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The Epstein files — 46 Comments

  1. I seem to remember that Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said, “a lot of our friends are going to be hurt” to her mother with regards to the files when they first surfaced.

  2. At this point, who would believe that the FBI / DOJ did NOT destroy any solid evidence a LONG time ago?

    However, it is possible that Bondi, Patel, and Bongino could find evidence of the destruction.

  3. AesopFan:


    I don’t think there WAS solid evidence. Whether that’s because Epstein went solo in his abuses or whether it’s because the others covered their tracks, I cannot say.

    Nor am I saying that the FBI, etc., wouldn’t have been willing to cover up or destroy evidence. My gut feeling is that such evidence never existed, though, to any strong degree.

  4. I would imagine that if Epstein had a “little black book” of sorts that’s long since disappeared. But what about flight logs and passenger manifests? It’s a pretty solid bet that the rich and famous who were Epstein’s guests weren’t being flown out to his island to go hunting and fishing.

  5. Is it surprising that it is now alleged that it’s the New York office of the FBI that withheld the supposed 1000s of pages?

  6. Young female prostitution is nothing new. Probably the oldest form of prostitution. A Vice Crime set to make criminals out of someone now. 16-17 year old prostitutes may even be entrapping their clients…I dunno.

    Epstein Files seems to me to be more about hysterics and politics – than why young girls and young women are giving blowjobs on a school bus whilst others watch, having sex in the schools bathrooms (‘blowjobs are not having sex’).

    If *BIG* Government and its supporters truly wanted “Underage” prostitution to stop, then why don’t they do something to stop it? Both the REPs & DEMs – there is bipartisan support to release Epstein Files, and has been for some time, so why isn’t there bipartisan support to ACTUALLY stop “Underage” prostitution and blowjobs on school buses?

    How to stop “Underage” Prostitution?

    • lower the age of consent?

    • force underage girls and young women to wear chastity belts – possibly *BIG* Government controlled chastity belts to stop any parental or teacher abuse?

    • force underage girls and young women to wear those Burka full body bags outside the home?

    • put girls into private institutions when they reach puberty, and keep them there until age 18? That sounds better than chastity belts and/or Burkas, IMHO.

    There’s probably many more solutions than those, but I don’t have the resources that REPS, DEMs, and *BIG* Government have…then again, their solutions seems to be about releasing the Epstein Files!?

  7. Sgt. Joe Friday:

    Why is it such a good bet? Why wouldn’t someone want to be a guest on a private island to be wined and dined in luxurious digs? That would be enough for me to make the trip.

    A junket like that wouldn’t need to include anything illegal. Sgt. Joe Friday should be interested in “The facts, just the facts.”

  8. Karmi,

    It’s only partially about underage prostitution. It’s more about the ” rich and famous” and well connected politicians showing their pedophile side. Despite what Neo believes, the fact the it appears that Epstein was Arkancided, tells me that a lot of people, on both sides, want this buried.

    Neo may be right, but the people involved are to me, very sleezy.

  9. So we are to believe that the ONLY guilty party in the entire Epstein affair (how many years was it going on?) is Ghislaine Maxwell.


    Not only was she the only person – aside from Epstein – convicted, she was the ONLY person even arrested !
    One would think that the FBI would have at least spoken to, say, Bill Clinton (who lives just north of NYC) or Bill Gates and asked them what they witnessed.
    But nooooooo !
    Instead, the FBI goes after Prince Andrew in the UK.

    And to this day, nobody has been able to explain Epstein’s source of wealth.

    Yep,that’s right folks. Those who think there is a cover up on the part of the FBI are just out to lunch.

  10. Mostly Dems but many Reps, and no clear evidence of crimes.
    Let’s see the lists. Let those guilty of letting Epstein kiss their butts, prove they didn’t have sex with underage girls. Nobody on the list is innocent.

    I don’t believe Epstein killed himself.

    I believe the FBI has videos of illegal sex with other men.

  11. The day after Trump was elected, I’d imagine that all of the shredders–all over Washington, and at many other locations around the country–were starting to overheat from overuse.

    The guilty have just had too much lead time to destroy incriminating paperwork, to overwrite (Bleachbit) data on computers, to destroy electronic media, pull hard drives, and to generally cover their tracks.

    I could be wrong, and there may be a lot of arrogant, stupid, guilty parties, who think that they will never get caught and, so, have not taken steps to destroy their paper trail.

