Home » Spambot of the day


Spambot of the day — 6 Comments

  1. The quality of spam is declining.
    Maybe they aren’t getting their USAID money anymore.

  2. I thought is was obvious that it was not a bot, but instead the typical word salad of the Kamala the Cackler.

    But then , upon rereading the bot, it mentioned “improving my knowledge,” which, as everybody knows, is something the CACKLER would never consider in 250 million years (you know, as long as the USA has been a sovereign nation).
    So, it could not have been one of the CACKLER’S word salads and is most likely a bot.
    Then again……………you never really know.

  3. Boy you are popular, I kept getting the “Too many requests” message.

  4. Sennacherib:

    That’s been happening now and then for a month or two. I’ve tried about 10 different ways to fix it, as has my host. I thought I had fixed it because it stopped for about a week. But now it’s started to happen sometimes, once again. I’ve run out of ideas to fix it.

  5. I’ve long suspected that these kinds of errors – misspellings, bad grammar, etc. – are meant as traps to hook intelligent people into “engagement”. cf. Nerd Sniping.

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