Home » At New York’s Natural History Museum


At New York’s Natural History Museum — 13 Comments

  1. I used to love going there too, starting with field trips as a child, and great memories of the planetarium. I also lived very close by for a while. But I think it would make me sick to visit after the removal of the majesticTheodore Roosevelt statue. I am still angry over all the vandalism of the Great Awokening and the cowardice of our administrative classes.

  2. The Natural History Museum and the Bronx Zoo were the highlights of my elementary age visits to NYC. Those visits were, of course, before my 8th grade overnight class trip to NYC.

  3. NancyB:

    Yes, the statue removal was repugnant. But funny thing, his name is all over the inside of the building.

    I seem to recall the statue removal had something to do with the depiction of the Native American (erstwhile Indian).

  4. The Denver Museum of Natural History also had many of those diorama also. I, too, as a kid thought they were great. Then the museum went woke. Not sure how many are left. Not many the last time I was there about 20 years ago. Maybe Shirehome can comment.

  5. Last time I visited it felt less intimate than I remembered. I don’t know exactly why, but it wasn’t as enjoyable as I wished it to be. Maybe it has been made too clean and shiny 🙂

  6. Thanks for sharing, it’d be a good place to take my grandsons who live close enough

  7. Chuck:

    Perhaps it was because it was very crowded? When I was a kid it always seemed to be nearly empty when I went. It was packed this time. But not the dioramas.

  8. Physicsguy, I have never been to the Denver Nat Hist Musem. My Wife probably has been, since she lived not far from there and went to East High.

  9. Very nice post, Neo. As a child I enjoyed the dioramas at the Field Museum in Chicago. Also the Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton and the creepy mummies.

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