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Trump is president. Again. — 10 Comments

  1. Hallelujah! He made it, despite everything they threw at him.

    May God prosper his administration and our country.

  2. Took a lot of heat in the lead up to Election Day for saying Trump lacked Leadership Ability—he looked like an unprepared Apprentice and/or Second Louie fresh outta R.O.T.C., and that was reflected throughout his First Term.

    Perhaps those giving heat can now see what I was talking about, i.e., starting with his First Day in 2017 and comparing that to Today.

    Being unprepared was all on Trump during 2016/2017, and disaster naturally followed.

    Yeah, looking GREAT this time around, and am expecting four Boon years to follow…

    (UPDATE: will add this to his Strong column on the Trump Tally list…)

  3. Wow!

    I’m not one for clapping while watching video on my computer screen, but clap I did.

    Trump is swinging for the fences. I’m all for it. And he’s earned it. If he achieves half of what he brags, he’s on Mt. Rushmore.

    It’s so weird, like “Straight Outta the 19th Century.” Who these days references God as explicitly as Trump did? Who else could make that work?

    Heard through my ex-leftie ears, this is a terrifying speech.


  4. Melania looks magnificent. Her entire outfit makes her look like she was cut from solid rock. Those cheekbones and lines, there’s a definite Patrick Nagel vibe about her. If he hadn’t died young in the 80’s, he would have loved using her as a model.

    She also looks miffed that she had to spend ten seconds in the presence of the Bidens. Good. No forgiveness. Just a stony visage and curt words conveying the message, “get out of my sight.”

  5. Karmi:

    I don’t recall anyone disagreeing with your contention that Trump was initially unprepared in his first term. That’s widely, widely accepted on the right. The disagreement was with your contention that his first term was bad. Most people on the right think it was pretty darn good. Not perfect by any means, and marred by some of his initial personnel choices, but good.

  6. Mitchell Strand:

    I’ve put up a new post about the fashions of the day, particularly Melania’s.

  7. ?!? neo – are you trolling me?! 😉

    I don’t recall anyone disagreeing with your contention that Trump was initially unprepared in his first term.

    Here’s what I wrote:

    Took a lot of heat in the lead up to Election Day for saying Trump lacked Leadership Ability—he looked like an unprepared Apprentice and/or Second Louie fresh outta R.O.T.C., and that was reflected throughout his First Term.

    His lack of “Leadership Ability” was what I was talking about. Was that sentence not structured right?

  8. Karmi:,

    You said several things in that sentence. One was that Trump “looked like an unprepared Apprentice.” That’s the one I said everyone agreed with at first. At first, he was a relatively unprepared Apprentice. However, most people on the right disagreed with the claim that he ultimately lacked leadership ability and/or that his first term was some sort of disaster.

  9. Google – is being unprepared a lack of leadership:

    Yes, generally speaking, being unprepared can be considered a significant lack of leadership, as it demonstrates a failure to plan, anticipate challenges, and take necessary actions to guide a team effectively…

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