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More on the Bibas family — 19 Comments

  1. Will be interesting to see when she was murdered. Suspect terrorists slaughtered her kids in front of her, probably days apart in order to maximize moms pain.

    Probably video exists on Hamas “warriors” phones and provides entertainment for the killers friends and family.

  2. I hate to say it, but “bare hands” could also include beating to death. There’s no reason to expect any limit on what individual Hamas murderers would do, once deciding to kill these babies.

  3. As I said in the open thread. Time for Israel and the US to level the place. There are no innocent Palestinians after they cheered and celebrated these kids being paraded through the streets.

  4. Remember, on 9/11 the Palestinians of Gaza were literally dancing in the streets in celebration of the terror attacks.

  5. The other day I said, “Call me a dreamer, but I don’t believe the world has infinite patience for [Hamas atrocities].”

    Mongo responded, entirely within his rights, said “Ok, Huxley, you’re a dreamer.” Fine. I am an optimistic guy and I say optimistic things.

    However, here at neo’s I notice Sgt. Mom commenting, “No f**ks left to give.” And now physicsguy speaking directly “Level [Gaza] and everyone in it.”

    I’ve read these commenters over the years and find them decent, intelligent people, forthright but not extreme. It seems they have both hit a threshold with Hamas. Me too.

    Furthermore, in the wake of the latest horrific Hamas behavior I am seeing similar exceeded thresholds elsewhere on the web. There are even Muslim imams speaking out, not so much for decency, but that Hamas makes Islam look bad. Glad they finally noticed.

    Perhaps the times, they are a-changing. A preference cascade got Trump elected. There may be a preference cascade building, at last, against Islamic jihadism and barbarism.

  6. huxley:

    I’ve observed the same thing in coverage and comments on the right. I haven’t looked at the left, though. I don’t know if there’s any change there.

    I think the most fervent Israel haters will just say Israel is lying and Israel is responsible for their deaths. “Israel is lying” is a defense that covers a lot. But not everyone will be able to cling to that.

  7. Neo, you haven’t looked at the left, but I have.

    It’s a cesspool.

    Just for example, a respected Romanian American poet and essayist has retweeted, with approval, a comment about “the Zionist outrage at Hamas’ returning the deceased hostages.”

    What a miracle of cognitive dissonance.

  8. I haven’t looked at the left, though. I don’t know if there’s any change there.


    Good question. My intuition is that the American left can’t help but be horrified by the Hamas atrocities, but they won’t say anything bad about the Palestinians, so they don’t say anything at all.

    I just checked Daily Kos (still a thing). Searching its home page on all current news items yields zero, zilch hits on “Hamas,” “Israel,” “Gaza” and “hostages.”


  9. “I haven’t looked at the left”

    You don’t have to look at the left. They NEVER admit they were wrong, about anything.

  10. huxley & neo…I know I’ve reached the end point of my hope that a peaceful solution for Israel vis-a-vis Palestine can be reached. I’ve maintained for a long time that Islam must be “quarantined”…but I don’t even know what that means any longer.

    If Israel turned Gaza to glass tomorrow I wouldn’t blink. I know we’ve seen at least two “Grand Muftis” reject the behaviour of Hamas & Palestinian butchers as bringing shame on Islam…so would they “blink”?

  11. Shiri Bibas’s body has now been returned to Israel and identified. No word yet on whether she was also deliberately murdered.

  12. Huxley, I said you were a dreamer but you’re not the only one. I would not object to ANYTHING Israel did to rid the world of these creatures. Unfortunately, as others have said in this and other threads, the left cannot say anything bad about the Gazans, so I don’t hold out much hope.

  13. The situation in Gaza, with Hamas can’t be endured. It just cannot be (especially for Israel), any more than the existence of Imperial (and militarily aggressive) Japan could be, or a murderous and totalitarian Nazi Germany in WWII could be endured by the Allied powers. I am sure that there were charming, house-proud housewives in Germany, and adorable, doe-eyed children in Japan – but dumping tons of HE on the first, and vaporizing the second was seen as a regrettable necessity by Allied aircrew. Had to be done to neutralize the threat posed and damn the consequences, even for the relatively innocent.
    I read a comment on another blog, regarding the murder of the Bibas children: a comment suggesting wing-tip to wing-tip B-52s, dropping bombs on Gaza until the highest thing there is one concrete block on top of another. I read it to my daughter, and said that I really hated that I had got to the point of essentially approving genocide. And my daughter (the mother of a little boy the age of the Bibas toddler) looked at me and said, “They are due the same degree of mercy they would show us.”
    There were other Israeli children and babies also murdered on Oct. 7th – it’s just that the Bibas children were seen to be captured alive, and we so hoped for their eventual return in the same condition. That the Gazans made such a ghastly triumphal show out of returning the bodies. As I said before – no f**ks left to give.

  14. Israel can use B-52s, but doesn’t need them for Gaza — rather, it needs them for use over Iran. Those bunker busters are some large heavy suckers, and the IAF is gonna have to drop heaps of ’em.

  15. The atrocities are in essence the actions of tribal humans who view non tribe people as less than human and treat them in appalling ways.

    Our Comanche here in Texas were every bit as savage as Hamas. After the Council House Fight their revenge was to actually roast alive a six year old white girl captive. Tribal Africa has many tales of atrocities by tribe against tribe.

    The Palis HATE the Jews because it is obvious to everyone, including themselves, that the Jewish people and culture are far, Far, FAR superior to theirs, and they cannot stand it. It is Envy at its most Satanic.

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