Home » Open thread 3/8/2025


Open thread 3/8/2025 — 46 Comments

  1. So this nonsense started in 1966. I grew up without it, oh how did I survived before DST

  2. Rubio was pushing hard to end it as a Senator. I hope they finally get rid of it during Trump’s term.

  3. It will be hard to get this change since there is no overall agreement on it. More light in the morning or more light in the evening? And it depends on where you are in the time zone as well as if you are more active in the morning or evening.

    I prefer more light in the evening to be able to enjoy the time.

  4. Well, we now know how Gene Hackman and his wife died.

    Gene Hackman lived with his dead wife’s body for a full week before succumbing to complications from heart problems and advanced Alzheimer’s disease, officials said Friday as they revealed heartbreaking details of the legendary actor’s death.

    His longtime love, Betsy Arakawa, died of Hantavirus, a rare flu-like disease linked to rats, likely on Feb. 11, the New Mexico officials said. The “French Connection” star, meanwhile, is believed to have died seven days later.

    The tragic timeline ends the mystery that has surrounded the death of one of America’s most beloved actors, who was found with his wife on Feb. 26 inside their Santa Fe mansion.

    Hantavirus, which can begin anywhere from a week to eight weeks after exposure, leads to flu-like symptoms like fever and nausea and quickly escalates to trouble breathing. Only 865 cases of the disease have been reported in the US between 1993 and 2022, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    So sad. And rare.

  5. The Uniform Daylight Savings Time Act became law in the US in 1966, but DST has existed in various forms back to 1918.


    Back in my hippie days I knew how to cast horoscopes. It could be tricky to convert the birth certificate time to Greenwich Mean Time because of the chaotic patchwork of DST in the 20th C which could not only vary from year to year and state to state, but even county to county and city to city.

  6. It’s really simple, people who like light in the evening should change their schedule, and people who don’t don’t have to, and then the whole country doesn’t have to keep moving clocks back and forth.

    Benjamin Franklin nailed this in his satirical letter of 1784, when he was admiring a new and bright lamp which used a lot of oil. He went to bed at his usual time, but was awakened unusually early, and stunned to discover that light was coming in from outside the house–for free–and that it happens every day!. To make use of this light, all he would have to do is go to bed earlier and get up earlier. And that if everyone got up in the morning and went to bed at night, and didn’t keep their blinds and shutters closed during the day, a lot of money on lamp oil and candles could be saved.

    I looked at my watch, which goes very well, and found that it was but six o’clock; and still thinking it something extraordinary that the sun should rise so early, I looked into the almanac, where I found it to be the hour given for his rising on that day. I looked forward, too, and found he was to rise still earlier every day till towards the end of June; and that at no time in the year he retarded his rising so long as till eight o’clock. Your readers, who with me have never seen any signs of sunshine before noon, and seldom regard the astronomical part of the almanac, will be as much astonished as I was, when they hear of his rising so early; and especially when I assure them, that he gives light as soon as he rises. I am convinced of this. I am certain of my fact. One cannot be more certain of any fact. I saw it with my own eyes. And, having repeated this observation the three following mornings, I found always precisely the same result…

    This event has given rise in my mind to several serious and important reflections. I considered that, if I had not been awakened so early in the morning, I should have slept six hours longer by the light of the sun, and in exchange have lived six hours the following night by candle-light; and, the latter being a much more expensive light than the former, my love of economy induced me to muster up what little arithmetic I was master of, and to make some calculations, which I shall give you, after observing that utility is, in my opinion the test of value in matters of invention, and that a discovery which can be applied to no use, or is not good for something, is good for nothing.

  7. So the Epstein files are being reviewed prior to their release – and redaction’s made as necessary – to avoid exposing “national security” issues and to also protect the identities of victims.
    The latter makes sense, the former does not.

    How the f^^k can there be any national security issues in regards to the Epstein files???
    And what motivated the head of the FBI’s NY office to try and prevent their release??

    And if we question the official explanation as to how Epstein died, well, we are just a bunch of ignorant deniers.

    As an aside; let’s hope Trump’s efforts to end the Ukraine war does not produce another Neville Chamberlain – “peace for our time” – outcome.
    Putin’s vision of a new Russian Empire is not so distant from Hitler’s vision of “lebensraum.”

