Someone asked me yesterday how I would deal with a child who behaved like Trump. I wasn’t sure what to say but I was curious to get the opinion from here. Is Trump a good role model for the next generation?
Define “behaved like Trump” first.
Waltz should own up and resign forthwith.
Fair point. How about a disregard for truth, a confrontational and divisive communication style, a tendency to belittle others, and a habit of prioritising personal loyalty and self-interest over consistency or accountability.
“Someone asked me yesterday how I would deal with a child who behaved like Trump.”
Bullshit. Never happened. Bugger off, troll.
I would disagree with some of those characterizations. Aside from his tendency to exaggerate his crowd sizes and his personal wealth, I do not find he disregards the truth in public policy matters. His confrontational style gets things done; it’s “divisive” if people don’t agree with his policies. He does value personal loyalty, but has been quick to remove people whose actions detract from achieving goals. His accountability was his election. We knew what we voted for.
Americans on this blog and many other places comment about his personality and communication approaches to say that he’s a New Yorker, and they have known many others like him.
For instance, unless the Walz leak to the Atlantic author was a deliberate ploy, I think Walz should go. We’ll see how long he lasts.
Someone asked me yesterday how I would deal with a child who behaved like Trump. I wasn’t sure what to say but I was curious to get the opinion from here. Is Trump a good role model for the next generation?
Are you training people for ordinary life or are you training them for the circumstances in which Trump is actually operating?
English twit. Bertram J Wooster personified.
Good point, Art Deco.
Walz is the governor of Minnesota.
The evergreen complaints that Trump has lied or has behaved boorishly or childishly or violated norms or decorum are always ridiculous to me. It’s especially silly when people speak in generalities without any specific examples.
Trump lied? Name me a president, a prime minister, or any significant political figure… or hell – any human being who hasn’t lied. If you’re going to accuse someone of telling lies, please give an example. And particularly, give an explanation as to why you believe the lie was damaging or significant. I can pretty much guarantee that for every “lie” or exaggeration that Trump has said, I could name several examples of lies told by his opponents over the years that were far more damaging and significant to everyday Americans than anything Trump has said or done.
Trump is far from perfect, but time and again those that oppose him have demonstrated themselves to be many orders of magnitude worse in their behavior and actions. It’s not even close.
a disregard for truth, a confrontational and divisive communication style, a tendency to belittle others, and a habit of prioritising personal loyalty and self-interest over consistency or accountability.
Trump aside, I would think most of those would be age specific, so you need to be more specific on your definition of “child”. And I’m guessing replacing “Trump” with “Biden” in your question would generate a very different thought process than what you intended. As in:
== I watched Biden’s televised speech with my six year old and she asked me some questions that caused me to think about the appropriateness of saying over and over again “what he meant was…”
It is a very good point by Art Deco, but it is sdferr who hit the bullseye.
the interesting part of the story, was the hint that Vance made re the strike, the time sensitivity, or the advantage that Europe would reap vs the US,
also the Atlantic is an apologist for Hamas Houthis Hezbollah, much like Haaretz and as such likely to tip off the Houthis but that didn’t happen
the kerfluffle is a sign of how cravenly stupid the political culture is,
Said it before and I’ll say it again:
Inveterate non-stop liars keep telling me that TRUMP is a liar.
Inveterate, non-stop criminals keep telling me that TRUMP is a criminal.
Honestly now, what really should one conclude???
Sorry sdfer it really did. We were discussing the idea of role models. Ones from our childhoods – in the UK these were often WW2 related – and today. Strangely I was trying to stick up for Trump – who I really don’t approve of. I was using an argument similar to Nonapod – “Trump is far from perfect, but time and again those that oppose him have demonstrated themselves to be many orders of magnitude worse in their behavior and actions.” Only I wouldn’t say, “It’s not even close”. It would be easy to write a long list of obvious lies Trump has pushed from saying he won the 2020 election down.
But I was wondering what other defences of Trump you had. It is hard to deny that he lies to the extent that even his supporters factor this in when listening to him.
I am not trying to annoy you. I am genuinely curious as to how you see the world and, occasionally, to show a view from one part of England or, when ambitious, Europe in general.
Treat with utter disrespect and condescension, those who deserve it? Sounds good to me.
@David Clayton: Your “apostle to the rednecks” shtick is getting tiresome. If you really wanted to learn anything from us you’d have a very different attitude and you wouldn’t ask questions with built-in tendentious assumptions. What you want to do instead is passive-aggressively lecture us with statements ending in question marks.
So I for one am going to be scrolling right past anything you post, just like I do with anyone else who is clearly not operating in good faith.
