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I decided to try… — 29 Comments

  1. Chanel Rion (on OANN) has produced some very important reporting on the tangled connections involving the DNC (including the Clintons and the Bidens) with the corruption of NABU (the supposedly anti-corruption agency in Ukraine, which was anything but opposed to corruption), aided and abetted by the U.S. Embassy in Kiev and by prominent Ukrainian-Americans (such as Chalupa and Vindman) who were violently opposed to Trump and his supporters, as well as by actual Ukrainian lobbyists working for the Democrats in DC’s swamp. One should also consider the troubling fact that, according to the Pandora Papers, ten per cent of the prominent public figures around the globe with significant (mostly looted) assets stashed in various offshore accounts were Ukrainian, including the absurdly-deified (and completely-scripted) Zelensky, likened to Churchill and Lincoln and now being held up as deserving a Nobel. The reality of this terrible conflict is more complicated than it might initially appear.

  2. ok, is it Chicken Kiev, or Chicken Kyiv?
    I have a feeling that either way I would be getting someone angry with me.

  3. Why did the Chicken from Kiev cross the road?

    It can’t. The road is packed with Russian vehicles.

  4. No major news today in the war, which is good since our government seemed to be going all out to expand the war globally and to the United States. Smaller news, celebrities are starting to make virtue signal videos and speeches against Putin. Except Emma Watson, who spent her time instead to exclude J.K. Rowling from being a feminist.

  5. I don’t feel like anything about Ukraine is much clearer, except that the Russian military doesn’t seem to have lived up to Putin’s ideals of it–but then again, do we even know that they are not keeping up their timetable to the dot? (Because how we do know they really thought it would be all be over in a few days? A sudden collapse of Ukraine is not something I would rule out.)

    That aside, when and if Putin decides to maximize civilian casualties we will be seeing a lot more than we have been. Either his military is just not able to do it anymore, or he hasn’t decided to do it yet.

    But I am hopeful that we are seeing that war aims can be pursued through the weaponization of trade and financial systems instead of killing people and blowing stuff up. It might be a better world if we didn’t do that, but the alternative to economic war is war war.

    If we can believe what we are reading, and that’s a big if, a Russian “victory” in Ukraine would set them back militarily and make them much less a threat to their neighbors than they have been, partly through the abuse his army is taking and partly through the economic pain the rest of the world can induce and partly just by putting the rest of the world on guard and Europe rearming.

    As John Steinbeck said, it’s flies “conquering” flypaper. He’s proved he can’t be trusted in a way that no one can ignore and he’s degrading his ability to do anything further. Sure, his nuclear weapons keep the other big militaries out of it, but that’s where finance and trade come in as alternatives to war.

    And the world gets a free lesson that Ukraine, and the people of Russia, are paying for. So I hope we make the most of it, because it’s very expensive for all of them.

  6. j e:

    I do think that some of the praise for Zelenskyy has been somewhat over-the-top, but I think he is far closer to hero than villain. I have done some previous exploring of those Pandora Papers claims you mention, reading the details at their website, and I find them not particularly troubling regarding Zelenskyy.

    I think that it’s good to recall that Zelenskyy made quite a bit of money in his former career (you can read the details of that career here). He was a TV star, TV producer, movie star, part-owner of a TV station, that sort of thing. I have little doubt he made a significant amount of money and seems to have made it the old-fashioned way: by earning it. I doubt it was anything like billions, however.

    Pandora seems to be saying that he has some offshore holdings. It’s my understanding that most rich people do, for tax purposes. I don’t even think the amount of his holdings is out of line with what I would imagine his bona fide earnings have been. Some charges of other shady doings have been leveled at him by his enemies but those charges have not been corroborated. Some of his business partners are also aides in his government, but I don’t see that as evidence of terrible corruption.

    I know there are other charges – that he got Soros money, for example, during his campaign. See this about that.

    I don’t know what you mean by “completely-scripted.” All politicians have speech writers, and I’m going to assume he does as well. Also, as a former actor – like Reagan – he’s probably quite good at delivering those speeches. He seems intelligent to me and is a good off-the-cuff speaker as well.

    The bottom line is this: you either trust these shadowy anti-Zelenskyy allegations or you don’t. Russian propaganda is a real thing, and of all the people in the world they hate and would like to destroy, Zelenskyy just might be number one on their list.

    I think it’s very important to be wary about propaganda on either side. As I said, my own observation and research indicates that Zelenskyy is on the up and up, for the most part.

  7. Frederick,

    “do we even know that they are not keeping up their timetable to the dot?”

    Some military experts who’ve studied Russian military doctrine maintain that the Russian’s pace of operations is intentional.

    “how we do know they really thought it would be all be over in a few days?

    The mass media consensus insists that to be the case.

    “I am hopeful that we are seeing that war aims can be pursued through the weaponization of trade and financial systems instead of killing people and blowing stuff up.”

    Sanctions may deter aggression but only if the risk is seen to outweigh the reward by the aggressor. Given that we now live in a thoroughly interconnected world, weaponizing trade and financial systems of major suppliers is certain to have highly unpleasant consequences for all but the Global Elite…

    Of course, a resultant consequence of a middle class greatly more dependent upon Government ‘largess’ will greatly benefit the Global Elite.

