Home » Open thread 1/18/2025


Open thread 1/18/2025 — 7 Comments

  1. This effort to enact the Equal Rights Amendment by fiat is evidently not just a Biden senior moment. Jonathan Turley details extensive Democrat efforts to make this happen. The whole Democrat party is in dementia (supported by allegedly Republican senators Murkowski and Collins). (Posted on yesterday’s open thread, late.)


  2. 12 degrees and 6 inches of snow. Staying in for a while before maybe going out to snowblow the drive. Going to get below zero this weekend.

  3. This effort to enact the Equal Rights Amendment by fiat is evidently not just a Biden senior moment.
    The culture of the Democratic Party is suffused with mendacity.
    Mr. Turley’s comment boards usually have at least one blockhead palaeolibertarian. You can see the comments of two of them maintaining that the 16th and 17th Amendments were never ratified.

  4. A voice teacher years ago, in the only voice class open to non-music majors at my school (Voice For Musical Theater), wouldn’t let us close our eyes while singing because it disconnects the singer from the audience. I wonder whether she would have given the same counsel to non-theater voice students – I suspect so. I have to say it has bugged me ever since; she made me see it, forevermore, as weirdly inward, when what you’re trying to do in performance is entirely outward.

    (Not in performance – in the car, in the shower, whatever – maybe that’s different!)

  5. Jamie:

    Yes, I also found closing of her eyes took me out of her singing, away from her lovely voice.

  6. 8-11 years old attended school in England – not on the military bases, but in two different English schools. Great people…teachers and students. Well, one woman teacher seemed to love caning humble sometimes rowdy young me. Maybe I’ve mentioned here before. I could jerk the hand back, drop it, quickly curl the fingers, etc., but she never missed the tips of my fingers—durn…that cane sure hurts those tips. Even the tips she didn’t hit seemed to hurt afterwards…!?

    Don’t know if it was a singing class, but we were singing (later learned the English were into singing), and ‘Miss Master Caner’ – oh she who administered corporal punishment so effortlessly – sent me to the Headmaster (school had ‘Miss Master Caner’ and a Headmaster) for singing lessons.

    After 30-minutes or so – Headmaster said I was “hopeless” and sent me back to ‘Miss Master Caner’. Didn’t know what hopeless meant back then—figured it meant not to bad until I got home that day and told mom. She laughed and explained it to me.

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