    But, in a lot of these high profile cases, I’m betting that there is as much damning evidence left as there was in “Al Capone’s vault” when Geraldo Rivera had it opened up–if I remember correctly, only a grocery receipt, and an empty whiskey bottle.

    At the government think tank I worked at, as a security precaution, after you finished working on an especially sensitive request, you were supposed to shred the initial request itself, and all the documents which you generated, and we had a large, chest high commercial grade shredder in the next room which was in pretty constant use.

    I think it would be naive indeed to believe that the most damning Epstein documents have not long since been shredded, or that the damning documents relating to a whole host of other potential crimes committed by government employees or by favored individuals are still in existence.

  12. Sad, but I think Snow is right. The evidence has long ago been wiped. Too many “big” people involved.

  13. My thoughts are that Epstein was looking for fellow travelers down the road of under-age sex. He’d invite someone rich and powerful to his island to sus them out. Maybe make a risque joke or have one of his victims parade past topless to see their reaction. If it was favorable, they’d be invited back and then he’d get whatever he wanted, be it their favor or blackmail material. So, a one-time appearance on the list would not to me be that suspicious. It’s the repeat visitors I’d look at very hard.

    And I do believe Epstein killed himself. The conspiracy was to make sure he had enough time alone and enough material to do it with.

  14. If life exists elsewhere in the university, perhaps the surest sign that it is intelligent, is that they’ve never bothered to contact us (AB, edited by Claude.ai)

  15. So, a one-time appearance on the list would not to me be that suspicious. It’s the repeat visitors I’d look at very hard. — Dwaz

    My thoughts exactly. I suppose men going to the island with a spouse or girlfriend might be an exception.

    I don’t think Epstein killed himself though. I’ve seen the postmortem photos of his bruised neck. Looks exactly like braided rope marks to me. No braided ropes were in his cell.

  16. John Tyler; Snow on Pine; et al:

    I thought I made my point of view quite clear. But perhaps not clear enough. So I’ll try a clarification.

    Epstein was a sexual abuser of many underage women. I am not disputing that at all. And I am also NOT saying there couldn’t once have existed evidence that implicated others in some sort of sex ring run by Epstein, one that exploited underage women, with the evidence having been destroyed at some point. In fact, if there was such evidence and especially if it implicated powerful people, it probably would have been destroyed.

    However, I think it’s wrong to assume either that there were such other people for whom Epstein was procuring underage women, and/or that strong evidence of their guilt existed, and in particular that anyone on an Epstein contact list was guilty simply by virtue of being on that list.

    Regarding Epstein and whether there were other men involved – I understand that many human beings are guilty of very dark doings. I don’t think I’m the least bit naive about that. But I also believe that many such people are quite secretive about their crimes and do not necessarily like to spread the word around, and I think Epstein may have been of the latter variety. There are plenty of other reasons all those people might have associated with him short of engaging in sex with underage girls. He may also have been a voyeur who liked to spy on people with hidden cameras when they were his guests. But again, that doesn’t mean he procured underage girls for them. Just that he himself was guilty of sex crimes.

    The evidence that Epstein procured girls for other powerful men rests solely – so far at least, as far as I can tell – on the testimony of a couple of the women years later as part of civil lawsuits they filed for money. I am not a proponent of the idea that women don’t ever lie about such things, especially where there’s notoriety and money involved.

    It gets rather complicated, but one of the main people on whom this perception of Epstein shopping young women around for other rich and/or famous men rests is a woman named Virginia Giuffre. You can read about her here and in particular about her accusations against Alan Dershowitz here. Read about her here also. Note that in the latter article she says, “When you are abused, you know your abuser. I might not have my dates right, I might not have my times right… but I know their faces and I know what they’ve done to me.” And yet later, regarding her allegations that she had sex with Dershowitz six times, she said maybe her accusations against him were a case of mistaken identity. Oopsies!

    I have come to my own conclusions about her veracity, and you can come to yours.

  17. Once Epstein had his reputation, which was some time before his death, it would be odd to accept an invitation.
    Even if you were convinced he was being falsely maligned, wouldn’t you–particularly as a public figure–stay away?
    His guests could afford their own five-star lifestyle.

    There were reports that the fibbies raided his NYC home and found loads of compromising material involving publicly-known figures. Later, asked about it, one spox commented that keeping that stuff wasn’t their business, so she didn’t know.

  18. Richard Aubrey:

    “There are reports.* That means nothing to me without knowing who made the reports, based on what. Rumors are cheap.