    Example: “Gavin Newsom wants to send money to California taxpayers to address the state’s skyrocketing gas prices.”

  8. neo:

    The Chicken Kiev is cooked, the Chicken from Kiev is ambulatory? 🙂

    But your version works better.

    If you have to explain a joke …. don’t quit your day job? :0

  9. 32 trimesters in progress. The empathetic reaction to Ukrainians on both sides of the Biden/Maidan/Slavic Spring has been overwhelming. And the biolabs a la Wuhan. Comedy gold.

  10. Could be they planned to bring in Syrians and Chechens too.

    Could be they planned to park on the road to Kyiv and not control the airspace.

    Could be they planned to loose some (many?) AFVs.

    Or it could be a lack of competent planning and now a resort to incompetent, indiscriminate methods? Grozny II?

    War is a harsh school master.

  11. Tony Badran’s March 16 Tablet column “Team Biden Runs the Syria Playbook on Ukraine.” Subhead: “The administration’s horror over Putin’s war is not merely performative, but functional—in the service of realigning with Iran.”


    If the article is true, then everything I have read in all of the media for the past two years is either incredibly uninformed or outright lies…

    The article is simply mind blowing…

  12. 8 years since a Russophile PM was ousted (2014) in Ukraine Vlad gets around to invading after fermenting the Donbas separatists (pretext) movement.

    Because, a Jewish “Nazi” is the current Ukrainian PM, or NATO, or bio labs of unusual size (H/T Princess Bride)? Whatever.

  13. Putin screwed up picking Ukraine to invade. If he had launched millions of Russian military age men across our Southern border, we would have helped him. Probably not too late…

  14. Had drinks and dinner at a local bar and restaurant in southern coastal Maine this evening. College basketball – aka: March Madness – was on the tv. Ukraine was on people’s minds and the topic of discussion. To wit:

    1. Putin is a bad guy
    2. The Ukrainian people are in dire straights and deserve our assistance.
    3. Joe Biden is a demented, clueless old fool.
    4. Lindsey Graham is right and the only honest and transparent Pol
    5. The US ought to either put up or STFU, stern rhetoric is pointless and offensive.
    6. Several patrons have family in harms way.

    Lastly, the crowd really enjoyed Notre Dame’s upset win.

  15. I can’t say much but I have be listening to “The Duran” for updates. Also Mark Wauck’s “Meaning of History” and “The Conservative Treehouse”. I have totally stopped reading/listening to legacy media and find that I am much better informed.

    Conclusions – This war didn’t have to happen. Putin has repeatedly said what the red lines were for Russia and they were ignored. When Zelensky said Ukraine needed nuclear weapons then Putin invaded.
    Tactically the Russians are getting bloodied. Strategically they are on track. THEIR doctrine of war is destroy the armed forces. They study Clausewitz (who for most of his career fought in the Czar’s army). They are succeeding.
    The Western elites want Russian regime change to bring Russia back to the Western Orbit and allow systematic looting of it’s resources. Graham being the most vocal proponent.
    There are real fascist’s (Azov) in the Ukrainian army
    The US is funding Bio Labs all over the world. Wuhan is not a one off
    The West has an advantage in the pixel war vs. the Russian advantage in the real world. Which one wins in the end do you think?
    The US Dollar is losing it’s reserve currency status. Russia (and China) are prepared for it. The USG is not. 30T in debt makes us like Britain after WWI. Then the impoverishment of the US middle class will accelerate to the Globalists great reset program.

    Grim tidings but real. Get prepared. Work to reverse this calamity by pushing yourself away from the keyboard and working at a local level. We are in the process of recalling our school board due to real porn in our school libraries. It will be a hard fight but we will win.

  16. steve walsh,

    “4. Lindsey Graham is right and the only honest and transparent Pol
    5. The US ought to either put up or STFU, stern rhetoric is pointless and offensive.”

    A remarkable demonstration of ignorance and stupidity.

    A recent poll revealed that 35% of democrat voters are literally willing to dare the Russians to start a nuclear war. They imagine that we can push the Russians into a corner and because were the good guys, they’ll just surrender.

    I am Sparticus,

    If the US loses its position as the world’s reserve currency, we will all have far more pressing issues involving our very survival, than the current serious issues in the K-12 school system. Sovereign bankruptcy will result if we lose that reserve status, which means NO… social security payments, disability payments, bankrupt pension funds, frozen bank accounts, locked credit cards and the collapse of the stock market.

    Within a week we will have become a nation of paupers.

  17. Geoffrey:

    How is that 13 minute horse treating you, speaking of ig….. and stu….. And about your latest NATO fabulations? Do tell.

    Any more chicken little prophesies from Mt. Hyperbole?

    Useless. Utterly useless.

  18. My suspicion is those asking for a no fly zone are the same crowd who think “gun free zone” signs will stop gun crimes.

  19. om,

    A bit unimaginative, if predictable response. Surely you can do better.

  20. Geoffrey:

    You were shut down with your latest NATO spiel but you persist; Art Deco and Turtler did that service. But, but, but 1990!

