Home » Canada’s Parliament votes to extend the Emergencies Act for 30 days


Canada’s Parliament votes to extend the Emergencies Act for 30 days — 12 Comments

  1. Maybe best to start with that old Ben Franklin quote:

    Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

  2. Tucker Carlson had an excellent show last night, highlighting much of what’s implied in Trudeau’s moves. His partner in tyranny Freeland stated that the Trudeau administration planned to introduce new legislation that would make permanent some of Trudeau’s currently ‘temporary’ powers. So even when Parliament votes to end the Emergency Act, some of its measures, particularly in the financial realm will remain.

    In addition, there’s another push to pass a new version of the C-36 bill, which among other things would legalize being brought before a court for contemplating the saying or writing of something ‘offensive’, which is defined as hate speech. Since it cannot be proven what someone may or may not be thinking, the ‘credibility’ of the accuser will be all the ‘proof’ needed for conviction with up to four years imprisonment. No doubt their bank account will be frozen and seized upon conviction. Finally, the left will have a free hand to deal decisively with anyone they dislike.

    Orwell’s “thought-crime” made real by those ‘polite’ Canadians who value order so highly as to be above all else.

    Clearly its understood that if you’re going to seize power permanently, delay in cementing that power is a potentially fatal mistake.

  3. Isn’t this the type of issue where, in a Parliamentary System (an idiotic system, in my opinion) that Parliament should be dissolved and an election held. If PM Pajama Boy really believed he represented the people on this issue, he’d want an election to validate his policies?

  4. jvermeer,

    Perhaps in theory yes, in practice it relies in the aggregate
    upon the degree of integrity in Parliament. Integrity is currently in short supply in the West.

    In the 2021 election, Trudeau got 32% of the vote. His party holds power due to a power sharing alliance with the even farther left NDP party. He can’t risk a new election. Barring a currently unlikely no confidence vote, Trudeau is in office till 2026. Of course, that presumes that he won’t emulate his hero and declare himself El Presidente for Life!

    The liberal Governor General of Canada could unilaterally disband Parliament and declare a new election but as she owes her nomination for the position to Trudeau, her silence and lack of action reveals where her loyalties lie. Which is decidedly not with the Canadian Charter of Human Rights.

  5. He can’t risk a new election.

    It is quite possible that the NDP can’t afford a new election. So they will prop up Justin to avoid bankruptcy, although their views of the working class seem to be aligned.

  6. Can you think of what Nancy Pelosi would do with a similar power? She would force Biden to enact it, not that she would have to prod very hard.

  7. What is currently needed, both in Canada, but also here — even more so in Canada than the USA, though, until a month ago, I would not have believed that — is Statesmen, not Political Hacks.

    We are watching the two nations go straight to hell.

    Seems like the time for revolution is pretty much here, it just needs a spark in one or both places to initiate the flames (I suspect if it starts in one place it will spread to the other).

    Australia is probably also ready for it, too, though they have the greatest disadvantage for having given up all too many of their weapons.

    Can’t speak for western Europe, but France and the UK may also be in the Hot Seat.

  8. “What is currently needed…is Statesmen, not Political Hacks.”

    Would agree, but since the worldviews and goals of the current national leaders of Canada and the US are NOT the interests of their respective countries but rather the interests of an international elite consortium—in whose interest it is absolutely necessary to weaken their countries while hobbling, threatening and intimidating the people into fearful submission…that is NOT going to happen without intensive push-back.

    Either push-back or some kind of national disaster that will somehow dislodge the leaders from their seats of power.

    “Canada is becoming an authoritarian state”—
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog.
    Key grafs:
    “…A little respect shown to the truckers and an honest attempt at conversation would go a long way. The core of the trucker group is reasonable, decent and hardworking Canadians. These are not extremists. Instead, Trudeau and Ford decided to roll the dice and rashly push us into an unknown future of Canadians yelling at one another – and worse.
    “Maybe that shouldn’t be a surprise, considering that that’s the way the Liberals won the last election. First, stoke up the fear…. Then scare even the young and healthy. Next, promise everyone that vaccines will save them and convince them that anyone who chooses otherwise is their enemy….
    “[That]…formula worked for Trudeau and Ford but at the cost of dividing the nation – perhaps irreparably….”

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