The criminal illegal alien deportations begin
And the American people seem to be in favor of it, for the most part.
I think Trump should add that he’s just following the lead of Sweden and other countries in northern Europe:
Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Iceland have agreed to cooperate in the deportation of migrants who have entered their countries illegally. Using Frontex assistance, these individuals will be returned to their countries of origin, as reported by Spiegel.
After a two-day meeting of justice and migration ministers in Copenhagen, Danish Immigration Minister Kaare Dybvad Bek stated that representatives of the five countries will regularly convene in the future to improve collaboration with other nations on the repatriation and deportation of illegal migrants.
Consequently, the states plan to carry out joint deportation flights in the future, organized in cooperation with the EU border agency, Frontex, to return migrants without residency permits to their countries of origin.
Leftists love Sweden and the rest, don’t they?
Illegal aliens are criminals by the very fact that they are illegal.
Deport them all.
Every. Single. One.
Yes, IO49, but it’s going to be more effective for national security and for public support of the effort to first go after those who have committed other crimes besides illegal entry, especially violent crimes.
Leftists love Sweden and the rest, don’t they?
When it’s convenient, yes.