Biden and the press: now it can be told
I think we already pretty much knew this, actually, merely by observing. But now it’s being admitted to:
Former President Joe Biden’s White House staff made “really unethical” demands of the press as part of a campaign to “bully” journalists into portraying the aging commander in chief in a good light, a former staffer revealed Tuesday.
“They did bully a lot of journalists, and I think they would tell you that now. They wouldn’t have told you at the time,” Michael LaRosa, who served as former first lady Jill Biden’s press secretary, told “The Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur.
The former president’s communications team, led by Anita Dunn, was “very hostile and very suspicious” of journalists and treated their jobs as if they were operating “out of a bunker,” LaRosa said. …
There was this thing in Biden world about quote approval, everything had to be on quote approval,” LaRosa said, explaining that the practice involved “one person” on Biden’s team deciding “what the reporter can use, what quotes they can use” after an interview with the president. …
“I mean you saw them get caught trying to script questions to radio reporters that summer, summer of 2024. It was very reminiscent to me of being on the campaign in 2020, where these young press staffers in these states like New Hampshire, or Iowa, or Nevada, they were sort of like dog trained to make the questions conditional for interviews,” he said.
“And I said to them, ‘Please never ask the journalist for the questions ahead of time. You can always ask about the topics, but do not ask them for the questions for Dr. Biden,’” LaRosa explained, claiming that he refused to take part in the practice when handling press for the former first lady.
Oh, how ethical of him! Jill didn’t need the help; Joe did. His was a Potemkin presidency, and the press was fully complicit.
And then there’s that name: Anita Dunn. She goes way back. I first mentioned her in 2009 when she worked for Obama and was blasting Fox as biased and holding up CNN as objective (unfortunately the video there no longer works).
Neo wrote:
“And then there’s that name: Anita Dunn. She goes way back. I first mentioned her in 2009 when she worked for Obama and was blasting Fox as biased and holding up CNN as objective (unfortunately the video there no longer works).”
If anybody wants to watch the video, here’s a link:
The cost to the ‘reporters’ in question was embarrassment. Their response to Dunn revealed what a bunch of frauds they are.
Anita dunn the mao fan girl, i remember that, she also set sd knickerbocker a shop that ran all sort of bogus campaigns again mrs romney for sandra fluke
Anita dunn the mao fan girl, i remember that,…
Ah yes. Now I remember too. Perhaps the greatest mass murderer in human history. Mao Tse Tung, or Zedong.
Mao Tze Dunn….
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“…now it can be told…”
(But by whom?
To whom?…
…since maybe it should really be: “Now—and forever—it should continue to be covered up”…)
E.g., WRT the very much less-than-pleasant stuff:
‘“This Is Existential”: Billionaire Cancer Researcher Says Covid & Vaccine Likely Causing Surge In Aggressive Cancers’—
Time alas to read McCullough…and hit the Ivermectin, or equivalent, hard.
Good luck. Godspeed…
(So will the Democrats find a way to blame it all on RFK, Jr.? or Trump?)
+ “Bonus”
“Rogan Guest Makes Shocking Claim About Polio Vaccine”—
“Former President Joe Biden’s White House staff made “really unethical” demands of the press as part of a campaign to “bully” journalists into portraying the aging commander in chief in a good light, a former staffer revealed Tuesday.”
This is unbelievable, shocking and outrageous news, that the press had to be “bullied” into slanting its coverage in favor of a Democrat. Don’t they normally do that without even being asked?
Yer right.
(Sounds like typical Corrupt Media CYA tactics to me…)
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Aaaand it looks like we have an Epilogue (of sorts)….
“Dems planned for Biden to withdraw from presidential race, ‘die in office’ — as far back as 2023, scathing new book claims”—
Anita Dunn said that two people she admired were Mother Theresa and Mao Zedong – I kid you not.
And I don’t believe the first, but many western intellectuals celebrated Mao, even when they shouldn’t, the political pilgrims, Paul hollander and jacques revel spoke off, even the China experts in the State Department like Chubb, John Stewart Service and others, most Russian experts with the exception of Richard Pipes, said the same of Lenin and Stalin, including many of the revisionist school like Thurston Clarke, if memory serves and Fitzgerald, of esteemed Harvard University, (spit) Strobe Talbott who I referenced in other threads, got his rise through a KGB flxer Victor Louis, who arranged him to get the proofs of the Kruschev bio, he was a reliable hack for the Soviets,
Soltzhenitsyn the much dispised, sometomes respected dissident saw through most of this, but there were precious few who did,
Can you bully someone into doing what they want to do in the first place?
What can the media do to convince people to believe them?
@Richard Aubrey: What can the media do to convince people to believe them?
Sweet F. A. They are patronized only by those who want to be told a certain thing, and those who want to use them to tell a certain thing.
Reading a bit in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries lately: how did those people get news? There wasn’t “media” as we use the word. There were individuals writing things and individuals printing and disseminating them.
We remember Jonathan Swift for “Gulliver’s Travels” primarily, today, but his primary day job was as a propagandist for the Tory government of his day, writing biting and satirical commentary on the news his highly-placed employers wanted him to spread.
This is the world we’re getting back to, where people know they have to decide what they’re going to trust as “news”.