    The allegations against Dershowitz and Prince Andrew involve contacts the men had, and/or are alleged to have had, prior to the initial 2006 criminal investigation of Epstein. As far as I know, that is the pattern of all the allegations towards men other than Epstein.

  19. Another Mass Hysteria Conspiracy. Close kinship to the #MeToo movement that grew so rapidly—suddenly after years, decades, etc. women were remembering a pat on the buttocks, or some movie producer promising a staring role. Hey, movie starlet, one piece isn’t worth a life time of starring roles!

    Mass Hysteria – like people buying up toilet paper at the mention of China Virus.

    One News story from an outlet is gospel – next News story from same outlet is Legacy Media manipulation of the facts.

    Supporters of the Rule of Law claim OJ was guilty even tho cops tampered with evidence, gloves didn’t fit, jury found him innocent, etcetera etcetera etcetera. Same people cry Trump was convicted by Lawfare and thus was innocent.

    Despite what Neo believes, the fact the it appears that Epstein was Arkancided, tells me that a lot of people, on both sides, want this buried. – physicsguy

    Political persecution – Arkancide:


    Blend of Arkansas + homicide, due to the supposed involvement of Bill Clinton during his time as resident and governor of the state.

    Jail/Prison guards sleep on duty—No Shit?! Jail/Prison equipment breaks down—No Shit?! Examples in one brand new prison in less than 2 years: 1) main air conditioner (HUGE and expensive) started not cooling cells due to cooling tubes starting to be blocked because water wasn’t filtered – Dade county coral rock’s lime, calcium, whatever was clogging up tubes. 2) Mesh warning ground system around entire prison—between two security fences had to be shut down due to false alarms—many were just birds walking around.

    Do prisoners hang themselves? You bet! Some have done it with a towel around neck and then tied to bars…on their knees and just leaning forward until they die.

    Suicide in Local Jails and State and Federal Prisons, 2000–2019 – Statistical Tables

    Sorry, but show me real proof of crimes – otherwise, focus on stopping “Underage” Prostitution

  20. The reporting I am aware of has said that Epstein had every one of his properties rigged to record what was happening in every room (I remember hearing someone say that they stumbled into the “recording room” in his New York property, and there was an employee there to monitor/run all of the equipment.

    Why do this unless you wanted to gather compromising videos and sound recordings to use to blackmail people?

    I presume such recordings are long gone from any FBI evidence locker, and have either been destroyed, or someone else now has this very powerful blackmail information.

  21. P.S. If Epstein was blackmailing the rich and powerful people who he enticed into his orbit, it’s pretty logical to assume that each and every one of them would want him dead before he could talk, and that some of them might have the contacts to arrange his very convenient “suicide” in what was supposed to be the safest lockup in New York City, one which reportedly had had no other suicides.

    Then, there were the guards who were supposed to look in on him every fifteen minutes who conveniently both “fall asleep” for a long period of time–a couple of hours?, and afterward suffered no real consequences for their dereliction. There was his cell mate who was transferred out, so Epstein was alone. And, then, there were the cameras which were supposed to be trained on his cell which just happened to “malfunction,” so they could not provide any evidence of what might have happened.

    What an odd series of coinkydinks, and all headed in one direction!

  22. Snow on Pine:

    I already explained why he would do it.

    He could easily have been a voyeur. I assume you know what that is, and it is a simple and highly believable explanation.

    In addition, he might have been planning to blackmail people (although he certainly didn’t need more money) with videos of their consensual sex lives with adults, perhaps kinky, or same-sex, or extramarital, or compromising in a host of possible ways – without that ever including setting them up by procuring underage girls.

    Either or both of these is sufficient to explain video cameras. But also, as far as I know, some such cameras were found but not in every room in every residence.

    Plus, the dog that didn’t bark is that there has never been evidence that he blackmailed anyone, as far as I can tell.

  23. I agree with those saying we should be able to see the lists and logs. NOT so much because I believe there are no possible innocent (or at least relatively innocent; one can hypothetically believe in the existence of say a scammer or embezzler or so on who went to the island to discuss money laundering without knowing of the sex trafficking precisely because they would balk) explanation for being on the logs, I think Neo addresses that well. It’s also worth noting we can’t entirely rule out the possibility of guilty parties whose names are not on the logs and lists precisely because of intensified secrecy (I remember some of Prince Andrew’s staff remember being told to not note down some people in the Royal visitation logs, and while doing the same for flights or the like to and from Pedo Island would be harder it isn’t impossible).

