Home » Happy pi day


Happy pi day — 6 Comments

  1. After all these years, and with no reason to use the knowledge, I can still recite 3.14159.

  2. In the spirit of a celebration of math, here’s maybe the nerdiest question in the history of this blog – which is saying something. Anyone have a favorite formula? Because I do. It’s the formula for adding velocities accounting for special relativity (no object’s speed can exceed the speed of light). I can’t write a good formula in here, so here’s a picture of it:


    C = the speed of light.

    I love how a mind-boggling complex idea like relativity can be expressed in such an approachable formula.

  3. How about the next 3 digits Kate? Really useless knowledge.

    I loved science and I was very good at math. But I didn’t have any particular affection for math. I guess I liked it a little, but no passion for it. And I studied a ton of it, because I thought it would be useful and unlike some of the tough physics courses, the math classes seemed to be a sure A for me.

    I do recall a course in abstract algebra. I did fine on all of it until the take-home mid-term exam. Ouch. I got something like a C+ of B- on it. The prof. had extended the difficulty moderately beyond the homeworks & I was stumped on a few problems. I suppose that I had been mastering the mechanics of it, without fully grasping the concepts. My other work pulled the overall grade up enough.

  4. Unless you had SMSG “new math” forced on you by teaches who couldn’t explain it to a 14 year old high school student back in the 60’s, you don’t fully know how to hate math. What does even an above average kid at that age understand about set theory or statistical probability when he just needs to learn plain old geometry? Memorize the damn theorems and postulates and be done with it already. Fortunately I caught up in summer school after the exposure to willful uncertainty when certainty is exactly what an adolescent needs in his life.

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