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The way it is — 56 Comments

  1. I think we are going to ride this plane into the ground. The amount of debt accumulated combined with the amount of money we are borrowing,plus, the percentage of the GDP entitlements will take up in the very near future. Also don’t forget the American People who are capitalist on the upswing and socialist as hell on the downswing of the economy. There is no appeal against either time or arithmetic.

  2. The answer is simple.

    Someone just has to find the portal back into OUR universe, and get us out of this Bizarro upside down, twisted, fubarred alternate universe we are living in right now.

  3. In my happier moments I reflect that latter-day Rome had the same problems. Of course, in my darker moments I have the same reflection.

  4. There is something about visionaries that makes them far more prescient to the fall than the rise. Perhaps it’s because they are acquainted with history. Here is Ortega y Gasset in Revolt Of The Masses (some eighty ears ago):

    ”… it [government] lives without any vital programme, any plan of existence. It does not know where it is going, because, strictly speaking, it his no fixed road, no predetermined trajectory before it. When such a public authority attempts to justify itself it makes no reference at all to the future. On the contrary, it shuts itself up in the present, and says with perfect sincerity: “I am an abnormal form of Government imposed by circumstances.” Hence its activities are reduced to dodging the difficulties of the hour; not solving them, but escaping from them for the time being, employing any methods whatsoever, even at the cost of accumulating thereby still greater difficulties for the hour which follows.”

    The very next line speaks to commenter kaba’s last point:

    “Such has public power always been when exercised directly by the masses: omnipotent and ephemeral. The mass-man is he whose life lacks any purpose, and simply goes drifting along.”

    Until such time as the electorate is no longer content to drift along, until they (we) find more to exercise us than being first in line to get the next iCrap device or ‘Black Friday’ (I swear — hand to God – I’ve heard ‘Black Friday’ mentioned more than Thanksgiving over the last ten days), we will continue to drift along.

  5. Shorter version:

    Democracy dies when the voting public realizes they can votes themselves monies from the government.

  6. “Despite what his birth certificate might say he is an alien in any meaningful sense of the word.”

    And so, in any country, is any resident of Marxist political persuasion.

    Marxism equals estrangement from one’s original belonging. Stalin’s “rootless cosmopolitans” jab comes to bite his heirs in their behinds with a vengeance.

    “We have a Congress, both houses and both parties, who worry more about the next election than the next generation.”

    Reminds me of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

  7. I agree with Kaba’s analysis exept for the last: “There is plenty of blame to go around.” As to that, the following from Pam Gellar, places the blame evah so nicely:

    The American people are trapped in the leftist vise. They have a chokehold on the culture, big media, movies, music, academia. It’s like we are living in Soviet Russia when the “party” completely controlled the message.

    The left ruined the country, destroyed it from the inside out.

    How do they answer for Obama? By destroying, ridiculing and marginalizing every rational, reasoned, America-proud patriot. This isn’t about party politics — that is so fifty years ago. This is a civil war — the seditionists are exalted and the patriots are demonized. The past forty years has been a slo-mo coup.

  8. Whoever really ends up owning this country, after our government drives us so far into debt that it is longer belongs to us, will be getting one heck of a deal.

    But the transfer of ownership that will be allowed to happen will be nobody’s fault but we the people. Our government is quite adept at keeping its people divided and conquered. The producers are the new slaves. We are surrounded and controlled by PC attitudes, moochers, and looters. At the end of the day, that’s all it really is. And we are letting it happen. And I stand by that.

  9. I fight the fight on all levels.

    All levels.

    For example, take that stupid little Ram Dass type of statement “random acts of kindness.” Well, I’m sorry to report, but I turn that into random acts of meaness. I’m pretty savage but my friends seem to get a vicarious thrill out of it. I’m capable. To get an idea, my friend and I were walking by the courthouse, dressed in suits, and we came upon our cities “occupiers.” As I walked by, I loudly exclaimed (and I mean loudly, there was no hint I could be exclaiming not to be heard. This is a nice little tactic of which I could expound on if asked.) how stupid and creepy the occupiers were. They went cattle on me. They could not understand. They were a ragged under represented group of perhaps a dozen but when their bovine nature was not irked, then, I knew, I had them. They were mine. My cattle. I could walk among, swat them, curse them (friendly like, mind you) but as their owner. This is a random act of meaness. And they deserve it.

    Stand by and let it happen?

    Not while I’m breathing.

  10. I am very flattered that you would use my comment Neo.

    It is my nature to be optimistic. But I just can’t find it in me at this time. I think the very best scenario we can hope for at this point is a deepening recession and unprecedented election fraud in 2012. The other possibilities keep me awake at night.

  11. Right on nolanimrod! Because Obama wants the collapse too. That pissed off POS is so angry because, (there you go, again) like Hitler claiming the German people weren’t worthy of him, so the American people aren’t worthy of Obama.

    Can any crazier, outrageous reality be presented? We have a President of our own country that despises us because we don’t worship his narcisissm.

    Like what Roman emperor is Obama most like?

  12. kaba actually is for “keep and bear arms” a thing dear to my heart and the name of a small business I owned at one time.

