SCOTUS will be considering a case about what therapists are allowed to say to clients about sexual orientation and sexual identity
I consider this an important case:
Kaley Chiles is a Christian counselor in Colorado. When the state passed a law forcing mental health professionals to advance radical gender ideology, she challenged it. Now, the Supreme Court has agreed to review the case — in what could bring a landmark ruling for free speech.
“The government has no business censoring private conversations between clients and counselors, nor should a counselor be used as a tool to impose the government’s biased views on her clients,” said Kristen Waggoner, CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom — which is representing Chiles — in a news release.
Chiles challenged Colorado’s law banning so-called “conversion therapy” in 2022, according to The Hill, saying it hindered her efforts to assist those with “same-sex attractions or gender identity confusion” who “prioritize their faith above their feelings.” She “never promises that she can solve” these issues but works to help clients “accept the bodies that God has given them and find peace.” Chiles sought an injunction, citing the law’s violation of her First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
The 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled against Chiles, but in November, her attorneys petitioned the Supreme Court to consider the case, according to SCOTUSblog.
ADF said the Colorado law violates Chiles’ freedom of speech by banning counselors from “having any conversation with clients under age 18 that ‘attempts or purports to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.’”
Some “conversion therapists” formerly used harsh methods such as administering electric shocks to patients. But this suit is about a totally different thing: talking to patients under 18 who want to explore all possibilities, including – for example – whether or not their sexual desires are exclusively gay or whether it’s possible for them to live a heterosexual life – and if so, to encourage them towards the latter. Or conversing with teenagers who have encountered pro-transition websites, might have a history of sexual abuse and/or Asperger’s, and who want to sort it all out without going to a gender affirming counselor who will only reinforce the idea of transition as a solution.
I have some retired therapist friends who are Democrats, and a few years ago when I told them that anything other than “gender-affirming” therapy was discouraged or even sometimes banned they were aghast. That’s how quickly the policies have changed, and how radically.
What is banned under the Colorado law is described this way: “efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attraction or feelings toward individuals of the same sex.” That’s pretty darn broad.
The skein of the thought police is being unraveled on thread at a time.
I have no idea what a gender is and I think it’s imaginary. I’ll explain. In1981 I went to Germany on a government contract. Since I didn’t speak German, I signed up to take German lessons and I was told that German nouns had gender, masculine, feminine or neuter and the gender was determined by the article. I said. well that’s nice, who assigns gender, how can you tell what noun has what gender and what does this gender do for me? I was basically told shut up, sit down and stop interrupting class. I never got a satisfactory explanation of gender. Ever worse, some of the nouns changed gender when their use changed, for instance when they changed from singular to plural. I asked how you kept track of those transgendered nouns. I was told to forget about it since it even confused the Germans. Now I’m being told that humans have gender and I’m asking what is the physical basis for this gender and nobody will tell me.
THANK YOU trans mad billionaires named Pritzker for foisting this legal insanity upon us.
A days old interview with Houston lawyer Marcella Burke who defends de-transitioners and sues for gender ideology malpractice is asked who is leading this trans madness?
Opportunists and money machines at hospitals is a big one. Maje ’em pay $3 million in damages is her goal in Texas, and her 16 member law firm.
But later, during W&A, Burke admits there is a frightening True Believer element among doctors, going by their social media postings
There is not just a God Complex manifesting here, but a bizarre super God Complex here. They believe they are in the vanguard of creating new life, she explains.
Burke even raises the possibility of Nuremberg style trials against these evil fraudulent malpracticioners.
THANK YOU trans mad billionaires named Pritzker for foisting this legal insanity upon us.
A days old interview with Houston lawyer Marcella Burke who defends de-transitioners and sues for gender ideology malpractice is asked who is leading this trans madness?
Opportunists and money machines at hospitals is a big one. Maje ’em pay $3 million in damages is her goal in Texas, and her 16 member law firm.
But later, during W&A, Burke admits there is a frightening True Believer element among doctors, going by their social media postings
There is not just a God Complex manifesting here, but a bizarre super God Complex here. They believe they are in the vanguard of creating new life, she explains.
Burke even raises the possibility of Nuremberg style trials against these evil fraudulent malpracticioners.
Jennifer Bilek has done tremendous work exposing the massive funding behind the transgender insanity, from the Pritzkers and others, along with the transhumanist implications. Her work can be found here and you can find interviews with her on YouTube:
These laws against “conversion therapy” nonetheless allow, or encourage, therapy intended to endorse a patient’s gender dysphoria, and they allow, or encourage, therapy intended to endorse a patient’s sexual orientation so long as it’s not an interest in the opposite sex.
Oh, it gets better:
To what extent can a therapist continue on the subject if the client wants to talk about it.
@Ray:I said. well that’s nice, who assigns gender, how can you tell what noun has what gender and what does this gender do for me?
It’s just a grammar rule. About 1/4 of all languages have it. It’s of no more rhyme or reason than why we say “isn’t” but don’t say “amn’t”. You just have to memorize gender or people look at you funny. A German cat is feminine, a German girl is neuter, a German cheese is masculine*.
French and Spanish and Italian have it too. Hebrew has it. Irish has it. English doesn’t so we insist on trying to map it to “sex” and getting confused (why is a cat always feminine if we don’t know if it’s a tomcat). Academics have exploited this and created a concept of “gender” as “the expression of a sex role”, and conflated it with biological sex, quite deliberately.
*die Katze, das Mädchen, der Käse. Most Germans in casual speech will not call a girl “it” though, at least according to my high school German text. Most of the feminine nouns end in -e except Käse, “cheese”, which is just being a jerk.
The interested reader is referred to Mark Twain’s essay The Awful German Language:
I think Ray may have been kidding, but I really enjoyed Mark Twain on German. Thanks!
