Home » Trudeau the tyrant…


Trudeau the tyrant… — 30 Comments

  1. A vote of no confidence would trigger an election, and nobody in Canada wants to campaign in winter. There is the remote possibility that the Liberal Party could fire Trudeau and elect a new leader, thus keeping the rest of the government in place. An even more remote possibility is for the Governor General, as proxy for the Monarch, to remove him. But it would appear that the Éminence Grise that really runs Canada is perfectly happy with Trudeau.

  2. There is only one real question:
    How toxic will he prove to be to the Liberal Party…
    …And when will the Liberal Party come to realize just how toxic he is.

    (Well, two questions, actually…)

  3. He survived two elections after getting the job in 2015, to be in office this long: 2019 and 2021. The Conservatives won the popular vote in both years (6.24 million for the Conservatives to the Liberal’s 6.02 million and in 2021, 5.7 million for the Conservatives to 5.5 million for the Liberals). But Trudeau’s party won more seats and got the opportunity to form a government. It’s the problem with parliamentary systems where coalitions come up with the damnedest “leaders.” And the problem with crazy urban voters.

  4. Trudeau called for a vote in 2021, earlier than it might normally had happen. Many suspect it was because he recognized a downward trend and figured if he acted now, he could gain enough extra years on the backside to reverse the trend. Had he waited, the nominal election could have come at a point of weakness. It seems now, Trudeau has decided to accelerate the trend down hoping for bounce.

  5. He’s a right slimy bastard he is but it’s his supporters where the real problem lies.

    Trudeau’s invocation of martial law and seizures of peaceful protestor’s bank accounts, cancelation of insurance and arrest and imprisonment of protestors raise the prospect of increasing societal unrest, especially if he remains PM.

    Once people have nothing left to lose…

    Incidentally, there are pictures of Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland having a chumy meeting with George Soros. Trudeau is also one of the first graduates of Klaus Schwab’s “Young Leaders” program.

  6. The truckers and Trumpers must NOT be allowed to upset the applecart.
    “Biden” and Trudeau HAVE TO hold onto power at all costs.

    It’s as simple as that:
    “”A Recurring Fountain Of Revenue”: FDA Exec Admits Biden Planning Annual Shots, Including Toddlers”—
    Key word:
    Key sentence:
    ‘It’ll be [a] recurring fountain of revenue…’
    Key grafs:
    ‘Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Executive Officer Christopher Cole was caught on undercover camera by Project Veritas, where he revealed that his agency plans to announce that annual Covid-19 vaccinations will become official policy”….
    ‘…“It’ll be recurring fountain of revenue,” Cole said in the hidden camera footage. “It might not be that much initially, but it’ll [be] recurring — if they can — if they can get every person required at an annual vaccine, that is a recurring return of money going into their company”….’

    And together with the above, here’s the kicker (the “kickbacker”?):
    ‘…“The drug companies, the food companies, they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year”…’
    (From the video in the linked article—a MUST watch)

    Wonder if this is the reason why “Biden” has been assuring us constantly that BBB will “cost the taxpayers absolutely NOTHING”….

  7. Hard to believe that Canada has descended into tyranny.

    Not hard to believe at all. See Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant’s adventures with ‘Human Rights Tribunals’ in Canada. Another piece of evidence that ‘Human Rights’ NGOs are frauds is that they do not notice this sort of thing in their official reports. Even Freedom House ignores it.

  8. Canada led by a refugee from a boy band.

    The USA led by an entity who receives signals from outer space through the medium of his dentures.

  9. Brandon of the North. Did anyone expect anything other than a power grab? He has the elite and the media. He will be “Premier for Life”.

  10. Point of Parliamentary order, please. Does the Parliament have to vote on the invoked Emergency Powers before they can be exercised by Trudeau? It would seem there was much heated rhetoric over these issues today……

  11. Re “no confidence” vote…
    He has to have enough members of his own party who smell his blood in the water. Someone will have to take over his role if his is the majority party in power at the moment. And that would only remove him as PM…unless he resigned he’d still keep his seat most likely on the back bench (If I understand the Parliamentary system correctly)

    I saw the video from yesterday…he was asked to apologize multiple times & fled the room…brave sir Robin…and left his front bench ministers to take the beating. I personally don’t see how he can stay on if he can’t front the Opposition & stare down the shouts in Question Time when the beleaguered Speaker of the House is trying to maintain order. But who knows…maybe he’s burnt the whole house down & no one on his team wants to do anything but let him swing in the wind.

  12. John Guilfoyle:

    Trudeau’s party is not the majority party. He’s been PM for 3 terms. His first term, his party was the majority. But his second and third term it was not, although close.

  13. LeClerc:

    And these days I’m not so sure that Boris Johnson is playing with a full deck anymore, either.

  14. Kate,

    Appalling tone deafness and monstrous defamation. His demeanor reveals the indifference of a Himmler.


    My impression from what I’ve read is that it goes into effect immediately but must by law be ratified by Parliament within 7 days.

    However, Trudeau’s invocation of the act is blatantly illegal by the conditions it specifies, which also specifically ban its enforcement in response to political protests.

    Don’t be surprised if Trudeau calls upon the Governor General of Canada to disband Parliament for the duration of the national ’emergency’. I now put nothing past this man.

  15. “Uproar in Parliament ensued.”

    We have much to thank the truckers for.
    But even if there are some who have their doubts about this historic episode in Canadian (and western) history, they at least MUST thank them for having exposed this poseur “at the helm” of Canadian “government”…along with all the compromised—even if well-meaning—individuals who support him.