I don’t recall “Role-Model-In-Chief” anywhere in Article II of the US Constitution. I did a CTRL-F for it but it didn’t come up.
Maybe “role modeling” is something that parents need to be doing for their children and not counting on Top Men in the central government to do it for them.
in the UK these were often WW2 related
So how would you deal with a child like Churchill or Montgomery? Nelson was also a bit odd.
Gender (i.e. sex-correlated attributes) divide: big boobs on one side and little boobs on the other.
But I was wondering what other defences of Trump you had. It is hard to deny that he lies to the extent that even his supporters factor this in when listening to him.
I’m not trying to deny that he has lied. I’m trying to put in perspective the lies he may have told, their relative significance, and contrast them with those of his various and myriad opponents over the years in terms of their relative significance and damage. But this would require specifics. If you have an example of a specific lie that you feel was very bad and damaging, I could offer my opinion on it as well as counter examples of a lie or lies from his opponents and why I feel they were far worse. If you don’t have the time or inclination to do that, I understand. It’s difficult to have a discussion speaking in pure generalities, but it does take some time and effort to drill down into the specifics.
Chuck Churchill was the very one we were talking about – a deeply flawed character but this country would have been in real trouble without him. Would you want a child to be like Churchill? Well yes in many ways. Well read, brave, determined, honest and deeply faithful to his wife.
Nonapod – I mentioned the big lie. Trump says he won the 2020 election. He did not. He lost. Claiming to have won simply undermines the credibility of the system. There has to be basic shared truths for politics to work. One is who won, who lost and who is President.
Regarding Trump.
A lot of people voted for him as President but still have issues with aspects of his personality. He does exaggerate a lot . I would not hold him up as a personal model in that sense, but he does have endurance under pressure…and he has been ” friendly” to a lot of conservative causes even if he runs his mouth more than many of his own voters would like. And he has been willing to speak out against the lies of Gender ideology cult which has effected thousands of vulnerable kids.
Trump 2.0 is better than Trump 1.0.
Airship one is where the current prime minister and the King grovels to Hamas, to the mobs that threaten the citizenry, where the pursuit of the fanciful net zero, has put the nation’s transportation system at risk,
the security services knew about the Chinese pathogen, and pretended the source was something other,
without the stolen election, there would not have been a Ukraine war or october 7th, the bloodprice of that cynical sham,
the Kabul capitulation would not have happened either, as well as the license the Houthis were given to threaten commercial shipping
Today is Norman Borlaug’s birthday, born in 1914, died in 2009. Raise a glass to his memory.
So many election laws were broken, and there was so much government and government-allied censorship and suppression of discussion in the 2020 election that it’s impossible to say who “won” as if it were a fairly-conducted contest. If you mean the Democrats bent enough rules to produce a winning total, that’s true. Not a model of a genuinely honest election, though.
Read Mollie Hemingway’s book, “Rigged.”
How would you deal with a child who behaved like a persistent dishonest insincere troll?
I smile at these arguments. It’s far past time for anyone to be able to change anyone else’s opinion of Trump, FJB, Obama, McCain, H, Romney or any of the other twits making (or presenting) national news. The lines have been drawn and any of the still undecided will always be wishy-washy. Time’s getting close; keep your powder dry and stay away from crowds.
One would probably prefer to ignore said troll except that this one is rather amusing (as in, what will troll come up with next?)
Without going into great detail, there are many, many reasons to be highly skeptical of the 2020 election results. At minimum, it was a highly unusual election for a number of reasons, the most significant being a wordwide pandemic. There was an unprecidented amount of mail-in ballots that were cast which resulted a large number of, shall we say, irregularities. But let’s zoom out and look at the results of the 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024 US Presidential elections. There were 126.8 million votes cast in the 2012 US Presidential election. There were 128.8 million votes cast in 2016. There were 155.5 million votes cast in the 2020 election. And 152.3 million votes cast in the 2024 election. It’s interesting that there were evidently over 3 million people who voted in 2020 who didn’t vote in 2024, and it appears as if all of those voted for Biden/Harris over Trump/Pence. And this is without going into all the specific irregularities and smaller scale evidence of fraud that has been discovered since that particular election.
But lets leave all of that aside for now. Trump claimed he in won and made efforts to challenge the results. That in and of itself is hardly unprecedented. It famously happened in the Gore/Bush election of 2000. And for years and years many Democrats complained “Not my president!” and the like. Personally the biggest mistake I feel that Trump made was encouraging the stop the steal rally in DC that lead to the events of J6. He fell into a carefully laid trap on that one, one replete with FBI agent provocateurs and compromised capitol police who literally let in protestors, the vast majority of whom committed very little in the way of actual crimes beyond trespassing and “parading”. Many of whom were also disproportionately punished for such minor offenses. But the optics of it all were terrible and gave the Democrats, the Biden administration, and the mainstream media years of ammunition, casting the events of J6 as nothing less than a failed insurection that was conducted by Trump himself, even though there was never any evidence found of such a thing despite herculean efforts to discover it.