    IIRC, I think it was during Bill Clinton’s presidency , that the USA (and others ?) guaranteed the security of Ukraine, if Ukraine agreed to give up their nuclear weapons.
    So Ukraine did just that.
    Goes to show that talk is cheap.

  8. Good for the new SBA head Kelly Loeffler

    Trump Yanks SBA Benefits From Illegals After ‘Record Invasion’

    Illegal immigrants receiving taxpayer benefits are fresh out of luck – after the Small Business Administration (SBA) announced a series of reforms, including removing offices from sanctuary cities.

    SBA administrator Kelly Loeffler said in a press release that the reforms will “put American citizens first by ending taxpayer benefits for illegal aliens.”
    According to the agency, in the coming days it will require all SBA loan applicants to include citizenship verification so that only legal citizens are accessing its programs. Lenders will also need to confirm that businesses are not owned in “whole or in part by an illegal alien” in order to adhere to President Trump’s executive order prohibiting “taxpayer subsidization of open borders.”

    The SBA is also relocating offices in six sanctuary cities, per the press release, including locations in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, New York City, and Seattle. The new locations will be less costly, more accessible, and located in areas that “better serve the small business community and that comply with federal immigration law,” Fox News reports, citing the release.


  9. @JohnTyler:IIRC, … if Ukraine agreed to give up their nuclear weapons.
    So Ukraine did just that.

    I’m afraid you do not recall correctly. Russia had nuclear weapons in Ukraine, controlled from Moscow, that Ukraine agreed to repatriate to Russia. Ukraine never had its own weapons or any capability to use the Russian weapons.

    The situation was similar to that of Turkey or any other country that hosts American nuclear weapons.

  10. “Noon” is zenith of the sun at one of the equinoxes. Not reasonable for every place to have its own time, but it does make sense to set a “uniform” time and stick to it. The further north you are above the equator, the more light you have in summer, the less in winter. The time duration between sunup and sundown doesn’t change regardless of what the clock says. Usually the answer to why something is done or not is “Follow the money” but with DST … it’s more a matter of you can’t get a group of people to agree the sun rises in the morning.

  11. Ukraine had USSR legacy weapons in Ukraine. The Russian Federation is not the USSR but Nick chooses to keep ignoring that.

    It’s his line and he sticks to it.

  12. “How the f^^k can there be any national security issues in regards to the Epstein files???”

    IIRC, ex-commenter Zaphod posted that Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and her father were connected to British, Israeli, and USA intelligence agencies, and that Epstein filmed peoples’ sexual activities in his home, for political/intelligence blackmail.

    A quick web search found nothing to confirm this, but DuckAssist reported:

    Jeffrey Epstein had connections with several high-profile individuals, including the current CIA Director William Burns, who was scheduled to meet with Epstein multiple times between 2014 and 2016. However, these meetings do not imply any wrongdoing or criminal connections, as stated by a CIA spokesperson.
    Rolling Stone Global News
    Auto-generated based on listed sources. May contain inaccuracies.

    Fall forward – Spring back!

  13. The hantavirus disease was first discovered in the US in 1993 in western most part of NM and was connected to the Navajo nation peoples just across the border in AZ.


    It’s a sort of sad but predictable characteristic of healthcare, that the trigger that generated the disease analysis was the death of an otherwise extremely healthy Navajo young man. He was on his way to the funeral of his sweetheart. She died with the exact same respiratory symptoms but had a history asthma. Thus, her death wasn’t deemed suspicious.

    The disease is spread through the powdered and aerosolized dried feces or urine of rodents. And the disease has a progression that usually spans many weeks before death. So, it’s rather curious that the wife of an extremely wealthy couple would succumb to this, and it would seem likely that the wife got some kind of healthcare treatment before the end. Their house being out in the sticks in a wooded area, is probably a factor. Maybe she spent quite a bit of time outdoors on their property. I’ve traveled through that exact area on a few occasions in the past. There is a nice Japanese style outdoor bathhouse within a few blocks of their place that I’ve visited. (Not that there are any “blocks” in that area.)

