Home » What will happen on Saturday with Hamas and the hostages?


What will happen on Saturday with Hamas and the hostages? — 4 Comments

  1. I just heard a cheerful jingle (courtesy of HLC) which goes:

    From the River to the Sea
    Grandpa BUFF is weapons free!

    Which most certainly will not be happening on Saturday.

    Still and all, advancing the clear motion toward the urgent humanitarian outcome of the complete evacuation of all the unfortunate Arabs from the Gaza strip warzone remains the primary duty of the decent nations of the earth. Get them all the fuck out of that hellhole and on to safe and prosperous lives elsewhere. Do it soonest!

    (Though come to think on it, maybe selling a few of our treasured BUFFs to Israel wouldn’t be a bad idea, would it? They could use ’em.)

  2. My admiration for the venerable B-52 is unbounded. It’s the only weapons system that is nearly as old as I am, and it functions better. Granted, it’s been upgraded a few times (wish I could follow suit) but its lineage traces back to the late ’40’s, with its first flight in 1954. But, it is a specialized weapons system, and probably not a fit for the IAF. Israel relies on its fleet of F-15’s, 16’s, 22’s and 35’s and a mix of other aircraft types. In any event, Israel can achieve the same effect with the munitions and delivery systems in its possession as well as the ground forces it usually deploys. Regardless, I do agree with the sentiment.

  3. Heavy long-range lift with large weapons bays seems to me quite well suited to the purpose of delivering massive multiples of ground-penetrating munitions onto deeply buried underground nuclear-weapons development sites. F-15s, etc, not so much, if on merely ranging grounds alone. But hey, if not useful beyond that, just rent ’em the damned things for a few months and take them back when they’re done.

    Israel, like every other nation save the US, has no F-22s.

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