  13. AND of course we are even MORE blind to the fact we live in a gold fish bowl with tons of others that are and have been actively plotting to collapse the US and have a war.

    if you were an enemy and you had to pick a president to start a fight, which president since the 1960s would you pick to act during his term?

    and does anyone remember me setting out a similar scenario of pieces moving into place for this and doing so YEARS ago?

    i mean, you inflate egoes, and put a incompetent in place and then what would be the next thing to do?

    Medvedev: Russia may target U.S. missile defense sites


    don’t forget to add that to the assessment, and note and remember that both that funky Austrian with the tiny mustache, and that Georgian guy that ran Russia with an iron fist, used the fact of transplanted fellow countrymen (?), as an excuse to invade ant take over (ergo why they moved 1/3 out and moved their people in, as long as their people were moved in, there was the premise to say they are doing things to protect those people)

    on another note… since neo is recommending books… i thought i would add one on the list that would open a few eyes.

    do note that what HAS happened already, is easier to happen again… but even if it never happened, dont mean it wont happen at all…

    the book is by Kenneth Sewell (with Clint Richmond)

    and you can find it in the HISTORY section.


    The Untold Story of a soviet submarines nuclear strike attempt on the US…

    and the candidates debate…

    Republican debate sorts grown ups from kids

    But he confirmed again, what to me is his most attractive feature, that he thinks outside the box and has big thoughts about technology.

    He said the biggest undiagnosed danger to national security was an EMP pulse.

    do note that the US now has a brand new EMP commission..


    wow… the cradle to grave stunted education which makes domesticated people who cant function in any place other than a modern society, will really make whats coming interesting.

    after all… a few altercations and you can bet that our illustrious leader will get his ‘religion’ and refuse to step down, and note his people have already pointed and hinted years ago.

    When the lights go out

    “It all changed in July of 2008 when Iran sent a missile up off of a boat, testing for an electromagnetic pulse attack on the U.S.,” said Walton McCarthy, owner of Radius Engineering International, the world’s largest builder of underground shelters. “It makes me think of Krakatoa, the volcano that killed so many people. There’s only a handful that survived it, because they did something that nobody else did: they recognized the threat and they walked out of town.”


    “All of the people from the cities, they have no choice when there’s no power, the only thing they can do is to walk out of the city and forage, go to every single house, break in, and look for food and water.” said McCarthy. “I don’t care how many rifles and bullets you have, you can not defend a house.”

    Washington times…
    Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers

    from another source:
    China’s military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, according to an intelligence report made public on Thursday.


    According to a declassified 2005 report released last week, China had been testing the effects of an electromagnetic pulse attack—the detonation of a nuclear device at high altitude to maximize the area affected by the EMP—possibly meant for Taiwan. According to the report, China was actually testing two kinds of nuclear blasts and the effects the resulting radiation would have on humans. (China was testing them on animals, which experienced “high mortality rates.”)

    anyone besides me remember the missile launched off the coast of california that they said was not a missile, and later then said it was a example launch. or the carnival cruise ship that suffered and was stranded

    or that Obama made the warning system national and tried to test it? why? it was always local before.

    and what about the huge amounts of MREs being purchased?

  14. Our heirs will have the view their culture gives them. In two centuries, all our worry and hand-wringing will be history. It will be to them as Napoleon or the Shogun are to us.

    Do we lament–at anything more than an intellectual level–the destruction of Coventry Cathedral or the Rape of Nanking?

    The past is another country. So is the future.

    Our appeals to posterity are manifestations of ego. But now, today, is all we have. There’s nothing wrong with fighting a crappy system because *we* want to live in a better world. Next week. Next year. Before the ravages of time make the fight irrelevant.

    The denigration of sensible selfishness is part of the problem. Everyone uses borrowed cares, and nobody gets what they want.

  15. “We have a Congress, both houses and both parties, who worry more about the next election than the next generation. They refuse to lead and won’t get out of the way so others might.”

    This is simply false and I am tired of hearing it. the people who say it are cowardly. They presume that it is the sort of statement “everyone says”, and so they say it. They presume that they will not offend their friends who are Democrats. They presume that they sound rational and moderate.

    They may “sound” all of that. But they are neither rational, nor moderate, nor honest, nor courageous in anything.

    To hell with their friends. To hell with their presumptive “balance for balance’s sake”. To hell with the whole lot.

    Fact: Republicans have passed going on 20 bills to address our problems. Each and every one of them would do some amount of good. One huge example – they passed a budget, the single most important part of Congressional and Administration work there is.

    So to hell with the people who say they are “a;; the same”.

    They are not. That is, at best, a misapprehension of the facts, to put it nicely.

    There is one Party, today, that is good, that is trying. That is the Republican Party.

    The Democrat Party is neither good, not even trying to be. They are out to destroy in the service of amassing raw political power, quite nearly for power’s sake, if that were possible. Unfortunately, their aims are even more nefarious than that!

  16. Mike Mc Says:

    “The Democrat Party is neither good, not even trying to be. They are out to destroy in the service of amassing raw political power, quite nearly for power’s sake, if that were possible. Unfortunately, their aims are even more nefarious than that!”

    Enough said, I won’t even get started embellishing that well coined paragraph tonite…

  17. Mike Mc,

    Here is my take on the situation… 100% of democrats want to take the country to hell in a hand basket at the speed of light although they blindly believe they have their eyes set on utopia; 70% of republicans are content to take the country to hell in the back seat of a 1960 Impala and reach the final destination in 20 years.

