Home » Court-packing (Part II): Venezuela is the template


Court-packing (Part II): Venezuela is the template — 19 Comments

  1. The party of “by any means necessary’ and “the ends justify the means” will never falter in its quest for absolute power and total control, while it is likely that the GOP will continue to behave in a manner befitting an impotent loser taking pride in being “principled”, despite the consequences of being unwilling to fight. The great historian Toynbee famously argued that civilizations die of suicide, not from murder, and our corrupt ruling elites seem determined to prove him correct. One might also recall the book entitled Suicide of the West, written two generations ago by James Burnham, who was, once upon a time (like David Horowitz), a man of the left.

  2. The GOP is too gutless to do what is necessary- stop the mail in vote fraud.

    The 2022 elections already pretty much guarantee the GOP loses ground in the Senate, and I don’t see where the GOP is going to make up the necessary house seats given that they are sure to relose the gains in Florida, New York, and California from the 2020 election without Trump on the ballot.

    My prediction for 2022- Democrats pick up 3 seats in the Senate, 10 seats in the House. The filibuster is ended, 2 new states are added before 2024, and the Court becomes 13.

  3. Keeping in mind….

    …which is only part of a general pattern:

    If the Venezuelan template is correct, and it is terrifying to contemplate, the only solution might be intervention by the US Military…which is why “Biden” is intent (as was “his” master before him) on emasculating the Armed Forces as fast as possible.

    Which “solution” has problems of its own, certainly…

  4. The states that try to rein in the mail in vote fraud will have the effort injuncted by the district courts and the D.C. appeals court will sit on the issue until the election has passed by.

  5. Yancey Ward:

    If I’m remembering correctly, in cases like that the issue can go before SCOTUS which can lift the injunction if they want to do so. I think that was done in expedited fashion for some other injunctions by Hawaii judges and the like.

  6. The Supreme Court is intimidated already and Roberts is useless. I have not given up on the 2022 election for the House. The Senate will be tougher and probably not salvageable.

    Pinochet saved Chile and they are already sliding back into Socialism.

  7. “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.

    There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” Winston S. Churchill

  8. Unless something fundamental changes in the hearts of a lot of quiet, subdued folks in the electorate, I see nothing but trouble. Your analysis here is quite correct, depressing as it is.

    America has been tottering for quite some time. Now, it’s teetering.

  9. One of the reasons that Trump won in 2016 was the Supreme Court. Many people that are politically ambivalent voted for Trump to fill Scalia’s seat. They didn’t want the status quo upset. With Trump putting 3 on the court some people probably did not feel that sense of dread or concern.

    If the Republicans are smart they will push this issue in the Senate Races in 2022 and 2024. Ambivalent voters would be more likely to vote for them if they state loudly and forcefully their opposition to packing the court. But then they are the Stupid Party.

    I am excepting Marjorie Taylor Green. That woman is really scaring the Democrats. More than Jim Jordan. Maybe we should call her Notorious MTG. That would make the Progressives agitated taking a tag line from one of their icons who opposed packing the court.

  10. They may back off “for now”. But they will never ever stop trying. They are currently only one more manufactured crisis away from ceasing permanent total power.

    I (personally) am not sanguine about the future of this country. The slide towards a complete loss of constitutional liberties is too pronounced. It would require a major event or the emergence of a brilliant leader to reverse the trend.

  11. Something that has gone unmentioned here, though I believe of noteworthy importance, is that part of the groundwork that was laid prior to the bulk of the assault on the legalistic/political fronts that have happened in Veni, is that the citizenry (other than the chavista-supporting gangs) was disarmed.

    I would take that as a cautionary bit of history.

  12. I share Neo’s rather pessimistic view of America’s future, but remain hopeful that some sort of Deus ex machina can intervene. Perhaps Russia will go ahead and move into Ukraine, or China will decide now is their best opportunity to “take back” Taiwan. Or there’s always the chance Iran or North Korea will decide now is a good time to settle old scores. In any case, domestic American politics will be put on the back burner while our external threats are dealt with, and the Pentagon will remember that their role is defending America, not promoting more four-stars and transgender officers. If none of those black swan events come to pass, I don’t hold out much hope for the Republicans showing a unified and spirited defense to prevent the Democrat slide toward a repeat of what happened in Venezuela.

  13. SCOTUS is and has long been the ultimate legislative body of the federal government.

    It has voted in favor of pro-black discrimination (see Sandra Day O’Conner) and it has invented rights, sometimes seen as penumbras and emanations, such as the right to privacy, which has led to all forms of accepted sexual conduct except, for the moment, bestiality. It has ruled in Roe v. Wade that it is permissible to murder unborn Americans, the death toll now exceeding 60 million since 1973.

    John Marshall, the first Chief Justice, in Marbury v. Madison, declared the supremacy of SCOTUS over the Congress in 1803, and unfortunately his declaration went unchallenged by the Congress when that was clearly an option in the young USA, peopled by a healthy, vigorous group of educated people (as opposed to today’s brainwashed, uneducated).

    Now we live with a monster “Court” of unelected Justices who rule for life.

    Read “A Country I Do Not Recognize” (2005), edited by Robert Bork, whose name has become a verb, thanks to Biden and the Democrat- controlled Senate, for more on this topic.

  14. Civil War is our last best bet, and it isn’t a good bet.

    1. The ramifications are horrible, both internally and for China and Russia positions in the world.

    2. I doubt many state legislatures would have the will to declare independence.

    3. This is what the purging of the military is all about. They want to make sure the main tool violence is under their control.

    I am past seeing realistic good options.

  15. What really allowed the destruction of freedom in Venezuela was that the people were disarmed in 2012, We can’t allow that disarming of the people to happen in the US.

  16. The only way forward is succession and that will only work if the state in question creates its own currency. Start talking currency changes and you will see a reaction – guaranteed. However I think most states are so fat on the federal teat that they would rather be slaves than have to pay their own bills. Cya!

  17. Those who complain “the GOP (is) an impotent loser” or “the GOP is too gutless” indict themselves. They are the GOP.

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