    And so, let it ring from the rooftops: ANYONE who DOES NOT support Obama Light MUST BE a Nazi,
    Just as anyone who DOES NOT support “Biden” MUST BE a DEPLORABLE INSURRECTIONIST, WHITE SUPREMACIST. (And, clearly, if you’re Black but DON’T SUPPORT “him”, then you’re—voila!—“NOT BLACK”…automatically…but of course…after all, the Democrats ARE our RACIAL EXPERTS along with being our BETTORS…!)

    The truckers have exposed the bast**** to many of those who hadn’t yet realized what kind of scum were governing them—even if they should have; but some benefit of the doubt must be granted, since the propaganda has been and continues to be fierce and the professional propagandists have been spinning at warp speed to cover up the egregious nature of their masters; to prevent THE PEOPLE from learning about their crimes and their dastardly intentions…

    For having peeled back the carefully nurtured and zealously protected mask of these utter criminals and hypocrites, the truckers deserve the gratitude of every good, decent and concerned person.

  16. Trudeau’s invocation of the act is blatantly illegal by the conditions it specifies, which also specifically ban its enforcement in response to political protests.

    It’s not illegal if the government says it isn’t. The people, by physical force, are the only entity that can make government action illegal in any practical manner. There will always be sophists willing to justify any government action.

    Also, if polls and perusal of Canadian commentary be it media or individuals is to be believed, there’s a majority of Canadians who oppose the truckers. Not that they cannot be forced aside but that’s highly unlikely in a society as far from the brink of starvation and such as Canada is.

    It’s all good and well and inspiring to think of Ceau?escu and Mussolini and such meeting their deserved fate at the end of a rope or against a wall but those people who rose up only did so as a result of suffering years, decades even, of hunger, deprivation, war, and murder.

    The time to put a stop to this idiocy was decades ago. But the smart people, especially the conservative…”conservative” ones, were convinced that they were the “adults” in the room and any warnings from the hoi-polloi were just conspiracy or tin foil hat or alarmist or even mental health issues. And even to this day most of the “smart” people still believe in themselves too much to admit that they’ve made a considerable mess of an exceptionally good thing.

  17. There can be no doubt that Trudeau has been getting some “friendly” advice from his delusional neighbor to the south.
    It should be clear, as well, that the former chief-of-police of Ottawa chose to be resign because he could not countenance what he was being asked to do (or what he was certain he was about to be asked to do).

    But Obama Light has made his choice, deciding that it is in his interest to be inducted into the Hall of Shame as an active co-conspirator. He has, in other words, joined the “Big Leagues” of tyranny.

    As such, he should be aware of the forces he has chosen to join, e.g.:
    “Hillary Clinton’s greatest masterpiece” (by Victor Davis Hanson)
    “America’s Ruling Regime Doesn’t Fear Disinformation. It Fears Truth”

    To be sure, Trudeau has already passed his baptism of fire by labeling “swastika lovers”—quaint and classy, as they say—anyone who might oppose him on the current protests or who might offer support to those he opposes, branding his perceived enemies in the same was as “Biden” has branded over half of America. With this, Trudeau has no doubt impressed his fellow tyrants, who may have been questioned his fortitude; worried that he feared attacking his citizenry; fearful that he lacked the requisite “vigor”.

    Whatever might happen from now on, Canada has crossed a threshold. As in the US, half the country (or more) is now considered the enemies of their government.

    It is a sobering situation to be in and Canadians will have to make their—stark—choices. The genie is out of the bottle and it is unlikely that it can be forced back in without some sort of national catharsis occurring.

  18. “…bank accounts…”

    Thus it begins:
    “Bank Run? Canada’s Top Banks Mysteriously Go Offline”

    An innocent glitch?

    Or are “wrong-thinkers” having their accounts locked, sequestered, monitored, garnished (or worse)?

    File under: “Excuse us while we update a few of our algorithms… We regret any inconvenience this may have inadvertently caused… (but we’re sure you’ll understand)…Absolutely sure….”

  19. “…bank accounts…” (cont.)

    Actually, not just “bank accounts”.
    You got to admire the speed at which Trudeau has learned how to do all of this. It’s as though he’s been studying up on it from…forever….

    “It’s not just banks.
    “Canada’s new dragnet, will encompass basically every part of the financial system (including securities dealers) in order to cut off the truckers from funding….”—

    As they say, “Impressive!”
    (What they used to say, “The true north strong and free…”)

  20. Hey, if “Biden” crashes the economy then the ensuing economic crisis, coupled with the “Ukraine crisis”, coupled with the White Supremacist/Insurrectionist/Deplorable/Trumpist “crisis” (coupled with all the other crises—I’ve lost count) just might set the stage for a…yep, you got it—NATIONAL EMERGENCY, heh.

    In which case all bets are off (as are a considerable number of civil-rights laws AND respectable swaths of the Constitution…and you can pretty much, as well, kiss Durham’s investigation g’bye).

    A huge win-win! (For “Biden” at least).

    No doubt, “Biden” is watching the reactions to—and results of—Obama Light’s “National Emergency” up north, verrrry carefully.

    (And the Corrupt Media and info-tech are gearing up—Stelter might even deign to put on his trousers…)

  21. Elon Musk retweeted a choice graphic of Adolf Hitler saying “STOP COMPARING ME TO JUSTIN TRUDEAU.” (Cited earlier today in at Zerohedge story on Musk’s federal court filing against the censoring SEC.)

    While the Auschwitz Museum objects, both con law expert Jonathon Turley and a Canadian Justice Minister are pointing out ways in which the comparison is not inapt.

    To the First Amendment point, surely, the image seems to be getting scrubbed from Right Thinking totalitarian Left-leaders of our fascist Ruling Class web hosts, as I write.

    But rebel that I am, I’ve saved a copy of my own, for later agitation purposes, naturally. Big Brother HATES Truth-tattlers, as G.O. knew He/SHE/ it would.

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