  18. “”Mike Mc Says:

    “The Democrat Party is neither good, not even trying to be. They are out to destroy in the service of amassing raw political power, quite nearly for power’s sake, if that were possible. Unfortunately, their aims are even more nefarious than that!”

    I think history will refer to them as masochistic bigots.

  19. Sure Mike, the Republicans are darn near the perfect political party. Except when they had both houses and the White House in the early 2,000’s we had growing budget deficits; enlarged entitlements; stronger bureaucracies; no checks on Fannie and Freddie when it might have made a difference; and not even a hint of a resolution to the looming Social Security and Medicare problems.

    Given a choice I will vote for a Republican over a Democrat every time. Just as, were they the only options, I would choose having Stage 1 rather than Stage 4 cancer. But I would hope for a third option.

  20. Kaba = There is a thing called the fallacy of equivocation where you take a similarity in things and make it an identity. it’s shoddy logic and it hides as I said above a form of cowardice.

    A growing budget deficit (160bn at its worst) is not the same as year on year 1.6 trillion.

    Same with the enlarged entitlements, Obamacare being exhibit A. But the real truth is that Bush spent nearly all of his political capital from the election in 2004 trying to reform Social Security. He failed miserably. But to then impugn him for almost the opposite is, quite frankly, cringe-worthy. You are calling a good man bad, and blaming him for not doing something that he actually did.

    Ditto on Fannie and Freddie. Bush wanted reform. There was no way Frank and Dodd were going to let that happen.

    There is a difference between stage 1 and stage 4 cancer. People recover from Stage 1. it is “curable”. Generally stage 4 is not. Again, you are impugning people by saying they are basically the same thing and that they ened up in the same place. The whole point of differential diagnosis is that they don’t.

    But my point is not that people like you are wrong. You are. it is that the cheap equivocation is a kind of cowardice. Ironically, the kind you’d be praised for for being “balanced” and “moderate” and “even handed”. No one is ever wrong in our society, and the best way to say this is by saying everyone is wrong!

    I find this mentality to be as bad, or worse, than the things it condemns.

  21. Mike, Our society, our culture, and our economy are burning down. We have one party actively adding fuel to the fire. And the other party standing by with their weenies and marshmallows benefiting from the heat. Hence the so-called “Super Committee”.

    So long as we are content with half measures; so long as we will tolerate slightly reducing the speed to that cliff’s edge we are rapidly approaching; that is exactly what we’re going to get.

    I want to see something more than election season lip service given to conservative values. It is a time when we need leadership. Can you point to that in today’s Republican Party.

    And, by the way, I am an eight year survivor of Stage 4 cancer so I am well aware of the statistics concerning that.

  22. And I am cognizant of Bush’s attempts at reforming both Social Security and reforming the way Fannie and Freddie dealt with mortgages. I salute him for that. Had the Republicans in the House and Senate exhibited a little courage and leadership we would almost certainly be in a much better position today. But then, that is my point. When they had an opportunity they failed miserably.

  23. remove democrat from democrat party in everyones quotes and you will find that it sounds so much like the one party state

    The Party is neither good, not even trying to be. They are out to destroy in the service of amassing raw political power, quite nearly for power’s sake, if that were possible. Unfortunately, their aims are even more nefarious than that!

    copying George Kennan long telegram, with minor changes to remove labels which has so much baggage the average person cant read and apply the point without influence of those labels.

    For instance, in the paragraph above, you could put democrat in as in the original, or soviet, or any political party label whose goal is power NOT good governance!

    if you want to see how little i change, compare it to the original yourself.

    So much for premises. To what deductions do they lead from standpoint of Soviet policy? To following:

    (a) Everything must be done to advance relative strength of Party as factor in international society. Conversely, no opportunity most be missed to reduce strength and influence, collectively as well as individually, of opposing powers.

    (b) the Parties efforts, and those of the parties friends abroad, must be directed toward deepening and exploiting of differences and conflicts between self governed powers. If these eventually deepen into an “imperialist” war, this war must be turned into revolutionary upheavals within the various capitalist countries.

    [the following paragraph is UNCHANGED]

    (c) “Democratic-progressive” elements abroad are to be utilized to maximum to bring pressure to bear on capitalist governments along lines agreeable to Soviet interests.

    (d) Relentless battle must be waged against socialist and social-democratic leaders.

    does it apply to us once you remove the loaded labels which cloud the vision of whats under the decorative surface?

    It was no coincidence that Marxism, which had smoldered ineffectively for half a century in Western Europe, caught hold and blazed for first time in Russia. Only in this land which had never known a friendly neighbor or indeed any tolerant equilibrium of separate powers, either internal or international, could a doctrine thrive which viewed economic conflicts of society as insoluble by peaceful means.

    (a) To undermine general political and strategic potential of major western powers. Efforts will be made in such countries to disrupt national self confidence, to hamstring measures of national defense, to increase social and industrial unrest, to stimulate all forms of disunity.

    All persons with grievances, whether economic or racial, will be urged to spelt redress not in mediation and compromise, but in defiant violent struggle for destruction of other elements of society.

