Home » If I recall the election of 2000 correctly…


If I recall the election of 2000 correctly… — 34 Comments

  1. Strangely, I’m confident that Trump will prevail. He will present evidence of fraud to the state legislatures as needed (WI, MI and PA) and his electors will be selected to the Electoral College; as intended by the Founders.

    Most people have exhausted their outrage, but I’m mystified as to why the whole citizenry is not totally up in arms over the fact that some crooks in Atlanta, Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee are stealing the election.

    Where is the outrage? Where did we go wrong? Where is respect for the Rule of Law?

    If this is allowed to stand, we’re finished as a country. I’m not overstating this. We will be a one party state without free elections.

    Trump’s lawyers will carry the day; both in court and in the state legislatures.

    The Fake News is totally finished. During this ordeal, I asked myself where could I go to get the truth and I came up blank. Fox News was a huge disappointment. The Omaha World-Herald is 10% of what it used to be and has gone full left.

  2. I dont think that Democrats as a rule, have ever hesitated to employ voter fraud if they thought they could get away with it. Voter fraud almost certainly gave us JFK as president. And it gave us Lyndon Johnson in the Senate, and ultimately in the White House.

    The Kennedy clan go to joke was, as you know, ” Vote eatly, and vote often” …

    The news media falling all over itsef in order to declare it ” “finis”, no more to see here, move along,` is if not new, certainly startling in its brazenness.

    I guess they imagine they still have “social credit”

  3. Massive multi-pronged, multi-jurisdictional, multi-state, multi-dimensional subversion. Criminality on an absolutely huge scale.
    A veritable steamroller of felonious activity.
    Unprecedented criminal audacity.

    So massive is the scope of this operation, in fact , that the gangsters don’t feel they have to even bother defending themselves.
    They can just ignore it along with their media Hessians and call anyone who dares call it what it is—CONSIPIRACY TO STEAL A FEDERAL ELECTION—a “nutty conspiracy theorist.”
    “A Trumpist conspiracy to harm the country by right-wing, racist nut-jobs.”
    “Oh sure, some voting irregularities MAY have occurred. Can’t deny THAT. It can happen. It does happen. But steal an election? You’re totally off your rocker. Like all you fascist Trumpers.”

    In fact, in its huge scope, it’s very similar to Obamagate—that other scandal of immense intricacy and extraordinary complexity: convoluted, multi-leveled, multi-organizational, multi-continental, featuring cover-ups of cover-ups of cover-ups practically ad infinitum. With, of course, the Mainstream Corrupt Media providing whatever cover it could to protect Obama’s confederates, as well as attacking Trump 24/7 possible with whatever fantastical lies and fantasies it could invent. And then some.

    The Democratic game plan to steal the election is, to be sure, not AS complex but it makes up in sheer mass, sheer volume, sheer numbers, sheer aggression, what it lacks in finesse.

    It’s what Wretchard has already labeled “The Big Push” in one of his recent posts (though I’m not sure he quite envisioned the sheer magnitude of this…).

    How does one even begin to unravel this level and intensity of criminality in a half-dozen states? How does one start to expose a crime so vast? (Especially since the MSCM will not even report it; especially since in the topsy-turvy STASI- like world they’ve created it is Trump and his supporters who are the criminals and who should be put treated like e the criminals they are. “VENGEANCE IS OURS” sayeth those elitist gangsters who aspire to god-like status. Who believe that they answer to no one.)

    Well, one has to start somewhere. There’s not a whole lot of time, but I guess it has to be done methodically. If Nevada is the most obvious locus of corruption, then start there. Stress the statistical anomalies (and there are many) one by one, the time gaps in vote counting consistent across those several mid-west states. Stress the commonalities, the similarities. Stress the whistleblowers and hope that more come forward. Use the courts where possible (e.g., Pennsylvania).

    It will take a lot of discipline. And patience in spite of the late hour. And it will be done in a veritable vacuum, since the MSCM will not report ANY of it (except to ridicule Trump and his ugly band of racist deplorables) and Twitter and FB will also strategically block anything and everything they deem too dangerous to Biden, Obama and the Democratic mafia they represent.

    Perhaps the new platform (starts with a “P” I believe) will help, but it’s not all that developed as far as I know.