Kate. He has a lengthy sentence/paragraph which is hilarious.
“Throw the cow over the fence some hay,” ain’t the half of it.
The fellow sitting across the desk from me in grad school selected German as his required foreign language. He said his teacher explained that Germans had to “reserve judgement” until the complete sentence was available to fully understand what had been said.
What say those here?
@R2L:What say those here?
Humorous exaggeration of newspaper German, in my experience.
Twain, from “Connecticut Yankee”:
From Twain, “The Awful German Language”:
On the subject of lawsuits, here’s the current status of the ones levelled against the Trump administration, by Margot Cleveland.
IMO, there seems to be a core vulnerability in the legislation being depended on by the judges who are denying that the President can fire executive employees at will from some of the “nonpartisan” boards: which is, can Congress tie the hands of the Executive just by inserting this phrase, in the establishing legislation creating the offices, providing for their removal “by the President only for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.”
The text of Article II says no such thing.
Science Says Nobody is Born Gay
The pseudo-scientific basis for the LGBTQ claims was completely disproven 20 years ago – when we mapped the human genome.
The media highlighted groups of gay-rights activists who gave DNA samples to finally prove that those neanderthal Judeo-Christians were wrong, and that “gays are born that way”.
Nothing was found.
No genes correlated with homosexual attraction or behavior.
Nada. Gornisht. Bupkes.
Of course, The Science was thrown down the memory hole when no longer useful, and the pop-culture industry continued to promote the “Born that Way” myth – which is essential to the Left’s undermining the West’s pesky ideas of personal freedom and responsibility.
I certainly hope this unravels quickly – but we can all speed the process by starting every conversation with the simple truth:
Nobody is “Born that Way”
Starting with this truth – and demanding proof of those who claim to speak for The Science – may actually save you from some tedious exchanges.
It’s fortunate that many were jolted awake by the excesses and mutilations of the Trans movement – but the error and deception go all the way back to the original Gay Rights movement… Many Boomers and Xers must rethink their youthful indoctrination on this matter.
The Alinskyite campaign against dissenting counter-currents in counseling and psychotherapy is just another example of a phenomenon of which we are all familiar. Liberals are malicious people who cannot leave anyone else alone.
If one’s gig is
destructiontransformation, then it stands to “reason” that NOTHING can be left alone….E.g.,
“Columbia Professors Cancel Classes in Solidarity With Pro-Hamas Activist in ICE Custody;
“One professor gave students an automatic ‘A’ for their canceled midterms”—
H/T Powerline blog.
File under: The virtues of genocide….
+ Bonus:
“Someone Thought It Was A Good Idea To Ask Kamala Harris To Speak At A Major AI Conference”—
Opening grafs:
“Someone thought it was a good idea to invite Kamala Harris to speak at AI conference…and it was obviously a disaster…”
More Mark Twain! There’s never enough. My engineer husband, who does complex calculations in his head, has trouble learning to speak foreign languages. I shall now be able to tell him his struggles with spoken German are not his fault; the language is crazy. I am glad our Frisian roots were modified by the Danes, so we don’t have to deal with this insanity, only crazy spelling problems.
Perhaps the language has finally driven the entire German nation nuts. They are busily destroying their industries with insane energy policies and accepting an alien culture which will overwhelm them.
“The virtues of genocide”, continued…
“The memory-holing of a pogrom;
“The Jew hunt in Amsterdam last November was even worse than we thought.”—
H/T Powerline blog.
+ Bonus (change of direction)…
The feel-good story of the day/week/year/decade/…FUTURE??
Salena Zito:
“The Headlines Have Caught Up to Mike Rowe. Now What?”—
H/T Powerline blog.
Kate expressed something that has always puzzled me about the ‘conversion therapy’ debate ever since the trans explosion. How can you support a ban on talking to a minor about what they think about their sexuality while simultaneously supporting the use of drugs and surgery to change the body of one who claims to have a similar conflict? This is especially true since a number of studies have indicated many minors identifying as gender-confused will resolve post-puberty that they are same-sex attracted. In essence they are supporting a physical form of ‘conversion therapy’ with extreme negative side effects. (I’ve often called the trans madness “socially acceptable homophobia” for this reason)
Exactly, Christopher B.
Talk therapy which might save a young person from conversion with drugs and a scalpel should be encouraged, not banned.
Barry, that article about young people going into trades rather than college is very good. We absolutely need skilled labor done by intelligent people. We have a friend who joined his father’s electrician business rather than college. Now 30, he’s supporting a stay-at-home wife and two children comfortably.
Gender refers to sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation). Dysphoric or unsatisfied individuals are either transgender (e.g. homosexual) or transsocial (e.g. transvestite).
My gay friends have admitted to me that they did suffer childhood sexual trauma. I suspect the majority of the LGB community have had that. To what extent, we don’t know because we aren’t allowed to acknowledge it, let alone study it.
“Conversion” therapy is nothing more than allowing a counselor and patient to discuss that.
How can you support a ban on talking to a minor about what they think about their sexuality while simultaneously supporting the use of drugs and surgery to change the body of one who claims to have a similar conflict?
You cannot. The people who take this position live in bubbles. One aspect of the bubble is that no one who argues against them is present or when they are present they are fired. I assume there are honorable people in the professional-managerial class. When I locate one born after 1938, I’ll let you all know.
One of my children works as a school counselor. She sometimes tells me about the people brought in to do professional development, how much they are far left activists who push gender identity ideology. And how much that puts her in a bind. Partly because she does not share their far left views. And partly because these speakers advise them how to do things that she considers unethical such as “don’t tell parents”.
It’s decades past the time we start pushing back or even reversing the left’s long march through our institutions.