Today is Norman Borlaug’s birthday, born in 1914, died in 2009. Raise a glass to his memory.
I think the young lady who did the SNow White review is outstanding!
Amala is a wise young woman, who is well worth listening to.
Yeah, it’s sort of amazing that Norman Borlaug probably saved more human lives than anyone in history, yet few people even know his name.
David Clayton:
When the voting rules are changed so that voting security is gone, trust in the results evaporates. Therefore, to say that Trump won is not a lie, or to say that Biden won is not a lie I also recommend Mollie Hemingway’s book Rigged.
As for world leaders, children, and role models, it’s a silly question IMHO. World leaders ordinarily have characteristics you wouldn’t necessarily want to teach your children, unless you want them to be world leaders or otherwise very successful above all else. They tend, for example, to be ruthless, manipulative, and narcissistic. Trump is hardly unique in those regards. He is also smart, keeps his word more than most leaders, a good negotiator, and apparently a good father. I’d add courageous.I wouldn’t mind teaching a child those things.
it was determined by academia and media that is downstream of the former, that
the notion of an expanding population was bad, of course this conflicts with the demands to import a new people in Western Europe as well as the US
and apparently a good father.
He’s able to build relationships with his children and teach them important skills. That’s something to shoot for, if not everything.
Re: Amala Ekpunobi / Snow White
There are a ton of reaction videos on Snow White. I didn’t get to this one because I didn’t know Amala Ekpunobi and it was over 30 minutes long.
That said, the podcast is excellent in its analysis. Other reviews focus on the obvious wokeness of this Snow White and Rachel Zegler. Amala gets down to a critique of the old-school socialism behind the movie and she does it well.
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Someone asked me yesterday how I would deal with a child who behaved like Trump. I wasn’t sure what to say but I was curious to get the opinion from here. Is Trump a good role model for the next generation?
Define “behaved like Trump” first.
Waltz should own up and resign forthwith.
Fair point. How about a disregard for truth, a confrontational and divisive communication style, a tendency to belittle others, and a habit of prioritising personal loyalty and self-interest over consistency or accountability.
“Someone asked me yesterday how I would deal with a child who behaved like Trump.”
Bullshit. Never happened. Bugger off, troll.
I would disagree with some of those characterizations. Aside from his tendency to exaggerate his crowd sizes and his personal wealth, I do not find he disregards the truth in public policy matters. His confrontational style gets things done; it’s “divisive” if people don’t agree with his policies. He does value personal loyalty, but has been quick to remove people whose actions detract from achieving goals. His accountability was his election. We knew what we voted for.
Americans on this blog and many other places comment about his personality and communication approaches to say that he’s a New Yorker, and they have known many others like him.
For instance, unless the Walz leak to the Atlantic author was a deliberate ploy, I think Walz should go. We’ll see how long he lasts.
Someone asked me yesterday how I would deal with a child who behaved like Trump. I wasn’t sure what to say but I was curious to get the opinion from here. Is Trump a good role model for the next generation?
Are you training people for ordinary life or are you training them for the circumstances in which Trump is actually operating?
English twit. Bertram J Wooster personified.
Good point, Art Deco.
Walz is the governor of Minnesota.
The evergreen complaints that Trump has lied or has behaved boorishly or childishly or violated norms or decorum are always ridiculous to me. It’s especially silly when people speak in generalities without any specific examples.
Trump lied? Name me a president, a prime minister, or any significant political figure… or hell – any human being who hasn’t lied. If you’re going to accuse someone of telling lies, please give an example. And particularly, give an explanation as to why you believe the lie was damaging or significant. I can pretty much guarantee that for every “lie” or exaggeration that Trump has said, I could name several examples of lies told by his opponents over the years that were far more damaging and significant to everyday Americans than anything Trump has said or done.
Trump is far from perfect, but time and again those that oppose him have demonstrated themselves to be many orders of magnitude worse in their behavior and actions. It’s not even close.
a disregard for truth, a confrontational and divisive communication style, a tendency to belittle others, and a habit of prioritising personal loyalty and self-interest over consistency or accountability.