    But it IS a place to start and in a sane world would be probable cause to line the people up and start making them explain their actions and attest under oath that they were just there for the dining/fishing/etc and never had any evil conduct with a sex slave…. And also here is what they saw their peers on the logs do.

    There may be no black book per se but there are avenues to pursue, and it is worth noting how often people slip up on stuff this important. Regarding Al Capone’s Vault, it’s worth noting that as anticlimatic as it was the number of booze and moonshine bottles around (relatively few that they were) would be evidence of unauthorized possession and probably transport of alcohol during Prohibition and while not ironclad proof itself would be grounds for some very pointed questions towards Mr. Capone had the vault with equivalent contents been somehow opened during prohibition. The shredders can only get what you remember to feed into them after all, and sometimes going overboard with them can be every bit as damning as not using them.

  24. I never quite understood just how Epstein became so wealthy. Was he some kind of investing genius? Everything I have read about him does not suggest this. Was he, perhaps merely a conduit for other people’s money? At least one prominent billionaire, Leslie Wexner, was outed by the NYT as one of Epsteins’ “special friends.” But again, what legitimate financial service did Epstein offer that a thousand other people could or would not provide? None of what has been published explained his extraordinary appeal to the people who travelled in his orbit. I recall that he was declared persona non grata by President Trump, who banished him from his properties. I also recall the portrait of Bill Clinton lounging in a chair attired in a blue dress which he prominently displayed in his NYC digs, which always struck me as rather odd. Unless it was meant to signal something to Clinton and all of the other guests who visited. And exactly what was the appeal behind his relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell, whose looks were certainly not the key, but whose father had an “interesting” personal history culminating in a suspicious death. And then there are the inexplicable, fortuitous coincidences surrounding Epstein’s jailhouse suicide. Nothing makes sense.

  25. I never quite understood just how Epstein became so wealthy.
    Does anyone know where his business was located, if anywhere?
    Whoever wanted this man dead managed to suborn a scrum of Bureau of Prisons employees to get the job done. What did William Barr do to locate the culprits?

  26. Techno Fog on the Epstein Files:

    The Epstein Rerun – ‘FBI secrecy and a release of old materials…

    Instead, there was a release of a 200 page binder of old materials – mainly flight logs and Epstein’s contacts, and a completely redacted list of Epstein’s masseuses. The highly anticipated “Phase 1” is a rerun.
    I wouldn’t recommend taking a look if you want new information. But, if you’re curious, you can read them here.
    We’re a little surprised that AG Bondi didn’t look at the FBI’s initial production of 200 pages with skepticism. Even the casual observer would see the red flags.

    Let me add a dash more of Mass Hysteria Conspiracy to the Epstein Files – is Trump’s AG Bondi hiding something or is she just not as smart as we have been told?

    After all, the DOJ was prosecuting a criminal case against Epstein before committed suicide (allegedly). It prosecuted Ghislaine Maxwell. Both these cases had volumes of records – thousands and thousands of pages. And it opened up a grandy jury investigation into other Epstein co-conspirators – which was ongoing while Maxwell was being prosecuted. Of course the New York FBI Field Office has “thousands and thousands of pages of documents.”

    Is Director Kash Patel helping AG Bondi to hide info, or are they both dumber than they look? Has Trump actually picked two more Swamp Critters?! Hey, adding to a Mass Hysteria Conspiracy case is FUN!!! 🙂 Obviously most everyone knew there were “volumes of records – thousands and thousands of pages” – but AG Bondi went ahead broadcasting big white Epstein File binders, with just 200 pages, to the News media!? And did Director Kash Patel act surprised?

    Not that the point of this is to blame Bondi. At least she is demanding production from the FBI. We’re confident Director Kash Patel will do his part. But we suspect those assisting Bondi with compiling these records is, to put it bluntly, is unfamiliar with the Epstein cases and isn’t well versed on both the DOJ and FBI’s history with Epstein.

    In any event, Bondi can’t stop with the FBI. She must also look within the DOJ.
    We can go on, but we hope the point has been made. AG Bondi’s priority needs to be to look in the right places, both at the FBI and in the DOJ.

  27. The lack of “names” in these files will be used by the left as “proof” of trump’s involvement in the underage sex ring—trump is just trying to clear his name under the guise of “transparency”

  28. neo

    “there are reports”, which is to say I saw them someplace in the news which I cannot now recall. May not be true, which is different.

