joseph Robinette Biden to pick up his six-foot length of chain and make sure that Frank gets his mind right.

    FRJ’s energies would be better served picking cotton or packing the cargo on Biden’s 18-wheeler. Opportunities abound in trucking wet backs from the Rio Grande to Rehoboth Beach.

  9. “Whitey” is a strange way to refer to the black people this black guy hates, just like “reporting” is a strange way to refer to the lies the MSM is handing out.

  10. I just looked at a video of the killer’s arrest, which happened two blocks from where I lived fifty years ago. Naturally, I’ll inflict my memories upon you.

    I’m a small-government conservative, so I quietly complain a lot, and don’t even get me started about New York, but I have to admit that things are much better now. Back when I lived there, the forgotten and incompetent Abe Beam was mayor, and the neighborhood was rough, dirty, dangerous, and a lot of fun.

    For all the material improvement, I credit the woke.

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