Trump aside, I would think most of those would be age specific, so you need to be more specific on your definition of “child”. And I’m guessing replacing “Trump” with “Biden” in your question would generate a very different thought process than what you intended. As in:
I watched Biden’s televised speech with my six year old and she asked me some questions that caused me to think about the appropriateness of saying over and over again “what he meant was…”
It is a very good point by Art Deco, but it is sdferr who hit the bullseye.
the interesting part of the story, was the hint that Vance made re the strike, the time sensitivity, or the advantage that Europe would reap vs the US,
also the Atlantic is an apologist for Hamas Houthis Hezbollah, much like Haaretz and as such likely to tip off the Houthis but that didn’t happen
the kerfluffle is a sign of how cravenly stupid the political culture is,
Said it before and I’ll say it again:
Inveterate non-stop liars keep telling me that TRUMP is a liar.
Inveterate, non-stop criminals keep telling me that TRUMP is a criminal.
Honestly now, what really should one conclude???
Sorry sdfer it really did. We were discussing the idea of role models. Ones from our childhoods – in the UK these were often WW2 related – and today. Strangely I was trying to stick up for Trump – who I really don’t approve of. I was using an argument similar to Nonapod – “Trump is far from perfect, but time and again those that oppose him have demonstrated themselves to be many orders of magnitude worse in their behavior and actions.” Only I wouldn’t say, “It’s not even close”. It would be easy to write a long list of obvious lies Trump has pushed from saying he won the 2020 election down.
But I was wondering what other defences of Trump you had. It is hard to deny that he lies to the extent that even his supporters factor this in when listening to him.
I am not trying to annoy you. I am genuinely curious as to how you see the world and, occasionally, to show a view from one part of England or, when ambitious, Europe in general.
Treat with utter disrespect and condescension, those who deserve it? Sounds good to me.
@David Clayton: Your “apostle to the rednecks” shtick is getting tiresome. If you really wanted to learn anything from us you’d have a very different attitude and you wouldn’t ask questions with built-in tendentious assumptions. What you want to do instead is passive-aggressively lecture us with statements ending in question marks.
So I for one am going to be scrolling right past anything you post, just like I do with anyone else who is clearly not operating in good faith.
I don’t recall “Role-Model-In-Chief” anywhere in Article II of the US Constitution. I did a CTRL-F for it but it didn’t come up.
Maybe “role modeling” is something that parents need to be doing for their children and not counting on Top Men in the central government to do it for them.
in the UK these were often WW2 related
So how would you deal with a child like Churchill or Montgomery? Nelson was also a bit odd.
Gender (i.e. sex-correlated attributes) divide: big boobs on one side and little boobs on the other.
I’m not trying to deny that he has lied. I’m trying to put in perspective the lies he may have told, their relative significance, and contrast them with those of his various and myriad opponents over the years in terms of their relative significance and damage. But this would require specifics. If you have an example of a specific lie that you feel was very bad and damaging, I could offer my opinion on it as well as counter examples of a lie or lies from his opponents and why I feel they were far worse. If you don’t have the time or inclination to do that, I understand. It’s difficult to have a discussion speaking in pure generalities, but it does take some time and effort to drill down into the specifics.
Chuck Churchill was the very one we were talking about – a deeply flawed character but this country would have been in real trouble without him. Would you want a child to be like Churchill? Well yes in many ways. Well read, brave, determined, honest and deeply faithful to his wife.
Nonapod – I mentioned the big lie. Trump says he won the 2020 election. He did not. He lost. Claiming to have won simply undermines the credibility of the system. There has to be basic shared truths for politics to work. One is who won, who lost and who is President.
Regarding Trump.
A lot of people voted for him as President but still have issues with aspects of his personality. He does exaggerate a lot . I would not hold him up as a personal model in that sense, but he does have endurance under pressure…and he has been ” friendly” to a lot of conservative causes even if he runs his mouth more than many of his own voters would like. And he has been willing to speak out against the lies of Gender ideology cult which has effected thousands of vulnerable kids.
Trump 2.0 is better than Trump 1.0.
Airship one is where the current prime minister and the King grovels to Hamas, to the mobs that threaten the citizenry, where the pursuit of the fanciful net zero, has put the nation’s transportation system at risk,
the security services knew about the Chinese pathogen, and pretended the source was something other,
without the stolen election, there would not have been a Ukraine war or october 7th, the bloodprice of that cynical sham,
the Kabul capitulation would not have happened either, as well as the license the Houthis were given to threaten commercial shipping
Today is Norman Borlaug’s birthday, born in 1914, died in 2009. Raise a glass to his memory.