    But it matches the FBI’s quick trip to the Island of Ill Repute and reported confiscation of huge amounts of recorded material. As you point out, it may have been for voyeuristic purposes. But, unless Epstein had considerably tighter security than our intel folks do, their existence may have “leaked” to various guests who would have been concerned.

    Another report on his wealth said he was not some economic genius. He wasn’t showing up at stockholders’ meetings, nor buying and selling instants before anyone else SHOULD have. Just in conservative vehicles requiring no tending. Apparently, he got rich on deposits, not growth. Nice work….

    The NY reports would be different if they didn’t fit the feds’ MO. For the terminally retired, youtube has hours of DoJ hearings before Congress.

    One of the issues is the same which supported “pizzagate”. Between Hollywood’s reported use of child actors and the various reports of how Harvey W used his position, Ed Buck his influence, Anthony Weiner’s idea of fun, and so forth, the environment for the Bigs seems ripe, to use a term, for such mutually-supporting accusations. One of which might not be true…but would you bet that way?
    Gong back, some. It was the National Enquirer who busted Jon Edwards.

  29. The problem is that so many things, over the last decade or so, which we were told were nonsense, couldn’t possibly happen, or were “conspiracy theories” have turned out–in the end–to be true.

    Given this background, anything which the MSM or various authorities say has to be viewed with a great amount of skepticism and suspicion.

    The era of naive, instinctive trust in institutions and the “news” has vanished.

  30. And I do believe Epstein killed himself. The conspiracy was to make sure he had enough time alone and enough material to do it with.
    By hanging himself from the top bunk? With sheets made of paper? While managing to break his hyoid bone?

  31. I’ve never seen a satisfactory explanation for where/how Epstein acquired all of his money, enough money, for instance, to buy/rent his aircraft, and to buy his private island, with it’s substantial buildings, roads, dock, water and power plants, reported electronic surveillance equipment, and other infrastructure.

    It seems to me that, given his various sleezy, illegal/criminal actions with regard to young women, it isn’t that too far a stretch to see him moving on into a very lucrative sleezy career in blackmail.

  32. @neo:but one of the main people on whom this perception of Epstein shopping young women around for other rich and/or famous men rests is a woman named Virginia Giuffre.

    This was always the problem I had with the Epstein narrative and I’m delighted to see someone else saw it too. Giuffre named some people but for some reason none of these people can be sent to jail based on anything she’s said.

    What they could be was embarrassed by the accusation. Some of the accusations made little sense. For example she named Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons, but didn’t accuse him of a crime, just said she had to massage his feet and she thought they were gross.

    I don’t doubt that Epstein was doing something shady that explains his money, I don’t doubt that he himself was an abuser and had friends who were, and I think it’s very likely he was blackmailing, perhaps at the behest of intelligence services. But almost everything we’ve seen in the legacy media is from Giuffre and what she says is chaff, and at least some of it has been shown to be false.

    Most of it came from a book she wrote which which seems to be unpublishable for libel reasons, but was unsealed in court documents. We’ve seen that playbook before against Trump; that’s how accusations are “laundered” so that the media can report them with less fear of being sued.

    Granted there are at least photos of her actually in the same room with some of the people she’s named, which is far harder evidence than anything from Brett Kavanaugh’s or Roy Moore’s accusers.

    If she was really trafficked, it wasn’t in a way that can lead to any convictions or even charges for anyone she was trafficked to, evidently. In addition, she’s said too many things that aren’t true.

  33. Get used to the fact that we’re never going to know. neo may be right that there is not as much there as we think. Or she may be wrong, but Epstein has been dead for over five years now, plenty of time to scrub any evidence. Especially with the Deep State in control until a few weeks ago.

  34. @Dwaz

    And I do believe Epstein killed himself. The conspiracy was to make sure he had enough time alone and enough material to do it with.

    I think that still falls under the umbrella of “Epstein didn’t kill himself” and why it is so overwhelmingly powerful, because it is irrefutable.

    Even if I believed Epstein actually did commit suicide (and I don’t believe he did), he couldn’t have done so by himself. Even if I happened to believe he suicided legitimately and that there was absolutely no foul play or conspiracy involved, it would point to absolutely staggering, inexcusable amounts of negligence, dereliction of duty, incompetence, unprofessionalism, and dishonesty that could have been fairly easily short-circuited at any point.

    And suffice it to say, I believe there was foul play involved. Whether Epstein committed suicide or was murdered, neither could have happened without a broken, decadent system with all the safeguards broken.