    Here poor will be set against rich, black against white, young against old, newcomers against established residents, etc.

    does the ABOVE paragraph reflect whats going on now EXACTLY?

    poor against rich
    black against white (and Spanish and Chinese to a lesser extent)
    young against old

    and the one that kennan missed
    female against male

    I said READ THAT and know exactly what the goal, the plan the point is… but why do that, better to just make up stuff and play eruditions than to actually read that, agree, and then formulate opposition to such power..

    which is why such people ALWAYS lose..

    they are too busy making stuff up and pretending they are marx graspinig the zeigeist through their own musings than actually read and know.

    to a society built on selfish fun and play, which would the people we depend on most gravitate to? the actuality and historical known, or the fantasy where if they are right they are adored and can have fun playing debate games in ignorance?

    (c) Where individual government stand in path of Party purposes politically correct pressures will be brought for their removal from office. (see cain, etc)

    This can happen where governments directly oppose party foreign policy aims (Turkey, Iran), where they seal their territories off against party penetration (Switzerland, Portugal), or where they compete too strongly, like Labor Government in England, for moral domination among elements which it is important for the party to dominate.

    and this one?

    As a rule, the party will work toward destruction of all forms of personal independence, economic, political or moral.

    yeah.. .women were more independent when funded by their mates than they are in subsitence poverty funded by the state… liberated from their protectors and lovers and helpmeets, they are imprisoned by the circumstances the state puts on them.

    economically the party is removing economic freedom, the ability to start companies. and using class favoritism and such to make the ideas that are not real that they promote real, and so garner the anger of everyone against everyone…

    and of course liberating women from the protections that served the posterity and future by exterminating them through political games that trick them into actions that are invalid for living creatures which have to procreate to exist!

    liberaing women to drink alcohol..

    Reduces fertility, just check ovulation information
    you’ve come a long way baby smoking cigs, but that too lowers fertility
    putting off births till later lowers fertility and lowers genetic viability in those that DO have babies
    sleeping with many people and normalizing disease lowers fertility

    almost EVERY key point of their doctrine is something that results in lower fertility. given that the goddess of their movement, margaret sanger was praised by the man who invented the shoa, and all that, and who said extermination of races and Thoroughbred humans was the goal..

    kind of makes sense and makes all those liberated women dupes who have murdered an unbroken line of life that extended from the first multicelled animal over a billion years to the present!

    violence, starvation, murder, genocide by war, and all that could not extinguish the flame of such a life.

    but a bad idea in the mind of a woman, as in the bible (which one does not have to believe any more than Aesop to learn from).
    must have children to move forward), also lowers fertiliy

    [edited for length by n-n]

  24. I think history will refer to them as masochistic bigots.

    that’s only if they lose, and they have actually won, and no one is actually opposing anything meaningful

    so they will be remembered as heroes of the people

  25. Artflgr – We need to dust off the old books on Soviet Communism. And the old books on America.

    I would have never dreamed that after we beat them we would lose to them by a sort of generational time-bomb effect. The (Democrat) Party so infiltrated media and the academy that they now have made us less free than ever in our history and on the very brink of 1984-ville.

    We could literally lose it all in the next few years.

    Anyone who comes on and insinuates a pox on all their houses is basically on the other side. They are giving cover to the bad guys. It is, as you note, a Soviet Tactic in itself – when you are caught red-handed destroying the nation, say that the other guy is doing it too!

    Our side was indoctrinated too. Some of us can’t help doing their dirty work for them.

    We have to start fighting like our lives depended on it because they do.

    Next Thanksgiving will either be the best one since 1945 (if along with the great day we know that Obama has been voted out), or the worst one since the Civil War and as depressing as can possibly be. America cannot stand another term by this man and his minions. It will effectively cease to be, and the lights will go out across the world.

  26. Mike mc, “I would have never dreamed that after we beat them we would lose to them by a sort of generational time-bomb effect.”

    Mike.. What makes you think that we beat them? the same people are in government, the same kind of government is in place, and the leadership only pretends they were beaten at all.

    it was a REORGANIZATION a staged game…
    the point is that people in the west, whose governments have limits, do not realize that a state without any limits can do that kind of thing…

    Anatoliy Golitsyn

    Anatoliy Mikhaylovich Golitsyn is a Soviet KGB defector and author of two books about the long-term deception strategy of the KGB leadership. He provided “a wide range of intelligence to the CIA on the operations of most of the ‘Lines’ (departments) at the Helsinki and other residencies, as well as KGB methods of recruiting and running agents.”
    He is an Honorary Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) and, as late as 1984, was an American citizen.

    a real crackpot tin hatter, eh? the queen gives those titles out like candy, no? (that was sarcasm, but not towards you mike, just in general)

    In 1967 there was a failed plot against Golitsyn by the KGB in Canada. It is believed that Viktor Vladimirov, the head of KGB assassination and sabotage section during those days, was behind the operation.