So many election laws were broken, and there was so much government and government-allied censorship and suppression of discussion in the 2020 election that it’s impossible to say who “won” as if it were a fairly-conducted contest. If you mean the Democrats bent enough rules to produce a winning total, that’s true. Not a model of a genuinely honest election, though.
Read Mollie Hemingway’s book, “Rigged.”
How would you deal with a child who behaved like a persistent dishonest insincere troll?
time to cut their funding for once,
I smile at these arguments. It’s far past time for anyone to be able to change anyone else’s opinion of Trump, FJB, Obama, McCain, H, Romney or any of the other twits making (or presenting) national news. The lines have been drawn and any of the still undecided will always be wishy-washy. Time’s getting close; keep your powder dry and stay away from crowds.
One would probably prefer to ignore said troll except that this one is rather amusing (as in, what will troll come up with next?)
Meanwhile, in the UK—no, not terribly amusing…
Wait, what? What the hell took so long?
Without going into great detail, there are many, many reasons to be highly skeptical of the 2020 election results. At minimum, it was a highly unusual election for a number of reasons, the most significant being a wordwide pandemic. There was an unprecidented amount of mail-in ballots that were cast which resulted a large number of, shall we say, irregularities. But let’s zoom out and look at the results of the 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024 US Presidential elections. There were 126.8 million votes cast in the 2012 US Presidential election. There were 128.8 million votes cast in 2016. There were 155.5 million votes cast in the 2020 election. And 152.3 million votes cast in the 2024 election. It’s interesting that there were evidently over 3 million people who voted in 2020 who didn’t vote in 2024, and it appears as if all of those voted for Biden/Harris over Trump/Pence. And this is without going into all the specific irregularities and smaller scale evidence of fraud that has been discovered since that particular election.
But lets leave all of that aside for now. Trump claimed he in won and made efforts to challenge the results. That in and of itself is hardly unprecedented. It famously happened in the Gore/Bush election of 2000. And for years and years many Democrats complained “Not my president!” and the like. Personally the biggest mistake I feel that Trump made was encouraging the stop the steal rally in DC that lead to the events of J6. He fell into a carefully laid trap on that one, one replete with FBI agent provocateurs and compromised capitol police who literally let in protestors, the vast majority of whom committed very little in the way of actual crimes beyond trespassing and “parading”. Many of whom were also disproportionately punished for such minor offenses. But the optics of it all were terrible and gave the Democrats, the Biden administration, and the mainstream media years of ammunition, casting the events of J6 as nothing less than a failed insurection that was conducted by Trump himself, even though there was never any evidence found of such a thing despite herculean efforts to discover it.
Today is Norman Borlaug’s birthday, born in 1914, died in 2009. Raise a glass to his memory.
And so say all of us!
more evidence of fraud,
Just in case…
Borlaug is often called “the father of the Green Revolution”, and is credited with saving over a billion people worldwide from starvation.
Norman Borlaug is a saint in my pantheon.
Stewart Brand of the “Whole Earth Catalog” credited Borlaug with torpedoing Paul Ehrlich’s “We are all gonna starve!” Population Bomb scenarios.
but of course
so this happened while no one was noticing,
I think the young lady who did the SNow White review is outstanding!
Amala is a wise young woman, who is well worth listening to.
Yeah, it’s sort of amazing that Norman Borlaug probably saved more human lives than anyone in history, yet few people even know his name.
David Clayton:
When the voting rules are changed so that voting security is gone, trust in the results evaporates. Therefore, to say that Trump won is not a lie, or to say that Biden won is not a lie I also recommend Mollie Hemingway’s book Rigged.
As for world leaders, children, and role models, it’s a silly question IMHO. World leaders ordinarily have characteristics you wouldn’t necessarily want to teach your children, unless you want them to be world leaders or otherwise very successful above all else. They tend, for example, to be ruthless, manipulative, and narcissistic. Trump is hardly unique in those regards. He is also smart, keeps his word more than most leaders, a good negotiator, and apparently a good father. I’d add courageous.I wouldn’t mind teaching a child those things.
it was determined by academia and media that is downstream of the former, that
the notion of an expanding population was bad, of course this conflicts with the demands to import a new people in Western Europe as well as the US
and apparently a good father.
He’s able to build relationships with his children and teach them important skills. That’s something to shoot for, if not everything.
Re: Amala Ekpunobi / Snow White
There are a ton of reaction videos on Snow White. I didn’t get to this one because I didn’t know Amala Ekpunobi and it was over 30 minutes long.
That said, the podcast is excellent in its analysis. Other reviews focus on the obvious wokeness of this Snow White and Rachel Zegler. Amala gets down to a critique of the old-school socialism behind the movie and she does it well.