Home » CNN found liable for defamation


CNN found liable for defamation — 6 Comments

  1. CNN settled with Sandmann. They didn’t with Young. Looks like they’re going to pay a heavy price for malice and arrogance.

  2. CNN and its lawyers defended the harsh remarks as “banter”..

    ?!?!? “banter”? They must not know what banter means…

    Since they haven’t already thrown themselves on the mercy of the victim Young—and the court, then they probably don’t know what “punitive damages” means either…

  3. This is certainly a good outcome. Media organizations shouldn’t be able to maliciously lie about an individual private citizen, destroying their lives with absolute impunity. For too long sanctimonious cretins like Jim Acosta have abused their power under the aegis of them being objective journalists. Sounds like he may end up losing his job at CNN anyway.

  4. Um, sorry – no. The staff emails came off as if the reporting team was salivating joyfully over the chance to grind Young into the dust, tarnish him personally. Malice, indeed.

  5. So, in CNN’s view, if someone refuses to answer its queries, then CNN can trash that person’s reputation without facts to support the allegations. It’s a very good thing that the jury disagreed.

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