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Dictator on Day One — 21 Comments

  1. The EO on birthright citizenship is very reasonable, and I hope it will be challenged and that courts will uphold it.

  2. I completely agree that birthright citizenship is being horribly abused and should be changed. However, the 14th Amendment begins “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” There are some very legalistic arguments that amount to “but that isn’t what they meant” or “that only applied to freed slaves” or something or other. Given how the Left manages to ignore the clear meaning to the Constitution when it suits them, it is hard to see how this can be overturned in good faith without an amendment.

  3. Freedom for the Jan6 Ralliers was my #1 concern for Jan 20th and thankfully it happened.
    Still looking for confirmation it was done or have some been held for BS reasons the Garland Goons only know?

  4. I don’t see how Trump could withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, since I don’t think the U.S. was ever a party to this agreement. Obama or Biden are no more able to make the U.S. party to this agreement than I am. It requires congress.

  5. Donald ‘Dictator’ Trump does have a nice ring to it – DDT? 😉 I didn’t know about these five—can you pardon the dead?

    Five J6 defendants committed suicide while awaiting trial

    Some AI’s and my new’s searches say “no” or “not that many” or have nothing at all about it_Grok – did Five J6 defendants committed suicide while awaiting trial?:

    Yes, according to various reports and posts on X, five defendants involved in the January 6th Capitol riot committed suicide while awaiting trial. The individuals named are Matthew Perna, Jord Meachum, Mark Aungst, Chris Stanton, and David Kennedy Homol.

  6. An Episcopel Bishop went political at the prayer service today. Totally Woke. That is why my Wife left, no the Church left her.

  7. What do you call the 51 intelligence officers, who signed off that the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation and have now lost their security clearances?

    A good start.

  8. Charlie Kirk was talking about this today and called it “Shock and Awe.”
    You go, Mr.President!

  9. Time to break these left-wing deceitful Progressive #MeToo cloned women from lying in public.

    Pete Hegseth’s ex-sister-in-law makes scathing accusation against him hours before he’s set to be confirmed

    Something should’ve already been done after that sicko Christine Blasey Ford’s lies from the “1980s” – “1980s” as in she couldn’t even remember what year in the 1980s, if I recall correctly. 30 or more years ago. Where are the Statute of Limitations for such accusations?!

    Danielle writes in a sworn affidavit that Samantha Hegseth, Pete Hegseth’s spouse from 2010 – 2017, was scared for her safety due to her then-husband’s volatile behavior.

    She cites private conversations the two had at the time as the basis for her claims.

    8-17 years ago – Ditto on the Where are the Statute of Limitations for such accusations?!

    This Danielle Dietrich (divorced from Mr. Hegseth’s brother) should have the full force of the Federal Govt put on her arse…whatever Lawfare one can come up with should be placed upon this women.

    Yes, interfering with the executive branch can be a crime. Federal laws prohibit obstructing the activities of the government, including the executive branch.

  10. Re: Citizenship

    …and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

    The argument, as I understand it, is that illegals aren’t properly ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ by virtue of being illegal.

  11. Regardless of whether birthright citizenship is in the Constitution, most countries in the world either do not have it, or have restrictions on who qualifies. European countries either do not have it, or only apply it to people who have at least one parent a citizen or permanent resident.

    Even in the US, there’s an asterisk. American Samoans born in American Samoa are not US citizens, for example, unless at least one parent is a US citizen.

  12. Very interesting article by Turley and n birthright citizenship (thanks for the link LordAzrael). He suggests that Trump might be overstepping his bounds by unilaterally defining birthright citizenship but that Congress could do so in a way to deny it to illegal aliens. And indeed the 14th Amendment has a clause, “Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article”

  13. As for the Jan6 pardons it’s not like most of these people are getting off with no punishment at all. Many hundreds have served or are serving jail sentences and then you have the financial ruin and stress inflicted by all this.

    So even if they are pardoned or commuted they have been punished for their ‘crimes’ unlike Hunter.

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