    There is momentum connected to this effort and one hopes that the entire Democratic Party gets what it so very much deserves.

    The main point to stress is that this is a crime against the nation (as was/is Obamagate, as is the kangaroo trial against Michael Flynn). The real problem here, however, is that the Democrats have so successfully DEMONIZED Trump and those who support him that far too many believe that anything is permissible and moral in order to destroy him—and those who support him.


  4. Gore and the news media conspired to try to steal Florida in 2000. First, Gore sent his lawyers to every Dem county election commission and told them they had to throw out military ballots. This despite a Federal court injunction requiring them to count those military ballots. Thousands of military personnel had their votes destroyed illegally.

    Second, the news media called Gore the winner before polls had even closed in the panhandle (Central time). Thousands and thousands of Bush voters who were in line to vote went home.

    Without this kind of cheating, Gore never would have been close enough to try to cheat with chads and use the liberal Fla courts to screw Bush out of basic fairness. SCOTUS ruled for Bush 7-2 on the cheating.

  5. An in depth, comprehensive look at the democrat party’s voter corruption; “There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen” http://theredelephants.com/there-is-undeniable-mathematical-evidence-the-election-is-being-stolen/

    The massiveness of the fraud is indeed undeniable. So anyone who tries to deny it is either a liar or willfully blind.

    Nor is Trump getting the backing he needs.

    McConnell is silent.

    Romney knows of the corruption and has already conceded.

    George W Bush has not only conceded with not one word about the massive fraud but has the utter gall to declare Joe Biden to be “a good man”.

    Nicky Halley is silent.

    S.C. Tim Scott is silent.

    Rep. Dan Crenshaw, not one word about the fraudulent voting. But cavalierly states, “If Trump loses, he loses”.

    I don’t worry about proving the fraud. I worry about corrupt judges like Sullivan dismissing the evidence.

  6. Of course, that was then, this is now. In 2000 the media had not yet gone quite so far over into utter, undisguised, blatant, no-holds-barred partisanship. –neo

    A bit o’ fun which came up on my car stereo yesterday, comparing 1966 with 1986 — a difference which seemed huge at the time.

    –The Monkees, “That Was then, This Is Now”

    Back then, I didn’t realize how good a natural lead singer Mickey was. (Try to imagine anyone else singing, “I’m a Believer,” with his conviction.) I do now.

    RIP, Davey and Peter.

  7. I don’t think most of them would care if [vote fraud] were proven to have happened now, so great is their desire to cut down all the laws to get rid of Trump. –neo

    I don’t either. These days I avoid political conversations with Democrats, but when I get sucked in, I discover their interest in hearing the other side, much less doing so fairly, non-existent.

  8. Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia…
    Seems to be a trend…

    Meanwhile, Schumer doth protest a bit too early (and much):

    …while hypocrites do what hypocrites do best…
    Introducing Ben Rhodes:
    And feathered friend:

    …as McConnell stands FIRM:

  9. There is much more about The Hammer and Scorecard computer programs in this article:

    It appears that by watching TV returns frame by frame, the numbers can be seen to be changed. Exactly the same number of votes disappearing from Trump’s total and appearing immediately in Biden’s total. Strange, eh?

    I don’t know enough about how they could detect that the software was actually used – it’s not supposed to leave any fingerprints. Only by watching the TV screens of returns closely can this be shown to have happened.

    According to the article, Scorecard will only change 3% of the votes so it won’t look too fishy. When it became apparent (at 9:20 EST) that they would need more votes in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, they began slowing the count and delivering the fake ballots that were needed. The fake ballots had only votes for the presidential candidates – an unusual number of them in certain sates this time – Pennsylvania (98,000), Georgia (80-90,000), Arizona (42,000), Michigan (up to 115,000), and Wisconsin (62,000).

    It may all be dismissed as normal and within the range of uncertainty in an election, but if so, why not check it out?

  10. The key thing I remember about the FL, Y2000 election recount mess were the two supreme courts. The FL supreme court signed off on a selective recount methodology specifically designed to throw the election to Al Gore. But it was a contested decision within that court. The chief justice wrote a scathing dissent on their decision and called it the single worst decision during his time as chief.

    I believe that FL decision and dissent set the stage for the SCOTUS to essentially strike it down. I was also moderately surprised that many years later most or nearly all major news operations stated that “their analysis” (whatever that means precisely) showed that the “correct” FL vote count would have shown that Bush won.

