Home » Quintez Brown ruined the narrative…


Quintez Brown ruined the narrative… — 21 Comments

  1. It has been obvious, from its inception, that the BLM movement (founded on brazen falsehoods about Trayvon and the “gentle giant” of Ferguson) has been utterly destructive and, without question, a group supportive of violence and anti-social activity, as well as fully meriting being described as actual “domestic terrorists”, not simply during 2020’s “summer of love” but years before. Now that BLM’s murky and squalid finances are finally being subjected to some scrutiny, the nature of its race-grifting is undeniable; it has even been described as a Ponzi scheme, yet its underlying racialist ideology ( albeit altered numerous times) is now pervasive in K-12, BLM/CRT/1619 propaganda being part and parcel of the efforts of the teachers’ unions to destroy our republic. The worthless Quintez, celebrated by the mendacious MSM, is a perfect avatar of the vileness of BLM.

  2. “The larger problem is how those in charge act as though this sort of thing only happens on the right, which is absurd, and whenever it happens on the left it quickly goes down the memory hole.”

    SOP. Ideological fanatics have no limit to their perfidy.

  3. Street Cred.
    In that crowd it might actually help him to get elected.
    Remember the black politician during the 2020 riots that threatened to burn a whole town down? He still got elected.

  4. Mike K
    Brown was quickly bailed out. Funny how that happens.

    Interesting that BLM is writing a cashier’s check to bail out someone who took shots at a candidate for mayor. I guess that while Black Lives Matter, lives of White Jewish Mayoral candidates don’t matter that much . 🙂 (Update: he has been bailed out.)

    I wonder if Cliff Schecter will ever acknowledge that he was off the mark in making this claim.

    Lunatic attempts to assassinate Louisville mayoral candidate. This is what conspiratorial right-wing rhetoric and guns everywhere gets us.

    I am reminded of liberals claiming that it was “right wing hatred” in Dallas that killed JFK, when Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marxist who also took a pot shot at right wing (retired) General Edwin Walker.


  5. Brown was quickly bailed out. Funny how that happens.

    It’s only attempted murder. It’s not like he was doing something heinous like parading in the Capitol.

  6. Am I wrong for not having a death wish? I hope I don’t lump you in with, well, anybody. But am I wrong not trusting my life and safety to anybody but me?

    Graduating recruits in the IDF take an oath. Masada will not fall again. How wrong were the Jews for thinking a people who could develop Handel were civilized.

    Handel’s Messiah.


  7. The white woman delivering the bail money was wearing a “Free Angela” t-shirt. I assume that would be Angela Davis who is quite free and making at least a six figure income “teaching” and speaking.

  8. Quick – Somebody give that white woman an “Honorarium Angela” T-Shirt to wear.

    I wonder where the money came from – I
    I’ve read that a few state have frozen BLM funds trying to get to the bottom of their accounting ‘irregularities’ and today I read that Mark Elias has hired on to defend their … what? Case? No indictments yet, nor progress reports from the IRS….

  9. Louisville is the one blue city in Kentucky and the rest of us are just shaking our heads and thinking “what did you expect?”

  10. I suppose if he is prosecuted and convicted before the election it might hurt his chances. Otherwise, it may help him.

  11. Considering the typical urban politics, Brown may get charged with littering and get parole and “public service” for which he will claim his BLM organizing work. No one will touch him about the use of a firearm and it will give him “street cred” for his election or his next rap album. “He turnin’ his life around.” This is just re-runs of the usual theater.

  12. although my guess is he’ll probably get a light sentence.

    It’s a sad and depressing fact you are probably right.

  13. Steve57,

    “How wrong were the Jews for thinking a people who could develop Handel were civilized.”

    I too once thought that there might be something corrupt in the German soul. But events in among others, the US, Australia, Austria, Canada and New Zealand have persuaded me that no society is immune from hate’s corruption.

    “There are two races of men in this world, but only these two — the “race” of the decent man and the “race” of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society. No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people.” Viktor E. Frankl, reflecting upon the holocaust

    “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, in the end, “Thy will be done.” All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell.” C.S. Lewis

  14. Don’t go blaming a few nations for current events. In WWII all those countries, and more, supported the Bolsheviks who had murdered 6-12 Million in the Ukraine (Holodomor) and about 20 Million Russians before the count of the war “victims”. It was a war between the Anglo, German and Japanese Empires with no thought of the other victims. The current Leftie/Progressive/Bolsheviks think they have nothing to loose since their Bolshevik predecessors lost nothing from their attempt at world domination. G_d, if he cares at all, just laughs. Unless the most extreme penalty is exacted from the “indecent”, our grandchildren will have to do it all again, if we even survive.

  15. Steve57 – graduating IDF recruits don’t say that anymore. I’ve been to four swearing-in ceremonies for my kids, and never heard that.

    GB and Mike-SMO – unfortunately, evil does seem to be part of the human heart. Our job is to overcome that part and to create a society where overcoming that part is normal and even rewarded. Steve can speak for himself, but I didn’t read his comment as singling out Germans as having a uniquely evil heart. Rather, there were Jews at the start of Hitler’s rise who couldn’t imagine that a “civilized” culture capable of producing Handel could also be capable of producing incredibly UNcivilized behavior – which of course they were.

  16. @GB

    There are two races of men in this world…

    There are only two kinds of people in the end…

    From RAH (pbuh):

    The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.

  17. I will confess; I quickly scanned the article Neo posted. did not bother reading the details.
    Saw that a “bad action” was committed by a member the super-anointed-class; a hard core leftist that is black. These two characteristics place this individual in the “untouchable” class; into the no-laws-apply super anointed group.
    That is, there is no crime he can commit that will be held against him. He could murder a 5 year old child – black, white, Asian or whatever – and he will walk away scot free.
    If this guy runs for office, don’t be surprised if he wins

    This rarefied class does also have some white members; Hillary Clinton comes to mind; but whites have to “earn” their way in. And if the Durham investigation indicts many folks, and basically nothing happens to them (IMHO a 98% chance of this), they too, the “walk-ees” will be inducted into the super-anointed-above-the-law elite class.

  18. Louisville’s fifth district is part of the west-end ghetto. (Kind of like Ferguson in St Louis.) If Brown is still on the ballot come election day, don’t be surprised if he wins.

    Dwaz, Louisville is not the only blue city in Kentucky, but it is by far the largest. Lexington, it can be argued, is even bluer than Louisville because it’s smaller and is essentially a college town – University of Kentucky. And then there’s Frankfort, the seat of the state government. It’s tiny compared to the other two, but need I say more?

    I was born and raised in Louisville, but as an adult, I moved out. Big difference. I actually have county government that works and representatives that represent *me* in both the state and federal legislature.

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