    Golitsyn was a figure of significant controversy in the Western intelligence community. Military writer, the British General John Hackett, and the former CIA counter-intelligence director James Angleton identified Golitsyn as “the most valuable defector ever to reach the West”. However, the official historian for Britain’s MI5, Christopher Andrew, described him as an “unreliable conspiracy theorist”. Andrew believes that although intelligence data provided by Golitsyn were reliable, some of his global political assessments of the Soviet and KGB strategy are questionable. In particular, he disputed the Golitsyn claim that the “Sino-Soviet split was a charade to deceive the West”. Golitsyn’s claims of widespread KGB double agent infiltration in the CIA also contributed to Angleton’s growing paranoia which ultimately led to Angleton’s dismissal from the CIA.

    the point is that they discredited his theory, which has TONS of confirmations. over 90% of his predictions (that can be confirmed) have been realized in one form or another..

    a higher rate of success than any of the agencies. and he and his story have been completely neutralized…

    the basis of most of the ideas that he is wrong is from the idea that its unbelievable that what he says could even be considered.

    ie… they just dont believe that level of success, and so they dont believe what he says.

    for instance
    Golitsyn claimed that Rt Hon. Harold Wilson (then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) was a KGB informer and an agent of influence.

    an interesting point given that history..
    but it was somewhat confirmed years later by the exfiltration of mitrokhen and his archives…

    according to material from the Mitrokhin Archive, his insights into British politics were passed to and highly rated by the KGB. An “agent development file” was opened in the hope of recruiting Harold Wilson, and the codename “OLDING” was given to him. However “the development did not come to fruition,” according to the KGB file records

    the funny thing was that the kgb agent that defected that was used to discredit him was with this

    Nosenko made two extremely controversial claims: that Golitsyn was not a double agent but a KGB plant; and that he had information on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by way of the KGB’s history with Lee Harvey Oswald in the time Oswald lived in the Soviet Union.

    talk about dangling a tasty treat..

    Regarding the first claim, Golitsyn had said from the beginning that the KGB would try to plant defectors in an effort to discredit him.

    the year the soviet union supposedly lost was 1991… the berlin wall i believe was 1995

    In 1984, Golitsyn published the book New Lies For Old. He warned about a long-term deception strategy designed to lull the West into a false sense of security, and finally economically cripple and diplomatically isolate the United States.

    funny… but we have a false sense of security that a person who falsely believes he ‘won’ has, and obama who had great help in office has diplomatically helped isolate the US more, and fancy that, we are almost fully economically crippled

    its 2011 and he said all that in 1984!!

    “The ‘liberalization’ [in the Soviet Union] would be spectacular and impressive.

    Formal pronouncements might be made about a reduction in the communist party’s role; its monopoly would be apparently curtailed.”

    “If [liberalization] should be extended to East Germany, demolition of the Berlin Wall might even be contemplated.”

    “The European Parliament might become an all-European socialist parliament with representation from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. ‘Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals’ would turn out to be a neutral, socialist Europe.”

    so did europe become a neutral socialist europe?

    hows this for a quote from gorbachev…

    Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.

    Thats what the leader of the soviet union said…
    he ALSO said

    In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, a world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road.

    In 1995 he published a book containing purported memoranda attributed to Golitsyn entitled The Perestroika Deception which claimed:

    “The [Soviet] strategists are concealing the secret coordination that exists and will continue between Moscow and the ‘nationalist’ leaders of [the] ‘independent’ republics.”

    “The power of the KGB remains as great as ever… Talk of cosmetic changes in the KGB and its supervision is deliberately publicized to support the myth of ‘democratization’ of the Soviet political system.”

    “Scratch these new, instant Soviet ‘democrats,’ ‘anti-Communists,’ and ‘nationalists’ who have sprouted out of nowhere, and underneath will be found secret Party members or KGB agents.”


    According to Russian political scientist Yevgenia Albats, Golitsyn’s book New Lies for Old claimed that “as early as 1959, the KGB was working up a perestroika-type plot to manipulate foreign public opinion on a global scale. The plan was in a way inspired by the teachings of the sixth-century B.C. Chinese theoretician and military commander Sun Tsu, who said, “I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness.” Albats argued that the KGB was the major beneficiary of political changes in Russia, and perhaps indeed directed Gorbachev. According to her, “one thing is certain: perestroika opened the way for the KGB to advance toward the very heart of power” in Russia.[16] It has been said that Mikhail Gorbachev justified his new policies as a necessary step to “hug Europe to death”, and to “evict the United States from Europe”

    Those who hope that we shall move away from the socialist path will be greatly disappointed. Every part of our program of perestroika … is fully based on the principle of more socialism and more democracy. … I would like to be clearly understood … we, the Soviet people, are for socialism. … We want more socialism and, therefore, more democracy. … More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. … We will proceed toward better socialism rather than away from it. We are saying this honestly, without trying to fool our own people or the world. Any hopes that we will begin to build a different, non-socialist society and go over to the other camp are unrealistic and futile. Those in the West who expect us to give up socialism will be disappointed. … It’s my conviction that the human race has entered a stage where we are all dependent on each other. No other country or nation should be regarded in total separation from another, let alone pitted against another. That’s what our communist vocabulary calls internationalism and it means promoting universal human values. Gorbachev

    of course, we would rather discuss this meaningless dog and poney show of debates and other issues and always completely ignore the others.

    what would happen here if our news could report these facts and put them in the fore when policy issues are discussed?

    why are we giving russia over a billion dollars a year to uphold their police?

    because we think they are weak..
    but if your going to act like a parasite that lays its eggs in another being and you eat them out from the inside, as parasites do, what do you need with big armies and such?

    and those primitive tubes in the electronics. tube transistors are immune to EMP..

    and how about this one.
    you know how tin hat product design and development is… right? (sarcasm again)

    U.S.’s Most Powerful Nuclear Bomb Being Dismantled


    The last of the nation’s most powerful nuclear bombs – a weapon hundreds of times stronger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima – is being disassembled nearly half a century after it was put into service at the height of the Cold War

    did you know that our nuclear deterrent has been dismantled?

