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Roundup — 10 Comments

  1. 1. Dems will cheat
    2. Neo, I agree with you. I think we are close to the same age, you being younger (hope I am not insulting you). I remember vividly where I was when I heard about JFK, Senior in HS. We were sent home. I watched on live TV Oswald being shot. We have seen way too much political violence.
    3.Not following
    4. Gas prices fluctuate from town to town, and within the town, from N side to S side. N cheapest is $2.79 (well yesterday). S was about $2.97. SAMS 10 miles N of me was in the $2.60 range I believe.
    5. Has the transcript been release?
    Not sure what to think. Hope that Trump doesn’t “give” up Ukrainian territory that Putin doesn’t have. Putin wants more, will Trump say enough is enough about him? Is Trump putting Putin in a box? Don’t know, but I do not believe that Trump is in Putin’s pocket.

  2. 1) the gop was only able to prevail once in 2012, when one rural county reported late, ever since then, they have stolen the Court, and before that, they stole the Governorship from Walker, and then the state in 2020

    2)its very poorly organized, the document drop, maybe elon’s elves, should take a crack at it,

    3) it seems she was dragged out to sea, and the suspect’s statements are all over the place

  3. 4) I’ve started watching a long running tv series that started 2005. I’m on season 3 or 4 now, and the last couple episodes have mentioned the date, 2008, and some witty banter about possible catastrophes.

    The protagonist mentioned $5/gallon gasoline as one of those humorous catastrophes. They drive around in a late ’60’s muscle car. Today, in my town, the range is $4.35 to $5.07 for regular. If the idiots in Sacramento get their way, it’ll be $10/gallon relatively soon.

    Commodities markets, like gasoline, tend to be very forward looking. Just the prospect of substantive future changes in the marketplace can cause significant price changes to occur rapidly.

    I recall, around the 2007 – 2008 credit crisis, I was following a lot of financial news. There was a burst of inflation in many commodity items. I was surprised to learn that both regular commodity trading speculators and hedge fund investors were actually buying crude oil and paying storage fees. It was a bet that it’s price would increase greatly. In some cases, the storage fees were rather high.

    Imagine if that were going on now (I have no idea the extent of it) and Trump comes into office and begins to take blitzkrieg energy actions. “Sell, Mortimer, SELL!” (To borrow a Hollywood line.) Down come the prices.


    Oops. Just like the supposed line, “Play it again Sam.” my above line is never actually uttered.

  4. “Gas prices have been dropping, and some say that it’s only because the economy is bad.”

    For five years 2017-22 I served as the pastor of a small church east of Baton Rouge. I had two church members who worked at petroleum plants of which we have several. After a devastating hurricane it became difficult to purchase gasoline so I asked them about why gas prices seemed to be dropping or increasing. They explained it was speculators. What people think the price of a barrel of oil will be. I didn’t understand that part. An important point they made which stuck with me is that it takes about three months for the price of petroleum to have an effect on the price of gasoline.

    So when the price of gas suddenly drops or rises the question is not “what happened this week to cause that” but “what happened about three months ago?” Some situations can cause prices to fluctuate sooner such as when refineries shut down after a hurricane.

    During the first Trump presidency and then the Biden presidency I started following gas prices more closely. And could see that three month delay at work. About three months after Biden was elected prices started climbing. Last month people celebrated the drop in prices under Trump.

    Well yes and no. If prices started dropping in February what happened three months before that? What was happening three months ago?

  5. On Gas prices, they might be doing their reformulations for Summer.
    Might be some price drops on different imported goods if the US can stop the Houthis from firing rockets and drones.

  6. I just read that Mia Love has not long to live. She was diagnosed awhile back with glioblastoma and recently was told there is nothing left to do.

    I remember when she first hit the scene– she was a real breathe of fresh air. It was sad that she lost in 2018 — because of the unfortunately influx of lefties to Salt Lake City.

  7. “how conveeenient”, which is a line from, I believe, SNL, seems to apply to one or another suicide.
    A Boeing exec, speaking about their shortfalls, told his brother that if anything happened, it wasn’t suicide. Shortly thereafter, he was shot to death. Ruled a suicide.
    One such is referred to in some of the released materials.
    It would be easier to refute the conspiracy theory(ies) about one thing or another if certain unlikely incidents of “timing” had not occurred.
    Oswald as the lone shooter is perfectly acceptable until Jack Ruby showed up. How conveeeenient. Bad luck for the lone shooter thing. Yeah, we know Oswald was a nutcase, fascinated with Mother Russia, so forth and so on. Makes him the ideal lone shooter.
    Or the ideal point man for a Russian operation.
    Or any other organization which could appeal to his weird sympathies.
    We’re at the point of having to prove a negative.
    Yes, there’s information he was a “bad shot” [so somebody else must have done it], but it appears that applies to a shot gun and trap shooting. I was a better than average shot with a variety of military and civilian weapons, but I’ve never been to a trap shooting range. Might get lucky and eyeball the first one but…I’d be a “bad shot”. Still could have made Oswald’s shots easily. Oswald had Marine training and so the question is whether the “bad shot” comment had to do with the irrelevant shot gun issue.
    This could go on and on, but the files contain so much information, some valid and some possibly dodgy that anything may be made out of it. Including the lone shooter.
    Still, the variety of things Ruby had to do as part of his routine in various places in Dallas just happened to make shooting Oswald convenient.
    He might have done them at different times, maybe different days, who knows? But just happened to be handy to the transfer of Oswald from one secure location to another. A moment or two of being vulnerable. Do the math, come to your own conclusions, but the “conveenient” issue still itches.
    It proves nothing but is part of a structure which makes the structure more difficult to prove untrue.
    And the same is true of certain other issues, maybe. Which we may or may not find from the release.

  8. Rick67, what happened three months before the February gas price drop began was Trump’s election. People anticipated his doing something to remove Biden-Obama restrictions on energy.

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