Home » Things I don’t care about enough to write a post on


Things I don’t care about enough to write a post on — 33 Comments

  1. ZZZZzzzzz is my response to all except Cheney. It is an attempt of the Corporate Globalists to have their candidate for president to step down “under duress” and campaign. A female Jeff Flake who gave me one thing. “I am not pro business. I am pro Free Enterprise.” Other than that I left him.

    Regarding Sleepy Joe. I don’t care about him. I care about his puppet masters vs. the Obama Cabal.

  2. The Gates divorce.

    “Bill and Melinda Gates divorce is ‘not a friendly split,’ sources allege”

    A couple that has a friendly divorce didn’t need one

    – Erma Bombeck.

  3. The buzz is that Elise Stefanik is being put forward as a replacement for Rep Liz Cheney in the House Repub leadership.
    I’ve seen warnings that Rep Stefanik is pro-amnesty.
    So, that could be a mis-step.

  4. Don’t you want to use Kackle Kamala in one of your parrot open threads?

  5. The ins and outs of the Liz Cheney brouhaha,

    You realize about Cheney that she and her husband have a notional residence somewhere in the vicinity of the Jackson Hole resort. She was born in Wisconsin, spent the bulk of her upbringing in greater Washington, received her secondary diploma from a high school in NoVa, received her tertiary schooling in Colorado Springs and Chicago, and then settled as an adult in greater Washington. Her parents grew up in Wyoming and had a nominal residence there from 1979 to 1993. The only period of her life where she might have been a resident and not a visitor to Wyoming was in 1977 and 1978. She’s spent > 3/4 of her life around Washington and that’s her home. What’s more, she’s not a random local resident like my aunt, but a part of the small sliver of the population which might be called ‘official Washington’. It’s not merely her father’s history in politics and her mother’s. She herself was on the media commentary gravy train and her husband is a partner in a BigLaw firm with a ‘government relations’ practice. No clue why Wyoming Republicans ever accepted her. She demostrates no rapport with anyone outside the Capitol Hill – K Street – green room nexus one suspects because she herself has spent very little of her life outside of it.

  6. I’ve seen warnings that Rep Stefanik is pro-amnesty.

    I used to live in that district, though the boundaries had been altered and I’d moved away ‘ere she was elected. My take on Stefanik is that she’s a careerist who is in politics because it’s a more agreeable way to make a living than working in the family business. I’ll give her props for some of her spunk in tangling with creatures like Alexander Vindman and perhaps a certain amount of bravery under fire is what is needed. As far as her policy preferences, AFAICT she’s a libertarianish business Republican antagonistic to social conservatives and the rest is triangulation.

    With the exception of Ann Marie Buerkle, the Republicans who’ve been elected to Congress from Upstate in the last 14 years have been big frigging disappointments. (I respected Christopher Gibson even though I disagreed with his general stance, as he had a menu of accomplishments and other things to do with his life than fart around Capitol Hill, and after three terms, elected to go do them).

  7. It is long time past for the chicken hawk war mongering Cheney family to leave the stage.
    Just brilliant to disband the Iraqi Army.
    Or to invade after our Ambassador told Saddam that we have no position on intra arab conflicts

  8. Art Deco:

    Her hair is a lot like mine (before I turned gray). Otherwise we look quite different.

    But that was a very funny clip. Made me LOL.

  9. I doubt this person even knew Cheney’s name until recently, …

    Some FoxNews person was laughing at some other lefty, a CNN host perhaps, who was extolling the virtues of Lynne Cheney. Well yes, she’s a nice lady too. Too bad she has nothing to do with congress.

  10. I am slightly curious to see if Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation will lurch left or right or neither in the wake of the divorce. I’d rate a leftward move as very unlikely.

  11. Real tired of all these Democratic party cover-ups. Of cover-ups of cover-ups of cover-ups…

    But wearing down the opposition is the strategy. Kind of like trash talking for athletes (and others). Just keep talking trash; just keep telling lies until the opposition just melts away and/or loses focus. Yep, keep ’em off balance and scratching their heads. (It’s one of the things “Biden” does best.)