    but on the flip side, did you know that the Chinese and the soviets have built and upgraded their nuclear bunkers like yamentau mountain?

    none of this is hidden, we just have a press that smears people if they show the history and such.

    just like if a man says feminism is bad, they smear him, and marginalize him socially

    so no one talks about it but us stupid people who came from there and are not too confident in the ability of ignorant people with no desire to do any hard anything to ‘get it’ in time

    so far, the populatin is in the same place it was before obama… nothing has changed for that… and the dog and pony show that we think is real, is not.

    dont you guys get it? the republicans should be able to pound dems now… why not? well, for the same reason that a wwf wrestler doesnt pound someone, its not in the script…

    i said, the whole idea of this is to construct a false reality that gets people to make bad decisions… while thinking they are great! (and in their ignorance of the prior history of such attempts, they arent smart enough to say… no, he ate the poison, so i wont… )

    from bella dodd in education, the unions, and all that… we never cleaned them out. heck, we never even stopped them from removing the anti communism laws that would allow us to remove them

    but thats ok..
    everyone else knows from FANTASY what is real
    they certainly no longer thing meritocratic EXPERIENCE counts for something. after all, thats not politically correct says the feminists, who openly declare they are communist and want to end marraige, but the women still support them as their marraiges they want go down the tube.

    perhaps backing people who want to destroy what you dream of is a bad idea? but dont tell the women, they are the future. docile, weak, easier to control… once the men are gone…


    its the SAME thing a farmer does. limit the bulls and farm the cattle… but how much do domesticated city dwellers know about basic reality?

    why dont you expand on it a bit mike
    you certainly are one of the respectful and considerate readers willing to at least entertain a point and examine it BEFORE you destroy it out of hand…

    but i do hope you dont mind never sleeping peacefully again…

    for once you read all that, you cant go back and believe the bs… (which is the same for when the trick turns and the used discover their part)

  27. We could literally lose it all in the next few years.

    not could… will

    the game is over… but the players who cant play chess well have to continue… they dont understand or have the vision to see checkmate in 10 moves.

    there is no way to stop the rest of it.

    the time to do that was long ago while everyone was still sitting around in their armchairs making up stuff and marginalizing the experienced and knowing.

    i said long ago that nothing meaningful would be done because a person who doesnt know the rules cant make a meaningful move, or make a move that can negate whats being done..

    ie. you play chess randomly against a master and see how long the game lasts..

    even better. pretend your the best player in the world and dont know the rules as ignorance allows you to refuse to accept reality… and with great bravado step up to it

    what logic is it to hire a socialist or a communist to fix a capitalist state of which they have ALWAYS said was the aim to destroy?

    invite your enemy into your bedroom with your wife and kids and see what happens when you sleep

  28. America cannot stand another term by this man and his minions. It will effectively cease to be, and the lights will go out across the world.

    but there is no way to stop him
    the past few years and trillions have purchased the future already… and russia and others are moving military stuff into position so that there is an excuse to suspend the constitution… ESPECIALLY if they can get people to riot…

    once that done, its all over as we cant fight a civil war and fend off nuclear states… can we?

  29. One thing we may be overlooking; if a combination of a third party and voter fraud does get Obama a another crack at the US (we all know he can forget about a majority of the popular vote) he will create so much damage that even more of numskulls who voted for him may figure out his ideology doesn’t work. Not many, but more.

    Hardship re-educates after all. Short term prognosis then bad, long term hard. Considering the Great Depression produced the greatest generation and sixty years of relative peace and prosperity produced Obama we may be sadder and wiser with four more nauseating years of the one, to say nothing of skinnier.

    The thought stinks though.

  30. Bob and Ed – You guys may be right. We have had it so easy relative to our parents and grandparents.

    Really hard times might be the only thing that knocks sense into the spoiled agnostic children in The Party….

    On the other hand, I have lived some years in the UK and I know Europe well enough. They kept sliding down the slippery slope and they will never recover short of a once in a millennium type event. They are already nearly demographically Muslim and/or generationally lopsided so that there may be no way possible for them to be Europe again.

    On the third hand, even Europe once had the plagues and barbarian invasions and they recovered from them…..

    Problem is I don’t see it without a massive spiritual conversion back to the old religion, and I don’t even want to go there.

    In a hundred years maybe China will be majority Christian and they will send freedom loving missionaries to preach the Good News about life an living to the Old World.

    The Human Spirit cannot be ultimately crushed. Not without an Apocalyptic fight. But that is where we are headed – to the place where the Apocalypse is your best bet. How did we get there so fast?

  31. “Problem is I don’t see it without a massive spiritual conversion back to the old religion…”

    If you’re waiting for divine intervention you will be waiting for a long, long, long time. The problems we face, primarily economic/fiscal & ethical in nature, are problems created by men & women. God or gods did not create a society that expects a free lunch. God or gods did not create a society that has no ethical/moral compass. People created this f*&^ed up society, not God or gods.

  32. Parker – you missed the point. Who said anything about God creating the problem? You did.

    I said a return to the old religion. I can only excuse people so far for not knowing that it was exactly and precisely the old religion that created the society in question, the “economic/fiscal…ethical” I might add scientific and technological society that is at issue here.