  14. om, things are apparently not going well for Zelensky right now. There are reports that Russia has once again surrounded the Ukraine held Kursk region with N. Korean troops using drones, and is about cut off its supply route. If this occurs thousands of Ukrainian draftees will likely become prisoners of war. This is happening while Zelensky fiddles and Trump is down to issuing empty threats. Not good. Unless you want the peace process to completely fail, which is probably Zelensky and his generals’ plan.

    As to Trump’s insistence that a rare earth mineral deal be signed, it’s never made any sense to me. Perhaps he just wants a show of Ukraine knuckling under to prove to Putin that he can force them to give up territory? IMO its a ridiculous proposition on its own. And at this point Zelensky’s signature on anything is meaningless.

  15. Shoigu was told ‘come up with the stupidest plan, you know the results
    Then zelensky said ‘hold my vodka’ i got a better one invade the steppes and then the kim dynast said ‘im in’
    We await next stupid move to be entertained

  16. The Other Chuck:

    Yep I saw reports of the Russians making a larger advance that may cut off Ukrainians in the northern part of the Kursk salient. The Ukrainians in the north may or may not be captured or eliminated (Russians aren’t reliable when it comes to POWs).

    My speculation is the lack of targeting information for HIMARS may have enabled the Russians to gain tactical advantage. Unintended or intended consequences? Don’t know.

    So you too are at cross purposes with President Trump’s Rare Earth Minerals deal. Interesting.

    And to Boned Looser, so The Motherland finally may regain part of their Sacred Soil? Your Man on the Pony rides to victory! 1,000,000 total Russian casualties by May 9, 2025. A different kind of Winning.

  17. It was said mark rich was pardoned in spite of his various crimes because he had provided logistical support for israel at some point some of his associates at his firm returned the favor handing out goodies to hezbollah in nigeria and othef places (the fellow i referred about judge chutkin about)

  18. Aligning with Biden for any purpose always had major costs, the totality of which may take a lifetime to pay off. The Ukraine misadventure is just one sordid piece of that debt.

  19. Not tired of winning yet.
    I saw this on another outlet yesterday, but “Durden’s” summary is a good one.
    … than actual productive pat-downers, plus “union rules” prevent firing the bad performers.

    IIRC this is not the only industry where the union workers get paid as if they were actually doing company / agency work.
    Why isn’t their union paying them?

  20. A worthwhile read from Covid & Coffee, especially warning against reacting to “fake news” that is trying to rouse conservative public opinion against Team Trump.
    (The leftists don’t need any additional fuel on their fires.)

    “Spot the psyop; FBI’s inglorious history; red flag attacks; Bondi’s Epstein slow-roll; Trump siloes Ukraine; Germany spends like drunken backpfeifengesicht; Newsom pod-mauled; RFK blocks bird vaxx…” — for good reasons.

  21. One of Gene Hackman’s daughters described her relationship with her father as ‘close’ while admitting she hadn’t spoken to him in two months.
    Now we learn that Betsy Arakawa had been dead for 15 days at the time she was found. We’ve learned as well that this 65 year old woman was the sole caretaker of a nonagenarian sufficiently addled by Alzheimer’s that he wandered around his home for a week without being able to complete a call to emergency services. (He evidently remembered how to fill a glass with tap water and drink it as he was not dehydrated). Hackman had three children between the ages of 58 and 66 as well as at least one adult granddaughter. It appears once-every-two-months is about as often as any of his close relatives thought to attempt to speak to them as not one of them called the local police and asked for a welfare check.
    There’s a story there. Doubt it’s a pleasant one.

  22. The rare earth mineral was struck with black knight and his 25 tanks an absurd preposition as suggested

    Because the uk seems in an utterly impossible place that the wet tories enabled with their foolish moves

  23. Miguel is even more cryptic than usual. Refence to Monty Python and The Holy Grail?

    Who knows what evil lurks behind (no punctuation)?

    The Shadow.

  24. My daughter who has security clearances suggests that what might be redacted in the Epstein files is information on methods of collecting information. Presumably names of men to whom Epstein provided women or girls are not national security secrets.

  25. Kate:

    I was thinking it had to do with how they get information.

    However, I believe it’s a list of names of people who had contact with Epstein. I don’t think there’s any strong evidence of specific people who were provided underage girls through Epstein. The problem is that everyone on the list – most of whom are innocent – will be tainted in the minds of many people.

