Home » RIP Jules Feiffer


RIP Jules Feiffer — 13 Comments

  1. I don’t recall ever doing a deep dive on his work, or intentionally seeking it out, but I was always entertained when I stumbled onto it. I vaguely remember being 13, or so, and finding something in a magazine and recognizing the artwork as similar to “The Phantom Tollbooth” and noticing the artist’s attribution in the magazine was the same as the Tollbooth illustrator’s name. I then sought out other works by Feiffer in the library and also liked what I found.

    But I’d forget he was out there until stumbling onto something new by him, and really enjoying it. It was pure chance, but it was fun encountering Feiffer anew every decade, or so, like a surprise. Didn’t he also illustrate “Harrison Bergeron?*”

    *ChatGPT says no. Maybe I’m just confusing Feiffer’s style with the drawings Vonnegut would sometimes include in his own works.

  2. I never thought about it until re-looking at Feiffer’s dancer illustration thanks to neo’s post, but it looks a lot like how Schultz drew Snoopy dancing. Was Schultz doing an homage to Feiffer?

  3. I’m wondering now where I encountered Feiffer in my teens and twenties. I don’t know but I loved what I saw. Hostileman was great.

  4. The “black” vs “African American” theme was done much better, in my opinion, by Berke Breathed in “Bloom County” in 1988 but I’m not sure which came first.

    I loved the Phantom Tollbooth and my children have enjoyed it. It’s hard to picture it without the illustrations, which is a sign of a good illustrator: for example it’s jarring to see a Dickens novel illustrated by someone else, if it was illustrated by Phiz.

  5. I guess I thought he’d already died.
    I saw a production of the play Feiffer’s People in 1982. It was by a collection of high school students. With one possible exception, I don’t think I’ve ever been so entertained by a play.

  6. Regarding the Bloom County take, whenever the opportunity arises I refer to nonwhite people as “colored people.” When someone inevitably corrects me I ask, “what is the difference?” Never yet gotten an answer.

  7. I was in a high school production of “The Apple Tree,” a musical adaptation of three stories by different writers (including Mark Twain). I think it had been only mildly successful on Broadway in the 1960s, despite being written by Bock and Harnick of “Fiddler on the Roof” fame, directed by Mike Nichols, and starring a young Alan Alda. One segment was based on Feiffer’s illustrated story “Passionella,” a Cinderella parody in which a shy woman is magically transformed into a sexy movie star. It was mostly a send-up of glamorous method actors from the ’50s and ’60s, like Marlon Brando and Marilyn Monroe, and their supposed search for authenticity. Which was kind of funny, but the references were extremely outdated by the time we got to it. (Honestly, I don’t know why my school chose that show, but it was still better than doing “Oklahoma!” yet again.)

  8. Mongo wrote: “… refer to nonwhite people as “colored people.” ”
    I grew up thinking that was appropriate, and even fine.
    Turns out, it’s more complicated, lol.

  9. The real problem with the racial group naming thing was the distortion of a willingness to be polite and designate people using their preferred term, into the political correctness harangues that followed.

  10. @ R2L – agreed.
    Which is why we shouldn’t ever let the Left define the terms we use, but it happens all the time.

    On the other hand, they readily jettison their own jargon when they see an advantage to doing so.


    Why is this a news story?

    Because the media routinely uses terms like “chestfeeder,” “people who bleed,” “birthing person,” or even “human milk-feeding individual” when referring to women (sometimes “cis woman” makes the cut).
    And it uses “fetus” or “embryo” when talking about abortion.

    But now that they want everyone to see how mean Trump’s deportation policy is, they suddenly started calling them “women” and “children” again.



    In The New York Times! In 2025!

    They must really want to convince us of something.

    I wonder what that is? ?

  11. AesopFan on January 23, 2025 at 3:59 am
    Relating to your comment:
    In the interest of advancing bi-partisanship and following the examples set by Hamas negotiators, perhaps an arrangement can be made that for every fetus born to illegal alien women while in the US and granted “birth right citizenship”, at least 1000 abortions planned by pregnant legal residents must be denied.
    sarc/ [if sarc was found]

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