    Every so often you trot out the 13 minute nappy cruise missile fabulation, Look up overkill and why it is necessary. Probabilities and risks, old boy.

    Pathetic, Geoffrey.

  21. For a fresh perspective I encourage people to read the Russian side, if you can find it, but do it with a VPN. The Saker is a good site. Sure it has propaganda, but actually more thoughtful analysis than the over the top, banshee screeching Western media.

    Anyway the analysis from the other side shows a slow, steady and methodical takeover of Ukraine, with large Russian forces still in reserve assuming an eventual NATO counter-attack, including much of their air force and navy. Day by day maps show the steady taking over the country and constant grinding down of, or encircling of, Ukie army units.

    Other than Russia getting a bloody nose, no one reading the other side would think there is but one outcome here.

    Sure there is propaganda, but I find it more believable than what I am seeing in the Western press, who reported today that Russia will be unable to field their army more than two more weeks? Rigggght.

  22. @ om – Why did the armadillo cross the road?
    To show the chicken how it’s done.

    That’s a Texas joke – think about it.

    I made Chicken Kiev once; it was woefully undercooked, but my date pretended to like it anyway.

  23. whatever: “Day by day maps show the steady taking over the country and constant grinding down of, or encircling of, Ukie army units.”

    I took Russian in high school. A few of my classmates had grandparents from Ukraine. I remember one day one of my classmates used the term “Ukie.” I asked what it was as I had never heard the word before. She explained that it was short for Ukrainian – and that “We all call ourselves that.”

    The teacher cut in and reminded her that it was often considered an ethnic slur. My classmate didn’t realize it was a slur and thought it was just a “cute” term that Ukrainians used themselves. Yes it was the teacher explained; but, that it was usually used by Ukrainians themselves as a way of “owning” the slur to make it less derogatory.

    Wow – Lesson learned! I learned what the word “Ukie” was and the idea of owning a slur to make it less powerful. (Years later I totally understood what Chris Rock was saying to Oprah Winfrey when they had a debate about the “N” word)

    So, whatever, I hope that you meant “Ukie” the way that my classmate thought it meant – just a “cute” term.

    On another note, I am reminded that we not only had classmates in my Russian class whose grandparents were from Russia; but, also from Ukraine and Poland. We also had one classmate who grew up speaking Yiddish with her grandmother. It was cool to learn how many words Yiddish, a Germanic language, had borrowed from Slavic languages as so often she would say that such and such a Russian word was the same or close to the Yiddish! However, unlike me, many of these classmates didn’t have much interest in the language; they were taking Russian because their parents thought it was good to learn about their Slavic heritage.

    That all these classmates parents and grandparents thought taking Russian (as the school didn’t offer Ukrainian, Polish, or Yiddish language classes) was a good way of learning about their Slavic heritage shows how much “commonality” there was between the Slavic cultures, at least in suburban New Jersey. If this Slavic identity is also there in Eastern Europe it helps to explain how the Poles are so welcoming of Ukrainian refugees. I hope one of the outcomes of this war is that it does NOT create a greater historical divide between the Russian and Ukrainian people. They have so much shared history and culture. Ha! I remember the classmate who introduce me to the word “Ukie” used to bring in pysanky eggs with her lunch around Easter time. And she would peel them like regular hard boiled eggs – just throwing away the beautiful shells! Well, she grew up with them and didn’t give it much thought. I, on the other hand, made some in an after school activity and preserved them like treasures!

  24. Generally speaking, when Americans talk of winning or losing a war, the reasons are not that one side “ran out” of military resources.
    It’s hard to imagine Russia running out of resources, but the question is whether the proportion of resources have been applied to war is adequate.
    The amount of material provided to the Russians in WWII is staggering. Hell, the amount sunk on the way is staggering.

    It would appear that, as things are now, Russia will win this one and provide a new example of that old fight auto correct doesn’t like.

    But the next one…?

    This presumes the Kremlin as an institution agrees the cost to acquire another Afghanistan is worth it. Putin’s opinion notwithstanding.

  25. One thing I know for sure about the war in Ukraine. Is that we know nothing for sure about the war in Ukraine.

  26. Some random thoughts: Trump would have called both sides at the very beginning and invited(ordered) them to Camp David where he would have beat their brains out until they made peace. Biden is too compromised mentally and politically to be able to do that and gets no respect from our adversaries.

    If Biden hadn’t shut down US production of oil, the world price of oil would be much less than it is and would severely cut into the Russian’s ability to fund their war.

    The Uniparty and MSM press is all in for Ukraine because the Biden and Clinton crime families have taken much more graft from them than from the Russians. The coverup might unravel otherwise.

    While this is going on, the negotiations with Iran continue. We’re apparently OK with the Russians building a $10 billion nuclear facility for Iran. Let’s hope that that they get the guys who designed Chernobyl.

    Our government is a genuine moronic convergence.

  27. Our government is a genuine moronic convergence.

    Generally, the median age of upper management is around 55 or so. What’s puzzling about our time is that the worst sort of people of that vintage seem to be in charge of everything. There isn’t one redoubt of sense one can name.

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