“60 Minutes”—of gossip
John Hindraker makes a good case for thinking the great minds behind CBS’s “60 Minutes” might be suffering a tad from RDS (Rove Derangement Syndrome, Republican Derangement Syndrome, take your pick) for treating Jill Simpson as a credible source. The holes in her story are so huge there’s really no story left, but “60 Minutes” doesn’t seem to care.
On the other hand, at least they named their source. If you’re going to publish unsubstantiated gossip, that’s probably a good thing.
If you’re the MSM nowadays, you’re sitting on easy street. Jill Simpson could be a fortune teller from Missouri for all that it matters. It makes absolutely not a smidgen of difference. If you’re “progressive”, Karl Rove is guilty. If you must have evidence, plant it. It makes no difference.