    One of the many shocking things in this election was that the Penn. supreme court signed off on an election scheme that was plainly in direct violation of the Penn. legislature and the U.S. Constitution. But that wasn’t the most shocking part. The really shocking part was that it was a unanimous decision. We are living in a time when extreme corruption has become mainstream.

    Thanks for those numbers J.J.

  11. Let’s not forget that when Obama won, some called for Bush to step down immediately, before his term was official up, so that Obama could take over since he had a “mandate”!

    Even with Trump, so many were calling for electors to NOT cast their votes as they should for Trump.

    They seem to want to push laws aside when it is in their favor.

    Also, they have since day one called Trump’s presidency “illegitimate” so I say we should also keep calling Joe the-dimwit-from-Delaware Biden’s presidency a stolen one. At least that would be truthful.

  12. Cornhead, I agree completely about the outrage of a few corrupt city machines stealing a national election. If they get away with this it’s the end of America for sure.
    A recount is not enough – it won’t catch enough fraud. And I’m afraid it will be almost impossible to establish the fraud to a standard that would get the USSC to require a revote in even one state. That would take an enormous amount of courage on their part even with indisputable proof.

  13. Cont’d; I also don’t think the relevant state legislatures will have the courage to direct their electors to vote Trump.
    I am praying that Trump’s teams will be able to establish so much deliberate and significant fraud that the dems will not be able to cover it up. So that even if Trump does not remain president, the biden administration will be under a cloud of illegitimacy forever. I’m going scorched earth here!
    I read a comment on twitter earlier today that pretty much summed it all up for me;
    ‘Why does the fraud have to be ‘widespread’ before anything is done? This is America. ANY fraud at all should be enough to review everything!’

  14. Molly+Brown,
    There is a very real chance that Trump has prepared for this. He is not stupid. Maybe the reason no one has been punished for spying on Trump is Trump is spying on them under an “open skies” type policy. Maybe when their plan A fell apart and they switched to plan B, Trump’s Elint team got it all. He had to know about the vote stealing software.

    In 2001, after Gore-Bush, I was privileged to examine the voting equipment and software used in Washington State. I examined every aspect from ballot creation to voting, to tabulating to recount procedures. My assessment was that they had no idea what the system software was really doing and their simple validation tests would not discover time activated vote switching.

    The machines are actually reprogramed for a recount because only the election to be recounted is recounted. At least one county in Fla during Gore-Bush didn’t actually recount as directed but just re-tabulated.

    As far as the USSC goes, they bless this and their reputation is mud. They are dead to 70 million Americans.

  15. Johny boy Roberts has no reputation left to tarnish after signing on to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s recipie for fraud. He enabled the debacle, again.

  16. Chases Eagles,
    I hope you are right about Trump being ahead of the game. I found his firing of Espy today intriguing with regards to this kind of thing.
    As for the USSC they are in a no win position. Let this go by and 71 million Americans will have no faith in them AND the dems will pack the court and make them irrelevant. Make a real effort to root out corruption in our electoral system and the dems will hate them forever.
    Oh wait, they already do!

  17. As I recall, Obama came out with that lame “Office of the President-Elect” sign. The man was quite full of himself.

  18. Molly+Brown: “You really have to wonder. What HAVE the dems got on Roberts?”

    My guess is nothing. He is probably just another globalist shitbag chosen by Bush to control the corrupt FISA court so that it might be used against people like Trump.

  19. “I say we should also keep calling Joe the-dimwit-from-Delaware Biden’s presidency a stolen one.” charles

    You and anyone else who says that will be charged with hate speech. Doubt it? In Scotland the legislature is considering legislation that will if passed make it a felony for you to say that in your home…

    Allowing the left to install Joe Biden is tacit acceptance of 1984. While whistling past the graveyard.

  20. I voted Third Party in 2000. I did not like Democrats’ maneuverings during the Florida recount.

    1) Trying to nullify ballots from the military.

    2)Recall there were a lot of nullified ballots in counties that Democrats controlled and thus in counties where Democrats also designed the ballots. Democrats told us that the nullified ballots should be interpreted as votes for Gore. Maybe they were votes for Gore, but they were also nullified ballots. Democrats had plenty of time before the election to test and design ballots that voters could readily understand. After the election is too late.

