Home » Kamala’s CBS editors made her sound semi-coherent


Kamala’s CBS editors made her sound semi-coherent — 4 Comments

  1. C-BS ‘News’ employs garbage people paid to lie for the Democratic Party. So do the other networks. It wasn’t exactly on the square in 1979, but it did employ actual reporters who were not extensions of the DNC press office.

  2. I was kind of underwhelmed, wasn’t really seeing anything in the unedited CBS interview that matched her really word-salady stuff. Sure, she bloviated, meaningless generalities, but nothing outside one standard deviation for Senators. She wasn’t crisp, that’s for sure.

  3. “1988: Journalistic Malpractice: The Need for a Professional Standard of Care in Defamation Cases”

    If intentionally and gravely misleading the public in a Presidential election doesn’t demonstrate the need for a criminal charge of Journalistic Malpractice, then what would qualify? And if the media is permitted to lie without consequence, then what public service do they provide?

    End all public funding for NPR and PBS until such a rigorous standard is passed into federal law.

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