    It is part of the general failure in education about what is what and where things come from that has been going one for….150 years now at least.

    God did not get us into this mess. If he doesn’t get us out, there is no getting out. It’s mess all the way down.

  33. There really is one man in Europe who knows what the problem is, and what the solution is. There really is one man in Europe who knows what is what. He has been trying to get them to listen for 5 years now. He’ll will die before Europe does, but his words will live on and maybe someday heeded.

    That one man is Benedict XVI.

    All the rest is just talk, talk, talk, followed by chaos and more chaos.

    Will anyone listen to hum? It’s laughable.

    But they laughed at Moses, and a whole generation of laughers had to pass away first. Only then could right be restored.

    The same thing will happen here. It’s happened before in Europe. It will happen because it must happen. The alternative is literally unthinkable. And I mean literally unthinkable if you draw out the consequences and logic of that possibility.

  34. Over in the U.S. we are stuck with Obama.

    Never have things been more dire.

    I hope not but we may have to go through a lot more hell before it gets better. Next year goes one way and we have a slim chance. it goes another way and look out below.

  35. “If they dare to impair our dignity again, the deluge of fire on Yeonpyeong Island will lead to the sea of fire in Blue House” in Seoul, the North’s People’s Army warned in a statement from Pyongyang. “They should not forget the lesson taught” by the island shelling.

    If provoked again like last year, the North’s military will launch merciless, annihilating and more powerful strikes to “blow up the island without any trace,” the North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea said in a separate statement later Thursday.

  36. Given that obama did nothing when russia seized land, the peaceful and loving socialists are lining up to do war at the same time as obama wont be able to handle it, and his reflex would be to try to be the hero and savior.

    just remember that the left has been whining and panicking that the ‘right’ (as they see it and are told to see it), would jump their gun and cause an event and bush would grab control

    AS HAPPENED IN INDONESIA when the chinese jumped russias coupe gun and attempted to murder 8 generals, missing one, and creating the national cleaning house where communists were imprisoned or outright killed by the army as the country cleeaned house

    ie. they know what they are doing, and hope no one else can seize their efforts after all that work.

  37. Mike Mc. says, “But they laughed at Moses, and a whole generation of laughers had to pass away first. Only then could right be restored.
    The same thing will happen here. It’s happened before in Europe. It will happen because it must happen. The alternative is literally unthinkable.”

    I am not clear on your meaning, Mike. Do you mean that multitudes, indeed populations, must die or be enslaved? That is unthinkable enough by itself. Of what unthinkable alternative do you speak?

    Before right can be restored — By whom or what exactly? Lord God Almighty, to deliver us from evil? Or by those of us who pray for knowledge of God’s will for us, and the power to carry that out?

    Please clarify.

  38. Gilder writes: “With wealth seen as stolen from the exploited poor, the poor in turn [are given] a license to dispossess and kill their oppressors and to disrupt capitalist economies. This is the foul message of Franz Fanon, Hamas, al-Qaida, Hezbollah, and the academic coteries of Chomsky, Zinn, and a thousand Marxist myrmidons across the campuses of the world. But no capitalist system can sustain prosperity amid constant violence. The idea that suicide bombing is a tolerable policy that can be extenuated by alleged grievances is preposterous. It is the violence that makes necessary the police measures that render economic progress impossible, particularly for the groups associated with the attacks. By justifying violent attacks on a civilized democracy — and then condemning the necessary retaliatory defense — leftists would allow no solution but tyranny.”

  39. “God did not get us into this mess. If he doesn’t get us out, there is no getting out. It’s mess all the way down.”

    I’m not interested in a debate over gods/God. To me, personally, its akin to having a debate about the color of the starsets on a planet in an alternate universe. So while I readily agree that the Judeo-Christian ethos is what makes western civilization special and worth defending; I have no faith in God as defined by Jews or Christians (and certainly not Moslems!). We have to get ourselves out of this mess.

    Furthermore, I have no problem with finding common cause with you or anyone who is a believer; because in my definition of a free society you are free to believe whatever you wish as long as you are not holding a gun to my head in a vain attempt to make me believe in what you believe. But if you believe adherence to your faith (whatever it may be) is the only true way then I have a problem. I bow to no dogma, no man, and no gods/God. I am free. My life can be taken but my freedom is mine and mine alone. While my mind may be limited, my willpower is limitless.

    May you have a satisfied mind and tolerate my journey to the same.

  40. You brought it up! Debated it. Now you are debating it again!

    Never mind. Facts are facts. Truth is truth. I know what made Europe. I know what is unmaking it.

    The USA is on the brink as well.

  41. Don Carlos said: “I am not clear on your meaning, Mike. Do you mean that multitudes, indeed populations, must die or be enslaved? That is unthinkable enough by itself. Of what unthinkable alternative do you speak?

    Before right can be restored – By whom or what exactly? Lord God Almighty, to deliver us from evil? Or by those of us who pray for knowledge of God’s will for us, and the power to carry that out?

    Please clarify.”

    The allusion is the wandering in the desert for 40 years before the Jews could enter the Promised Land. The “older generation” with the wrong ideas had to die out – naturally. The proverbial ‘Yoots’ then, properly molded and chastised, entered into the restoration of things.

    So in Europe. The present generation (being roughly the last century or more) has completely lost its way. It has worshiped the proverbial idol. It has gone after false gods. It has intermarried with the metaphorical ‘gentiles’. It cannot any longer repent. It has to die out.