    My reaction to Democrat shenanigans during the Florida 2000 recount was to decide to then on always vote for the Republican Presidential candidate. A Republican candidate was the most likely to have the support to defeat a Democrat. I concluded that a Third Party protest vote did nothing to keep Democrats out of office.

  21. Neo,
    Your view of what happened in Florida in 2000 was not that rosy.
    Florida in 2000 was initially called by the networks for Gore, then changed to ‘too close to call’ then called for Bush and then changed again by 3 AM Wednesday morning back to ‘too close to call’. The vote total difference was less than 1000 votes. So a machine recount was done and it still remained close to the same. Then Gore requested an additional recount in four counties only – which was completely legal and reasonable and the vote count got down to 300 a vote difference by then. But Bush sued to stop the second recount citing the 14th Amendment. He clearly saw he could lose.

    The battle went to the courts until the SCOTUS eventually stopped the recount in what was easily one of the more controversial actions by a court in its history. In fact it was so controversial the SCOTUS made a point of saying the case was so unique it could not be used as a precedent but should be “limited to the present circumstances”.
    But it was fairly ugly at times with a lot of rhetoric [just like today]. Gore was called a sore loser etc. I recall Republicans storming one election center demanding the recount stop. One was the Brooks Brothers riot in Miami Dade https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot

    But the biggest difference between then and now is that Florida 2000 was truly close – less than 1000 votes. While this time the close states are nowhere near as close. GA is 12,000, WI is 20,000 NV is 36,000, PA is 45,000
    In 2016 the difference was in MI was 10,000, WI 22,000, PA 44,000. There were few calls for recounts in 2016.

    GA and WI will probably have recounts.
    Also don’t forget AZ, which is still counting mail-in ballots and Trump has gained 20,000 votes since the weekend. [I guess mail in ballots are acceptable in AZ?]

  22. Montage:

    Plessy v Furgesson, Dred Scott, Brown v Board of Education were a little more significant than Gore’s 2000 Tantrum. Other than that you arguments are, as usual, fantastic.

    Do you understand the concept of legal versus illegal votes? Dead and non-dead voters? Citizens and non-citizens voters? Residents (states) and non-residents (states)? Ballots cast after election date deadlines; “deadlines” are not the same as dead voters?

    So if you can steal enough votes the theft doesn’t matter. “After all at this point what difference does it make.” You like one party states IIRC.

  23. Montage:

    Here are a few more significant decisions from the SCOTUS than the Gore 2000 Tantrum:

    Minoru Yasui v. the United States, Hirabayashi v. the United States, Korematsu v. the United States

    Something about internment of American citizens of Japanese descent in the early 1940’s. What could that have been?

    And of course Roe v Wade or even Engel v. Vital?

  24. om
    Typically your reading comprehension is lacking or you’re pretending to not understand. I didn’t say Bush v Gore was THE most controversial. I said it was one of the ‘more controversial’ and that is absolutely the truth. A case does not have to be ranked #1 or even #10 as the most controversial to be controversial.

    Lists of cases here and below cite Bush v Gore as controversial.



  25. Montage:

    Typical that when you make a bogus claim about the significance of Gore’s 2000 Tantrum and I list numerous SCOTUS cases that are a bit more significant you reply with but it was “controversial.”

    Do you understand what “significant” means? It isn’t the same as “controversial.”

    Something like “precedent” is not the same as “president.” IIRC SCOTUS Judge Amy Coney Barrett was asked about cases that set precedents and somehow for some reason they didn’t ask her about “controversial” decisions. And for some reason Gore’s 2000 Tantrum was not mentioned as controversial, significant, or setting a “precedent” even though it involved a president.

    Thanks again for one of your fantastic analysis.

    Citing USA Today – weak and mobility challenged.

    So the Florida Supreme Court ruled in a way that was so FUed that the SCOTUS had to rectify their judicial misconduct and controversy.

  26. Montage:

    My view was “not that rosy”? Not how rosy? My view was my view, and I recall the process quite well. As I said above – one state, and it was about counting. Back then I was on the Gore side, by the way, so I didn’t find it rosy at the time.

    But it was simplicity itself compared to the situation at the moment.

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