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The fearful are leaving Trumpland — 31 Comments

  1. I get the impression that these fears for and of an uncertain future are not necessarily valid. They’re trotted out to demonstrate how hurtful you are, and whether they’re true or not, you’re supposed to feel guilty for supporting Trump and making them feel this way. Or feel they have to fake it, or something.

  2. are they leaving blue states or red, with o’donnell, it’s the former, if hes from massachusetts the same,

  3. Because Trump IS Hitler, doncha know!

    And—hoo boy—some rare honesty from California liberals.
    (Practically unbelievable, but they can no longer live in denial—at least this guy can’t)…

    “Pro-Kamala Harris Tech Titan Admits Democrats Destroyed California”—

    There they go again, destroying whatever—and whomever—is in their path.
    But that’s OK because Trump IS Hitler (did I say that already?)

  4. The Gay couple will not like it as the Muslims start going after Gays. The police will do nothing because they don’t want to antagonize
    the Muslims.

  5. As SHIREHOME mentions above, it’s funny to me that if things continue in Europe and the UK specifically the way they are, they’ll be lucky not to get chucked from the top of Big Ben in 10 years.

  6. Ireland is a symbol of the decline of the West. It has added an absolute right to abortion TO ITS CONSTITUTION. This is a formerly Catholic country that has turned 180 degrees Left, becoming ultimately suicidal.

  7. We have a family member and a close friend — both lesbians in committed relationships — who claim to be afraid for their life because Trump was elected. We don’t try to talk them out of that belief, we figure let them do their own thing. But we’ve made it clear we don’t share their concern, and in fact think it is completely irrational. Oh well — let them be irrational.

  8. dave Cullen, the cultural pod caster, who was the canary during the lockdowns, showed me early on, how crazy the culture is, it’s everyone’s right to go where they please (legally) but this particular couple might not have looked at all the angles

    of course the new comers that were imported under the previous Taosiach,
    who is of Indian background, will not help the situation,

    of course the Bay State is a symptom of the same problem under Healey and that Chinese lady,

  9. Ireland, and the UK, are currently being colonized by Muslims, and they refuse to look at what’s happening to them. One would think the Irish, based on history, would be sensitive to outside forces taking over, but not so, alas.

  10. I’m not sure how well the category “anti-immigrant” maps to Ireland. Irish people are not only indigenous to Ireland, they have a long history of being subjected to colonization and ethnic cleansing by foreigners.

    Every country of course has a perfect right to be “anti-immigrant”, though the term is intended be pejorative.

  11. @Kate:One would think the Irish, based on history, would be sensitive to outside forces taking over, but not so, alas.

    The people of Ireland are, it’s the government of Ireland that is doing this to them. This should sound familiar.

    Huddled around one of the open fires at the hotel entrance, Mr Phelan said he has “been here every day” since last Thursday, when the Irish government gave local politicians 24-hours’ notice that the hotel was being closed down to the public to house asylum seekers.
    Weddings and parties scheduled to take place in the town’s only hotel have been cancelled after the owners reached an agreement with the government.
    After some demonstrators tried on Monday to block a bus carrying the first 17 arrivals, mainly women and children, from entering the car park, violent scuffles with the gardaí, members of the Irish police force, broke out.

  12. They either truly believe in what they’re saying or they’re lying for sympathy. If it’s the former, then they’re idiots with no understanding of their fellow human beings and reality in the year 2025 in the United States of America. In the latter case, well… they’re liars.

  13. The number of authentic asylum seekers in Ireland is close to nil. (There are no nonstop flights from Damascus to Dublin and the cost of a single plane ticket exceeds the nominal personal income per capita per annum). These people are destination shoppers, invited by a political class which wishes to dissolve the people and elect a new one. It’s the same story all over the occidental world.

  14. I can’t even figure out what rhetoric of Trump they might be relying on to think that those rights would be threatened by Trump during his term.
    Nothing specific. Trump tells the world’s crybullies to pound sand. Enough people get the idea, they don’t get the submission they’re seeking.

  15. Protesters at rallies in Dublin told AFP they feel empathy with Palestinians due to Ireland’s centuries-long history resisting British rule.
    The Arabs on the West Bank and Gaza have been offered their own state on three separate occasions and spurned the offer each time. Either the respondents are pig ignorant, or their idea of the analogue to ‘British rule’ is Jews living in Tel Aviv. What a rancid political culture Ireland has acquired.

  16. “…rancid…”

    Bit of irony there in that Yitzhak Shamir’s underground alias (and model) was Michael Collins, the common denominator being the battle to oust the Brits from their respective countries….

  17. Interesting I always thought Shamir was more hard core then even Begin, ironically the Provos took their cues from Skorzeny, an actual Nazi paratrooper,

  18. Irish pro-Pali, anti-Catholic sentiment would probably be plusses for this kind of woke leftie – indications of European sophistication and progressiveness.

  19. Correction: Shamir’s alias was “Michael”, not “Michael Collins” (but he based his choice on his adulation of the IRA leader).
    – – – – – – –
    Yes, Shamir became a leader of the more extremist Stern Gang after founder/leader Ya’ir Stern was killed.

  20. I do not understand why those fleeing the USA – because Trump is Hitler – have to make a big deal about leaving; granting interviews or talking it up on social media.
    Why do they feel it necessary to broadcast this?
    Why do they believe that everybody has to know that they left, when actually, nobody gives a shite.
    Why don’t they just get the F out of the USA and keep their mouths shut; and while they are at it, why don’t they renounce their US citizenship and call it a day.

  21. JohnTyler,

    Like every left/D I know they have to broadcast how righteous, and proper thinking they are to the rest of the world. It’s some sort of mental illness I’ve concluded to satisfy their insecure egos.

    Like the guy on the golf course I played with last week. Just HAD to say something to show his political stripes. Funny part, here in northern FL he’s a minority. And even wierder, we were playing on the Navy course at the sub base in Kingsland, GA ( open to the public).

  22. “The ignorance is almost overwhelming.” neo

    “Stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is [often] death.” R.A. Heinlein

    “it’s the government of Ireland that is doing this to them.” Niketas Choniates

    Didn’t a majority of Irish voters elect that government?

    “a political class which wishes to dissolve the people and elect a new one.” Art Deco

    Correction: a political class intent upon dissolving the indigenous culture and ruling over a new one.

    Of course Islamists are entirely willing to use force both overt and covert to ensure that it is Islam that does the ‘ruling’.

  23. Due to “out of Africa”, no one is truly indigenous but the Celts had mostly replaced the earlier people by 2500BC.

  24. Captain Obvious here, but the USA is better off without these folks.
    Among the many detractors of Rosie O’Donnell and Ellen deGeneres are people who had routine dealings with them in meatspace. I suspect there will come a time when a working majority of (1) their neighbors, (2) personnel in local restaurants, (3) purveyors of lawn and garden services and cleaning services, and (4) deliverymen in their catchment will want them forcibly deported.
    deGeneres’ mother is in a multi-level eldercare center. I take it her brother will be making regular visits, right?

  25. I don’t if the occupier comment was directed at me but the Celts have been in Ireland longer than the Israelites have been in Canaan.

  26. Still Occupiers. They just don’t face their guilt as they must. Cosmic, universal, infinite “Social Justice” demands it. (sarc x 11)

    No one expects “The Spanish Inquisition.”

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