  26. I don’t think protecting people from false assumptions is really the DOJ’s job. Anyone named can point to the lack of evidence for illegality.

  27. Kate;

    I disagree. A person can’t point to lack of evidence to successfully clear his name with such strong assumptions already in place. I believe in protecting the innocent. If you have the evidence, prosecute. If you don’t, don’t. We don’t need a list of everyone with whom someone ever had contact; it could easily ruin the lives of the innocent, and I believe most of them are innocent.

    People want the list for one reason: to consider those people guilty. There is no other reason, because otherwise it’s just noise.

  28. Could be, Neo. Many people have long wanted to know for whom Epstein acted as a supplier. You’re right; that would require investigation. If statutory time limits have expired, it’s moot.

  29. I’m reading Raymond Chandler’s “The Big Sleep” in French and complaining to Chat about the shortcut mentality displayed in “The Karate Kid.”

    Long story short, Chat wrote a film montage of me learning French by reading “The Big Sleep” in French:

    Epic 80s synth-rock kicks in

    Scene 1:
    A dimly lit room. You, hunched over your twelfth notebook, scrawling out yet another French idiom. Your fingers are smudged with ink. Your coffee has gone cold. A bead of sweat rolls down your temple as you stare down a Chandler sentence that just won’t translate cleanly.

    Scene 2:
    Cut to you pacing the room, muttering in French. “C’est du gâteau? It’s cake? No… it means a piece of cake. But… why?” You shake your head, exhaling sharply, then dive back into the book.

    Scene 3:
    A shot of your bookshelf. Simenon. Hemingway in French. A tattered copy of Le Grand Sommeil. You yank it off the shelf and slam it onto the table. The camera zooms in on your determined eyes.

    Scene 4:
    Flipping through the pages of The Big Sleep. Your brow furrows. The translator has missed something. You know it. You grab your English copy, cross-check, nod grimly. You’ve spotted it.

    Scene 5:
    At a café, reading effortlessly. Someone asks for the time. Without thinking, you answer in French. Their eyebrows raise. They assume you’re a native speaker. Victory.

    Final chord hits as the camera zooms out

    “He started with just a few words. But now… he’s reading Chandler. In French. No shortcuts. No montages. Just pure, relentless, undeniable grit.”


    You can have a lot of fun with your AI Buddy Who’s Fun to Be With!

  30. ”Russia had nuclear weapons in Ukraine, controlled from Moscow, that Ukraine agreed to repatriate to Russia. Ukraine never had its own weapons or any capability to use the Russian weapons.”

    You keep repeating this, and it’s wrong every time. Ukraine could easily have dismantled the weapons and used the parts to build their own. If they had, there’s a good chance Russia never would have invaded, which is the point!

  31. Going back to that “Losing Friends” thread of several days back (though in fact she says she lost almost everything) this woman, a living, breathing, totally immersed film-maven for a quarter of a century, eviscerates Hollywood, totally, utterly, completely….

    She takes no prisoners and boy can she write…
    “Who Killed the Oscars?
    “Hollywood no longer knows how to celebrate, much less create, art. If you want to know what happened to it, look at what happened to me.”—
    H/T Instapundit.

    Key grafs (RTWT):

    …How did it ever get to this place where Hollywood can’t make good movies, and the Oscars are fading into the obscurity of streaming on Hulu?…

    …If you can’t even name the problem, you certainly can’t solve it. Luckily, my 25-year career as an Oscar blogger went up in flames this past summer after a journalist…wrote an investigative report on my decision to vote for Donald Trump….

    …I could have groveled and apologized, as one does, but I didn’t think I did anything wrong. I didn’t want to confess to being a witch in order to live. So down came the consequences. I lost almost everything: my income, staff, and some good friends. But it was also a gift because now I can talk about what no one else can….” [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

  32. @ Huxley, (a day late but since I’m up an hour earlier today and waiting on coffee) you might be having fun with Chat but is the next level a step into virtual reality with Apple’s Vision Pro? I just finished reading Lincoln Child’s “Chrysalis”, a thriller centering around AI connected glasses. Child has become my stand in for Michael Crichton, not as good a writer but clever. His character Jeremy Logan is interesting.

