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Blaming Bibi: documentary about the family of a hostage — 20 Comments

  1. I wonder if he was one of the morons who allowed the Islam Nazi goat shtuppers into their homes, thinking it would create Kumbaya Goodwill? You don’t need a weather man to know which way the wind blows.

  2. hes in fantasy land, partially out of grief, but also his belief in the Oslo narrative, which I thought was absurd thirty years ago, and even more so, since October 7th

  3. Let’s see: there’s a segment of the Israeli population that is mad at Netanyahu because all the hostages have not been returned, and a portion of the population of Gaza that is demonstrating against Hamas because they don’t want perpetual war with Israel. Both cohorts exhibit the Stockholm Syndrome. Maybe we should be hoping both groups will increase in size, although that’s not good news for Netanyahu. But he’s already been PM long than anyone else in Israel, I believe.

  4. Let’s see: there’s a segment of the Israeli population that is mad at Netanyahu because all the hostages have not been returned, and a portion of the population of Gaza that is demonstrating against Hamas because they don’t want perpetual war with Israel. Both cohorts exhibit the Stockholm Syndrome.
    The term ‘Stockholm syndrome” does not mean what you fancy it means.
    Maybe we should be hoping both groups will increase in size, although that’s not good news for Netanyahu.
    No, you shouldn’t. The people in Gaza wanting out of perpetual war are being reasonable. The people in Israel kvetching about the hostages are not.
    But he’s already been PM long than anyone else in Israel, I believe.
    Netanyahu’s time in public life thus far (40 years and change) is about the median of his predecessors. His current age (75) is a tad higher than the median age at which his predecessors shuffled off into the back benches or shuffled off into retirement. David Ben-Gurion was director of the Jewish Agency from 1935 to 1948 and then Prime Minister from 1948 to 1963 (bar two years); Netanyahu has some time ahead of him to surpass that.

  5. It’s certainly possible that the October 7 attack could have been averted if Israel had a prime minister who devoted his energies to improving intelligence gathering instead of supporting West Bank settlers in their pointless nastiness. But we’ll never know that.

    What we do know is that Netanyahu has no plan other than his own political survival.

  6. What we do know is that Netanyahu has no plan other than his own political survival.


    Perhaps you do. However, I lack such enlightenment. And I distrust mindreading.


  7. Bibi is 75?

    He’s a silver fox.

    When things slow down, he should market a diet and exercise program. Or go up against Ralph Lauren with a line of clothing. 🙂

  8. @y81

    It’s certainly possible that the October 7 attack could have been averted if Israel had a prime minister who devoted his energies to improving intelligence gathering instead of supporting West Bank settlers in their pointless nastiness. But we’ll never know that.

    I am reporting you to Interpol for suspected illegal smuggling because I see no other explanation for the giant strawman than this. As for “energies to improving intelligence”, Bibi worked hard to try and reel in the institutional Leftist groupthink in Mossad and elsewhere, but was hampered by the left. Moreover, reports about the prep work for the attack were already filtered up the chain of command by IDF intel assets but were ignored.

    It is also this context that makes the “settlers” actions a lot more reasonable than whatever navel gazing bullshit the Israeli left or you are advocating.

    What we do know is that Netanyahu has no plan other than his own political survival.

    Even if that were true it is painfully clear that the Israeli left have no plan other than repeating the same abject failures of the Oslo process, in spite of how even most of their domestic base no longer believes that liable to obtain results.

  9. Judges 2:8-13…
    I’m not going to plug up the thread with the whole quote…but that ‘peacenik’ doofus seems to possess the same kind of forgetfulness the early Israelites suffered. It’s a recurring issue.

    At this point he’s too far removed from the camps and ovens.

  10. Been wondering how many hostages were still unaccounted for.
    It’s a no win situation with families, they want 1 ending and it’s not always possible.

  11. Sorry to think that these hostage family members have nothing to cling to but wishcasting. When one looks objectively at Israel’s enemies, it is impossible to believe that any kind of peace is possible, unless it is the peace of the grave. Whether the grave is occupied by Israelis or Arabs seems to be the only real choice. Sadly, it also appears that there are many Israelis who prefer the grave for themselves and their country. Like the democerat left in America and its unreasoning hate for all things Trump, they are consumed by an irrational hatred for Netanyahu. I am unable to understand such a mindset. Self-loathing only begins to describe it.