    Only then is it even possible for a restoration to what made Europe to be Europe in the first place. Only then is civilization possible again.

    The “old religion” is the true one. It has died out before. It does that occasionally. If it comes back, Europe comes back. If it does not come back, Europe never comes back.

    The USA has the best warning possible. Europe is like a lab experiment right in front of us. If we follow them back into barbarism (for that will surely be the end result), it’s our own choice at this point.

    This is why number one on my list of things to do to prepare for 2012 is prayer. Number 2 is speaking up. Number 3 is supporting candidates.

  42. Put it another way: Where did Cathedrals come from? Where did music come from. What about nation States? Did they come from the Pharaoh or the Emperor? How about Law Courts? And Principles of Justice? What about books? What about science? Economics and its laws? Name something that you think came with the universe, but really didn’t, and which we think is the civilization the world just swims in like an ocean.

    It’s not an ocean. It’s more like a huge pool. It was made. A religion made it (granted with materials gathered from everywhere).

    Get rid of the religion, you eventually get rid of the good stuff. May take centuries but it takes a long time for a big pool to drain.

    Get the religion back you get the 21st c. version of unprecedented cathedrals rising out of nowhere to the skies for reasons as complex as Michelangelo and all that pother stuff.

    Otherwise it’s the freaking Vikings. At best.

  43. the vikings are responsible for soap, and our court system of jury of peers…

    they are e key part of that culture your referring to.

    The ‘ting’ was the Viking word for a legislative assembly and a court. A criminal was brought here to stand trial. The presumed facts of the case were established by a panel (Old Norse “kvidr”) of people stating what they THOUGHT was the truth.

    A jury of 12, two times twelve or three times twelve, depending on the importance of the case, decided the question of guilt. The ‘law-sayer’ told the jury what the law said about the crime committed and the accused was either convicted or declared innocent by the jury.

    There was no law against war with others (Is there today?). Like the Elizabethans in England and others, the Vikings had no law against piracy as long as it was against the “enemy”, so raids outside the “law-area” were not illegal!

    only modern liberals think vikings were WHITE savages…

    The achievements of the Viking Age in term of Scandinavian art and craftmanship, marine technology, exploration, and the development of commerce, empasizes the Vikings as traders and not raiders. Jewels from the early Viking age proving Viking also to be farmes and craftsmen.

    they had the sunstone…
    their ships allowed them to be lifted and carried to rivers and they had gone as far as india to trade

    our whole international law and justice system is based on their ideas.

    150 years after settling in Normandy their Franco-Viking descedants were strong enough to conquer England (1066) and Sicily (1060-1090). The settlers brought to the British Isles energetic art forms, new farming techniques, mercantile acumen, and a vigorous language. The Vikings introduced new forms of administration and justice – such as the jury system. Even the word law is from an Old Norse word. Traces from the Vikings are still apparent in the dialects of Scotland and northern England.


    Jury Nullification is the act of a jury to declare a law void, of no legal force or effect. However, there are some Judges who erroneous believe that they, and only they, can declare a law void.

    and the jury system was a way to negate the ruler making any law a law and imposing it. if the Jury would not convict, the law had no teeth and was a waste of time

  44. what point are you making with erroneous information
    could be i missed the point since the point wasn’t there since the facts behind the point are different.

    and you missed my point…

    which is that the europe we all came to love and look to and think romatically about is a mish mosh of all the actions that came before, not just the church

    yes the church laid the foundations of individual responsibility and individual action not collective action.

    whats DIFFERENT is that unlike all those past things, the current thing is acultural. ie, the minute they start to actually settle and build something and that it could grow into something interesting. its torn apart. this is a very different effect than the mixing up of the best of a few cultures

    the big point is not so much what cultures and different groups ahve to offer.

    its the fact that its the state who is trying to mix things and make sure that the parts they want for political reasons end up as the outcome

    in this way, even Hegelian ideas are gamed in that if you fix both sides, the outcome of the Hegelian conflict is NOT new synthesis, but communist synthesis.

    without understanding how this works, there is no way to counter it. once you understand it and others do, it counters itself. as you then do not take the ideas seriously or even the mash up.

    but when they put xena on and we are having too much fun being entertained by the mash up, and forgetting that kids dont have the knowlege to be entertained in the way that makes it a fair use comedy… but they take it seriously

    so in adults, its entertainment, in the kids its imposing acultural outcomes and destroying history as they cant tell roman, from greek, from viking and so on.

    and that point perpetuates… every time someone like you foments some bad information as part of a point, you reinforce the bad!!!!!!!

    ie… in the effort to do good, you don’t remove the poison, you just hand it over and hope

    so each time we talk we have an effect, and while the point is to make a point. if it requires pissing in the well more, maybe its not worth making that way

    each time you reinforce the false idea…
    vikings are white evil beings who came to america and stole indian women from florida (see the recent movies out).

    or even a tiny bit. the ignorati who read, have their views reinforced.

    its a key facet to making the big lie work!!!

    in an effort to stop it, you become an agent of it

    which i personally think is NOT your point…


  45. Back to Neo’s conference of honor upon Kaba:

    Kaba, you now realize that you are surrounded by people here at Neo who are jealous of you and hate you, don’t you?


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