Home » A bit more about Joe Biden’s January 6th speech


A bit more about Joe Biden’s January 6th speech — 20 Comments

  1. To be honest, I quit listening to any Presidential speech after Bush’s 2003 SOTU. You can’t trust what a politician says, but you can judge their actions. The idea worked well under Trump. I couldn’t care less what he said, but I really like the actions Trump took. I still don’t care what Biden says and his actions are bad too.

    From what I heard of Biden’s speech, his actions regarding Jan. 6th don’t exactly follow his words either. As many have noted, nobody has been charged with insurrection. But you can’t call someone an “uniter” that jails dissidents for months and calls them seditious while charging them for trespassing. I think the guy once said you couldn’t overthrow the United States because it had F15 and atomic weapons, but then yesterday said something about a dagger at the throat of democracy. Who knew dagger trumps F15s and nukes?

    I posted this before seeing the previous thread, but this pretty much gives my sentiment about communicators… Judge their actions. I like DeSantis’ actions.

  2. I am surprised that nobody seems to see the most likely reason that Democrats go to such embarrassing lengths in the celebration of their political chicanery… they want to goad Republican leaders and rank and file into a reaction that can then be used to repeat the cycle, finally culminating in criminal charges.

    This is a well-thought-out political strategy of purposeful entrapment, probably informed by the finely-honed entrapment expertise of the FBI. To create traitors, they commit treason themselves and become expert traitors!

  3. I could give a rats ass what these scum say about the events of Jan. 6, 2021–these are the same scum that–for 4 years mind you–told the American people the president of the US was the “cock holster” of an adversarial foreign gov’t.

  4. It is interesting to see how the left and right are coming together in this time of the threat to civilization. I was not a fan of Greenwald until the past year or so. Now, I am reading Robert Kennedy Jr’s book about Fauci and I agree with 90% of it. I supported Bush after 9/11 and am now revisiting those decisions.

    It was amusing to see the Democrats snuggling up to Dick Cheney, the Darth Vader of their nightmares. It reminds me of the scene in the New York Mayor’s office in “Ghostbusters.” The Democrat Party has abandoned its reason for existence, the “little guy,” for Bill Gates and the tech billionaires. Zuckerberg bought the 2020 election for them.

    A lot of people are revising assumptions about the world but it might be too late,

  5. Before occupying the WH, we all knew that Biden was utterly corrupt. Since becoming the pResident he has revealed himself to be a truly loathsome human being without any apparent redeeming qualities.

    May he reap in the afterlife, the reward he so richly deserves.

    Had the democrats any decency, who lie with every utterance from their mouths in seeking to deceive. They’d reflect upon Thomas Jefferson’s thoughts regarding justice and how it applies to them; “Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

    Of course, they don’t believe that a just God exists. No more fatal error could they make.

  6. I thought some of you might be interested in this, even though it has gotten HUGE mainstream media coverage. Not.


    Tatted up swinger, wife beater, Facebook hate spewer, FBI agent and man in charge of the Whitmer “kidnap plot” sting.

    I guess this proves beyond all shadow of a doubt that J, Edgar really is dead and buried … and his bureau with him.

  7. @DNW:

    What a rube that guy was! He could have scored a gig at the Claremont Institute instead of the FBI if he’d had half a brain:


    “Politics in a democratic society is always going to attract a lot of very strange people, but there is a range of acceptable strangeness. As a result, the weirdness tends to be normalized in that you just expect it. No one is surprised to learn that people in politics have the morals of carny folk, because politics is entertainment. We are not shocked by it unless the behavior falls way outside the norm. That is what makes the Jack Murphy scandal both amusing and interesting.

    For those unfamiliar, Jack Murphy was a leader in the man-o-sphere scene, which is a broad term covering anti-feminism, the pick-up artists, men’s rights and the general discussion of manliness in the modern age. Murphy pitched himself as a bit from all of those buckets, but mostly the latter. He ran something called the Liminal Order and charged men $100 a month to learn how to be better men. He also had ornamental facial hair and worked for The Claremont Institute.

    It also turns out that he produced gay porn and was into something called cuckoldry, which is a sexual fetish involving voyeurism and sex with strangers. If you are interested in the details of Mr. Murphy’s side hobbies, someone calling herself Megan Fox posted them at PJ Media. Of course, Jack Murphy is not really Jack Murphy, Irish he-man, but rather, he is someone named John Goldman, who is not Irish. It is hard to imagine how this story could get any more ridiculous.”

    We live in Clown World.

  8. Zaphod,

    “No one is surprised to learn that people in politics have the morals of carny folk, because politics is entertainment.” Zman

    No surprise regarding moral bankruptcy but there’s nothing entertaining about our current politics.

  9. @GB:

    It’s not entertainment for (broad church) us because we (shaddup Om) are normal.

    For a lot of folk it’s blood sport… or worse the only real source of meaning in their sorry lives. And much of the Left is animated by the Will to Power, Self-hatred, and the urge to assuage their internal torment by hurting others via the vehicle of Politics.

    Which does raise questions about the desirability of broad participation in politics. Something we’d likely differ markedly on.

  10. @Om:

    Wasn’t headline news around here that the Lincoln worshiping devotees of Strauss and Jaffa have some esoteric weirdness in their ranks.

    Further exegesis would be wasted.

  11. One thing taught to me by Dennis Prager in the Barky years is its better to read transcript after speech than listen to it. Sundowner is no exception and read many of his though not this one yet in full, did see many clips.
    First time ever, one of his last they inserted a preamble he didn’t even say, but so far have left in his ramblings.

  12. “It was amusing to see the Democrats snuggling up to Dick Cheney, the Darth Vader of their nightmares.”
    Dick Cheney has had a heart transplant. Yet there he was, walking through a crush of reporters. No Covid worries?

  13. Z had another fixation it seems, The Claremount Institution. But then again, not his history.

    The wickedmedia description of the Claremount Institution could use your input, Z, it didn’t go into that kind of “truth.”

  14. Biden stole the election. I’m not going to listen to this senile old man. Totally illegitimate; just like the grandchild he won’t acknowledge. Why isn’t that an issue? Why doesn’t the NYT and WaPo run think pieces on Joe’s refusal to acknowledge Hunter’s bastard?

  15. The Greenwald piece is behind the paywall, but in another piece he suggests one big reason for the ensuing “preposterous” impeachment:


    all signs are pointing in the direction of him pardoning Snowden, for sure. And maybe Assange. And then suddenly this preposterous impeachment proceeding to impeach a president who was on his way out anyway, emerged precisely because it gave them the leverage to threaten Trump and say that they would convict him if he did any of those things.

    And that is why he left office without doing what you can tell from that video he knows he should have done.

  16. Jimmy: That’s a great article.
    Maybe they tried to threaten Trump but I don’t think that is what affected Trump’s decision. I base that conclusion on Trump’s reaction to the Russian prostitute allegations. Trump knew that was a not-so-subtle threat from the FBI and he didn’t bend.
    My thinking is that Trump relied on experts in areas where he didn’t have expertise. Hence Syria, Fauci, Afghanistan, and no on these pardons. There is a suspicion (Intel services would know for sure) that Snowden gave classified information to the Chinese. I don’t really understand why Assange isn’t free.
    Greenwald has been doing great reporting but his default position is that Republicans are the bad guys.

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