    Though why “Decent Joe” likes lying so much is surely hard to understand(!!) And his spokespeople. And the Politburo that runs them all…

    Anyway (yawn), here’s (yawn) another cover-up of a cover-up of a cover-up (yawn); but some might find it of interest… (Some might even find it right up there with the other cover-ups of which the Democratic party is—-with justification—-so proud….):

  12. There aren’t many people who I have more disdain for than our current crop of moralizing tech plutocrats (Gates, Bezos ect.). I have to admit I enjoy it when misfortune strikes them. I don’t begrudge them their wealth, I just have zero interest in them telling us how we should be living out lives, lecturing to all us little people for our climate sins.

  13. > I’d rate a leftward move as very unlikely.

    Have you heard Bill Gates talk lately? He’s got more in common with a Bond villain than a tech billionaire, and he’s as left as they come. I can’t say if his wife was moderating that or reinforcing it, but I don’t see him doing anything but lurching further leftward.

  14. “Have you heard Bill Gates talk lately? He’s got more in common with a Bond villain than a tech billionaire, and he’s as left as they come.”

    There used to be a blog (back in the golden days of blogging) that people could go to to complain about Microsoft’s products and marketing practices. The blog’s title was a pun on BG’s last name– it was called Gates of Hell in reference to Matthew 16:18.

  15. Rick G.,
    You could be correct. I have heard some of the recent commentary from billg (his old email handle) which is much different than many things he said pre-marriage or early marriage. He may be lost to the Davos crowd, or maybe Melinda was the one who longed for Davos approval.

  16. There’s a rumour going around in the Sinosphere that Gates is banging his Chinese translator. She looks like a bit of a pre-menopausal battle axe too, but certainly less estrogen-depleted than Melinda.

    Wouldn’t be the first Western Billionaire to make a great fool of himself with some Almond-eyed Temptress if it’s really the case. Rupert Murdoch made a right crock of things.

    Was discussing the story with Chinese friend yesterday and we both agreed that rich Chinese men handle the Woman Problem much better. It’s considered good form to avoid costly divorces and to gain Great Face by having all the concubines show up at the funeral and fight each other for precedence. In my next life, I’d like to try to pull that one off and be a fly on the wall.

    Rumours aside, plenty of reports about Melinda Gates being thoroughly Bad News as a person to deal with. Bill was notorious for his sperg out rages at Microsoft before she took the whip to him. Neither very nice people and it’s sad that even rapacious divorce lawyers won’t make any discernible dent in their fortunes.

  17. “I’ve seen warnings that Rep Stefanik is pro-amnesty.” JimNorCal

    Chaney’s removal is damage control. Given her continuing finvective against Trump, her presence in leadership is… counterproductive . Stefanik will prove to be another Paul Ryan. The GOPe leadership has not abandoned its RINO nature. They’re not about to elevate a Jim Jordan.

  18. The late Paul Graham quit Microsoft (but kept his shares, hence his billions) early on not long after he was diagnosed with some form of Lymphoma — he was banging away on terminal in next room and heard Gates say to someone else that he was going to Low Ball Graham for his shares because he was going to be dead soon. Gates and Graham had supposedly been bestest buddy partners up until then.

    Graham quit very soon after, beat the cancer odds for many years, lived a pretty fun life, and had very little more to do with Gates.

  19. Stefanik is an open borders scumbag. Cheney is an oligarchic scumbag. Isn’t it nice to have choices?

  20. Paul Graham

    Paul Allen. He worked at Microsoft for seven years, sat on the board for 25 years. He had Hodgkin’s disease, which was not usually fatal at that time (and is seldom fatal in our own time).

  21. The Gateses say they will continue to work together on their foundation, which already leans heavily left. No changes to be expected there.

  22. Stefanik will prove to be another Paul Ryan.

    Ryan held consequential positions. The position she’s slated for is largely ceremonial.

  23. Art+Deco:

    Correct. Got name mangled up with Paul Graham of Y Combinator startup incubator fame.

    Paul Allen was a Mensch. Was apparently very shy but had many friends and did a lot quietly for various charities. Also didn’t pretend that he didn’t own mega yachts for holding riotous parties on.