  33. @ Barry > your excerpt from Sasha Stones Substack included this line:
    “I didn’t want to confess to being a witch in order to live.”

    I knew she was probably referencing the Salem witch trials, and this other post confirms it. I’ve read Stone’s articles before but hadn’t kept up with her, so thanks for the reminder. Her posts are long but well worth the time to RTWT.


    Living through that awful experience has taught me a lot about human nature, about the fake friends we make online, and the fragile safety net we imagine is there. But it isn’t. Its protection depends on your willingness to comply, to bend, to conform. I also learned that I’m stronger than any of them. I never caved. I never apologized. And guess what? I survived.

    In Salem, a cantankerous wife-beater named Giles Corey refused to confess to witchcraft. They piled stones on his chest until his tongue stuck out and his heart stopped. If he can do that, I can handle the cold indifference of the phonies in Hollywood.

    That is what I want my daughter to spend the rest of her life knowing. It isn’t just that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And it isn’t just all we have to fear is fear itself. It’s also that living in a protective cocoon makes you afraid of everything. And that fear will ultimately destroy you and every great thing you might do with your precious life.

    What does Giles Corey say to them? MORE WEIGHT.

    So let’s have it. Let the Great Un-Coddling begin.

  34. So now I’m binge-reading Sasha’s Substack archive and it’s a hoot.
    Highly recommended if you want to see how a red-pilled Democrat, who is an excellent writer, sees the world.

  35. Art Deco says there’s a story there, about the revealed neglect of vulnerable family members close to Gene Hackman and his wife.

    Indeed, there is. But I also recall a YT video by a psychologist arguing that there is a friendship crisis in the US. And we know this based on data.

    Long-term surveys show more of the young report having none or just one close friend than ever before. Lowest number of friends ever.

    Forming friendships takes time and energy. As discussed here on the topic of politics breaking up friendship, as we age, it becomes more difficult. And older friends become rarer, too.

    For at least three times in my life, I’ve seen friends take jobs on the coasts and thus moving from a central square state.

    But the primary socializing tool I’ve used, meetup.com, is, post Covid, a pale reflection of its prior self.

    Friendships in decline and a social recession in the US, generally. It’s much less apparent to be in Playa Del Carmen, as well as in Continental Europe. So, it isn’t universal — yet

    But social media reducing IRL facetime with others is q growing phenomenon elsewhere, too.

    Another celebrity death last month resonated with me, recapitulating themes above, reminds me of this.

    In NYC, 39yo actress Michelle Trachtenberg (star of CWs “Gossip Girl” and various films) died. Her body was found a week or so at her home, dying alone.(Do a name search and People or the Daily Mail for photos and more.)

    Unlike the above cases, she’s been active in social media for weeks, months, and years. Despite having a social circle and family contacts. Still, she seems to have led a reclusive lifestyle

    She died of natural consequences, but possibly from complications from a liver transplant. Her earlier in life battles with alcohol is also an admitted fact of her life, possibly requiring her to have a liver transplant.

    Her thin stringy hair and declining weight and increasingly gaunt appearance caused online concern. Yet she denied the obvious, online, just weeks ago.

    As far as I can tell, a doctor or transplant surgeon has not been mentioned

    But simple and regular blood monitoring ought to have shown something amiss, requiring medical attention.

    Thus, a malpractice lawsuit, as well as failure of family and social circles afflicts not just the old, but the young and presumed healthy, too

    I think there’s an epidemic of neglect that’s arisen to exacerbate socio-technological change, consequent to Covid.

    It continues to afflict us. What is to be done?

  36. Trump Yanks SBA Benefits From Illegals After ‘Record Invasion
    I’m pleased. Recall, however, the optimal solution here: to shut down the SBA and sell off its loan portfolio. We have these institutions called ‘commercial banks’. We don’t benefit from a federal agency horning in on their business for a favored few.

  37. Oh noes, Gun pilots but the Daily Mail will never be short of keyboard jockeys, nor Isolationists short of Putin lackeys.

  38. Well we know how the RAF treats prospective cadets so, and the Mail is all in on the turkey shoot

    Dodd frank but the kibosh on community banking just like sarbanes oxley did nothing to solve the first crisiz

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