Home » The DOJ sues New York, Hochul, and James


The DOJ sues New York, Hochul, and James — 1 Comment

  1. Had a spat with my sister-in-law over the immigration issue 2 weeks ago when she threw every pre-programmed journolist talking point at me. IMO, it is impossible to think that an entire apparatus of powerful political, financial, and PR protection for people that aren’t even citizens could be out of the kindness of their hearts. This entire multi-billion dollar scam is an electoral stalking horse specifically and a labor cost-undercutting bait-and-switch incidentally.

    I asked her point blank if she had done anything substantive for migrants other than opening her mouth and the pause she made before coming up with some church program proved she was lying. Powerful people and entities don’t take an entirely powerless multi-million person demo under their wing without quid-pro-quo, and when you look at the places engaged in this you’re befuddled at how people like my in-law can’t see the find-a-newer-rube ponzi.

    It’s an electoral replacement and slave labor scam through and through. Sic ’em Pam.

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