    Gates has the Yachts, and employs a full-time vacation spot scout, but keeps it all down low so that he can pontificate better to us plebs.

  24. Kate,
    Thanks for the heads-up. There’s this.

    “No changes to their roles or the organization are planned. They will continue to work together to shape and approve foundation strategies, advocate for the foundation’s issues, and set the organization’s overall direction,” the foundation said in a statement.

    However, it’s possible the foundation, founded in 1994, could spin off another charity if the divorce is not amicable, according to some charity experts.

    “The only thing Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grant recipients should be concerned about is ROI (return on investment) on the philanthropic investment,” said Louise Furrow of Seattle Pacific University.

    Oh, … they’re investing in charity. As long as the return is high enough. Good to know.

  25. Had Fox News on yesterday with the sound off. They were discussing Cheney and displayed a graphic saying that Cheney voted about 93% in support of Trump and Stefaik voted about 77%.

  26. @Baggins:

    What X or Y had to say or do about Trump is almost an obfuscation.

    Which one doesn’t want America flooded with Third World Immigrants? That’s pretty much all anyone needs to know. Demographics towers over all other issues for anyone concerned about the world their grandchildren will inherit.

    I guess could also ask which one is against Pointless Foreign Forever Wars, but don’t want to appear greedy.

  27. Some of the internet speculation I’ve seen is that the replacement of Cheney with Stefanik is less about Trump and policies than about which one is a better fund raiser and people schmoozer.


    Rather, what this is actually about is simple. Cheney is the #3 Republican in the House. That job requires three things. That person must be a great fundraiser and an excellent recruiter. Cheney is neither of those things. Also, that person must be able to put their personal feelings aside and push a congruent message for the caucus to rally around. Cheney has also failed miserably at doing that, choosing instead to make her own profile the priority.

    Regardless, Cheney does not define how big the GOP tent is. In fact, Elise Stefanik represents a broader swath of the electorate (i.e. a bigger tent), to the point where many conservatives are very skeptical of her. Still, the point here isn’t an argument over policy. It’s about leadership and being able to do the job that Cheney holds. If she can’t do it, and it appears she can’t, she needs to be removed. Meanwhile, Stefanik has shown herself to be an excellent fundraiser who gets results on the campaign trail. It’s not any more complicated than that.

    I also give Stefanik props for her defense of The President in the first impeachment (what an entry in Guinness: first – and I hope only – president to be impeached twice, both being frivolous harassment, and was acquitted twice), and haven’t really looked into her policy positions, so will pass on that for the nonce.

    Anyway, the fund-raiser observation tied in with this one.


    “One thing I read from time to time is that the Republican floor leaders (who are useless human beings six-ways-to-Sunday) are admired by members because they’re vigorous fundraisers. We have this institution called the Republican National Committee, which has a three digit staff. Why are our parliamentary floor leaders devoting their time to running fundraisers in any constituency but their own?” – Art Deco


  28. I think streiff has some worthwhile speculations to ponder.


    Good exposition of the situation in re Cheney now vs Cheney in her first no-confidence vote, but the bottom line is HOW she plans to win re-election.

    She’s sowed division in her caucus and is obviously currying favor with Democrat voters in Wyoming as well as appealing to deep-pocket Democrats for campaign funds. If she loses her primary, which seems likely, expect her to launch an independent or write-in campaign.

  29. A Biden video to not watch; Hinderaker does it for you.

    As “president,” poor decrepit Joe Biden can’t entirely avoid public appearances, as he pretty much did during the campaign. But when he tries to speak publicly, the results are, to put it politely, concerning. Here (via PJ Media), Biden tries to read his teleprompter on the “Restaurant Revitalization Fund.” It isn’t pretty: …(only :41 second)
    It is obvious, I think, that Joe Biden has less mental acuity than the average high school student. And, unlike the average high school student, he is moving in the wrong direction. For how long will our slavish press continue to pretend that this poor fossil is, in a meaningful sense, our president?

    Don’t be silly. They will pretend until the day Biden drops. The real question is, how long they can continue to fool many Americans?

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