  12. Self-loathing only begins to describe it.
    That doesn’t describe it at all. They think quite well of themselves. They’re unwilling to acknowledge the implications of what they’re advocating. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy…

  13. Please note that in the 1973 legislative elections in Israel the Labor Party, the ancestors of Meretz, and political parties who later merged with the Labor Party captured 45% of the vote. In 2022, the Labor Party and Meretz captured shy of 7% of the vote. The Labor Party, btw, has for nearly 60 years been rather hard-headed compared with the majority faction of the Democratic Party in the United States. In Israel, there are nationalist parties, there are social-liberal parties, there are religious parties, there are Arab interest parties who draw from different inspirations. What we would call ‘the left’ has largely withered away; you see the same story in a number of European countries. In Israel, the left do occupy gatekeeper positions in the legal profession and they’re motivated to attend large mass demonstrations, but they account for only a small fraction of the general public.

  14. Art Deco:

    The left is also disproportionately represented among the victims of 10/7.

  15. Steve (retired/recovering lawyer):

    I’m surprised you find it so hard to understand.

    The actual position of Israelis is so dire in terms of being surrounded by so many people sworn to destroy it and its inhabitants; who wouldn’t be eager to think things aren’t quite as bad as all that? Acknowledging the truth is very very depressing.

    Same for anti-Semitism. Its pervasiveness over time and place and circumstance is mind-boggling and hard to acknowledge.

  16. The actual position of Israelis is so dire in terms of being surrounded by so many people sworn to destroy it and its inhabitants;
    Israel hasn’t been at war with an Arab state since 1973. It’s enemies are paramilitary gangs, several of whom are financed by Iran. In different ways, the capacity of Hamas and the Hezbollah to accomplish much has been severely degraded. The Houthis are a threat to shipping; they’ll learn the hard way that others can shoot back. Al Fatah and its hangers-on have been successfully contained for nearly 20 years. As for state actors, Syria’s productive capacity in comparison with that of any other country in the Near East may be as low as it has been in the last century. Iran is a threat. Iran’s dispositions have been frozen in amber by the remarkable longevity of its current boss, who was second in command from 1981 and in charge from 1989. He has a life expectancy of about five years. NB, Iran in its antagonism to Israel was never motivated by reasons of state.

  17. Art Deco:

    Gaza and the so-called West Bank are two of its immediate neighbors – sworn to destroy it. Egypt has nominally been at peace with Israel for decades, but it helps the Palestinians in a host of ways and was responsible for allowing the Gazans to arm and facilitated that arming. The Egyptian population is anti-Israel. Jordan’s leaders are far more friendly towards Israel than Jordan’s population, which is pretty indistinguishable from the Palestinians. Lebanon has been run by Hezbollah, pretty much, which takes its marching orders from Iran. As for Syria:

    The two countries have been locked in a perpetual war since the establishment of Israel in 1948, with their most significant and direct armed engagements being in the First Arab–Israeli War in 1948–1949, the Third Arab–Israeli War in 1967, and the Fourth Arab–Israeli War in 1973. Additionally, Israeli and Syrian forces also saw relatively extensive combat against each other during the Lebanese Civil War, the 1982 Lebanon War, as well as the War of Attrition. Both states have at times signed and held armistice agreements, although all efforts to achieve complete peace have been without success. Syria has never recognized Israel as a legitimate state and does not accept Israeli passports as legally valid for entry into Syrian territory; Israel likewise regards Syria as a hostile state and generally prohibits its citizens from travelling there, with some exceptions and special accommodations being made by both countries for Druze people residing in Syria and the Golan Heights (regarded by the United Nations as Syrian territory, occupied by Israel since 1967).[1][2] Israel and Syria have never established formal diplomatic relations since the inception of both countries in the mid-20th century.

    In line with the lack of diplomatic relations and continuous state of war, there have been virtually no economic or cultural ties between Israel and Syria, and a limited movement of people across the border. Syria continues to be an active participant in the Arab League’s boycott of Israel.

  18. Gaza and the so-called West Bank are two of its immediate neighbors – sworn to destroy it
    The sh!tty little toddler who lives next door to you may have a propensity to bite people. That’s not a mortal peril to you.
    That a population is ‘anti-Israel’ does not mean it is willing to waste blood and treasure on killing Jews.
    Again, the difference in productive capacity between Israel and Syria is quite large. They’re not in a position to wage war on Israel and have not attempted to do so since 1973.

  19. Did someone mention derangement?
    Related, essentially, if somewhat entertainingly…

    “March 28: We Had to Hide the Truth in Order to Save It”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

    BTW, the anti-Bibi demos are clearly following that good ole’ “Biden” Color Revolution script.
    (Gosh! Whoda thunk THAT???)
    As such, might one wonder who’s funding it?

    File under: “Biden” might be gone but “his” legacy lives on. HOLD ON! “He” hasn’t gone anywhere…

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