  35. The story told to us, wouldnt pass muster on an episode of leverage or the blacklist, the length and breath of epsteins associations are rather staggering

    Libel tourism is a thing we saw it with the saudi magnates the baathist fixer who had ties to obama most recently with dominion,

  36. @Dax:Nothing to see here people. Move along, move along.

    Nobody here is saying anything like this.

  37. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
    If there is incriminating evidence, we will never see it. And maybe there never was any.
    Bill Clinton will forever be remembered for his escapades in the WH with an intern. So, it’s just natural to think or imagine the worst, with him being linked to a scumbag like Epstein.
    This conspiracy could have been put to bed long ago, but putting a seal on these files just made it ripe.

  38. James Sisco:

    Bill Clinton certainly slept around, but there is zero evidence – not just involving Epstein, but in general – that he ever liked underage girls. People tend to have proclivities in sex, and Epstein’s certainly seems to have been young girls. Not so for Clinton, as far as we know. So one thing doesn’t necessarily imply the other.

    Plus, I think there was plenty of reason to put a seal on the files. First of all, they contain many names of the girls. But also, as I’ve said several times, most of the men – and yes, maybe even all of the men – on the list of contacts with Epstein probably were not guilty of sexual abuse of minors, but releasing their names would cause the public to consider them guilty. That was always the danger. The concealment, however, has made the hype worse and the expectations greater.

  39. Turtler.
    As to suicide: Reports are that two assessments are needed to get off suicide watch; head of the facility and head shrink. They have to agree. It’s a tricky business and they don’t always get it right, but since they have to agree, there’s a firewall, so to speak.
    Guards are supposed to patrol the tier.
    Cameras are supposed to work.
    Pick any chance of random malfunction you want; one in ten, one in two, and multiply. You need the agreed-upon assessment to be wrong, the guards to be asleep, and the cameras to malfunction. Two possibilities. One is all of those happen so often than random coinciding is not remarkable. But, if that were the ase, the facility would normally look like pre-school with no adultl supervisoin and too much caffein in the baby formula. Instead, it had a pretty good rep.
    So, such things don’t happen very often–by accident–and thus the coinciding errors’ coinciding at random is far harder to believe. One in ten times one in ten times one in ten is…pretty big stuff. Maybe the shrinks don’t get it right, but do the cameras fail one time in two, in ten, or a hundred?
    And this random thing happened to Epstein, not some anonymous shlub in for non-support (joke), when, were it random, it would have been anybody but Epstein, there being….how many others in the facility?

    As to missing evidence; that’s how the feds swing. The FBI had, apparently temporarily, mislaid evidence in the trial of Tim McVeigh. Seemed they had enough anyway. Then, when the left were giggling at the thought of Bush being frogmarched out of the White House on account of the leak of Valerie Plame/Wilson, the best they could do was Scooter Libby lying to the FBI. The agent in question had mislaid her notes, so it was dueling memories and Libby went to prison.
    So, absence of evidence, with regard to the feds, doesn’t mean absence of evidence.

  40. It’s not what people have spun up in their minds. If you want to get to the heart of it you have to go back to the beginning in Florida 2005. Local cops bust him for having sex with a 14 year old. DA tanks case and only gets indictment for soliciting. Cops reach out to FBI. FBI and USA get 6 count indictment but Acosta and Villafaña the US Attorneys handling it, drop it for state plea agreement of soliciting and soliciting a minor. 4 Named co conspirators get free pass. Someone shut the lid on this. Getting local LE, local DA, FBI and USA to walk away without a peep takes some doing. I believe there was an IG investigation when this resurfaced and although Acosta stepped down, everyone was cleared. I don’t think this is a DOJ issue.

  41. ghost

    Was this the case where one of the locals said he’d been contacted by “intelligence” and told this was an intelligence issue?

  42. It’s a bad world where bad people do bad things.

    Is Epstein actually special, or
    does he just fit the cartoon villain mold?

  43. Like weinstein a wannabe louis b mayer or nasser a regular predator that the olympic committee and michigan state protect or raniere of nxim whose membership involved two mexican dynasties movie stars a bromfman heir

    Notably the bureau looked askance at most of this as to the press, well bobs your uncle

    Allegedly that is what acosta was told of course he didnt involve just israeli but saudi and other european grandees

  44. Richard Aubrey

    Alexander Acosta “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”

    WAG This was a SAP.

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